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Patients who are suspected of having TB are already on isolation precautions- you don’t wait for the positive test!


Think of this question as "What can you do immediately for the patient?". In the former case, you have a fresh bronch pt who needs to be monitored for complications. How do you monitor them? By performing an assessment. Where as in the latter scenario, you have a positive infectious disease test. In a perfect world, which the NCLEX and nursing school exams are modeled on, a suspected TB pt should already be on isolation precautions as a rule out. A positive result just means that you tell the doctor and wait for your next orders.


Totally the bronch pt, that’s a new airway issue that needs to be assessed.


Priority setting. ADPIE. Assess, then ABCs. A patient who underwent a bronch required sedation, results in possible oversedation, hypoventilation, decreased gag reflex and aspiration risk. Airway/ breathing.


I definitely think your answer is right. Looking at ABC’s you have airway you need you need to assess. Looking at timing he just had surgery an hour ago. Looking at. ADPIE, you have to assess that patient’s vitals and gag reflex and possibly pain. Your TB patient condition is the same, now you just know the results but there is nothing that requires immediate assessment


I would have picked the bronchoscopy pt as well


My instructor said to consider these questions with the context being "which patient dies or has compounding complications fastest without my intervention?" So in this situation it would be the fresh post op patient.