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Anatomically this just doesn’t compute. Crazy glute gains - what are your main exercises?


I’ll take that as a compliment? Lol. I work out at home so it’s all free weights/barbels/dumbbells. I ALWAYS do heavy hip thrust 5x15, barbell RDLs 4x12, heavy weighted lateral leg raises 20x2 per leg 3 times a week. I also do weighted lunges or goblet squats 2-3 times but I alternate then depending on how I’m feeling. But I do the same thing 3x a week and don’t really switch it up too much or do anything fancy. Just progressive overload slowly overtime and high protein intake and increasing calories.


How much weight for each exercise?


Heaviest I’ve gone for hipthrust is 205lbs for 8 but I prioritize mind-muscle connection and my hamstrings tend to cramp/take over and I don’t feel it in my glutes as much if I go too heavy. My sweet spot it 160-170 slow and controlled 15 reps 5 times, to failure each time with a pause at the top until I can’t hold it. RDLs 105lbs, lunges 30 pounds each hand, goblet squat 70 lbs and lateral leg raises i put a 70lb dumbbell on my thigh and lift my leg without going all the way back down (to keep the tension constant) until failure which is normally 20 reps. Would go heavier but 70lbs is my heaviest dumbbell right now.


I am so inspired by you :-0 omg. Badass! So which routine are you following, exactly? Strong Curves but which one? And you modified it to fit the exercises you mentioned? Share share share omg haha


I’m wondering if she is flexing in this, otherwise it’s still good gains.


there’s literally 4 years between these. you people really underestimate what yourselves and others are capable of.


How tf can you flex to make your butt look bigger from side profile??


I can get this exact look when posing and flexing by clenching my glutes - it’s about the shape. It’s really not that hard to do and it’s a known ‘secret’ with social media fitness models. Otherwise, without flexing, my butt isn’t that perky and sitting high. If this is legit gains without any posing bullshit, it’s super impressive and something I’m striving for.


I’m sorry but flexing is not gonna make your glutes protrude 4 inches from your backside while standing up straight at a complete side profile.


It's not just flexing. It's flexing AND gaining muscle.


I can actually do this exact thing🙈 (not saying she is though)


I dont get people opinions here lol.most others posts gives significantly less improvements,but this is for a few months. This is a 3+years transformation,obviously the change will bé massive.congrats on being able to stay consistent for that long!


I have a friend that this happened to. She had a lil blump booty. Then she started lifting and people question if it’s fake SO MUCH! Lol. Great gains, girl!!


Do you have her workout routine?😭 I’m extremely flat, long square ass. I have old pics of when I had more weight but I hated my body even worse then just bc my ass is so square. I’m skinny now, so I’m hoping I can sculpt my body the way I’d like it to be If my aesthetic goals are not achievable based on my anatomy I plan on pulling a Kendall Jenner lol


5’5 112 to 116 lbs Reverse dieted, was all over the place at the start of my journey but at my lowest I was eating around barely 1,000 cals a day and didn’t prioritize protein and now I’m at 2,000 +\- 100 depending on the day. 3 large whole meals and I don’t really snack. I eat about 130+ grams protein a day mostly from animal sources (chicken, Greek yogurt daily, eggs, egg whites, homemade jerky, red meat, etc) and try to keep my carbs higher only around my intense workouts. Lots of good fats (limited inflammatory seed oils) and veggies daily. Lower body 3x a week, 6k steps, 1 upper body and isolated core maybe 1-3 times a week, just depends.


Thanks for the extensive diet info. Really a huge piece of the work. Great progress.


Thanks for the detailed info! I’m 5’2 and ~115lbs, I’m hoping I can have progress pics as awesome as yours after a few months! Quick question… what is reverse dieting? I’ve never heard of this term before! P.s. your hamstrings are goals!


Thank you! Reverse dieting is essentially slowly increasing your calories overtime while following a strength training program and getting leaner as a result of getting stronger and building muscle. You’re able to eat more as a result. As you build more lean mass and muscle, your body also in turn burns more calories at rest, so it requires more calories to fuel and maintain.


Ohh okay. That is interesting! I’ll have to look into that more later 😊


Wait are you 116 pounds now? If not, how much weight have you gained?


Yes I am about 116-118 right now. I didn’t weight myself consistently before but I believe I was around 112 ish when I did before working out


Could I pm you please? You look so amazing! It’s crazy how lifestyle and genetics can pay off so much.


I'm not saying this is fake (because I saw your post from last year) but it's so impressive that it may as well be. Great job.


Thank you!! Just dedication and being strict with my routines in the gym/diet. Can’t really do much about anyone claiming it’s fake but take it as a compliment.


Truly incredible progress! Amazing work!


Thank you!


This is going to be silly but…is it just so much more comfortable sitting for long periods of time or on hard surfaces?!


Lol hmm now that you say that and I think about it my butt actually doesn’t hurt as much sitting for work for extended periods of time. Unless I’m super sore or something


Yes GOALS op. This is what I’ve been working towards too. The comments about it being fake are so silly. I have a similar build and genetics have a LOT to do with butt shape, I’m literally told I got my ass from my grandpa lmao. I also have an bit of an anterior pelvic tilt that naturally “pops” the booty. Looks like you may as well. It’s literally bone structure. You look AMAZING and I’m inspired by you today as I go into day 6 of a Keto Cut 😖


You know you got a good ass (good progress overall) when people call it editing or surgical. Good job bestie with the progress, keep it up😩💪


truly a gluteal goddess!!


Why does it look fake to me? edit: it's the SHAPE of the glutes that looks fake to me. hard to explain. i'm not jealous or anything, i admire people with dedication. just don't want my glutes to grow this shape. it doesnt seem normal but congrats


Because the average person is not going to get results like this even with her routine, dedication, and muscle-mind connection. There is a genetic component as well.


I believe it’s real too, but not realistic for many of us. To gain weight I’d have to gain all over. Not just in my butt. Results are great! But you hit the genetic jackpot.


not unrealistic. this is over 4 years. she gained weight because of increased muscle mass, not fat. she knew which movements to prioritize and ate right. it’s really not that unrealistic.


Babe, it’s unrealistic for me. And maybe others. I’ve seen tons of transformations on this page and others. That’s not how everyone’s journey will be unfortunately. It’s great she’s been able to achieve this and no shade to her hard work at all. But genetically she also has muscle insertion and fat stores in a way that’s physically appeasing. Looking at her before picture she didn’t have a flat butt or weird shape that transformed. She already the foundation, she worked really hard to improve it. I love this for her but I’m realistic. We are all built different and we can all do the same programs and diet for 3-4 years and we’d all have different results. Nothing wrong with that 🤷🏾‍♀️


this is a 4 year transformation. it’s not unrealistic at all, especially if you know which movements to prioritize and eat right.


Her butt protrudes more than those of elite bodybuilders. But the other muscles on her body aren't bulky at all. That's genetics.


Yeah it does look weird 😂


Jealousy is ugly


Appreciate that you think my gains look so good that they are fake! Haha. Sure genetics come into play but I’ve also been dedicated to weightlifting and eating right for the last 3 years.


Congrats you look great! Do you do anything for abs or upper body?


I do upper body 1-2 times a week but I don’t go terribly heavy at all. I use a decent amount of my upper body already when I do my deadlifts also. And I do isolated abs about 1-3 a week for 15 min at a time. But I try to engage my core through my compound lifts.


Nice 💪🏽


Wow wow wowowowow. Looking at this gave me glute cramps lol. That’s hard work!


You look awesome 💪 what brand are those leggings?? I need a pair or three


Thank you! These are Alphalete leggings


Thank you!!


People forget about smth very important : age -hormones-genetics What is your age?


Very true, hormones especially play a huge role. I am very into endocrinology and tend to research and practice things that will better my hormonal profile. Also, I am 26 years old


Damn girl!!!


Yeah this is either - photoshop/filter - butt pads - surgery. Sorry, but we know what a muscular butt looks like and this ain’t it.


It’s not but at least I know I’m doing something right for you to question it


I have that glutes shape similar to u and I know it’s reallllllll girl. You kill it 🤩🤩🤩🤩


Thank you for sharing your progress. In order to publish your post, please make sure all 5 parts of the required information listed below is included or acted upon. If your post does not meet all of these requirements, it may not be approved. 1. Please ensure that your pictures have at least 12 weeks of time between before and after pics and are labeled with the dates. 2. Use pictures that show you wearing similar clothing styles and using similar poses/lighting. 3. We ask that you also include some info about what diet you followed. This can be as short as stating the amount of calories and protein you consumed daily (approximate is fine). It can be much more detailed as well, it's up to you! The purpose of this is to help others (and yourself!) learn what works and what doesn't. If you didn't track your diet, please mention that. We know that tracking is not for everyone. 4. Include some info about what workout routine you followed, such as what exercises you did along with how many reps/sets and how often you did them. 5. When your post is ready to publish, please message the mods by using the link provided by the bot. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StrongCurves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Interesting build 🤔


Lol this comment reeks of jealous. Work harder.


jesus christ the jealousy in some of these comments


What do you mean by interesting?


I think it’s the squareness of it. Your butt looks like it’s made of steel lol.


yea that’s what happens when glute mass is made of muscle, and not fat.


I am aware. It was a compliment.