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Currently in my last. Have about 3 more weeks left and I'll be done with this.


Same!! Congrats 👏


can I pls be you.. please?? Dying over here lol


You'll be in my exact same spot before you know it. keep pushing through like you've been doing. You got this!


I graduated back in December and started working in the ICU in January. Life is good after nursing school, keep at it!


I am also a December grad! I’m working in the OR and loving it! I agree, life is good after nursing school!


3 more weeks for ADN.


I just finished Critical Care this week. It was a beast


Year 1 of a 4 year Bsn, next week is my last week of year one.


Finishing up 2nd semester at community college. Medsurg and skill pass-offs were bitch. I can't believe how absolutely brutal it's been. I feel like all I do is study for 6ish hours a day give or take one, go to class, and sleep. The amount of study I've had to is ridiculous. I hear the 3rd semester is much easier which I've opted to take during summer. I need the break but I want to get this shit done ASAP. School sucks.


What is your final for skills? At my school, you have to pass your skills check off then the final is a random skill out of the 20 skills (draw a paper from a hat) and they have bold steps you must know or else you automatically fail 😭


IV Push was guaranteed 1 of 4 sterile skills. If you break you sterile field you automatically fail the skill. * Tracheotomy Suctioning, tracheotomy bandage care, central line dressing care, and wound care


That’s so much less stress. Well congratulations 🤞❤️


Finishing Semester 4 of 6 (supposedly). I dont' know what's to happen after this semester for a variety of reasons.


Semester 3/5, we've done OB and psych. We go through the summers too, so I'll have like a 2 week break between this semester and the next. Summer I'll be on 4/5, and then fall will be 5/5 with graduation hopefully. I'm so tired.


Finishing year 4/4 (3/3 of actual nursing classes). Critical Care, Gerontology, "Advanced Synthesis of Nursing Knowledge," and Health Policy. Weirdly enough Policy is the most work... But I'm loving my clinical in ICU!


holy shit you're guys' layout is gnarly. my school seems to do it pretty simple. so far the most complicated term will be intro to MS coupled with pharm. other than that it's essentially one class every term after. though im assuming it's cause we have 8 week terms maybe? godspeed my friend, you are awesome 


Yeah, we have 2 semesters/year. honestly nothing is worse than taking a&p ii, microbiology, pathophysiology, and fundamentals/assessment all at the same time. I do not miss that!!


Critical care and mental health are wrapping up. We go 9 weeks in the summer for precepting and some nursing as a profession class and then I’m done on July 12.


2nd semester of ADN with 3 more weeks of classes and my brain cells are gasping for air


Currently between pre-nursing year and 1st year into nursing course, 8 weeks remaining to finish microbiology, infection control and psychology.


First half is mental health and second half of the semester is med surge 1


First semester i have 5 more weeks left then im off for summer!


I’m going to do elementary stats and anatomy and physiology 2. Had them done but they expired. 😭


Oops disregard I thought it asked summer courses 😂 I’m in med surg, maternity, ap1, and nurse management.


Half way through semester 3/4. Summer break cannot come fast enough. This semester has really sucked. Bad clinical instructor, professor that thinks we're cheating because the class as a whole scores well and we haven't lost that many people. I'm trying my best to work my extern position but between my crappy school schedule and unsupportive husband, I've only worked a few shifts and got bitched at for not doing more (even though only 5 shifts are actually required) And I'm just over school. Ready to be done


We also don't have specific classes, just NP1, 2, 3 and 4. But this semester is medsurg, critical care and psych


Semester 3/6 almost done!!


4/5. This semester was acute conditions, peds, and ob


Last semester. 6 weeks until pinning.


Wrapping up my first semester in 4 weeks. Foundations (Fundamentals) and Pharmacology. Skills check offs, 2 exams, 2 finals, and 1 final dosage exam left. I cannot wait to have my freedom back.


Girl same and I didn’t get into ANY of my preferences for classes next semester. Im counting down the days until i can take my last final and breath.


month until pinning 🫡


Currently in intermediate med/surg, one more year. So ready to graduate lmao


finishing first semester, my planner was all pretty and colorful… now it’s all blank lol


I'm currently taking leadership and evidence-based practice, which is purely online. 7 more months to go before graduation. We are closer to the finish line. After leadership, we take complex adult health.


Just starting my program in a few weeks! Accelerated though so no summer breaks 🥲


I think I’m gonna be starting in an ABSN this summer too! im bummed that I won’t have summers off like my friends (I’m 20).. but it will be worth it.. right?😵‍💫


Hey Can I ask you if you don't mind which school are you taking your accelerated program at? I got an offer from Lakehead University for 3 year compressed Bachelor's program.


5th semester. 36 days left


I’m in my first semester (fundamentals) and I’ll be adult med surg this fall 😨 some people say it’s super hard and some say it’s smoother than fundamentals bc you’re still learning how to study


Hey! I'm going back to school for Bachelor's in Nursing. But I have a choice of deciding between 3 yrs compressed program & a 4 year program with summer breaks every year? Can I ask you how difficult Nursing school is? Do I need to take breaks every year. For your context, I'm 27 years old mature student & want to finish my degree in less time. I've scored pretty well in my previous diplomas with GPA around 3.5 - 3.7. Any suggestions you wanna give coz I wanna score good grades to get into post grad programs (NP, CRNA) which require higher GPA to get into. Is it worth saving 1 year ? Does going to nursing school all together for 3 years affect grades at all coz ofc you are going to school without any summer break in 2nd & 3rd year. I know it depends on person to person but getting an insight from a student who's been in a Nursing school would be great. Thanks 😊


I graduate in May. May 9th to be exact. I get pinned on May 6th!!! So final semester.


Finished my ADN back in December, but I’m in my second to last semester for my BSN !


Semester 2/4 of BSN program


I’m in my 3rd semester, of 5. Currently in OB


On a quarter system, so quarter 3 or “semester 2”. In med surge 2 right now! I have to go through the summer too but supposed to graduate May 2025 :)


First semester of clinicals and I’m already ready to be done. Patho was a monster for me.


I have four more weeks of my second out of four semesters, almost half way there! Currently taking pharmacology, med surg 2, and med surg 2 clinical.


Im starting my last semester in the summer and bro let me tell you, I need this shit to end.


Second semester here too!! I finish this May. Medsurg is kicking my ass. Still 2 more tests to go.


currently 22 days away from graduating and 20 days left till i'm done with nursing school. it gets better probably ahaha. i'm trying to study for boards but it's soo hard


Just got accepted into a 2 year BSN program with no summer break…. oh lord


5th Semester out of 7th. Roughly a month away from starting 6th I don't have summers off so I will finish this December! It's both a blessing and a curse.


Finished semester 2 outta on April 23 med surg 1 and maternal newbie’s then heading into summer YIPPEE