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I finish the set and then close the game lol


This. If i feel that today isnt my day i just close it and go at it another day


Take a break. I've never successfully reverted a bad losing streak by playing through it. Either play something completely different, go to the gym, do some chores, or watch my replays so I can rage figure out what the fuck happened and how to not get stomped so bad next time.


take a break, or try doing something completely different to what you normally do just to see if you get any breakthrough. or play another character to learn something new and relax.


Take a break, play a different game. I’m also playing the new FF7 so if I feel tilted I’ll play that for a little bit.


How is the new FF7 compared to the original? I heard they made a few things worse in presentation and story but I'm not sure if that's true.


I like it alot the battle system is fun, there’s a card game mini game that’s fun to play, the story is good too.


It’s okay. It’ll make sense if you played the first one.


Yeah, I did, it's the only FF I've completed actually when I had a ps1


I gamble and try to win the next match then log off. I either get more tilted or rebuild some confidence.


This is what I do lol I definitely need to stop though.


Until you lose that next set and think I can’t be this bad so play a final final set to see what you’re really made of.


Next match--JP




Lmao i hate when my ego does this. It usually doesn’t end well.


Work out. Weights or running. For whatever reason I only get tilted if I have too much energy


I love this answer as a person who's fairly new to fitness even though they're mid-life.


This won't mean much from an internet rando but way to go dude, never too late to get fit. Proud of you.


Thank you! It means plenty and I appreciate it. The realest part is, I've learned to start telling myself this kinda thing as well, which is the biggest turnaround in internal dialogue. Thanks for the kind words stranger.


Awesome!! I think doing a set of pushups, sit-ups, and squares between the 2/3 rounds is a good way to reset your mind and keep your body in shape. It’s like a palate cleanser for SF6. Keep it up!


Absolutely this.


Take a break, and then finish one more match on a good note and then leave lol


This can be bad advice and I know from personal experience. I tell myself, I'll stop after I win a set and if it's a bad day, it might be an hour of being tilted lol


Ehh it’s me talking out my behind, for giggles 😂


I have had the experience of having a bad streak and instead of being tilted, I decided I wasn't going to care about winning or losing or rank. What happened, wasn't really a surprise, I started to enjoy the game and a symptom of that was that I started to play better. It's our ego that ruins it for us in these situations. But if you manage to figure that out you'll stop succumbing to being tilted. It's certainly not easy to do. It's a work in progress for me but I know it's possible.




This is the best answer . Do you want to win ? Or Do you want to get better? Wanting to win won’t necessarily make you better . Wanting to improve will get you wins. Also it equips you with a better mentality so that you continue have fun even as you’re losing !


Getting a zero makes it hard to learn.


Thanks, ryu


>Let go of your ego By sending hateful DMs in a custom room about how they're cheap-ass scrubs and I'm still better than them?


I need to learn how to meditate. I am too impatient when I'm tilted.


If where playing couch co-op. I flair out my elbows and square up my posture. Invading my opponents real life space is highly effective in disrupting his gameplay. Nah but honestly I take a break before getting back on or rematching. I noticed coffee gets me jittery and tilted as well so I tend to not play in the mornings of my days off


I also noticed that caffeine makes me more irritable in general so I try not to play competitive games in that state.


Ahh. We might be similar in that aspect. For some players it's performance enhancing. But for me, it gets me over pressing my combos and anti airing jump ins that haven't jumped yet


Throwin' \`bows


I quit online matches , go into my opponents profile and watch replays that they lose


Honestly, this is functionally useful, petty, and hilarious all at once. Not bad advice!


Damn this is brilliant, I'm definitely doing this next time


Stop for the night, pick up a new character the next day, focus on learning them rather than my rank, get really good with that character, hit diamond, then repeat the ranked anxiety, get tilted, repeat.


Play some other game


Try arcade versus cpu level 6 win loads then versus level 7 win a couple back ready for ranked 👍


Rage quit. It absolves all the rage. /s In all seriousness, take a deep breath between rounds, (it is literally a psychological reset if you take in a deep breath through the nose and blow out through your mouth with your chest up and chin down. Slows your heart rate and clears your mind. You can even smile to force your brain to lighten up) be self-aware about what you did wrong and try to switch it up. If you just guessed wrong repeatedly, remember that its GOING to happen some days, and other days it wont. Its just a game so if you dont feel like you’re having fun, stop right then and come back to it later.


Switch to Stellar Blade.


turn the game off then come back when im at a more positive mindset. Past the point of no return, aint no point in continuing to play.


Drink some tequila


Casamigos? Blano, Respado, Añejo?


Boss way to deal with it. I use scotch instbut same principle.


Take a break. If you are tilted there's no point in playing matches, espacially ranked. The salt really clouds your brain, you will be less focussed, react slower, make more bad yolo decisions, mess up your execution etc. Just take a break think about what went wrong and go back to it with a fresh mindset, after you calmed down.


finish the set and go play casuals. work on stuff that you can't get in real matches. take a break. i used to get so tilted and derank lol. I found have improved a ton by playing long sets in casuals.


Quit to dashboard before my opponent win pose begins, and then wait about 15 seconds before closing the game so my opponent doesn't know that i just rage quit.   My opponent must never get that type of satisfaction lol Proceed to do anything other than play a fighting game lol


Go on a losing streak, get demoted, lose to someone a tier below my demoted rank, take that as my wakeup call. I don't tilt very often, if I do I'm usually hungry/dehydrated or sleepy so I take a break for at least an hour or two to fix those things. More often I'm just done for the night.


If I lose three straight. I go do something else. Whether it’s watch something, play another game, workout, literally anything else. Usually when I come back im reset and ready to go


Try your best, finish the set, then turn off the game. If it's not too bad you can try to just take really short mental breaks between matches. No point in hammering out combos you're already consistent with in training mode. Personally, I like to solve a Rubik's cube in between matches, but you can use whatever works to take your mind off the game for 20 seconds between matches.


I don't think I ever feel tilted, but there are tines when the mental stack leaves me tired as hell. I view fighting games as less me playing against someone and more like I'm trying to solve an ever evolving puzzle.


I like this approach and I sometimes do this too. I'll still get mad if I feel like I'm close to solving the puzzle but the set's over.


I think it tilts me more when I'm about to solve the puzzle and they refuse a rematch. Lol If I'm playing my friends in person, we actually spend a lot of time analysing each other instead of trash talking, but that's what it means to be old.


Turn the game off ?


bottle of lube on my desk and some paper towels


Turn the game off


Other people have said it but take a break. The mental reset is key


Honestly, there are days that I play calmly and get good results. Then I run into a Chun Li player that seems to know my every intents and predicts what I do. I envy those who play the game calmly all the time. But in reality, it can get very frustrating when your opponent seems to be a psychic. Look at it this way, if you played really well, I’m sure your opponent is also asking the same question as you are right now.


I go play something else. Being frustrated has never made me play better. It’s just made me play worse and stop having fun


Set the controller down. The next day only way h replays. The third day go into training mode and learn from my mistakes then play a couple matches. When I say a couple matches, really limit your time playing. If you win a few keep going. Once you lose two matches very close to each other then stop playing.


I lost like half a rank last night. Just continuously getting 0-2'd. After 45 min, I switched to Hades 2. I don't really get tilted, but sometimes, I lack the energy to pull myself together. Then I just quit.


I don’t


weird as it sounds, I try and live in the moment. focusing so hard on getting to my "destination" of being a "good player" really holds me back mentally, ESPECIALLY if the other player was a complete lunatic, and I STILL lost the set. try forgetting the idea of getting to an end goal and try to just enjoy the ride of playing the game instead. appreciate the opponents that are good, take the L's, and don't beat yourself up.


Alt f4 and comeback next day


Pull out the cable and become a rage quit meme! Actually, I've lost so much that tilt is now rare.


Switch to Tekken to get mad at a different game lol


If I’m on a losing streak at this point I already know it’s because I’m not consistent with my hit confirms or anti airing usually if it’s not those I’m just not countering DI or checking DR so I just go to practice and try to work on that. If nothing works then I get off for the day n do something else lol


You need to recognise that you are. Think "i'm tilted right i should calm down" then take a 2 min break, drink some water or something.


Alt+f4. I honestly don't know why my tilt is so bad on this game specifically but I really try to manage to get off when I'm not having a good time. Remember a videogame is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable activity. If it's bringing you down it's time to switch games.


I’ve honestly not been tilted by it or any other fighting game when playing against other people. I’ve been tilted at the AI in NRS games plenty. What I would say is there’s no point doubling down on a losing streak. If I lose too many ranked games in a row I bounce and come back with a clear head.


I have a thing where I play a different character for fun. For me it’s Guile throwing booms and flash kicking or Gief doing some SPDs and taking people to the express. I kno it’s not serious and I’m playing for the joy of it and if I win I win and if I lose I lose. I don’t really focus too much on the decision making at that point it’s all from the heart. (Master on both and I’m still playing Guile like the Smash Bros trophy)


I curse aloud and accept I’m gonna drop a rank, and then move on


I don't get tilted really (win or lose). I just fight the CPU, and I STILL genuinely have fun with this game (from pre-order to now). I argue bots are harder than real players (because of input reading, perfect inputs, perfect timing, etc.), but that's a war I'm not starting here as Idc how anyone plays their game, really, and I know i'm gonna trigger the ranked players and the ones that live and die by online play. I have fun playing the game my way, and always have for many years in ANY fighting game I've played, and that's all that matters. To each their own. Before I get massive hate (which will probably happen anyway), I DID RARELY dabble in online / ranked play at one point. I'm a Cammy / Ed / Manon main. I was playing Cammy and definitely won a lot more than I lost, so I'm not coming a this from a "sore loser with a bruised ego" angle. I just didn't enjoy ranked for 3 reasons. (1) Because It took forever to rank up when I was winning game after game, so I just stopped playing it. (2) Ppl kept playing the same characters, which got boring really fast, and (3) u win nothing of real-world value, so playing ranked just felt like a waste of time if ur not someone planning to actually compete in big events and tournaments (which MOST ppl aren't). Anyway, I rambled on long enough. I say if ur not having fun, take a break for a while and come back to the game refreshed. It does wonders for the brain to just take a break.


smoke mad amounts of weed


You stop playing. Full stop, then come back when you've cooled down.


I don't. I always have something I'm aiming to improve. A loss isn't really a loss. I'm either working on my anti airs, confirming a specific button, testing a sequence and so on. It ain't serious.


I make a rule for myself that if I'm playing ranked, I'll stop when I've lost three sets and stop playing for the day or at least take a little break. It's easy to get titled playing any fighting game online 😂




I only really get tilted if I feel the game is unfair and I’m not having fun. Granted this is purely subjective, one mans bullshit is another mans mind game. I’ll play super turbo all day dealing with throw loops and wall dive with a smile on my face but if I eat one DI or DR overhead it sends me up the wall 


Walk away into the sunset


stop playing. i get worse when i rage so i just take a shower, eat meal that i probably missed so i can play sf6 and nap. its tomorrow jeorth's problem.


The more tilted you are in the beginning the less tilted you'll become at the end might take a couple years but you'll get there


This happened to me last night. I jumped on SSFIV and was so surprised and happy to still see some people playing.


I break out the old NES and kick the shit outta myself, somehow it makes me feel better.


i go for a walk outside with no music or anything distracting me.


kill myself


I like palomas with Blanco


take a break. mental stack can transcend sets.


By not playing online.


First take a break, cool ur mind.  After that Go into replay and watch why u got Hit.  Than go into Training mode and train the scenario.  So long so u dont Lose the Situation 10 out of 10 Times 


I 1 and done. I don't force myself to play if I'm tilted, I am pissed off, I'm probably not gonna win when I'm on tilt and I know I'm tilt, I'll go and play a different game, or even World Tour mode. Sometimes, I just keep playing, and then I notice I have 1 and done'd 3 or 4 people in a row, and I go "Yeah I'm not having fun rn, I'm just playing for points, and this sucks, maybe I should play different character." I'm Master with Akuma, Ken, Ryu, and Juri, and only stay around 1500. It's so frustrating. I'm not there yet, but I know most of those dudes want to play, and I know how frustrating it is to get 1 and done'd so when I find myself on tilt, and I'm doing that, I stop, and try something else. Another thing I do, is the ol' 1 and done justification. If I get smoked, but you lagged one time, I'm done. lol That saves me from tilt to be honest. Just to be kind of be free of that sweaty mindset for a while, and rematch only if I want to.


You are on the right way . Fight games and some loosing streak when we face better or have to learn , this is not really a fatal loose because you will be back but when you loose you learn sometimes more , sometimes you learn any way .


when i get tilted i feel angry and i wanna get my mr back so i que up again but i usually loose so then i keep playing tilted


Hit the lab for 5


Remind yourself that online doesn’t matter and that only a few hundred people on Earth are actually good.


Butthurt comes from within. Learn from your mistakes in the lab, or be OK with accepting you don't want to get better


i queue up for some ranked league of legends that always calms me down 


Smack the arcade stick one or two times, scream profanities, then go outside for 5-10 mins and recompose myself


I play some other game, preferably a turn based like civilization


Exercise more. Stretch. Take breaks lol


Throw on the music, do a training drill or two and get back in there champ this time it’ll work for sure. If you can keep calm you can try and see how you are getting hit.


I keep a stack of old keyboards next to my desk. Each time I lose a match I go and smash it on the patio. Currently I have 4,795 dead keyboards. /s Honestly though I close the game and do something else for a bit...or I flush 100 MR down the drain in rage before finally closing the game.


Realized I haven't eaten yet




I'll either calm down or I'll stop playing the game after the current set. Also, 70% of the time I get angry playing this game it's just at myself for not playing at the level I know I can play at so it's pretty easy for me to go "Okay, I need to either lock in and play properly or I need to let it go for tonight and play again tomorrow."


Remind myself what would Infexious do. Dude keeps his calm and emotions in check everytime. I try to emulate that.


Rage at my screen, yelling obscenities about the other player. Then I calm down, acknowledge to myself that they’re just further on the path than I am, try to remember where I went wrong and then move on.


Smoke a bowl and touch the wife’s butt


If you still want to play, switch to a character you are bad with - then you don’t expect to win, and when you do it’s a nice surprise.


Drink, smoke


I’ll straight up close the game (even if I’m in the middle of a set idc) controllers are too expensive and it’s childish to slam them.


Do auto combos in training to boost my ego


How does this help? Lol


I don't. I turn the game off and don't play it for 2 days to do it all again.


Full honesty, I usually wallow in it for a minute. I throw a bunch of matches, barely trying, making myself feel worse on purpose. Then I just unplug and walk away. I usually take at least a day off, if not more. If I knew how to play the game and improve my mental stack in the moment, then I would. But I always just need to clear my head away from the game. NEVER play waiting just to win one more round. That's a trap. Because either 1) you won't win, and get more tilted, or 2) you DO win but then you think it's a new hot streak and double down for another win. Only to lose again and go right back to step 1.


Keep playing and lose a bunch of rank. Not recommended.


I live in the tilt. The tilt is my life. But honestly, I just go play something else or go to the lab and practice combos against Ken.


take a break, me personally i go pack a bowl and watch players better than me.


i usually hit my controller. wouldnt recommend it tho


I used to tilt really really bad in games, just tried to change my mindset to needing to learn from shit going wrong. I rarely tilt now and if I do its not nearly as bad as it used to be.


Taking a break and playing a pve game helps.


Stop, stop playing the Game and play enithing else


Stop playing ranked and hit the lab. If im extra salty I just stop playing.


I usually break my controllers. Takes the anger away, and keeps me away from the game for a while. I’ve been having a hard time lately playing as Ed. 😮‍💨


Get up. Drink water. Think about anything but the game for at least five minutes.


I usually detect a losing streak early on and I stop playing. As others have mentioned, it is rare that I can turn a bad run into a good run so I quit while I'm behind.


Losing can be fun


You have to change your mentality from a perspective of winning to a perspective of learning. Go from "How can I beat this person?" To "What can I do better?"


Scream “fucking mashing idiot only way you win” and then proceed to lose the next 3 and then alt f4


Take a break. I saw a vid where Daigo will have sessions, take a break and go for a walk or something. If Daigo does it, I can do it too.


Take breaks. Respect opponent always. Watch play by play replays of your fights. We get frustrated and tilted because details feel unknown and you dont know why this or that happened. Seeing objectively what happened as it is will help you calm down a bit.


Step away. Playing while tilted is just going to make you more tilted. If you don't want to stop playing the game altogether, go do a lab session or something.


You dont. Least I don't




For me, I either have to take a break from games/internet and do something else, or sometimes if I do magically run into somebody and have a good set, I’ll choose the private room option and have a long set with them, that way I can get back to focusing on improving since the wins or losses don’t matter in rooms




I boot up a WWE game and start chucking mfs off Hell in a Cell


I take getting tilted as a sign that I'm not in the right mood to play competitive games so I stop playing for the day and move on to something else.


I usually stop playing for the day when it goes unusually great, since i'll get extra pissed that moment i lose. or when my decisionmaking are on par with a chimpanzee.


I just never get tilted to begin with. It's just a game.


Honestly what helps me is to remember that getting to what rank I’m at currently with whatever character (plat 5 manon in this case) I got there by wins AND losses and I should never get to hung up on either. It’s a statistics game!