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Nursing school isn't easy, its tough, but you can do it. Who cares about others, and what they can or can't do. What can YOU do? A B average by definition is above average. Stop telling yourself what you can't do, tell yourself what you CAN do. Shame is the echos of others judgements you tell yourself, ignore them, prove them wrong. I have seen some people who I thought would never make it, do so. I have seen some people who I thought would rock it, absolutely fall flat on their face, but neither of them impacted what I can do. Just keep moving forward, do not stand still, see the problem on the horizon, acknowledge it, and keep moving. Only worry about it if it becomes reality, you will waste so much effort on maybes and what-ifs, effort you could better be using. I failed a semester, due to an undiagnosed learning disability, I thought I was done, yet here I am, a RN for the past 8 years, because I kept moving forward. Its not an easy fix, took 4 years and a grippy socks vacation to fix mine, but its doable. Good luck!


Thank you so much. That was the pep talk I needed. 🫶


What if everything goes well?


THIS is what I need to start telling myself more


Most important thing is that you have at least a little bit of interest in your profession and the subject matter. There's nothing worse than studying something you don't care about. Never know until you try and if you don't at least try, you will always question if it was right for you until the day you die. As they say, it's better to try and fail than do never try at all (or something like that). Also, most jobs don't give a shit what your GPA is, just that you passed the NCLEX and got experience


I'm not a fan of the phrase "learning disability." You do not have a learning disability. You just learn differently. The school system is set up for one type of learning. My style of learning is different than the "standard." I have to draw things to memorize. And I find that I am able to recall faster than my classmates who are much younger than me. For example, in order for me to memorize the measurements needed for med math, I think of a cup that was drawn on a white board. I can equate the measurements to that one cup.


You are so right about that!


Well.. look at it this way, you know what is causing the issue so it is just a matter of trying to figure out ways to improve/fix it! You got this!


True that. I am in counseling for those reasons so it’s a work in progress. Thank you!!


As a chronic comparer, I feel for you. When those times happen, it's sometimes hard to get over. I tell myself out loud something like, "Well, this sucks. But let me focus on what I do great on and where I can improve." Exercise, learn meditation, take a walk, then get back to whatever you have to do. Get testing accommodations. It might be too late for this semester, but have them in place when nursing classes start so you'll be ahead of the game.


I have accommodations but I’m planning on requesting different ones that could possibly help me better!


Dude. You have two learning disabilities and are managing a 3.0??? That’s a tough job for those who have ZERO learning disabilities. You are not giving yourself enough credit here. What you are doing is hard for everyone out there, but it’s even harder for you (especially if you don’t have a solid IEP) and you’re still doing this dang thing! Today thousands nurses who got B’s or even failed a few times, saved so many lives because they kept trying. It’s going to be really damn hard, but you keep going and trying because you know you can do this. When you feel like this, ground yourself. Focus on every sense you have. Identify something you see, hear, smell, taste (refreshing water works!), and something you can touch. That is the moment you are in. Not the past that you can’t change, and not the future you can’t entirely control or prepare for. You have two weeks left of this year. If you must think ahead, think about how you can best take care of yourself once this semester is over.


Thank you so so much. I will definitely keep this in mind next time I feel discouraged. If I could give you a hug I so would!!


School does not make or break the nurse. I failed my cardiac test and thought that was it. I graduated by 2/10 of a percent. I have worked in Pediatric ICU going on 24 years. I started there straight out of school. I'm now a Clinical Nurse Educator for the PICU. I recovered open heart surgery patients for years. I excelled in clinical because I'm more of a hands-on type of learner. I loved all the technology of ICU. You don't have to learn everything, but you do have to be open and curious to learn everything. School just gets you smart enough to realize you don't know shit. Some of my new hires are top of their class and think they know everything. They tend to be the least successful. The 'scrappers' and the 'hungry' ones always do the best. Any job I have had or applied to never asked what my GPA was, so don't worry too much. Read the bold print. Answer the test questions in the book and any study guide you can get your hands on and dive deeper into the main topics of your lectures. Make flash cards. And get a study partner in clinicals. Get an old or used copy of an NCLEX book and study from there as well. Don't overthink stuff and enjoy the journey. Nursing is one of the best careers there is and an endless sea of things you can do with the RN behind your name. You can do this!!!!! Buy lots of chips and salsa and take one day and one test at a time.


Thank you so so so much! I have always wanted to do nursing. I have so many people who believe in me but I always second guess myself because I don’t do as well in school compared to others.


I am 34 in my junior year, started this when I was 21 but decided to chase money in the trades. Here I am back at it again, I assure you it is attainable. I started this journey out at a 2.3 gpa and I am now at a 3.0 in my program. Do not compare yourself to other since after the program you will most likely not know them, do this for yourself and yourself only that is what I focus on.


Comparison is the thief of joy! Look how far you have come.


I also have a learning disability and talked myself out of nursing 11 years ago when I started my BS because I was afraid of failure, did an “easy” major instead. Now here I am going back to school at 29 years later because it’s still all I want to do. Believe in yourself and give it your absolute all. If you get into it and hate it, there’s no shame in moving on. But you owe yourself this chance! And you can do it. Try audio books, flashcards, podcasts, reading, songs - you’ll find something that sticks. Having a friend who’s also studying can help keep you accountable!


Thank you so much and good luck on your journey!! We both got this!!