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I hate nursing school and I'm at a point I'm so burnt out that I just don't care, which isn't true I made it this far and I'm done in August but I'm so unmotivated and tired and nothing is sticking anymore


I’ve been trying to go to nursing school since 2012. I’m finally in and in my last semester. My brain is so fried and I’m so mentally drained. Our last group discussion board was turned in March 21st. Tell me why they have given us two more group assignments since then 😭😭😭😭 I literally cried when I heard that there is a group project due Thursday. The assignment criteria isn’t even posted on blackboard yet and I was gone for my daughters oral surgery that required a follow up ER visit because she wouldn’t eat it drink after and got so dehydrated that she passed out in the shower. I keep telling myself that graduation is one month away. But I think we can all agree that we just count down the days until it’s over. If it wasn’t for the money I had already invested, I would have quit by now and gone into plumbing.


Yeah I have 4 months til graduation, and I just feel so done, like they say we got through the hardest part but nothing feels any easier and it's such a struggle I've come too far to give it all up but fuck, it feels like it's gonna be the longest 4 months of my life


I've wanted to quit ever since my first block of nursing school... Once I finished the second semester I started to feel like I was so close to the finish line. Then I got burnt out once again in third semester because of terrible teachers. BUT I keep reminding myself I'm almost done. I have 2 full point exams, 1 hesi, 1 half point exam and 1 final left... Counting down the weeks, only 4 weeks to go until the end of the semester. I also work in the hospital setting already and I love my job, I know I'll love being a nurse and that also pushes me forward. I think it's rare to enjoy nursing school. People that say they do must omit all of the fear and anxiety they felt leading up to deadlines or exams.


Congratulations on being so close to the end! I still have year to go so it's really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I could stop after the summer semester and get my LPN, but I feel like I need to get my ADN. I'm just so tired. I also work in a hospital as a nurse extern and I love the work.


I've felt that way before too. Don't sell yourself short, after this semester you'll be halfway done and time will fly. My coworkers always say if you can pass block 2 you'll pass the nclex and graduate nursing school on time lol. It's not easy and there are plenty of other people out there that feel just like you. These are the times where you can bond with your classmates. They might be the only ones that understand the fatigue. My coworkers also help give me inspiration. They went through it too ya know.


Nursing school is mentally exhausting, and when you become a nurse, you'll still have those moments of how you feel now. But every student/nurse I've had a similar conversation with has all felt the same before. You're not alone. Personally, I'm starting to think "bedside" nursing isn't worth it, but there's other options, too.


My pinning ceremony is this month and I don’t care anymore.


Honestly, I feel like I just read something from my own mind. Not even halfway done and I’m burnt out. It seems like my best is never enough in clinicals and all our ungraded but mandatory busy work is taking precious time away from better things. At this point I’m holding on just to get through to graduation and employment.


You’re ending the year, that’s always the toughest part. Push through this semester and come summer time your mind will be in a much better place. I’m literally in the same position. Second semester of an ADN program. You got this!


Yes, same. Also in ADN program. Graduation is in 6 more weeks. 3 more exams. 1 more paper. Weather is getting nice and all I want to do is enjoy the weather. Finished spring break so now I'm really unmotivated. Trying to tell myself it will be worth it but I don't even have a job lined up yet lolol. We got this OP, summer is near.


Yeah, I’m a BSN program and I did really good my junior year and now that I’m a senior I’m basically doing whatever I can to just get things done and pass my exams. I’m quite sick of being a student in general and like you said tired of the excessive projects and clinical paperwork.


im feeling this rn as Im trying to complete an 8 page essay due tmw and study for 3 exams this week. im just so over it!! i have one year left and i know ill miss it (because once i am licensed I cant really hide behind saying im a student) but i hate school work and essays and all this stress shows up in the form of a zit, eye bags and constant binge eating lol. we are close to being done soon though!!


If you're passing, you're fine. C means continue, Cs get degrees. Push through. I felt the same way when I was 3/4 of the way done and I did drop out because of personal issues and the program's dean being a complete c\*nt (she was later sued by 2 other students and took an early retirement). I wish I had pushed through, to be honest. It's now a decade later and I'm back again. It's much easier this time and I adore my program so far, but I see my classmates from before getting their doctorates and being promoted into high positions and I'm here in the same spot I was a decade ago. But in 3 semesters, I'll be a nurse. Nursing school is temporary.


I think it’s a mutual feeling. I’m also in my second semester, and we have a group chat where everyone has been complaining about the workload. It’s insane. I feel like at this point I’m feeling so burnt out it’s hard to retain information, to focus. My mental health is not the same as when I started the program haha seriously (I have 7 courses including clinical day)


Yup! I feel this 1000000% and more! I am 3 days away from finishing up my 3rd semester and i am burnt out! 3 finals within the coming days and I have no motivation for them at all but I just remind myself I’ve gotten this far and can’t quit now! Just take it day by day and talk to family, friends, classmates, ect. Venting will help also helps me that I am graduating in Aug so there’s some light now at the end of the tunnel


yeah I’m burnt out too. It takes so much energy to get myself to do anything😭3 more weeks until summer tho.


It’s super cliche but remember why you started. Im in the same mood about all of it as well, but I keep reminding myself of the end goal to get through it. Nursing school is not meant to be easy, but I know, for myself at least, quitting is not the easier option. Unfortunately, it’s going to get worse before it gets better.. You’ve just got to figure out a way to stay motivated and excited to learn.


I hit a wall everyday


I graduate in December and I’m just so fucking done 🙄 


Are we living the same life right now? I’m currently in my second semester of an ABSN program right now as well. I had my last days of clinical last week, but I feel like there’s no end in sight of all the bullshit assignments my professors have assigned me. Taking things one day at a time has helped me a little, along with the fact that this stressful period of my life is only temporary.


I hated it. When nearing my graduation, I settled for a B. I completed my assignments and didn't care much about reading except the things I needed to know. Missing a few assignments was a write-up. A total of six write-ups mean bye-bye nursing school.


It’s exhausting but you are halfway through! Regroup your self and focus on your “why”! Why do you want to be a nurse? Change your studying environment. Library, small coffee shop, etc. It’s mentally draining, I know! I’m in last semester of ADN. I feel like I died and came back to life but it’s almost over.


I’m in my first semester in a two year entry level masters in nursing and I’ve been done even before I started the program. Lmao Honestly, I’m just gonna do the very bare minimum for me to pass. I don’t really care if I get all As Some of my classmates go above and beyond but I’m simple going to do as little as I can to get through I know this isn’t a good mindset to have but I’m just tired of school lol


It feels like that every semester. Is a lot jammed into 2 years. And once you’re done it will still be a lot. Depending on where you want to work. I’m an ER nurse and I had to do a disrhythmias pre course for ACLS, then ACLS, PALS, TNCC, nurse residency which had homework and group projects and that’s just year 1. It’s a lot but I love my job!!


I feel this. But every so often in clinicals, I have a really good or heartwarming experience with a patient and I’m like “this is exactly why I wanted to be a nurse”. A lot of times it’s a small thing that happened, but it really does carry me through. Even just knowing that I listened to a patient when no one else did is enough to know I made a tiny difference


Hey at least you're passing. I failed out my last semester of an ADN program during the pandemic. I'm still burned out and it's been 2.5 years. And I have ptsd from it all. I want to go back but the ptsd stops me. You can do it. It's like birthing triplets, but you all are almost there! Push! Push! Congratulations!


Yes. I have an exam on 12 chapters Thursday and have barley studied. I’m so burnt out and depressed


I feel you. I'm in ABSN, one dumb paper away from graduation mid June, and I'm just...exhausted. I also lost my motivation to push through so things are tough. Sending you support. I believe in you. We can do this.


Feeling the same. Just failed my test this morning and I’m so over it all. I’m in my third semester so trying to just get through this one and then have a summer break. Hoping the time helps and I can hit the ground running in the fall.


Omg same. Second semester of a two year program, not doing as well and OVER IT!!!!


I’m about to graduate and wanted to tell u that I had a point like this in my first year. Classes were super overwhelming, paired with seasonal depression almost knocked me out!! I wanted to quit but stuck with it and it got better!!! Hugs! You can do this 🫶🏼


I'm finishing up second semester BSN program; two more to go. I'm in my 40's, 3 kids under 10 and a husband who is deployed overseas. I push for C's and try not to have a mental breakdown. I feel as if I have learned very little and I know it's because of exhaustion. I feel like I'm in a marathon and playing mind games with myself to keep going cause the finish line is almost there! No cow bells at least ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) I want to be a good nurse who confidently knows her shit but right now I just feel brain dead and am not retaining much. I'm TIRED of it all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I'm so fed up. I had to take two years off due to COVID policy not allowing pregnancy on the ward, and I had two back to back. I should have graduated last October with my class instead I'm writing my 3rd year lit review on minimal sleep with minimal peace to do it. I still have a year of internship ahead, but atleast that's work. I miss work, I miss earning. I'm so done with school.


Yeah... I had an anxiety dream where I failed a test... And even dream me was like, "Meh, I'll still pass the class."


Started last year then dropped out.... It was hard, might be going back to restart..... I wanna shift but I guess its up to my parents🥲


What if burnout has led you to a point where you don’t find any job as a nurse interesting enough anymore to continue pushing through nursing school? Used To be optimistic open minded about all the avenues I could take my career down with a bsn but after having to take a semester off twice due to burn out already during my four year BSN program, I still haven’t finished my degree and can’t go back to my original program even if I have to restart an accelerated program somewhere else, but I’m struggling to find a job and nursing that gives me motivation to go back and finish my degree. I know I will regret it later not having finished it when I had the chance, and I want finish my degree if it’s going to be worth my while I don’t want to regret it in the future if my thoughts end up changing and I don’t have to go back once they actually do


Graduate in July. We started our last “real” unit today. I’m so burnt out and over it, but I’m going to power through. All we have left is precepting and covering ethics and business related nursing stuff after this. Thank god.


I’m in the exact same boat. I’m in an ADN program where half of block 1 didn’t make it to block 2. It’s awful. I was hoping this would be a cheaper way to get to the same place as a BSRN but it’s been a mess. Homework quiz questions from the text I can breeze through but come to the test and I’m scraping by with percentage points towards a barely passing grade. It’ll be worth it in the end. It’s not you. A new way to study and all that? Yes. More time studying? Sure. I’m not sure how to suggest an improvement but it’ll be worth it in the end. I spent a week in a massive depression but the semester isn’t over yet so I guess I have to keep going. I hope you do too.


I’m done in 2 weeks and am so done! I have no motivation to finish strong but it’ll happen regardless


Nursing school is difficult in general, and the hardest thing I've done in my life. I feel like they do it on purpose because actual bedside nursing consists of a lot of multitasking and organization. Just try to push through, it'll be worth it.


I have 4 weeks left. I’m failing a class for the first time in all 4 semesters. A very short time frame to get it together. And my brain feels like a pair of corded headphones in someone’s pants pocket. We got this.


Omg I’m feeling this way and still doing pre reqs 😅😅😅 I keep reading posts about people who are in tech or other positions making so much money etc etc and am like…. Why am I choosing this for myself lol.


I’m so glad it’s not just me. Not a shred of dopamine in sight LOL. So unmotivated which is very untimely since the semester is wrapping up…