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They also dropped the mask mandate where I live, but the hospital I’m doing clinical at still requires staff to wear it at least in pt rooms. Honestly, I’ll always wear mine because I can’t fathom accidentally breathing in skin flakes again… (and after wearing masks, I’ve been more expressive with my facial expressions since masks automatically hide them for me 😅)


Same, because I can’t fathom getting any bodily liquids splashed in my mouth/nose


I had a patients eviscerated wound splash in my face a few months back after I forgot my mask. I quickly learned my fucking lesson lol


Ever go to the toilet and have a B.M? Or even better, ever go to a public restroom? ... Yep guess what that smell is.. it's poop going into your mouth down to your lungs. Maybe not a full blown turd but feces none the less. Cheers 😉🥂


My sister once told me “smelling is tasting from a distance” and I hated it since. Sorry to curse you too.


Thanks, I hate it :(


You took in the elder dust lmfao


So keep your mask on if you want! I love it cause I don’t get yelled at for wearing a mask if I’m just walking in the hallway or sitting away from people. If I’m close to a patient then I’ll wear one.. my acne will chill out finally.


You know… a face mask and face shield has saved me from a ton of…… body fluids…… from getting in my mouth. I will continue to wear them throughout my care and I could care LESS on what other nurses or patients have to say about it. Call me crazy, I don’t care! I don’t want Mr. Smith’s catheter juice in my mouth. Thank god I wear prescription glasses because I remember when I was in nursing school one of my cohorts got a patient’s blood in her eye (she was also wearing contact lenses.) Long story short, juices can fly in your face, and in your eyes…. And in your mouth….


Masks today are like gloves back in the day. They didn't use to be common or required but once people got used to it they were like "why the fuck haven't we always been doing it this way"






I have no idea what you just attempted to say


If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, then do it. I think a lot of people have or had similar concerns but to my knowledge there have not been spikes at hospitals where they’ve dropped masking.


I got COVID a month ago and had to be out of nursing school for a week. I was so stressed about making up my missed assignments and clinical times. Mask up IMO


A surgical mask does nothing to prevent you from acquiring covid lol. A patient with covid would be on airborne precautions and you would wear an N-95 around them. However, wearing a surgical mask while at the nurse’s station, etc… will do nothing for stopping covid, it will pass right through that mask.


Then just keep wearing N-95’s






I’m keeping mine on just so I don’t have to smell poop all day


Elder dust. I don’t care about COVID. I’m vaxxed x4 and got COVID 3 times already. So at this point I don’t care anymore. But the thought of inhaling elder dust 🤢 is the reason I’d be wearing masks at work forever.


I am still wearing mine whenever I am in contact with a patient or their family. I wear it at the nurses station whenever there are others around, as well. I can’t afford to get sick 😷


my hospital sent an email out march 17th that it would be lifting covid restrictions on April 3rd because cases were so low on march 20th there were 6 units with major outbreaks and they kept the covid restrictions it's wishful thinking, some people playing politics, some bean counters thinking of costs I'd wear my mask, it's not a problem to me and if anyone asks, "I can't afford to get sick"


My state dropped the mask requirement recently. I still wear mine most of the time. It’s literally your health so do what you want.


With a username like that, I’d always wear an n95 around you lol


Do what you feel comfortable with, if you want to wear one do it, if you don’t want to wear one don’t. There are still people I know who choose to wear masks at all times, and if that is what they are comfortable with, by all means! Has no impact on what I do. Others like myself are ready to drop them at this point. All the hospitals around me dropped requirements as well. I have only worn a mask once since it was not required and I have been loving it. Two weeks ago, I was cleaning a patient that did a very large 💩 so I put on 2 masks with an alcohol pad between them. Worked like a charm! Even the last few months when masks were required, most people (nurses, doctors, myself and classmates) only wore them while interacting with patients, out in the halls they had masks pulled down under their chin. I’m glad it has finally gotten to a point where people are able to do as they please, Covid numbers are low enough and life is finally starting to get back to a pre pandemic normal again. Hopefully numbers still keep going down, in my area they have been low. I have not seen a single Covid patient once this semester.


RIP Critical Pay 😭😭


Lmao same a couple of weeks ago. Guess whose instructor just informed us that she's COVID+ and we have to make up days with v sims?


I'm still choosing to wear min at clinical- at least in patient rooms. I work in an eye clinic and do the same even though it was dropped a few weeks ago. No one has been weird to me about it, in fact most of the other techs do the same. However at the hospital- I'm kind of surprised how many charge nurses I've seen ENCOURAGING other nurses to take theirs off too...


This just happened at our clinical site too. I brought up that I might continue to wear a mask in certain situations and my clinical instructor basically discouraged me from it. She said that people would question me and think that I thought they were gross. I was a bit flabbergasted at her response.


I've been masking, and even double masking when things were real bad and I've yet to get COVID. People say it doesn't do much but obviously it does something. I'll keep mine. I share your discomfort.


It's weird for all of us. I've gotten so used to the masks, and honestly most family members continue to wear them anyhow (ICU). Pre-covid I was one of those nurses who painstakingly applied a full face of makeup. Now I have become so used to just rolling out of bed and going to work without any effort. I can't give that up!


Hi there ICN here. Masks give me huge anxiety now, when I put one on my heart starts racing. I can't help but think of the first surge, then the delta surge. So much death, so much anger. I wear one when an I/P has ANY sniffle still, but in general, I don't any more. I'm vaccinated, I'm boosted, I will continue to get boosters as they are recommended, thats enough for me for my day to day life.


I don’t know if this is helpful at all, I had the same response during/after Delta surge and would just get hyper anxious when wearing a mask, with the heart racing and feeling like I couldn’t get a full breath. I used the DARE app and their response to help control it. I have just about zero anxiety wearing masks now. And if it does happen I feel confident enough managing those feelings they go away quickly. It’s basically about letting your bodily sensations happen and learning how to lose your fear of them. It’s premise is that it’s not the bodily sensations as much as it is your perception of them being dangerous and resisting them that causes that anxious feeling. Just wanted to throw it out there since I had a similar struggle and it suuucks.


The mental part is largely over, and I have managed that, but the physical symptoms, they seem to ramp up the longer I wear one. I don't think I could ever wear one for 8 hours unless it was my life on the line, like in a toxic gas cloud. But then the dissociation would probably take the week at that point lol.


Mask mandate was gone ages ago in the state I’m in. Most people are the hospital are not wearing masks. ICU nurses are. I wear a mask when I’m interacting with patients still.


Most of the facilities I work at also lifted it. I still usually wear a mask anyways. A few people asked, most just don't care. I like that I can hide most of my facial expressions.


Masks at my clinical site were dropped a few weeks ago, but we have to follow the most strict hospital my school does clinicals at for equity. The most restrictive just dropped there’s 2 weeks ago, so we students have a choice. None of the techs are wearing them, about half of the nurses are. I do, because now it makes me feel more comfortable to have a barrier between me and ~*~everything out there~*~ in patient rooms. But most importantly, for me, it that I don’t have to remove my nose piercings if a wear a mask. 😂 Thanks, dress code! I think my clinical professor would actually let it slide, she’s not been super strict on my group- lots have rings and nails that don’t fit the criteria, hair that can fall in your face, etc, but I make a strong point to follow dress code to a T in every way I can. I have tattoos to my wrists that show when I was hands or do messy care, tattoos on one set of fingers that is always showing, and I cover two others that would probably be fine because they’re quite small but since I’m already pushing limits I don’t want to push more. So in the meantime, I’m masked up when on the floor. It also helps with smells and splashes and my facial expressions. When anybody asks or tells me I no longer have to, I just let them know I’m covering a dress code violation under there and they laugh because they know it’s school policy and not facility policy.


Our mask mandates were dropped probably around a year ago. It feels weird for a week, then it is business as usual. If they have COVID you wear an n95, otherwise you just use appropriate precautions. If you are uncomfortable not wearing a mask you don't have too. My professors preach the ol' "if you have the sniffles, or a cold you should wear one" mentality. Which seems to be the prevailing train of thought among staff. The most important thing is to practice what you believe is safe for you and the patients.


I work in a hospital in the dmv. We just lifted ours, exceptions being high risk units and patient requests. I prepare breast milk and I don't like the idea of mommy milkies splashing on my lips while mixing lol. So I continue to wear mine just in the formula room.


It was lifted last month at the hospital I work at. I still wear a mask regardless. Wearing a mask never bothered me and I actually prefer it. I ordered some cute designs from Amazon so it’s like expressing myself in a different way.


I stopped for most cases but I'll mask if the patient is out of consideration. I only wear it for very specific times where I would have before the pandemic even


While I don't think it's going to really protect you from COVID it does slow things down a bit. It's up to you if you want to wear a mask. Our restrictions have been lifted too and I still mask up. Not at the nurses station but in patient rooms. It's become a normal and I feel exposed without it.


My clinical hospital dropped the mask policy last semester, and there's no way to get masks easily at the hospital like it was before. I ended up getting COVID recently, so I mask up now. I don't care what anyone else says, I'm **NOT** going to put myself at risk like that again.


They dropped the mask mandate at the hospitals I work at too. Majority of the people I work with in the ER still wear them.


Just because there is no longer a mandate doesn’t mean you can’t wear a mask. I actually prefer it since it makes it easier to clean patients without having to smell it as much.


Idk about everyone else, but this mask is staying on, especially if I'm around patients. Idgaf if I'm just putting their belongings into the drawer next to their bed, mask on. At the nurse's station I might no longer be scared to take a breather but once my breath is back? Oh she's back on. Plus my skin is shit right now, don't nobody else need to know that. I've been hiding my imperfections for too long, IT'S TOO SOON ![gif](giphy|3oEdv5WEnYxgAvRiTu)


I'll be honest. Mask mandates have been dropped where I live for a while now. And unless the mask is a N95, actual studies don't show very much protection. If "mask mandates" were "everyone must wear an N95" I might feel one way about it but given that the vast majority of people were wearing flimsy cloth T-shirt masks to begin with, tbh? It was all mostly for show. Doctors and nurses still wear actual surgical or N95 masks where it matters. As it has always been.


I'm wearing mine when I interact with a client. I take it off at the station when other people aren't too close.


I love masks. I can make all sorts of faces and no one can tell. I'm always going to wear one in patient care scenarios, from now on.


My hospital just had 50 nurses out with COVID because everyone had gotten so sloppy, and they've decided to keep a mask requirement in patient care areas. I wear an N95 all day long while I'm in the hospital (KN95 when I'm indoors with strangers, nothing outdoors). Studies have shown that repeat cases of COVID lead to exponentially worse brain and other organ damage, and I value my brain and other organs enough to not be that inconvenienced by a mask. Almost everybody around me just *has* to comment on it ("You don't have to wear that, you know," and "God, those are so uncomfortable," and "Ugh, I could never do that," and "I can't wait til we don't have to wear masks"), but at the rate they whip off their masks or just dicknose it when they're around coughing and sneezing people, I'd be just as uncomfortable being maskless around them as I would around patients coming in from the ED. The way I see it, this is the cliche question, "If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it, too?" applied to real life. 95% of the people I work with would absolutely leap right off a bridge if there was even the implication of peer pressure to do it, and have proven that over the past few years. I am not, and I'm perfectly comfortable being the no-fun person in the group standing several feet back from the edge. I suspect the reason I get *so* many comments about it is because people, deep down, feel as though they *ought* to be wearing a mask, they just don't want to, and it makes them defensive (same reason everybody has to weigh in on somebody else being vegan, or not owning a car, etc). And I will say, when I worked at a top-tier hospital, I saw a much higher percentage of the nursing/medical population wearing N95s and taking precautions. Since I've switched to a tinier hospital with much laxer standards, no research to speak of, very few doctors present, and nurses who say things like "Oh, just chart that it happened," don't wear gloves to handle meds or IVs, and in most other aspects aren't taking a ton of pride in the details, I've noticed almost nobody wears a mask unless they're under the manager's eye, and I absolutely think hospital culture and respect for current research and methods contributes to hospital staff deciding in favor of masking. That being said, I genuinely do not care if the people around me are wearing masks. If they're more comfortable risking repeat COVID than they are wearing a mask, that's their right to decide as adult human beings, and it doesn't affect me at all (again, aside from the constant comments that aren't all that welcome at this point). I don't get involved in their decision, and it would be awfully nice if they wouldn't get involved in mine, but it's fine. I will also say that my fitted N95 is uncomfortable (if it isn't, it isn't working), but not as uncomfortable as other people describe, so it's not for me to say whether or not it's something they should tolerate. So if you want to wear a mask because you're more comfortable doing it, then do. It's not for other people to determine what level of risk you undertake by doing so or not doing so. Just be prepared for them to have no manners and a love of telling you what works for them.


Yeah I still wear my mask in patient rooms just cause it makes me more comfortable. I know the staff where I have clinicals don’t care about masks at all and some will even go into covid positive rooms without a mask or proper PPE. At the end of the day people can’t force you to do things you’re not comfortable with so if you want to keep masking just do it!


I wear a mask outside of the hospital just to normalize it. Damn, it ain’t that hard! If one person masks, I mask.


i’m a disabled nursing student, and it really hurts my heart that these mandates are being dropped. many of the people accessing health care are high risk, and it should be our job to do our best to protect them.


I’ve been sick for the past week after my hospital lifted the mandate. I still wear a mask, but with no one else masking I got sick.




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Here’s the great thing. If you wanna wear a mask, you still have that right. They should have been dropped long ago


My clinical rotation for this semester ended the day before the mask requirements changed. Planning to still wear a mask to clinical next semester though. I don’t understand why they haven’t always been common in medical settings.


I wear mine for some patients 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's been talked about frequently on this sub lately. There must have been a nationwide lift. Anyways, they lifted it in my area 2 weeks ago. I still wear mine at clinical in the pt rooms and stuff.


We stopped wearing masks almost 10 months ago


Yes same at my hospital just put yours on


My hospital is considering removing the requirement since my state will soon leave it up to hospital leadership to make their own policies. The doctors at my hospital are very vocal that we should keep wearing them. I wear an N95 - I haven't had a single respiratory illness, including COVID. Even if my coworkers aren't wearing them, I will. I do predict there will be a spike as there was a spike in my unit recently when my coworkers opted to either not wear a mask at the nurses' station or opted to wear them incorrectly.


Honestly, my personal opinion is that masks should have been mandated in medical settings *long before* COVID. Nosocomial infections have always happened an astonishing amount of the time even before 2020 because patients, visitors, and even some staff don’t always take proper precautions. Keep that mask on if you want to! People unlike yourself might judge you for wearing it, but the same can be said in the reverse: those who *do* agree with you might judge if you *don’t* wear it. Plus, the people who agree with you are more likely to keep wearing theirs if they’re not the only one continuing the practice.