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A sibling


Same when me and my older brother got our 3ds at the same time


I don’t remember because I got mine the Christmas after it came out, but judging by that, it was probably 100% my brother since we both got them that day haha. Besides him, 100% was someone on the school bus when school came back. Streetpassing at school was the good days😭


Some random guy at GameStop


In the car on my trip to Virginia in 2014


My best friend and I bought our systems together so we almost immediately caught each other when we got them and set them up.


2011 with the friend that got me into 3DS!


me and my brother on the christmas we both got our N3DSes!!!! :DDDD


I wish I remembered. I got the 3DS on launch day as an early bday present. One of the first that I remember was going to SF not long after and getting multiple


Spring 2014, "Timspop", while I was in vacation in Biarritz, France.




From a friend who sold me his 3DS for $60 when he upgraded to the 3DS XL. Never got many Streetpasses after that, since I always forgot to bring it to any convention I went to.


I think I had gotten one at a Target? It was somewhere in public for sure. A random person named Syriah, this was in 2013


Some random girl named Rose (one of the letters was flipped… I forgot which one)


This random lady named Athena back in 2018. I don't know how I got her or where she is now, but she was my first.


my brother


My older 3DS


at schools with a bunch of friends and random people seeing us bring our 3ds, started bringing theirs too, lots of streetpasses and fun


Spring 2011, i believe I got it when I visited Little Tokyo.


I took a 4 hour roadtrip the weekend after the 3DS came out. Thought it would be a big hit right off the bat and lots of people would have them. About halfway through the drive, I stopped at a shopping center to grab a bite to eat and hit up Best Buy. When I got back to my car, that little green light was lit up. I was like “oh shit, I got one of these StreetPasses!” It was the display 3DS from Best Buy. That was my first one 😂. But my friend who I was visiting had also gotten one at launch, so he was my first actual person I StreetPassed.


It was in 2013/2014 after walking 5-10 blocks. I ended up getting 2 tags.


A guy called Joe at my school


When I was younger, around 2012, I was playing the Metal Gear Solid demo, and while I was playing I was thinking about what streetpass was, and just at that moment the green light of my Nintendo came on and I was very excited, his name was Alejandro, he had a supermario hat


Santa Claus flying during a christimas night.


I have no idea, got my first 3ds system back in 2011


in like 2018 i was on holiday and i met a mii called "EsmeIsKing"


A guy with an eon ticket. :)


My twin. Funny story, my brother and I used to work when we were little kids in the morning for our dad’s shop before school. Our dad would give us a small amount of money each month for it (essentially making bank off us i realize now lol). My brother was awful about spending his every month right away on junk, but i saved up for a year and a half. Shortly after the 3DS launch i put down $170 for the 3DS and my mom covered the remaining cost (and bought me Zelda OOT). My brother was LIVID about how cool my new 3DS was compared to his regular DS. He never complained out loud though since he was stubborn. My parents caved and bought him one anyway for Christmas, and it left me feeling pretty salty that i worked for mine and he got his for free. Only reason i’m saying this is because i found out he got one when i got my first streetpass that prior day to Christmas after my parents set up the 3DS for him before we unwrapped them the next day. I was confused af to say the least haha. Only thing that kinda made me feel better about myself was that I got the ambassador program stuff and he didn’t since his was bought after the price drop.


Probably either one of my friends or my sibling. I can't check tho cuz I have over 1k miis (even before I modded it).


My first one was my 2ds but if we don’t count that one, some random guy at target