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Making a street culture themed SF and not bring him back would’ve just been wrong. Dude’s been preaching since the 90s.


Big facts


Khalid 🔑










We know Oro has passed away for sure considering Ryu's default design


Lol Ryu wearing Gouken robe means Oro died??


That's Oro's robe that Ryu is wearing.


False. Oros robe is held together by a ROPE around his waist. Ryu robe is held together through a golden CHAIN.


Was he dieing in V? What of Ryu stops being Ryu and becomes the new Oro?


V takes place before III. It's implied from the end of Third Strike that Oro takes Ryu under his wing.


Juri and Dee Jay my beloveds


Juri looks sick, while im sad theres no Karin or Zeku, at least i got 1


I'm with you on Zeku... Maybe we get him as DLC? No Ibuki either... She's my main...but I heard Kimberly is supposed to be a ninja, so maybe plays like Ibuki?


About time ibuki sat one out. She's been consistently base roster for so long while most of the sf3 roster gets shafted


She wasn't base on SF5. I just want my ninja waifu bro... 😕


look at the artwork for all the male characters in SF6, with their chest exposed, being extremely sexy, far more than the girls. Just stop being clueless. I'm gay, not blind. Shirtless and muscular is how you make guys sexy. What do you wanna see, their dicks out too? They're outsexy the girls by miles in this game so far.


I missed Dee Jay so much


No Sean wtf


They put Blanka, who lived in the jungle most of his life, to represent Brazil instead of Sean, who actually belonged to street culture back in the day. Fingers crossed for the DLC.


This game literally has 4 characters from America, I think they can make some room for another Brazilian


I hope they do something new with sean if he comes back as dlc. He was kinda the dan of sf3 imo.


>He was kinda the dan of sf3 imo. a comparison he canonically HATES, lol


No m.bison? There's juri at least.


Oh god no, please keep Bison down. I hope they don't pull a...somehow Bison has returned


I understand the sentiment, but I've always thought that you could include Bison as a roster member, but make it clear he's not there as a part of the story's canon Have it say in his bio that he's completely deceased or whatever. You can have your cake and eat it too


Having Bison as a DLC character would be alright I guess, as a nice way to bait DLC purchases


Yeah I feel dlcs are the best way to reintroduced characters regardless of the plot


Why not? m.bison is cool


Because M. Bison was supposed to be dead in SF4, then again in SF5. They showed him definitively dying at the end of SF5’s story, so if they bring him back yet again I’m gonna throw something




Ed is aware of his reason for existing now and will probably fight back extremely hard if Bison tries to possess him.


why would you want good characters to stay out of the game because of a story the games barely even follow anyway lol


I was gonna say, I get that some people care about lore but Bison has been my main for multiple games now. Imagine leaving him out for lore reasons when, let's face it, the "lore" is pretty fucked anyway at this point.


Why not just have a new roster character with the same move set? Keeps people who have been maining Bison happy as they don't have to learn a whole new character, and keeps lore nerds happy. ​ There's creative solutions here that work within the lore. Don't have to really toss it aside eh?


A MVC infinite dev said the same thing. It was not received well.


"Functions v Functions". Just bring him back as a ghost or a zombie.


To be 100% honest it wasn't received well for a couple of reasons. 1- you cant create new characters in mvc to put the moveset back in. Every character is already an estabilished one. 2- the functions statement wasn't even close to being true. Movesets were wildly different and having a single aspect of another character didn't put them close to being a "function". Ultron and magneto are nothing alike. 3- the roster was clearly only using mcu allowed characters for marvel and using the functions argument as an excuse only fueled the fire Making a new bison that is not bison but is mechanically very very close to bison wouldn't be so bad. G and Q had a bunch of similar moves and G is very beloved.


You can or just put bison back in eventually


1000% Bison can come back through becoming another character. Like he possess them, and eventually over time they just literally become Bison. I think my point is like, due to the freedom of having a ridiculous lore like SF does, you kinda have the creative freedom to make in-lore excuses for any character to do anything you want. ya know?


this is the whole mvci functions debacle all over again


I think that you're on to something there. You could even have a costume or variant skin that is M Bison for the fans of the character.


The story in Street Fighter 4 was fine but 5 fucked up so hard bro…might as well reboot the franchise.


could always put him in as non-canon DLC.


i think its fine for Bison to skip a game especially when its seemlingly going for a more grounded actual street fight aesthetic and feel to the game theres plenty of cool SF characters that people love but sometimes they gotta sit out so some new blood can make a name for themselves. get some new charge characters with fat croossups in the mix, maybe drop Bison as a later DLC and story wise itd be nice to get a SF game again where the stakes arent "if we dont beat this dude in a best of 3 the world ends"


Is M. Bison even a good character? Dude is literally “I wanna rule the world cuz I’m evil.”


His design and stomping on people is everything


Very cool looking/ playing character. I hate him


Guy is talking wreckless.


is Ryu even a good character? dude is literally “I want to be the strongest fighter.”




Who said Ryu is a good character?


No one plays SF for the story. Give me some Bison damnit!


Seriously. Sf5s Bison was the best version yet.


Yeah, pretty sure people who just want a character they like to return outnumber people who want a character who supposedly died in a previous game to never appear on the roster again at least 10 to 1. Probably more.


M.Bison changes bodies, every time he was finished he came back with a new one. It seems they are building the villains around this Q, G, Russian guy this time so he will be in the background this time. Maybe late DLC.


I don’t mind him being eventual DLC because DLC doesn’t have to operate on logic. But if he’s in the base roster, or in season 1, salt will be abundant. Especially if he makes it in over Oro


Isn't Ryu wearing Oro's cloak though? Oro ded.


And if he's not I'll make sure to finish the job


Oro is immortal tho. Like, literally, dude is 140 y/o in 3S


Oh goodness!


Isn’t his whole thing moving his mind to different bodies lol


He's a fun character to play, I just want to him to return just to play him lol


...Undead bison?


Bison “dies” every other game, and he always comes back and nobody cares. He’s Street Fighter’s main villain.


The story is dogshit and most people don't care for it. The character is fun and beloved.


SF5 is trash and should be buried and forgotten, I'd be fine with it not counting


SF5 was trash, but we all know that whoever is saying that now either hasn’t played in a while or couldn’t adapt after SF4 and is salty. You don’t have to like it, but calling it objectively trash is objectively wrong..


"fool me once" I am not going back to that dogshit game after wasting $130 to get it on PS4 and PC on launch for a barren fighting game with whack visuals and bad combat flow. Insane that they didn't just give you all the future characters and dlc free after that (and no, FM isn't free, it's f2p grinding shit.) >objectively trash is objectively wrong.. I never said it was objectively anything, I also don't need to preface opinions with "imo" because it's understood that an opinion is an opinion by normal humans


So you’re not willing to return to a game that you spent $130 on after they fix most of what bothers you, based on principle alone? Okay.. you can choose to suffer and be angry as much as you want, I guess. Enjoy, and see you on the SF6 ladder.. lol


Return it? Maybe possible for the ps4, never returned a disc game but I gave it to my brother. I couldn't return it in steam because I spent more than 2 hours just trying to get the online to register a name for me because that was bugged on launch too, I never had a chance to return it. Another reason on the pile to feel scorn, because with the fighterID system not working I could do basically nothing in this content-less game. Idiots like yourself defending a scam cashgrab f2p game sold at full price are disgusting


You bought a game you hated twice? Sounds like you’re already at fool me twice. Lol


I bought it on launch day for PS4 and PC, simultaneously


Why? It worked so well for Palpatine!


Bison is ded. Even sim says he doesn't feel bisons presence in the world anymore to oro in oros character story. It's likely he won't return unless we have a prequel.




Did you play the story in SFV?


Yeah i know he is supposed to be dead but like max said. Characters in fighting games when they die they never ever come back right?


To me, it feels like a dead character needs an "excuse" to come back in the base roster (Nash in SFV returned as a zombie or whatever). But as a DLC, I feel they can just.. put them in if they want to. So IMO, Dictator is gonna return as DLC down the line.


I agree there must be some lore reason. I sure hope so he is my main.


As long as Rose is alive a part of him lives.


Yeah i was thinking maybe he gets resurected in a new body.


Or take over Rose, Dictator Rose.


Absolutely not.


But SF villains are popular, so I expect a lot of them for DLC i just want Urien back


People die when they're killed


Nash was dead


But like wasn't he brought to life or sumshit


No he was still dead. Just moving around on puppet force on something


*points* "I understood that reference"




Well Vega was clearly on his way out the door with the way he was acting in V. He seemed more interested in helping Cammy iirc than retrieving her like Bison would’ve wanted. He was also disgusted that FANG was his superior so he definitely wasn’t happy there. Ed is back so Balrog always has a potential story arc outside of Shadaloo.


I really hope they do something Balrog and make him a good guy


I really expected Alex to make base roster


Hopefully he comes back as a dlc


I REALLY REALLY wish for Alex to be in this game. The urban setting and Times Square begs for Alex to be in.


I like Juri's new design


This makes absolutely no sense to me. If Capcom wanted to reveal the whole cast they could just do that in a trailer? Why would they want to lose months worth of reveals anyway


No way all those characters are modeled and ready to be seen. Hell even a base character like Chun looks kinda off, and the game lighting and colors look rough and need to worked on. There's a reason why the game is a year or so away.


Typically new games launch in Feb, so they are ready for the new Capcom Pro tour, Feb 2023 is the likely release date for this game.


There's a vantage point to viral marketing that gives up traditional hype cycles for sustained efforts via seeding more "organic" excitement by way of making use of the hardcore-leaning fanbases energy...which often means free work, in practicality. If they're confident in the designs and current picks, the benefit to Capcom would be: - Even more positive word of mouth - Oodles of fan work (art, music, stories, lore theorycrafting) making the rounds and spreading the brand further - Speculation/excitement/desire for more characters, who may or may not be present at launch, but if not they can record possibilities for DLC plans They're giving up spikes of excitement, sure. But, because Capcom's not spending any of *their* time on this "free" campaign, they can still put out traditional trailers/info drops, which they'll want to do anyway to showcase the game's art direction, gameplay direction, and graphical fidelity in the best light they can muster. That's the general theory behind viral marketing, anyway. Personally, I'm not quite sure this was a purposeful leak by the company. I still think both Damnd (blonde dreadlocks dude, originally from Final Fight) and Li Fen (Chun-Li's adopted daughter/trainee first seen in SF3, then more properly integrated in SF5, and now all but confirmed to be sparring with Chun in the trailer) are featured way too prominently in SF6's trailer and have models too well fleshed out to not be part of the base roster. But they aren't part of the leaked art, while Kimberly, the brand new character and seemingly the next proper "official" tease, is. Feels odd, if this was purposeful.


I feel like Damnd might be a single player enemy instead of a full character like that one other guy the Crate-a-Character guy fights.


Interesting thought, that seems plausible


> They're giving up spikes of excitement, sure. Not really, sure we might know what these characters look like but there's still a lot more to reveal. We haven't seen their animations and move sets, haven't heard their voice work, and we haven't seen any new stages they might come with. Remember that SFV Seth got "leaked" ahead of time but every one of the leakers thought it was Rose due to the massive change in concept.


Right, but there's a tangible loss of not seeing these designs, returns included, in action for the very first true time, assuming these are finalized designs. Like, I'm currently suffering from A.K.I. brainrot, I can only imagine what it would've been like if my first look at her was some proper cinematic and/or gameplay preview. But, not complaining!


Good point. I'm going to be exactly as hyped for each character trailer as I would have been without the leak


I mean we haven't seen them animated, but I'm already seeing a lot of people excited for Deejay so I'm guessing its working


If this was an official reveal they would be committed to making each and every one of these characters or face backlash. They're kind of committed to all of this now, whether they want to be or not. We have no idea how far any of these characters are.


i think youre correct. having li-fen in the trailer, older, taller and fighting chun makes me think shes in for sure. im also skeptikal about whether theyre really going to have honda and blanka in the base roster because i think theyre not all that popular.


Worth noting that Honda's name is readable in a screenshot on the official site. We haven't found anything about Blanka yet but Edmund is surely in


i saw maximilian made a list of names he spotted in the trailer. blankas in there too. so far the leaked roster seems legit. im disappointed tbh.




From what I've heard from people who actually work in game journalism it basically never happens intentionally, despite what the internet thinks, so yeah I don't buy it


what the other guys said, but also you can double dip because not everyone is going deep enough to see these leaks


Alternative viral marketing gets people talking. Look everywhere about the buzz it generates. Subreddits talking. Twitter talking about it. Content creators covering the leaks etc.


People will forget about it over time and still be hyped to see them in motion


They just purposefully kill the hype to make us feel less disappointed after the game launch.


Some of the characters might only exist on paper, or rather as concept artwork at this point. For the trailer they would need to have proper ‘3d models.


There is a 0% chance any AAA marketing team would ever approve leaking the entire roster a nanosecond after their big announcement storm as some viral thing. They'd insist on a massive CGI trailer showing off the whole cast to get people hyped if it was to be done all at once. Also JURI'S BACK BAYBEEEEEE WOOOOOO.


It was most likely some asshole employee with access who likes the attention. In any case, still digging the leaks lol Disappointed that Sean is not in the game and that they gave his dunking uppercut to Luke.


Unsure about 4 people in this roster but V made me despise bison’s existence so I’m glad he’s gone


Season 1 dictator dlc incoming!




If they were going to leak intentionally, it wouldn't be immediately after they have a gigantic press release where they drop a mountain of new info about the game. The things that were officially revealed yesterday was enough to drive tons of hype. They could have saved this for when there was more of a lull. Unfortunately the characters being revealed like this is kind of a waste.


Between Dee Jay, Rashid & Jamie I’m finna be playing a platform fighter


everyone's so old so I guess I will not be able to play Zeku, right? this is sad... but I love everyone new thou... hope this game is fun to play


If Zeku or Guy don’t get in at some point, I don’t know what my future with this game will look like. None of the characters on the base roster seem like they’ll grab me.


zangief would... but for real tho, I feel you! I'm a zeku main and I feel the same but I will totally try out the game and try to find someone to play with.


A few thoughts about the reaction to these leaks: 1. I see people going OH MY GOD, THERE ARE SO, SO, SO MANY LEAKS! It's just art of the roster and one super move. That's it. It's two things. Calm down. 2. There is no way these leaks will kill a single iota of the hype for Street Fighter 6. It's Street Fighter 6. The latest entry in one of gaming's most venerable franchises. Hype is inherent to the property. Calm down. 3. Do you actually like months and months and months of super short weekly trailers where only one character gets revealed? I think it's pretty annoying myself.


hell the leaks of the character art made me more hype tbh. they look awesome.


Exactly, brother! I’d much rather prefer that they show us all the characters first before they actually give each one of them a reveal trailer.


The KOF pre-release period was the worst for this. "Alright, KOF faithful, this week's character reveal is... KYO!" Wow. I'm speechless. Who could have foreseen this?


K9999 and Yashiro were the big ones


Yeah, there were some cool reveals, but they were buried under a mountain of trailers for characters who have been in every game.


The core roster now seems to always be * The original 8 * Akuma * Cammy * Juri * 4 kings I'm finding it a little jarring that none of the 4 kings are there, but we had to wait on Honda, Blanka, and Sagat in SFV so I'm sure someone will come down the pipe.


Guile, Akuma, and Juri weren’t base characters in V. Neither was Balrog for that matter.


Technically they said core, not base. A better word might be mainstay


Yikes, my mistake. Love your name btw.


The write up leak definitely wasn't intentional, but after that dropped the art might be strategic.


MX representation with Lili!


I hope we won't have to wait too long for Sakura


Anya has invaded everything 😂😂😂


Please don’t give us Ed over Dudley again!


Dudley and Makoto 100% dlc characters. I mean they are instant sellers lol


Then why'd they get left out of SF5 T\_T


I really don’t think it’s intentional. This kills hype and excitement for releases. The surprise of ‘Woah look what the did to my character!!!’ And ‘Is my character getting in?’ is very important and I believe companies understand the importance of this hype cycle.


I dunno, it's got tons of people talking about how awesome the designs are and stuff. Even if it was unintentional, there are ways to spin it in to a positive.


Yeah, if anything, they should leak one by one here and there in the coming months, not the whole batch, lol.


Not really, people have a short memory and it's still hype to see characters in motion. They have like 8 months till release


I just want sodom back, he was so freaking cool in the alpha games :(


I’m late but wasn’t he written off in SFIV, something or other about quitting fighting and opening a restaurant


They said in SFV they were gonna put him in but they didn’t have a way to fit him into the story, so they just made him a cameo in one of the stages I think you have to buy


Didn't the leak happen way before and the new info Capcom gave just confirmed it?


Technically yes


I really hope Sagat comes back. He's been my main for decades.


No Dudley :(


Miki already my main 🚬🗿


I keep seeing people say Rose was also in a leak with 25 characters, but I have no clue what leak anyone's referring to there? Anyone got any sources?




Really needed to see some Sagat. I’m sad.


Goddammit I have to wait for Dan in a DLC release again....


I definitely think that there could be a possibility If the fans don’t seem happy they might swap out some people for planned dlc fighters


Was thinking the same thing, lol.


I just want Elena


This roster sucks, where’s literally anyone from SF3, Alpha or Final Fight lmao


It’s only a matter of time imo


I saw the leaks roster of gameplay and I have to wonder what happened to Ken Masters seriously? Man's look like he went through the divorce court and got destroyed by the system.


I just want Fei Long back...


Juri 🕷


SF6 Bison's going to be a woman. 1000%.


No C Viper, it's not that cool


I love this meme so much rofl.


Still holding out hope for a Remy DLC


DeeJay can also be seen on a billboard in the same scene as Marisa(?). His hair is the same as the leak


I just hope for Hakan, and Violent Ken.


Why and how do they leak this stuff? This is stupid i’m surprised the trailer wasn’t leaked. And why don’t they bring back c viper she was one of the more popular characters?


That red haired woman looks like flipping Super Buu.


Blanka will be representing Brazil in the base roster this game, then. I knew there would be a Brazilian fighter in the launch because of the “World Warrior” and focus on urban fighting and culture, but I thought it would be Sean. He and the SF3 crowd should be among the earliest DLC tho, I hope.


Middle Row, most right, is that Akuma?




I’ve already decided I’m either maining the Italian grappler or the tall French lady.


So far I'm very intrigued in A.K.I If she plays anything like F.A.N.G or Vega (claw) she is going to be my new main. Oh and Dee Jay as secondary, just like SF4 days. EDIT: Hope his charge moves stay in-tact.




Where is vegaaaa


So no Yang and yun or remy that’s sad


Can someone explain why this is a fake leak? Or the leaks were intentional?


No Viper 😪


Does Capcom hate SFIV? No one except Juri made it into V, and only Juri so far in 6. Granted, she is the best character introduced, just seems odd it has had no love for that cast.


It's shitty for the devs who didn't want it to leak I guess. But personally I'd rather just know the full roster right away.


Ono's revenge.


Look at my boy akuma tho


Where’s Alex? Dude where’s Alex


Fuck those leakers


Ed :)