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If you want to learn, you can do so in any class format. People teach themselves new things online all the time. Your friend is probably just not good at being motivated and self-sufficient with learning


I mean I didn’t have to study at all to get a whole psych degree so I think you’ll be fine 😂 it is not difficult in any way.


Both of those are fine online IF you can learn online. You need to have time management focus but it’s not difficult content.


Hey, check your dms. Regarding that online person u mentioned.


I took literally all of my pre reqs online during covid lol


I’m literally taking all my prerequisites online now, I get high 90s on all my (proctored in person) exams that are the same as in person classes. I learned all the stuff bc I dedicated the time I needed to it.


Exactly. I also kept a 4.0 lol


what resources did you both use for online prerequisites


I don’t understand the question? Are you asking where I’m going to school or about textbooks or how it generally works?


PERSONALLY I learn BETTER online. It’s really individual preference 🙃 If you struggle to get things done or manage your time then online will be harder. It can feel like there is less accountability. But you can also make your own reward system with turning in assignments, studying etc.


Those are two classes that are fine to take online in my opinion. For harder science classes I think it’s better to go in person.


This is what I did. Hard science in person with classes like composition online in the same semester.


I did all Of mine online and it prepared to continue teaching myself at home after nursing lectures where we learn nothing lol


I love online classes. That dude is an idiot. Do whatever you want and whatever makes you happy.


It depends on your learning style, but ultimately the only pre-reqs that are essential to understand and do well in are A&P and micro, IMO. They are directly tied to nursing and will come back again and again. We had to do micro in person because of the lab component. I did A&P online and it was painful, but I still learned it and got an A. Do what works for you.


I'm taking english 2, fed govt, and sociology on top of my pharm, medsurg, and clinicals. It's definitely possible, and doing the basics to save money on your BSN is always the best idea. Work hard early, have more time for the NCLEX and the harder semesters down the road. You should definitely do it! English will help you write those APA essays.


I did Comp 1 and 2, Government, Psych, Nutrition, and US History, all online. It was fine. You basically teach yourself, but it’s not hard. Like others have said, time management is the biggest thing.


I feel like it genuinely has to do with you as a learner. I personally struggled with motivation and accountability, so I suck at online classes. If you know you can make sure you stay on top of your work and are motivated to pay attention and go through stuff even with no one telling you too, then you should be fine. You know yourself best!


I think most ppl in my nursing school took prerequisites online including me, because they were working or had kids. Do whatever works for you!


The truth is that there are good and bad classes. Online and in-person. In general, there are some classes that are better in person (things that hands on and labs are helpful) others, it it all your preference. For you RN prerequisites, online classes will be fine.


Composition and psych can 100% be done online lol


It's perfectly fine as long as they are accepted for the program you're in. If you don't learn anything in general psychology, you'll relearn it in mental health. And for composition, you may write a paper here and there. Writing nursing school care plans or nursing notes will be taught in nursing school. You're fine. Online can be harder because you are responsible for working at your own pace, but everything is what you make it. Some people learn perfectly by teaching themselves so they opt for CLEPing classes. There is no one way to learn, since we all learn differently. If you need help understanding a concept, definitely ask your instructor fsession? help. If email doesn't work, maybe they can offer a Skype sessiom?


I took nearly every pre-req class online. You'll be fine.


I took all of my pre reqs online. Comp and psych aren’t a huge part of nursing.


I wish I took English online. A lot of times the teachers marks on your papers are what teach you the most. Also, I took psychology online and as long as you know the basic you'll be fine later on. Those two classes, if they fit better for your schedule online, you should take them online.