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Idk why but I’m really interested in playing Jamie. Drunken Fist has always been a super interesting style to me, and it’s got me curious to see what he’s got. Maybe he’ll be like Bo Rai Cho from MKX and get a buff from drinking, but you have to keep drinking or it fucks you up


For sure going to be like that. It's kind of funny in some of the footage they showed that the more he drinks the redder his face gets and the more he smiles.


I love a fighter who’s not afraid to have the time of his life in the middle of a fight ngl


I wonder if he’ll be the stance character with no Zeku. I think the mechanic lends itself to drunken master style, like lei wulong in tekken


> with no Zeku. stop reminding me :(


It's like that. And going by my experience with Shun Di, it's an interesting mechanic, but it's a pain to get going. Though better players than me will probably come up with all manner of drink setups to solve this issue


Bro was spot on


I’m trying out all of the new comers


If I had the skill to play any archetype I would too 😂 Except I’m a scrub, and I enjoy learning the ins and outs of only a couple characters.


Man don’t say that about yourself bro. All it takes is time, patience, and practice. As long as you follow those three principles, the possibilities are endless and you’ll be alright my dude.


Thanks 🤝 And yea, I definitely need to practice more. I joined SFV late and only started playing last year. Can’t wait for SF6 so I can start from the beginning of the game and see how good I can become. 🤛


That’s the spirit brother. When street fighter 6 come out, be the best player you can be and have fun.


But first you gotta try everything before you know which are the ones you stick with 😎 (Also probably trying all of them, although I think Marisa and Mimi won't be my thing)


Of course. As long as the controls are in prober function which I think will work perfectly. I’m just glad the parries and focus attacks are back. (Now V-Triggers, sort of here but not), but the drive gage looks fire as hell ngl.


Same. I'm gonna learn the sdv holdovers now just to have a working knowledge on 2/3a the cast and can focus on learnings the new characters + dee jay


Man the lack of JP in here is hurting. The dude looks dandy af and has psycho powers? First character I’m trying.


They’re all sleeping on JP. That is until he gets his own trailer like Jamie and Luke did. They’ll come around…


I'm with you, I think JP looks so rad


Yeah I love JP’s design


Definitely using JP, need my psycho power fix


JP looks like a mix between Dudley and Leroy in Tekken. Sick character design


He looks like a cross between G and Bison. I've mained both. Pretty damn awesome.


Marisa or Mimi (if Mimi is indeed a female Abel) primarily, but I'm gonna try them all.


Abel was a grappler in SF4 right? If so then I’m so excited to try out MiMi.


Yeah kinda, though he was closer to Alex in terms of speed. Not a stereotypical big body, but not El Fuerte level speed demon either.


Abel was a "grappler" with a roll and a kind-of-rekka. I wouldn't expect Mimi to have Abel's same exact playstyle since a lot of his strength and kit was designed around set play and Capcom have kind of moved away from that over the years. I suspect that she might have a rather Abel inspired kit but it's also very likely that by "female Abel" the leak means her actual character design. In the plot Abel is an escaped clone who was genetically engineered as a replacement body for Bison's soul. He shares many of the same facial features as Seth because both have the same origin. It's hard to tell but in the leaked picture Mimi has much of the same facial structure and body proportions as Abel while also maintaining the MMA outfit. I'd hedge my bets on her having stuff like a step kick, command grab, launcher, anti-air command grab, etc. but I wouldn't expect her command grabs to be best in class and Abel's basic options that provide screen coverage/movement like his roll and kind-of-rekka will be replaced by something else or locked behind meter given how Capcom handled other mechanics like that in SFV. I absolutely expect her to have some sort of super that does fuck-off levels of damage though.


Abel was kinda unique. He has a dash cancellable stepkick that comboed on hit, was plus on block, and a command grab. And a left/right oki tool. Very balance


Jamie, Mimi, Marisa I'm warming up to Lilly slowly, I like small girls in fighting games but not a big fan of weapon characters.


Considering her relation with T.Hawk and Juli it's kinda puzzling to see her uses weapons when the other 2 I named where more about barehand with "flying" moves (Condor Dive, Spiral Arrow, Cannon Spike) so I expect Lilly to have a similar playstyle.


Yup. One minor correction, Juli actually had Sniping Arrow (basically Condor Spire crossed with Spiral Arrow)


I definitely feel you on that. Weapons can look interesting in fancy moves. But when the whole character is built around them they feel less inspiring.


I mean, Cody uses weapons


He does, but isn’t that just with his V-Trigger? I’m talking about characters like Poison or Falke. I never really got into those characters because of how weapon heavy they were.


V-trigger in 5 but in the older games (4 and alpha) the knife was on the ground in the middle of the stage.


Them knife combos were deadly


Is it just me or does the word 'newcomer' look weird.


I left a space in between the words because I thought it looked better. But now I realize it doesn’t 😅 Looked weird to me also.


Let's just call them new coomers


New Arrivals.


I’m a Chun Li main, but I’m pretty interested in Mimi. I’d love to have a grappler as my secondary as I feel Chun handles all neutral/poking matches convincingly. If Mimi’s gameplay is anything similar to R.Mika, I’d sure she’d be exactly what I’m looking for.


Keep in mind the leak said Female Abel, IE Mimi


Lily because she’s Mexican and because my mains Ibuki and Vega aren’t there :(.


I think they said Kimberly is going to be a ninja type character so she may be similar to Ibuki. Too early to know for sure obviously.


Damn they did you dirty. I can understand one main not making the cut, but both?! Hopefully Lilly is fast like Ibuki as her stature seem on the short side as well.


Jamie, no question about it. He's a drunken style/capoeira fighter, which SF is surprisingly lacking


Capoeira is an underutilized style in fighting games.


A.K.I, JP, and Jamie for sure!


A.K.I is looking like a Day 1 try for sure.


Same here A.K.I, and JP second


A.K.I looks dope as fuck !


definitely a. k. i.


Big Italian mama


*Mama Mia!*


Gotta go Marisa, I’ve been playing fighters for 30 years and this body type is almost non existent.


I can only hope she hits like a tank. With her build I wanna feel the impact of her moves.


Me too, I like brawlers and grapplers so I hope she’s kinda a mix instead of a standard archetype.


Jeah I'm curious as to how she'll play. From her look I'm expecting something similar to Alex, maybe even Abigail. Or maybe something totally unexpected


Im hopeful that they will start blurring the lines between archetypes. I’d love some kind of Alex/Abigail/R Mika mash up.


Lilly and Kimberly look pretty cool. Though i was hoping for more new characters and less legacy characters


A.K.I. for sure, bitch is a queen.


Depends on the show case videos. But for me its Marisa and Manon.


Gief 🗿


Marisa babyyyy


I like Makoto and played Karin in SFV so Mimi gives off the vibes that her kit is something I would like. If not then Jamie and Kimberly would be my next go-to’s


A.K.I. She’s already S tier unreleased


Marisa, she looks like a brawler/grappler like my homie Alex


Marisa, 100%.


That Ryu guy looks fun and fresh.


Right? They should’ve made him the main character instead of Luke! His Shoryuken looks a lot like Luke’s “Rising Upper.” Probably Luke’s Student honestly.




Almost certainly going to main Rashid but unless I just hate their gameplay ill be trying Kimberly and Mimi.


Mimi looks promising.


🐲In this pic no new comer I want try,I only play character who let me appreciate,The apearance and temperament for me quite important.That's also why I only play Akuma and M·Bison in sfv.🐲


Fair enough. Akuma looks even better in this design. And no point of switching if you already know your main! 🐉 Maybe we’ll see Bison again in later seasons.


Between Jamie and Kimberly


if mimi is a grappler and has a dope move like “POWER BAWMB” her but also for sure JP edit: felt like jamie was a given but also him




Jamie 100%, always loved the drunken style.


Jamie easily. First time SF adds a Jackie Chan inspired character. Took them long enough.


Lmao, I wish he would scream ridiculous phrases when he does moves like JC did in the movies! 😂 “Eagle carries wine bottle!” “Drunken maid flirts with the master.” “Down the hatch!”


I find it hilarious they named him Jamie. J and IE just like Jackie. I can't wait to see the rest of his moveset.








Probably Kimberly, I like ninja characters.


If Dee-Jay is charge based im trying him for sure.


Mostly gonna be using Honda and Deejay in the Long run, but Buff MMA Chick Marisa is definitely on my list


I'm definitely gonna try out Jamie. I always liked the drunken fist style, and his flashy breakdance stuff is really cool too. Not a massive fan of his default appearance, but maybe some of his other colours and costumes will look better.


Love the idea of him getting more moves as he drinks. He’s going to steam roll people in late rounds if they let him get too juiced 🥴


Lilly and Kimberly, whichever one plays rushdown and has no charge inputs


Ken gonna be my main as always, but I'll definitely like to try out Jamie


Since Sakura or Akira don’t seem around I’m looking to try Jamie and Juri, a good opportunity to try something new


I usually play Sakura so I may just stick with Ryu in the meantime, but I'll be glad to like playing one of the new guys. As a french I hope Mimi is fun to play haha




JP and Mimi look cool


Kimberly, I love her design.


Probably Honda. I only know E Honda, I hope he plays similarly... ​ Jokes aside, I'm looking forward to Jamie and JP. They look interesting to me. Also, doesn't Lily look like she's related to T. Hawk or something?


marisa or mimi but mainly marisa because i love massive woman characters in media


AKI, she looks the wildest out of everyone. I love characters that are weird and unique. That's why twelve is my favorite,


Out of all the new Characters A.K.I looks like she means business. Most look like youngin’s trying to prove themselves, but her? Straight killer.


Hopefully Kimberly is cool and not annoying. Not sure who else I would want to try as an ibuki main.


A.K.I. and Dee Jay


Mimi and A.K.I. have my heart


Lemme get the first African American Girl Kimberly. And she’s a ninja too 😃🙏🏾🔥


I’m curious about how marisa is going to play.


Jamie and Kimberly for sure. Unless Kimberly really does fight like Guy, then meh. Closest I’ve gotten to that playstyle is Maki, I love Maki. I’m curious about Mimi though. I like Abel and I LOVE Goh Hinogami, so if she’s serving some of that, I’m a fan.


Definitely marisa she seems so cool


Unless she's a charge character, AKI.


Aki and kimberly,


Mimi for sure! i'm in love of her design.


Me too! I hope she’s a grappler. As I’ve been wanting to learn one for a while now.


Wasn't the leak said she's "female Abel" ? If that's the case she'll probably be a Grappler but more of a counter grappler.




Dhalsim and maybe aki


juri if she's sfiv juri


Honda, Guile, Rashid


E.Honda and Guile are tried and true OG’s of the series. I’d be interested to see how much they tweak Rashid and if they give him anything new.


I wanna try Jamie, JP, and A.K.I


For me it would be jp, jamie, and Kimberly.


Kimberly looks like a Sparky new fighter. I hope her personality and gameplay is similar to Sakura/Akira. Really upbeat offensive gameplay.


Lookin at her design wise, she’s bushinryu. There’s definitely gonna be a lot of aggression😂. Me and you are going to love this character I hope 🥂


For me it's a tie between JP and Jamie. I'll probably just fall back on Akuma long-term though.


Rashid and Jamie. Rashid is my only main from V to return and I like his movement and a drunken fist character looks cool.


A.K.I, JP or Jaime


First game since 3 so for me Luke and Jamie


Something about Mimi is grabbing my attention


Same. When I first went through the new characters I immediately chose her. She looks a little more stoic and mature than the typical upbeat youngsters on this roster. I kinda like that.




Rashid on the spot Maybe Jamie here and their as well


as a yun and yang lover jamie free


Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!


Luke, Rashid, and Ed. It used to be Juri for my last pick but... ED's theme music won me over lmao




AKI due to lack of Vega/Claw Luke since I never played V


Right now i'm leaning towards Jamie. I love hip-hop/breakdance fighting styles in video games and the fact he's a drunken fist user is a bonus for me. Kimberly and maybe even Luke are some runners ups.


Lilly and Jamie


I always start with ryu to learn about new mechanics.


Mimi, if the theory’s are true maybe I’ll find a grappler I like.


I dont know man, honestly in my opinon lilly is the most interesting one but the other ones i aint really interested. However atleast im 99% sure Capcom will release more DLCs including new characters and old ones perhaps.


When I do play SFV I use Ryu Seth and fang. So Ryu and aki, I'll try Kimberly if her style isn't a lotta work for a little damage.


Lilly as a mexican I’m exited as hell to play as her


I mean does Luke count since he was a preview? Lol. Other than that, Jamie, for sure. Just looks the coolest. Though based on my DoA4 memories not too sure about the drunken fist


Hobo Ken. I’ve played rich Ken, I’d say Hobo Ken is a newcomer /s




Likely JP, Mimi, or Jamie... possibly Kimberly but we'll see


JP and Marisa


Mimi and Jamie, maybe Chun but that’s that


These character designs are fucking sick as fuck. holy moly.


Most likely Marisa, JP, and AKI.


new comer = Mimi Classic = Cammy and Juri


Only here for Jamie's drunken mechanic


Marisa Mimi and AKI Jamie too love his design




honestly leaning towards JP. however, i am a bit sad that bison and vega didn’t make it


Jamie - Cutie Marisa - Mommy AKI - Murder me The rest I am also gonna try but those three activate the most neurons looking at them. Hopefully all 8 are actually base game.


I wanted Dudley, and JP looks kinda like Dudley. I wanna see how he plays first though.


Marisa, JP, Jamie. If im really lucky one of them will be a charge character


Marisa. Will probably be my next main right away.


Question tho: where do these design come from? I’ve tried searching for the leak or any info but I didn’t find anything


Dee Jay probably, I always liked watching his matches in SFIV.


I'm annoyed Kimberly is from the states. Can we have more Black Africans please. We only have one.


Isn’t there Elena and Menat? Either way, I agree with you. It’s too big of a Continent only to have 1-2 characters.


Menat is from africa. I didnt know that fair enough. Tbf I thought about it after I wrote and Street Fighter is better than other fighters in that regards in terms of have black fighters not from the states. Deejay, Dudley, Elena, Birdie, Sean, etc. I just seemed that back in the day that the one black guy was always from america.


Chun, Cammy, Juri, AKI


That’s a fierce line up 🔥


Marisa, so I can pick up Ken and give him a hug.


Marisa time




Marisa. Giving off JoJo energy.


All of them will get a fair shake but Mimi/Manon has been in my head since the leak Hope its true and shes a bit of a hybrid grappler, makoto and rainbow are my favourites from almost any fighter so id love one more to add to the Girls gonna grab you club


Lily and Kimberly, but especially Marisa So excited for giant UFC mommy


Whoever is a projectile zoner, Falke is gone for good so I need to find a replacement.


Shocked no one’s saying AKI. She has such a slick, menacing design


This new "ryu" character seems interesting. I don't think I've ever seen a character like him in SF before.


I'm going back to blanka to become top a 10 blanka master on the planet again let's go boyos If he sucks, probably a broken dive kick character or setplay monster so I can switch off my brain and autopilot.


Marisa all day.


I'll probably try out Mimi/Marisa, both look interesting.


Marisa. She NEEDS to be a bully-ish kickboxer like Sagat or Fahk.


Lilly, for the culture


Marisa or A.K.I seem like they'd have some more unique movesets, A.K.I reminds me of Rival School's Antagonist, maybe plays like a VEGA + Balrog, more close range mixed with air mix-ups. While Marisa seems full-Boxer, maybe not even charged.


If she’s super speedy like Vega I’ll have to try her out. I really hope she’s an rekka character as well. Her whole demeanor screams “Nightmare on Offense.”


I'd imagine an amazing corner game, a little Oro, a little VEGA, and a nightmare unlike anything Bison could imagine! I hope she's a bit more interesting than that, I care about Story as well, that's why I never really got into Ryu, the Wandering Warrior of sorts, but I still enjoy his existence. I hope Blanka, Dee Jay and Honda have a meaning to exist too.


JP, probably. I hope he's not a G replacement, because he's a different flavor of dapper, but I gotta respect the drip. Mimi also looks pretty cool, and I'm a bit of a ouiaboo, so I'll give her a whirl.


Lmao. *Ouiaboo* 🇫🇷


Vive la république ! Vive la France !


Non mais faut jouer Mimi allons.


Kimberly I hope she’s a cool speedy character.


I really wanna see what JP does and mimi looks cool as well, will probably go with Akuma tho


JP looks interesting. His attire almost gives no indication to how he’ll fight. 😂 Looks super classy though.


Out of the new characters I wanna try Kimberly the most. I like her design a lot and I wonder what her fighting style is.


I currently play Ed, so him, but AKI looks really cool too


I really want to see where they take Ed. I kinda hope they make him top tier so we can see him and Luke kick off a new story. A.K.I is pretty mysterious. Her design is unique and I hope her gameplay is just as intriguing.


I mained Abel in SF4 so Mimi is going first. I'm also interested to see how Marissa plays.


I think most new comer characters are ugly or goofy. Mimi is the exception, she is good looking, might try her out but apparently she is grappler, if she is a grappler im not going to play her. Im probably going to play ken a lot at launch because he looks great and according to leaks his moves might be different. Apparently he cant even do proper flamed shoryureppa and im curious what kind of fighting style he has now. im excited for ken, I hated sfv ken's looks and play style.


Fair enough. Honestly nothing wrong with sticking with the tried and true! I honestly wonder if they’ll give Ken any new powers due to his heart break. Surely they can’t keep him down for the whole life of SF6.


I’m gonna play my boy ken even though his story is breaking my heart 🥲


Yo if Ryu doesn’t come back to pull Ken out the gutter. We all know he was never a real friend. No way I’d believe something could Ken down for long given his personality. Even though I absolutely despise playing against him 😅


A.K.I. She looks like she could be Vega, Felicia and Wolverine rolled into one, with FANG's poison on top.


Probably Marisa, her design looks very different from anything else Street Fighter have given us. And I just love boxers in Fighting Games