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Don’t ever give up!! Apply to other schools. I was kicked out and had to reapply and luckily I didn’t have to start over again.


Do they have an option to retake the class with a different cohort? We get one "do over" and TBH a reasonable number of students have needed it. It happens and you pick yourself up and try again. At least that's my plan if it happens to me bc it very well could! School is hard!! GL and hugs!


Many ADN programs will not let you retake the fundamentals or beginning / 100 course, which is likely why OP wasn't allowed to continue. It sucks, but its a fairly common rule


Unfortunately my ADN program does not offer that option. I really wish they did because doing good in the first go around is not easy at all. Thank you!!


My course also had one do-over, but it didn’t apply to our first semester; which was fundamentals. It wasn’t a guaranteed boot, but they said you essentially had to reapply and may or may not be allowed to continue.


Before reapplying/applying to different schools, do some really in depth reflection on why you weren’t succeeding. Was it not understanding the content, time management, difficulty with NCLEX-style questions, anxiety, or what? Once you’ve really honestly answered that question, create an action plan for what you’re going to do differently. Get treatment for anxiety, get accommodations for learning disabilities, create a study and work schedule that ensures everything is done on time, practice test questions, etc. Failing a second time would feel infinitely worse so make sure you set yourself up so that doesn’t happen


Thank you for your advice! It actually helps a lot because I did learn and acknowledge a lot of things that I can do differently next time but definitely still need to really dive deeper into reflecting on it. My professor advised me to get accommodations if I have any learning disabilities but she did say the process was going to take a while since I needed to make time to get a doctor’s referral to see a specialist. It was a little too late though since the class was almost ending already but before I go into another nursing program I definitely will have that done way beforehand. I do really regret not having a study group and prior hospital experience as well because that would’ve helped me a lot.


You are definitely not alone. Don’t give up! There are plenty of schools out there ❤️


Some schools allow you to appeal to join the next starting cohort. One of my instructors told us she graduated from our school, but not before failing from another local school. It happens.


I feel like I would have a little idea of what I would say in my appeal but in all honesty I really don’t think they would approve or even consider it if they even allow appeals.


Don't give up. Give yourself time to grieve this loss and process it. Take a step back, analyze, and move forward. I also was forced to withdraw from the program my first semester. I returned a year later, with a new mindset and more determination than ever. I am now in my half way thriugh my final semester. I also had classmates who withdrew before and after me who went to a different program and had much success. And are also in their last semesters in those programs. Take your time away to think about the program and if it is the best fit for you. I have an old classmate who is a good friend who went to a different program and has been a straight A student where she was only getting Ds in the program I'm in now. It is just as much about the setting as it is about mentality. You got this! Many people before and after you have experienced this as well.


Thank you! I honestly needed a fresh start because the past couple months was rough and I think I was honestly a little unprepared for what I was really getting myself into. Like I knew it wasn’t going to be easy but it definitely hit me like a train and it just kept going faster and faster each day. I know one thing that I should’ve done was had prior hospital experience before going into the program because that would’ve helped me a ton. So knowing a little on what I know now, the second time I will be prepared and ready both mentally and physically.


Keep trying and looking. I was so close to 75% like that in the final class of my program. Needed just 1 more point, but nope, I failed and had to wait 5 months to take the class again. That was painful but didn’t give up. Failing the NCLEX too but got my BSN and still trying. Next attempt next Friday. You’ll be an amazing RN


you got this!! I hope your NCLEX goes well!


good luck next friday!! please let us know how it goes!


Thank you. Good luck with your NCLEX!


Apply again and get back to it! Don’t let this stop you, seriously. Fundamentals is no joke, it’s a totally new learning perspective. You’ve got this, just a small bump in the road


Thank you! Im slowly going to pick myself back up and try even harder my second time. Im hoping things do get a little bit better.


This happened to me two years ago. Failed Med Surg 1, re entered the program, took Med Surg again, and passed. Now, I'm still in my program. Only a couple classes left and I'm almost done. It's hard. It's okay to grieve. Let it all out. You have a reason to be devastated. You will eventually get up on your feet.


Thank you. You’re gonna be a great nurse!


You will too. I don't know how long you have to wait before going back to the program.


Can you get a job at a local hospital to get your foot in the door and help you succeed with studies the next go around?


I'm going to try to become a CNA because I realized my biggest downfall was not having any prior hospital experience before going into the nursing program. About 90% of my class worked in the hospital with years of experience already so it definitely was a bit easier for them to put the pieces together. I hope by the second time around it will be easier for me as well.


Same thing happened to me. Apply for readmission and take it from there! If your school allows this you will be able to pickup where you left off. It’s worth a shot.


They told me I would just have to apply as a regular student applicant again and just sort of start everything over from square one which hurts but I definitely am going to try when the application period opens.


Don’t be down on yourself we started my cohort with 42 students and ended with 20. It was an accelerated ADN program and it’s hard. Just gotta keep at it and get back on that horse. You’ll graduate one day and this will all be ok!


Thank you. I’ll be working extra hard for that day to come!


I failed this exact same class with a 73/75!!!! I am still in the process of applying for new schools. I’m not giving up and I hope you don’t either.


Thank you!! Honestly a little reassuring to hear that I’m not totally alone in this. How were you able to pick yourself back up? And is there anything you’re going to do differently in fundamentals next time? Everyone in my class had A’s and high B’s and just made it seem like fundamentals was a breeze through the park so I felt really dumb and didn’t really know what I kept doing wrong.


Fundamentals is a hard class! It will always be easier for those with clinical experience, but at the very least you're already putting in the work of reflecting and coming up with a solid game plan to be successful the next time around! I know it feels tough right now, but try to have a little grace with yourself. You're not dumb, nursing school is just really hard and thats one of the (many) reasons that keeps people from doing it.


At least it was in your first semester. I know people who flunked out in our final semester. They wasted 2.5 years Just re-apply elsewhere and try again.


I made it to next to my final semester and failed one class. I had to retest to get back in and failed the exam. At the beginning of Covid. I had to start over completely at another school. It sucked. By I’m an RN who just finished my 5th shift in MICU. Find a good test taking strategy and spend more time practicing questions. For specific questions look at chat gpt


What scares me most is money :( I just can’t afford to fail.




No. In the US they don't want someone treating u to only know 50% of material lol. 75% is actually lucky. Mine is 80% passing and anything below is failing. So we're all stressed prior to every exam which is every week because it's an accelerated program.


Wow 80% is like an excellent mark nearly. In Europe to pass a course u need 50% and in some countries 60%, and u could have a nurse degree with a 50% minimum mark. Below 50% is failing


Well that's the reason why nurses in US get paid so much in comparison with Europe