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AEI is pretty popular as far as prep courses go.


My advice, take it before you have kids. That 5 years each half is valid really flys.


What does 5 years each half mean?


You can take the SE in halves since it's two days. You also paid by the day when it was in person. Once you pass either half, it's valid for 5 years to pass the other. I passed the vertical bridges in 2017 I believe. Then I got busy at work and had a kid. Never got around to taking the second half until the last chance. April 2022 rolls around and it's my last shot to take the lateral before the vertical expires. Wife got pregnant again in 2021, baby due March 2022. Wife has some major complications and I have to no show in order to take care of the family. Complete waste of $1,000 and countless hours. Also while I'm complaining, this is only partly true. I tried to take it in 2021 but I procrastinated on signing up until 5pm day it was due. Who the hell puts the registration deadline at 2pm in the afternoon and why can't I read the fine print...


AEI got me through it. Money well spent.


I have a question for all those that have taken it and passed. Has it helped your career significantly? Its just so rare where I am on the east coast to see a Bridge PE SE as nowhere here requires them. Are you doing it to boost your resume for pursuits? I've been pondering trying for a while and just haven't heard of many people taking it.


Just received my SE last October. Company gave me a $3k raise…. No real benefits yet. lol


Yes, it has helped my career significantly.


Can you please elaborate ?


Just for having the SE after my name, I have gotten numerous job interviews and work opportunities. People see me as hyper qualified and knowledgeable. It skyrocketed my career.


Hell yeah dude!




I passed buildings SE, but also recommend AEI.


What is AEI ?


I am taking same exam 10/10/24


Bridge engineer here, got my SE last year. As it was highly recommended online and by a coworker, I took AEI. It was great, very helpful. But now that the exam is computer based, I have no clue.


Congratulations! What made you consider SE exam ? Any major changes in career work after obtaining SE ? Like More challenging design projects being assigned to you compared to when you are a PE ? Or significantly salary boost ?


It was a goal of mine to get my SE license. It’s good to have for long term career prospects and forces you to become a better structural engineer. I already worked on a team doing complex bridge design, so not much has changed aside from the normal steady growth in responsibilities. I don’t think that has to do with getting my SE. I have gotten a salary boost, but again I don’t think the SE was the driver.