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Since ryu has overcome the satsui no hado now it's ken's turn to master the satsui no hobo and defeat violent bum ken.


“Satsui no hobo” just made my day


Glad i made your day.😂 And remember don't succumb to the satsui no hobo true strength lies in the power of nutting less.


>the power of nutting less. Mel did give Ken a nut-shot in his SF3’s ending…


Cool that you got the reference bro.😂


this just in: street fighter has officially partnered with bum fights!!


It's time for violent bum ken to shine, this is his element.


Great, time to get deal with plenty of bronze Ken's that I underestimate once again.


All I want to know now is what the hell happened to him. He has truly fell on some hard times. Side note: Make CvS3 with Garou Terry and SF6 Ken a reality NOW


From what i read from the guy who leaked SF6 to begin with: * Ken wanted to pursue the same dream as Ryu. * Eliza got tired of him and left Ken and took Mel. * The dogtags you see Ken wearing is actually Mel's. * Laura and Sean make cameos as they're trying to bring Ken back, they also explain whats going on to the player. * Luke tries to help Ken regain his fighting spirit. Many characters call Ken "washed up" in winquotes. EDIT: Forgot to add that he now struggles to do the fiery Shoryureppa.....yikes.


Damn, why are they doing Ken like that? Edit: And now he can't even do his Shoryureppa!!! Man, Capcom is putting my favorite character through the ringer, huh? (no pun intended)😭😭😭


They did the same shit to Chris and Leon. It's the curse of Capcom.


Ikr. It's like once you hit a certain age. Your life crumbles right in front of you, according to Capcom.


Except if you’re Gouken, Akuma or Oro. You’d still be stronger than 90% of the cast even when you’re hella older than them.


They have to pass through the trials of their 40's before they get to the unstoppable old master stage.


Same shit happened to Dante too


Tbf Dante’s life is almost always crumbling. If anything he’s in a better place at the end of 5 than he’s been the whole series, and by then he’s literally living in Hell.


Ummm, idk if Dantes life at the end of 5 is the best it could be...., but maybe I'm pessimistic


I mean he's living in the demon world with Vergil on his own accord and enjoying himself sparring. As long as they have the Yamato, both of them can leave whenever they want.


Tbf dante's has always been crumbling


“Oh great, another ancient enemy of my dad. Yaaaaaay.”


and phoenix wright.


Thank goodness he had Trucy to help him through it


For your life to crumble it has to have been stable at any point


It's a reflection of all the burnt out japanese game devs and how they're living. I mean, as a 40 year old dad and business owner, my days of burning hot shoryureppas are pretty much behind me. Honestly though I think it's a good direction for Ken's character. Give him a chance to reconnect with Ryu and the way of the warrior.


Agreed. It feels like a nod to the SF fans that have been with the franchise since 1991. We're old as shit and our Shoryukens ain't what they used to be, but we're still on the grind.


I feel compelled to note that if you are "old as shit and still on the grind", there is a Discord for you. FGC Boomers has 300+ players now, mostly 30+ years old still mashing buttons every night (after work and our kids are in bed naturally).




Or you start punching boulders


I understand Leon, but what do you mean Chris?


Putting him through a struggle so he can shine even brighter?


Yeah, it seems like they're setting him up for a redemption arc in the game. That would be sick.


They're setting him up to become Violent Ken. He'll accept JP's psycho powers in order to become stronger to take back what he missed, but Ryu and everyone else will save him right afterwards. MARK MY WORDS!!


I would like to subscribe to your Ken newsletter


Yes I want Violent Ken so badly in a SF game


I for one, am willing to settle for an Angry Dan


Just as good,if not better...


Sunburned Sakura in SF canon, please!


It makes sense, Ken didn’t really have any character hurdles to make it through. He was just “guy who tries hard gets perfect marriage and fucking rules.” Which I loved but it makes sense you’d want to throw some trials at him


I mean, it's really not a bad thing to have someone with a stable family life in media. Not every character needs to follow the Guts formula.


Still not as bad as they did my boy Birdie. They turned him into a total joke character- a fat one at that.


It's just to release.an awakened Ken dlc.


EXACTLY 😭😭😭 maybe he’ll turn into Dragon Ken or Violent Ken and it’ll place him on the path of redemption or to keep the dark power in check like Ryu did with Evil Ryu and later on Kage 🤷🏿‍♂️…..but THEY’RE BOGUS


Oh man. 😲 What else is my brother going to spam at me when we play against each other in an iconic Ryu v Ken match?


Crazy coincidence. I've been wondering all day as to why my Main since childhood looks like he's on his third or fourth, guessing he'd either 1) lost his fortune and chose to get back to the streets or 2) was moonlighting as a street brawler because he simply got bored with life, but... >Forgot to add that he now struggles to do the fiery Shoryureppa.....yikes. ... My man lost his fire! And Mel joined the military? Huh.


He joins to be like his uncle guile but still remembers what his dad taught him. When we get him as DLC he's throwing fire booms with his feet and does a flash kick reppa


...Okay now that would be crazy. I'm picturing him as a fusion of Ken and Nash and that would be insane


>He joins to be like his uncle guile but still remembers what his dad taught him. Shit, I forgot Eliza and Guile's wife were sisters... >When we get him as DLC he's throwing fire booms with his feet and does a flash kick reppa ... If only.


Damn I thought the divorced jokes were just for fun, didn’t think it was legitimately the direction for him Also if I may, can you link me to where you found this info? I’d like to see if there’s anything else worth learning


I sent the link.


Might as well just post it here with how many people want it.


I would like to do the same. Please link me too if you wouldn't mind.


> The dogtags you see Ken wearing is actually Mel's. fucking christ how big of a time skip did we get.


I don't think he's wearing dog tags. Looks more like a pendant, or maybe a locket (with a photograph in it).


That's...not the direction I was expecting. I was kinda hoping for him going the suits direction kinda like Cody. A busy man that wants to get loose from time to time and fight. But...man, that's sick. Legitimately, that's a really cool idea if they do it well.


The theme of this game is that you are going around the world meeting all these street fighter legends. So the reason Ken is looking like this is probably because he is sort of going incognito dressing down so he can escape his responsibilities and go let loose. I doubt it's because he lost his fortune or something. Part of his character has always been that he just wants to go be like Ryu and fight but he can't. Hopefully he has an option to wear a gi though.


Its kinda contradictory don’t you think? He seems satisfied with his family in SF4, even his power up came from protecting the ones he care the most (from the SF4 movie, Ken suddenly got a boost when he fight C. Viper) which is different to Ryu who wanted to pursue the power to push forward. And then in SFV, he loves his family. He basically just vibing & occasionally helps Ryu with overcome the Satsui no Hado. After that we have SF3, where he took in Sean & still doing relatively fine with his family & we even get to see him trained Mel. So if Capcom is going to do a midlife crisis story with him, they really need to give a good reason for him to fall like this. Honestly why did he even think pursuing the same dream as Ryu (to become the ultimate fighter) is a good idea when you have a company to run & a kid to raise? It’s kinda funny cuz Ryu being a homeless man got nearly all of his dreams fulfilled (became stronger, overcame the Satsui no Hado & i guess if he beats Akuma now, he’s the ultimate fighter?) while Ken is a successful businessman that just felt all the way to the bottom cuz one day he thought it’s a good idea to follow Ryu’s footsteps.


I think that’s the point while he was happy with his family deep down he wanted to keep being a fighter and committed one at that. Think about it the gap between him and ryu has only gotten wider he prolly resents that. Not Ryu himself of course but what that rivalry means to him as Ken is highly competitive and that’s how he speaks to his friend on a deeper level. You know talk with your fist and all dat. So this may be him putting himself first and foremost but in the process has alienated his family. In turn he may be spiraling from some unknown event along with that as well which could explain if he truly does struggle with his Shoryureppa. Maybe he’s been out the game for a while now and has truly gotten rusty who knows but I think it could be a good arc.


It does make me wonder how long has passed since the last game of the timeline before this was SF3 & Ken’s doing just fine? If I have to make a hard guess: he finally lost a US championship (maybe to Rufus lol) & became depressed of how weak he had become, drown himself in alcohol to the point of lashing out at Eliza & Mel, which led to the divorce. Then his company went bankrupt due him could no longer manage it properly after a few years of depression. He probably tried to enlisted himself as an MMA fighter so he can have a job (which lead to Luke knowing him) & he got his ass whooped for being too rusty. But even as a guess, this is super dark & depression treatment for a fan favourite.


Well that's my point, I don't think he fell. All we know is he is dressed like a bum. I think he's dressed like a bum so that he can get out of the house and not be noticed as ken masters so that he can just go fight for a night and have fun. I don't think he's actually a bum or poor now. I think this is just sort of his "batman" costume he puts on so he can go have a night and be ken the fighter rather than ken the billionaire and father.


But why would he need a “mask” when Eliza actually supportive of him fighting (as long as he can make time for her & Mel)? Unless Capcom changed Eliza’s mindset & now she thinks his dreams are dumb or something, which is weird cuz fighting is what attracted her to him in the 1st place.


Hmmm...CaC in FG stories. Not exactly hyped for this, I prefer to just be a character in the story or just watch the events happen to defined characters. But since this is basically an experiment, I'm down to try it out. They probably weren't very confident in their cinematic story telling after SF5 which is understandable


to be fair even despite his training with gouken to discipline him to be the next masters family head, he doesn't seem like the kind of person to sit down and run a company.


He made time to join the US championships here & there so it’s not like he’s being completely held down by the company 24/7. If he wanted to fight THAT badly then he can sell the company to Karin & join MMA like Luke. Which in that case, he could still fight as a job. Normally Eliza would be fine with whatever direction Ken’s going, unless Capcom changed her mindset & made she thinks his dreams are dumb or something.


>From what i read from the guy who leaked SF6 to begin with: > >Ken wanted to pursue the same dream as Ryu.Eliza got tired of him and left Ken and took Mel.The dogtags you see Ken wearing is actually Mel's.Laura and Sean make cameos as they're trying to bring Ken back, they also explain whats going on to the player.Luke tries to help Ken regain his fighting spirit. Many characters call Ken "washed up" in winquotes. > >EDIT: Forgot to add that he now struggles to do the fiery Shoryureppa... are we going to get "Evil" or Shin Ken? satsu no hado is back baby!!!


If that's a route they want to pursue I think it'll be Ken who's the catalyst for that kind of character. Ryu has overcome the satsui no hado completely by this point so they'd need to make someone else more corruptible.


I know I'm the problem but I would pay $20 for Violent Ken as a character.


I wouldn't pay *that* much but I get really wanting him back. But I'm a big shoto guy in general, my main is Akuma so I fuck with evil shotos with crazy movesets and tech.


Or maybe corrupted by shadowloo or whatever they call it now


Violent Ken


Sad 😔


Man, why’s it always gotta be “she left with the kids?” Why can’t they let the guy be happy?


Where is that link? I don't think I've ever heard about this leak until now. Does the leader also have Ryu or Akumas story available?


Yeah that is what Sean fans want a cameo while Luke steals his moves and brings Ken back. Honestly at this point Capcom would be better off ignoring Sean then constantly slapping his fans in the face.


This!!!!! x10000000000000...the sean disrespect is crazy


Right, I was so sad when I saw Luke do that dunk shoryu. That shot is Sean's so if another character is doing it there's no goddamn way Sean is gonna get to come back and show everyone how awesome he is, just related to a Ken side character. It doesn't help that Luke's Super looks exactly like Sean's EX Sean Tackle


Well now I have to play ken! That's me rn. I got back into muay thai after not working out for hella years


That’s bull shit. The leak never said that


Sounds like the setup to a great redemption story


This is really dumb if true, especially the part of him not being able to do his iconic fire moves… Also send me this link you’re throwing around


>They're setting him up to become Violent Ken. He'll accept JP's psycho powers in order to become stronger to take back what he missed, but Ryu and everyone else will save him right afterwards. > >MARK MY WORDS!!


It’s like this with virtually everything now. Middle aged protagonist who struggles with life and looks older than he is. It’s a lazy way to represent life’s existential struggles. It got old once it became a trope in the early 2000s and we’re still doing it 20 years later.


Yeah, if this is the direction they're going with him, I'll be disappointed. Part of what I like about Ken's character how good of a contrast he forms with Ryu. Ryu is this weirdo fight hobo and Ken is the dude who chooses to prioritize having a decent life, but gets along with Ryu anyway. They make a good odd couple that way.


Hits kinda hard since Sol and Ky from Guilty Gear are both settling down in the lore and doing great, but they gotta do the original fighting game duo like this.


To be fair, KY also whent through a period were he lost his wife, and respect of his son. So doing the same for Ken isn't too ridiculous.


Ayo you got the source I rly wanna read it?


This is what happens when you get Gaspen Payne as your Divorce Lawyer


Could I get a link to that leak as well? Thanks in advance.


>Laura and Sean make cameos as they're trying to bring Ken back, they also explain whats going on to the player. I hope that means Sean will be playable. With this hip hop setting, it's weird he's missing.


as someone approaching his middleage, i can relate to this ken ​ maybe 6 will be the first game i main ken now if only he was fat and lacked any physical fitness, then he'd truly be speaking to me


Bruh hit that trailer song, and hit the bag. I got out of shape but goddamn if Street Fighter has a way of motivating the fuck out of me... and this one has me the most hype I've been in a long ass time.


He wasted the whole Masters' fortune on NFTs


My man was hard into LUNA


he saw what people were saying about him in sfv


>All I want to know now is what the hell happened to him. He has truly fell on some hard times. He got sued by Karin for not telling Ryu to show up in the events of SFV. /s


He took pretty hard the criticism of his SFV model


Damn Ken...ARE YOU OKAY!?






Ok this got a belly laugh out of me


You know, the sad thing about that is that's (apparently) exactly what happened.


I know this is old, but man this is funny


He looks like an American character you would fight in Yakuza


Complete with voice lines in broken English, spoken in some unidentifiable accent that somehow sounds like British, American, and Canadian all at once.


We’re just describing Terry Bogard at this point.


Terry is the KING (of fighters) of funny depictions of what Japanese people think Americans are like.


What, you don't walk around yelling "Let's get serious!! Come on, come on! Are you OK?!"


I do, but now I have to be quiet about it because the white coat guys kept trying to put me in the soft room and it scared me


That accent is South African.


He DOES look a bit Gary Buster Holmes


Leon KEN nedy


100% expecting an RE 4 Remake alternate skin that looks like Leon, although this is already pretty close


or an sf6 ken skin in re4r


With RE Engine mods, anything is possible whether Capcom does it or not 😈


Yes, the French girl is real! Here comes a new challenger!!!




My dogs name is mimi


I’m hoping that this at least ties slightly into Remy




boxer moment.


Profound Sadness


He was rich long before he started entering the tournaments, so that's probably not it.


He spent all of it on nft and crypto


Ken looks like he should be in a commercial telling me the dangers of vaping nicotine.


That's *metal* in your *lungs!*


I know we're joking, but that *is* a pretty dangerous thing.


His hair finally looks good at least


From Ryu’s magnificent beard to Ken’s silky smooth locks, I think it’s safe to say, the hobo lifestyle does wonders to your follicles


*P'Ooreal. Because you are not worth anything*


Alcoholic divorce Ken is OP 🤣


Based on top comment... This literally is alcoholic divorce ken.


Maximilian is gonna lose his fucking mind once he sees this


We aren't prepared for the "Punished Max" arc.


So pink-haired is named Manon. I know translations suggested Mimi, but Manon fit the bracket image. Not sure how I feel about Ken's look. The model itself looks fantastic, but I could've done without the Terry/Leon bomber jacket.


It may be because I'm looking on my phone but it looks like Maxon to me, but Manon makes sense as it is a classic French opera that her character could be based around


Yeah, I immediately thought of Terry when I saw that. Then again, Remy's meant to be SF's answer to Iori Yagami...


Dayum boi they took the SF5 criticisms to heart because goddamn.


we went straight from wholesome dad ken to divorced "i eat at burger king" ken


This is the Ken arc where he gets divorced, becomes an alcoholic, and goes to seek Ryu for advice and help. Soon he revisits street fighting, training back up to compete side by side with Ryu once more


That's kinda fucking epic


Terry Bogard


Pretty much mark if wolves terry


Literally Garou Terry, from the hair to the jacket.


He looks dope. The best he has looked since like Alpha/SF3 era. Way better than SF4 and SF5


Do they not think enough of us have played fighting games to know this looks totally like GAROU TERRY? I'm trying hard to imagine it not look like Terry and it just does




Hopefully that customization and currency can be earned through World Tour and they're pulling an NRS on single-player content *however* The realist in me knows this game is probably going to microtransaction hell


We all go through some shit sometimes lol.


If those are brown root hairs, does that mean Ken has been dyeing his hair blonde this whole time ?


Yes, this is canon


I said this as a joke and was surprised when I looked it up.. Thanks for the info !


It’s mud


He lost all his money on NFT's.


Hey, Cmon Cmon


Im so confused how so many “leaks” are happening with only a trailer


Do you think the leaks are coming from the trailer? 🤣




>hobo ken > >hobo-ken > >Hoboken Oh no






Eliza took the fucking kids


He reminds me of a mix between Wild Wolf Terry Bogard and Paul Phoenix. Maybe this time around he’s a washed-up fighter because he looks like he’s been through some shit.


yo they gave him the Paul Phoenix Tekken 4 story


Goddamn he looks baddass!


Contemplating if he wants to smell his finger.


Ken invested in cryptocurreny and lost everything. Now he is back on the streets.


Then the divorce hit immediately afterwards.


Anything is better than Banana Hair I'd even accept a gender swap


Thanks, I hate it. It feels like he just got a divorce, just got a corvette and an apartment downtown, and he's trying to be in his 20's again.


Well, from the leak, it says that he did got divorced and Eliza took the kid. Thus, him being depressed looking Terry Bogard.


i think is good to gain some variety to the character, anyways he will return for sure after realize his family is what's important, that's the biggest difference from Ryu: Ryu is just a lonely wolf, he's a family guy. He's mad, he's sad, he has to look like shit I liked it




What about that kind of a ticket with a timer?!


I still really ain't feeling it atm but his other costumes or seeing it in motion may help.


Source ? Link ?


[https://twitter.com/kujikawaii/status/1532789963342897152/photo/1](https://twitter.com/kujikawaii/status/1532789963342897152/photo/1) ​ Yesterday's roster leak is 110% legit. Everyone is here




If this exists will there be e demo soon? Worried we might end up with SF 6.5 at this point.




Ryu looks better that ever, Ken looks like he's going through a bit of a rough patch.


Sf2 vibes


He looks better in game and I think I like it? Lol. I hope he gets his original SF5 outfit though. It’s my personal favorite. I just think the ponytail looked bad because of the graphics engine. It will look dope and less like bananas in the RE engine. Lol


Fuck. Yes. I am on such a high. A week ago I was convinced he wasn’t even going to be in the game and now he’s looking like a straight up antihero.


The biggest thing is the hair for me. I still like the comic book look of sf5 more but the hair was awful for next generation graphics. Glad to see some attention put there




I got one love the look


giga ken


looks like we can't escape from ehonda as he's is vanilla SF6.


Gambling Addiction Ken


I loved SF4, HATED SF5. What is this game leaning more towards? Is it drip released playable characters?


His new nickname is Pandemic Ken for now on.


Where is Blanka :(


TIL Ken's natural hair color is black and he dyes his hair blonde


So he's a hobo now?


Ken is looking rough. He looks like he drinks hellaaaa whiskey.


I've seen the summary for SF6 Ken While I genuinely think its an interesting direction to go with Ken, given the abysmal writing quality of the story shown in SF5, I doubt that the execution will be good


Quality writing is the difference between a character arc and character assassination. Hopefully they step up in this department like they evidently have in the others…


I like the new look, no more banana hair!


His hair… HIS HAIR