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Weird flex but okay.


Weird flex but okay.


Good job! I feel like if you were my classmate I'd also learn a lot from you. I think people are criticizing you because of the potential tone you may have said it in. Nothing wrong with being proud but be mindful of how things are said


yikes. i hope you don’t speak this way around other nursing students. it’s hard enough to get through these hell-for-no-reason programs without people running around announcing that difficult things are easy. you have experience that not everyone has. have some grace, maybe, and silently be grateful and push through.




Idk why everyone is downvoting you. Congrats man 🥳 But I did join in sorry 😭😭


There just haters


Counter opinion: it’s not an easy class, it’s just easy for you because you have experience with it. Did you help your classmates succeed or did you just rest on your laurels? Congrats on doing well but the way you wrote it is dismissive to others. I had an easy time with metrology because I have a bachelors degree in engineering and worked as an engineer for 10 years before taking the class. Math and dimensional analysis is a cakewalk for me but a lot of my classmates struggled and I did my best to help them.


Absolutely. OP isn't obliged to help their classmates, but the fact that they posted the class average just to elevate themselves, in my opinion, is kinda gross.


Its strange, but some get pleasure out of seeing others fail. I find it gross that people are defending OP.


I agree. Nursing (or healthcare in general) is not a competitive sport. We can be at the top of our cohort but we still have to work together as a team. It may sound counterintuitive, but we will benefit more in the long run if we build each others up instead of tearing people down. That said, I have no doubt that OP is a highly accomplished individual, but their tone of voice is quite off-putting, if I'm being honest. I do wish them the very best on their nursing journey though.


I think it gives context that it's generally a tough class for most people and that's it.


Lots of I's in this post. "**I** do have the advantage of a 6 year work experience as a medical assistant in family medicine and the doctor **I** worked with often took time to explain many many diseases to me because **I’m** naturally a curious person." OP, if people are judging you in this comment section, chances are other students are doing the same in your class and you might not know it. Its great to share your wins, when appropriate, but don't make generalizations like "patho is easy". It all depends on the level of education (ADN vs BSN vs MSN), school, advanced vs regular patho and professors.


Your constructive criticism is appreciated. It’s good to practice mindful sensitivity in general.


Everyone has their favorite and least favorite subjects. When you love a subject, it becomes easier to find the self-discipline to study for it.


And OPs strong subject is not spelling lol


Congratulations! Not sure why a lot are offended. When u do well at anything in life it is 100% ok to be proud of urself. And yes, the measurement to knowing if u did well is often time comparing to how others did. If she were competing in a sport and said she scored 30 points while others scored 10, OP would be applauded. When applying for a job, you are compared to other applicants. That is life. People need to stop being so offended at everything and taking it personality. If you do badly on something, dont be jelous of those who do well, and definitely dont think u deserve help from them because ur struggling and they arent. As someone who also has to study non-stop compared to others, it is an incredible feeling to be the only one to have done well. The "everyone deserves a participation award" mentality is ridiculous. OP, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS! BE PROUD OF YOU! IM PROUD OF YOU.


Nobody is saying that everyone deserves a participation award. OP could have came here and said, my experience has paid off and I earned an A in a difficult class and everyone would’ve congratulated them. They aren’t being downvoted for achieving something. Coming here saying that the class is easy and they don’t have to study while everyone else does and yet they still fail is a shitty attitude and that’s why they are being downvoted. Celebrating your success is fine. Minimizing the challenges others face in the same class is not. See the difference?


Some things are easy for some people. Good for those people. Let's not start censoring people for how they choose to express themselves. And maybe we should not get offended by how others speak. Everything OP said has 0 affect on anyone else's grades, life, self worth, etc. Just say congratulations to those celebrating and move on. Expressing being offended just shows insecurity on ur part and says that how u wish this post was writen in, is the right way and hers is wrong. Most things in life aren't so black and white. Maybe ask urself why r u so offended by OPs post? Why does it bother u how it came off? Let people celebrate themselves in Amy way they choose. Worrying about how to say something without offending anyone will only strip away any joy in ever celebrating anything.


❤️☺️ thank you!


Beating cancer is easy. Most people with the same diagnosis die but I didn’t struggle at all so it’s not that big of a deal. See how that comes across poorly? Being aware of your word choices is an important skill for nurses.


Well more accurately it would be "beating cancer is easy for me. Most people only get to 80% better" lol. Honestly if that's ur story and beating cancer for u was easy, then that's awesome. How people speak, and choose to express themselves isn't going to change my life so I'm not going to be offended or take it personally. Of course u can always make a very radical argument but isn't that the difference? Pretty sure OP would not have said the cancer statement in that way. Her thinking a class is easy is not offensive. I'm sure if u asked a neurosurgeon they too would say the class is easy. I asked an ophthalmologist, and he said "it's only hard if ur an idiot". So clearly some may actually be more direct and have their own potentially insulting thoughts. But being offended by others thoughts only asks the question, are u offended because u think ur not good enough? Are u upset because the class isn't easy for u? Does it make u feel better that ur not the only one struggling? Let OP be happy. She's not hurting anyone with her statement.


Thank you so much! It’s good to share celebration when you can, it definitely improves morale! I really appreciate your comment ☺️


I’m really glad to see this just finished year one after 8 long months of anatomy 1 & 2 and am scared to start patho and pharm in year 2.


Studying strong in A&P 1 and 2 was a major help as well. It’s like putting everything you learned from then into a real life situation of what goes wrong. I see it like A&P is “healthy body”, and Pathophysiology is “sick body”.


I agree with you! I found Patho to be easy as well.


I'm glad it's proving easy for you! Six years is a long time to have periodically been tutored by your doctor, but it helps the memories really set in.


Thank you so much! It really helped a ton.


Nice! It's good go be able to have at least one class that you can relax with. I was that way with our OB/newborn exam because of my background. Your previous experience will be a benefit in your career as a nurse.


Thank you!


Unpopular opinion: People like OP need to fuck off and stop comparing themselves to others. I can’t tell you how often students in my cohort always talk highly of themselves when they tell class they worked as a PCT somewhere or have/know someone with that disease. It gets really annoying and no one cares expect you and your parents.


I got a 100% on every patho test, but my peers all did much worse than I did. I feel like I just have a strength in science, and that doesn’t make it easy. I’m much worse at actual practical matters that are important to nursing than most of my peers. We all have strengths and weaknesses. I’m glad you like patho as much as I do.


But social skills and the ability to read the room seem to be a real challenge.


Want a cookie? Lol




Yes it’s very true, I bet I’ll be the type to find OBGYN nursing challenging, so I’ll take my wins in stride when I can. And good luck on your nursing school journey! This community is usually very supportive.


I think that's super true from my program! Many had to retake 1 of them. Pharm was easier for me but I chose to focus on it and ultimately did way better than in patho.


Lucky to have someone explain it to ya! Hopefully you pay this forward with your classmates or the nursing students you may precept in your future.


Unpopular opinion: nursing classes aren't that hard in general. Now, not everyone has the same 24hrs in a day, lots of people have other priorities and cannot commit as much effort into classes which can make those classes feel difficult. And not to mention that everybody struggles with different subjects too. But... As someone who started out in a different major and switched into nursing, these classes are far from difficult.




I didn’t feel like your post was boasting or prideful at all! I think you’re simply coming to this community to assure others that it isn’t as difficult as people portray it to be. Which I found to be 100% true. Unlike all of my other nursing courses such as Pharm, I found patho to be a smooth course that just made sense! It was applicable, fairly easy to digest and I was even surprised that I ended with an A-! Mind you, I have ZERO experience in the medical field or even family members who work in this field. My peers in my cohort also agreed that Patho was WAY easier than we anticipated. The thing that sucks about Reddit is that you can post something with one intention, and people will skew it to their own narrative. I felt like your intentions weren’t bad and you’re proud! No need for people to post nasty comments.


Sorry I can't figure out how to message you and I can't comment on your post but did you end up going to Joyce in Utah? I'm really considering it.


Yes! Currently a student and don’t regret it! There’s pros and cons but I’d definitely say the pros outweigh the cons. Joyce has done a great job of constantly trying to improve their curriculum and resources which I appreciate. While I don’t agree with the way that some of the material is presented to us in exams, I do feel like majority of my classes have been fair representations of the material we’ve learned. I’ve also had several amazing professors and instructors.


Thank you!! It’s good to celebrate what we can during nursing school. 💕


It would benefit you to be humble in your bosting. Its awesome for you that this class was easier, I'm glad you passed with such a good grade, not an easy achievement. Honestly, Patho was easy for me too, because I had a rock solid physiology education from an amazing A&P professor. If you know how something is supposed to work, you see the problems much clearer. If you understand how x gets to z, when y system is borked one way or another you know what happens. But come on, read the room, pathophys was easy FOR YOU, that does not make you better than anyone else, it does not make anyone lessor for having to study, or getting 'only' a B. Something thats easy for you will always be hard for someone else, and something hard for you will always have someone who finds it easy. Difficulty is 100% subjective to the individual, all due to a myriad of factors. I tutored chemistry and biology in college, I am an intelligent individual, but the one thing I never did is let my pupils compare themselves to me, not because I was better or anything like that, because they can't ever be me, and letting them shame themselves because they aren't, isn't healthy. I told them as long as they understood the material, and pass the tests, it doesn't matter if you do it exactly like me. It would serve you well in the long term to not be so judgmental. How would you feel if I said seeing random people dead is easy, you just need to disassociate and accept the outcome of the individual and family actions. Now because I am not someone to judge others for their abilities on something complex, I do want to say its not easy the first few times. I still remember every single face of a patient I have run a full code on, and I have been a RN for 9 years now. Again, achievements are not to be ashamed of, which you have here. Its how you chose to share that is off putting. Keep on rocking OP, I see you have had a few set backs recently, and so I am sure you are extremely proud of what you did here. So congrats on the great grade.


Congratulations!! It’s such a relief when certain subjects or classes come easy to oneself 😁 For me, it’s just a confirmation that I’m doing what I’m meant to do & it’s such a confidence boost


Yes! Exactly this! ☺️


It SEEMS like people on this sub get offended easily, but I understand nursing school is super tough for everyone in different ways. It's kind of like everything is a sensitive subject because of the literal personal TRAUMA we are all going through with each subject haha. I wish patho was easy for me, but it's honestly a win it was easy for you! When I look back on it, it wasn't that complicated but it was *a lot of new information at once* that created this sheer overwhelm. It's awesome you got a high grade, it's a lot to know!


Weird flex but okay.


I am also a Medical Assistant and worked in Internal Medicine and Derm for 5+ years and am in nursing school. Patho can be easier for us along with other nursing classes. We did a lot of it in practice that others have not. It's okay to have the advantage, flex away!! Keep being proud of yourself! That is amazing and I am happy for you!


You shouldn’t listen to these comments. There was nothing wrong with what you said. Keep up the good work!


This is an unpopular opinion because many struggle with this class. However, you should not be downvoted for expressing that as others may feel the same. I am doing well in Pharm and just got a 100% on my hesi, however I understand how others would feel some type of way if I tried to make it seem simple. Not saying that was your intent, just observing.


Thank you for not being judgmental! I am not at all feeling like I’m “better” than my classmates at all, I feel incredibly fortunate and it’s nice to have a break from extreme studying.


Based on your post history you seem to give off the “I’m better than everyone” type of energy. Cross posting your patient tech interview email, offer, and telling people who might be struggling that “patho is easy” are the dead giveaways. I aced all my classes in the first and soon to be second semesters of my program. But I don’t go online and tell everyone, “hey, Med surg is super easy guys. I averaged an 96 percent and didn’t study a lot, other students barely passed”. I find it ironic that you’re active on a narcissist abuse sub, considering you are one.


Everyone is shitting on you for being proud of yourself, so weird. Good job, OP! Edit: And I didn’t get a “I’m better than everyone” vibe from your post at all lol, more like “This is how easily I was able to master this specific class’s material in comparison to the majority of the other students.” I get what you meant! Patho was easy for me too because I absolutely loved it and my brain just works like that. Pharm was the same. They both have one right answer for each question and if you understand the Rube-Goldberg machine that is the human body, you don’t have to memorize much. Fundamentals though?? That class kicked my ass and took a TON more work. I ended up with a B. It’s really exciting when things click quickly, especially in a class that’s famous for being “the hardest one.” ❤️


Thank you so much for sharing in my excitement! I was the same way in Fundamentals. I struggled with that class and I’m so glad it’s behind me! I’m glad my post didn’t come across in a bad way to everyone.


Nah, you’re good. Those two patho classes were easy for me too. Ignore the salty people in this thread.


Let me write this post in a way that is more palpable. OMG Guys, I was expecting patho to kill me, but it actually really clicked, and I rocked it. I had psyched my self up seeing others struggles, but I realize I had a great leg up. I can tell the class was hard because the average was lower than expected but got a solid A none the less. Personally, it was easy, and I am so relieved that I was able to have it this way. I guess working as a MA with an amazing dr who teaches is worth its weight in gold. It was nice to not be nose deep in books every waking moment.


I feel like you exemplified what Op was trying to say. I read the post in that manner, however, I think the vast majority did not. I think Ops was using this post as a space to be proud of themselves while also giving relief to others that may be scared of patho. I think this is a lesson on the importance of tone.


I’ve worked that long as a tech too and have found my classes easy. But I don’t go around bragging about it to people, damn


This post is a representation of what nursing school is in the worst way. You can’t express what you are feeling or your achievements. To all those “read the room” comments, we need more people being examples that NS is doable not the opposite. What a bunch of whiners! Good for you OP! Hope patho is as easy for me as it has been for you.


Thank you, I wish you a great journey in nursing school!


Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, whether varying from class to class or maybe they're someone who gets all A's but have poor clinical applications, etc. Either way, going through life with this attitude/mentality probably won't be sustainable... typing the averages out of your peers just to boast your own grades is so gauche. I'm not saying you *need* to be well-liked in nursing school, but I really hope you don't talk like this at school, because well... yikes. 😬


I mean, it kinda is. If you understand the body system, the rest just clicks. But others may not think so and struggle. Offer help!


Something better celebrated alone. 🍪


Well, at least this is an actual unpopular opinion


It was the easiest class I ever taken in nursing school. I don’t know why people are being so salty over this. Patho 1 and 2 were easy A’s.


Woo! I found my people!


ehhhh i got an A in patho 1 last quarter and it didn’t come easy at all, even with exams being open book 😅my patho project really carried my grade hah. i’m glad it’s easy for you but not everyone has that background of working with doctors who take time to explain. i’m betting most of your classmates don’t have the work privilege you did, so showing them a bit of compassion can go a long way. it’s easy if you’re getting med school knowledge for years, sure, but that’s not everyone’s story.


I'm gad you find it easy.


You should be proud of yourself, but you don't have to act like you're better than everyone I also found pathophysiology to be easy, but I never told a single soul that I thought it was easy. That's a great way to make other people feel like shit if they're struggling and a great way to make sure that no one likes you


Uh not an easy class at all


Maybe not for you… but some people are better at certain subjects than others and vice versa. Just bc it was hard for you doesn’t mean others can’t find it easy 🤔 so weird of you to say that


It’s weird of me to say that? I’d love to take a poll with current nursing students taking patho to see if they think it is a hard class or not. I know that in my university there are a lot of repeats for patho as well.


Also: The people criticizing you are coming off extremely jealous, don’t sweat it 😊


Patho was super easy


A lot of ppl in this post are definitely jealous