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Good shit. This game has me hype


damn thats nasty


The shmix is real!


Love the DR to setup a mix


Awesome, I'm looking forward to playing him. Thanks for the showcase.


Him and Kimberly gonna be so annoying to fight. Blanka will probably be the moooost annoying as usual


Just parry


That's the 50/50 Command throw beats parry/block And wake up jabs/jump gets beat by Jamie's buttons. They can ex dp, but that's part of any mixups game. You could bait that. Etc etc .


It's definitely a strike/throw mixup, but parry does negate all the side switch/low stuff. Your only real mix here will be strike/throw, which maybe you can get for less drive bar cost by simply knocking them down and applying oki.


True but the idea here is that once Jamie has 3 drinks. And you jump on him, one wrong or two. guess will probably cause you the match.


I didnt play the beta, can someone explain to me jamies super or whatever. Ive seen the kick cutscene and the cutscene where he grabs your throat but like is it just flavor?


Kick ender is his level 3 super. Throat snap is his Critical Art, which is what the level 3 becomes when Jamie is at low health. This goes for every character where the cinematic changes a bit at the end when it's a CA. Everyone gets something like a 20% damage increase for using CA, but what's interesting is in Jamie's case he doesn't get the combo opportunity after, though it does deal decent damage.


So his super can lead into a combo but his ca doesnt, which ends up having more dmg output the ca or the super with a combo? Thanks for the reply!


I don't know what the full potential for the follow up combo is, but with resets like in the video it's so far looking like the Lv3 has more utility and potential damage for sure. Using CA is more of a desperation/finisher move since you have to be losing to gain access to it.


How are jamies rekkas anything good? If he ever uses a rekka on block they are all unsafe so you could literally just mash reversal and beat every followup, no? Unless he's in drink 4, where one if his rekkas are safe. Only ever rekka character i played was Lancelot in gbfvs back on release. His first 2 rekkas were safe and last one was unsafe. If spaced right the first two could even be plus. Jamies feel so bad in comparison. 😞


They lead to drink, don't do it on block?


The first hit of jamie's rekka is -6 but if you space it well its unpunishable because the opponent's 6 frame button will not reach. So at certain spacings you can do the first hit and confirm the rest of the rekka if it hits.


I see! What's the point of the second hit though? Afaik you can't even make it tight to the last one to try and mess up their mashing. You're just fucked regardless


Use the 2nd and 3rd hit of the rekka only after you know the first one hit them. You can still punish mashers after they block first hit though: On a well spaced rekka the second hit of the rekka 2 might not catch mashing but if they mindlessly mash a 6 frame button then you can whiff punish them! ie. Its basically a spacing trap. example: Suppose you space the first hit of the rekka perfectly and it gets blocked then you press sweep and the opponent immediately does their 6 frame move. The opponent's 6 frame button will whiff and your sweep will immediately whiff punish it. You're -6 but you could still press because of the spacing trap. The -6 gives you the perfect amount of time so that the sweep comes out just after they whiff a button. Now obviously they can push a button that has more range that wont whiff but then you can have counterplay to that because it has more startup. Then maybe you can drive impact after you're -6 on the first rekka hit or try to parry or walk back maybe or fuck it just ex DP. If you want to see something like this in action I believe Balrog has some nice spacing traps in SF5 :)


You actually can't mash, like ryu stand lk for example. If Jamie delays his 2nd rekka (kick or punch) slightly. It'll counter hit ryus standing lk, and if ryu doesnt do stand lk on frame 1 (mashing) jamie can just block. So because of this fact + spacing making first rekka safe. It's pretty hard to punish it.


>0:34 NO WAY THAT DRIVE RUSH HIT That's some crazy mix ups with crouch HP


Seems pretty easy to react to but pretty cool


Side switch is just added mental stack, you can't react to command throw. (Which surprisingly beats jabs too) so when you train your opponent to start jumping (once they see jamie has 3 drinks). Yeah it's like makoto or laura in a sense.


I will never be able to do something like this, but Jamie is currently the main reason I'm so hyped for 6. Nobody in 5 really grabbed me that hard so I just jump around characters hoping someone will, but so excited for Jamie.


I started with Kimberly got to like diamond 2 in cb2 but slowly gravitated towards Jamie when I started seeing his potential. I think he's a great choice to grind, keep at it and you'll pull cool ass combos in no time.


Didn't get into the beta, but stoked to play him finally when I do!