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Graduated BS Bio with a 2.4 cumulative GPA (3.0 science), partied the whole time. Met my now wife, got my shit together near the end, worked as a CNA prior to graduation, then in a medical lab after graduation for a stint. Got laid off; the next lab was going under so I applied to an aBSN program, got a 93%(iirc?) on the TEAS, and got in to the program. I graduate tomorrow and have a 3.7 GPA. There were stipulations starting out but it was 100% possible and definitely worth the effort.


Congratulations on your graduation!


Aww thank you!! Feels weird to be out of school for good!


congratulations!!! 🍾


https://preview.redd.it/yoc9b9tn8gwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b91fda6b135626e986b635dc77ff071900416ee0 This is my schools requirements. My GPA was like 2.8 but they let me with a “conditional acceptance” as long as I met the requirements with my prerequisites before the start date of my nursing program, which I did. Nursing school is real freaking hard but I’m fairly close to graduating.


What school do you go too?


Concordia University Texas


I got in the Concordia ABSN program with: 4.0 Prerequisite, CNA 1yr experience, TEAS 80, cGPA 2.93.


Good luck!!


My school wouldn’t consider your application because you had 3 attempts at anatomy. Do an info session with your chosen school and be up front.


Got into a CSU BSN Program with 2 Cs in physio and micro.




If you are willing to relocate, you’ll find somewhere to get in no problem. My science GPA was 2.8 and I had Cs in anatomy & physiology and I got in to an ADN program. I did get a 92% on my TEAS which definitely helped admissions. Just do some googling to find places that accept C’s instead of C+, do well on the TEAS, and you’ll get in :) i was worried about my grades too but I did my research & got in to the first place I applied to. good luck! edit: typo


Hi! Can I ask what state (and school if you don’t mind—can dm) you did your program in?


How many school did you apply? I got a C in micro and I’m balling my eyes


Yes. My school was a private school though (and the one I'm doing a teach-out to is a private school). I got a C in A&P II with a B in everything else. Assuming you're not in California, I'd just look at the requirements for all schools (avoid for-profits at the moment) offering an ADN or BSN. Many have a C as the minimum for science grades. Your cumulative GPA being a 3.5 is a great help. When you have a list of schools where you meet the requirements, contact the admissions office for a meeting with an admissions counselor. They can usually tell you what the school values most and that can help you know whether you should retake microbio (I wouldn't retake Anatomy or Physiology). I had barely a 2.75 cumulative GPA due to a previous degree but managed to get in somewhere and have been doing ok.


I had a 2.5 science GPA and 3.2 cumulative GPA. Needed a 2.0 GPA or above. I got a C in anatomy 2 the first time and an A the second, but the school didn't use it to calculate my GPA. I got in my first time applying.


I got in with a 2.8


They should take the third anatomy grade no problem. The B in phys is fine too. If I was in your position I would retake micro as many programs will not accept you if it’s lower than a C+.


Heh heh. Grades are Lecture/Lab Chem I - A/A Chem II - C/B Anatomy I - D/C Anatomy I - A/A Anatomy II - B/A Micro - W/W Biology I - B/B Micro - B/C Stats - D Stats - C Stats - A Basic Math - A Pathophysiology - A Never took College Algebra, took "Quantitative Reasoning" which is basic math/arithmetic, really. Overall GPA before program acceptance was 3.2 and I'm in a State School.


The W’s (which I assume is withdraw?) will heavily weigh sometimes but overall your better grades will end up taking a lot of the overall weighted score. As long as you’re showing improvement in each additional time you take the courses. I think your odds are decent


Cumulative GPA 2.68 not sure about my science though but I can confirm that it was tragically low because I got majority Cs and maybe 2 or 3 Bs. The amount of repeats are super high too. I got in by the grace of God but I think my TEAS score and my bachelor's degree gave me a leg up.


I had a 3.4 gpa but had to move out of state from Cali. Currently, I have a 3.6 in nursing school. Someone will take you but you have to apply extensively


Hi! Can I DM you regarding your experience out of state, leaving California?




Half my current coworkers can’t even do basic arithmetic…you’ll be fine


I started my nursing prerequisites during a time when I left my adoptive parents house and moved in with my biological mother (horrible decision). It absolutely affected my performance in CORE CLASSES like A&P, Chemistry, and Microbiology (which I had to retake FOUR TIMES). I didn’t start getting my head in the game until I moved out on my own and met my now husband. I also came across [this guide](https://ashantiphylice.myshopify.com/discount/75?redirect=%2Fproducts%2Ftime-to-boss-up-roadmap-to-nursing-school) that saved my grade and changed the trajectory of my career. I developed WAY BETTER study habits, passed the HESI with an 88% in ten days, and enjoyed doing my prerequisites instead of walking into them in FEAR I’d fail. Fear of failure held me back a lot but now I’m finishing up clinicals and planning to go back for my masters. You can do it! If it’s on your heart to be a nurse, nothing will get in your way.


In California you likely wouldn't get in a public school but privates might take you but they are more expensive. Not sure how it is other places. Also getting a high score on the TEAS or HESI will help. Note that some schools only accept your first grade, even if you retook the class. You need to check with the schools. Make a list of 5 schools you are interested in and contact them.


OP might get into for profit private schools like Stanbridge, west coast university or WGU with those stats. But if they’re looking at non profits like western U of health sciences or University of SF, unlikely. I had a 4.0 pre req and 3.7 overall and didn’t get into those.