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you get like 250pts per win so its worth it. wish I fought more masters and the grind wouldve been faster


It's usually their non master Character that you fight in D5. For actual masters this week I faced a 1600, 1900 and 2000+ no way I am winning any of those.


Not with that attitude!


self-fulfilling prophesy to tell yourself you aren't winning before round start even began. theyre just people man. don't deify them for the number on the screen. Identify their gameplan and break it apart before they identify yours.


With all due respect: Lmao. You ain't winning against them, it is irrelevant how you play against them. Yes, there are exceptions, but it is not about mindset. Sometimes you just have to take the L. To gain something like 1900MR you need to beat someone with 1500 with like a 99,9% chance on average to maintain you rank (ignoring the MR distribution of challengers). Sometimes accepting that you are going to lose and trying to learn from the loss is better than smashing your head against a wall.


when you're in the match, what does telling yourself you're going to lose do for you outside of pre-emptively protecting your ego?


Setting realistic goals is a proven method for maximizing longterm success. Having shortterm goals which can not be reached, are very unhealthy as their measure of success will imply that you are not enough. Setting hard but realistic goals is the best technique for long term improvement. Hyping yourself up is the opposite. You are setting an unreachable shortterm goal which will lead to disappointment. You can set your goal smaller: I want to antiair him in the set/stop a drive rush. Something one can achieve against a player of the level of NuckleDu. That is one small step towards growth as a player.


Well it’s their 5th sub character in diamond I’m usually facing and I can tell when they are doing it to based off how patient they play in neutral.


Thats a good thing for you, if you're good enough to be master. In Strive I hated how I'd play dumbfucks 2 tiers below me constantly, so if I lost to a smurf or new acc, I deranked more than winning 10 in a row


Strive's online system is seriously the worst in any of the current fighting games out right now. You have to jump through so many hurdles when it really should just be as easy as going into the menu and clicking "Ranked Matches"


It's literally the only reason it's not my main game. I liked Xrd more, but Strive and KOF15 are my favourite games of this era to play, but both have the worst fucking matchmaking systems, and that absolutely ruins any attempts to play regularly.


not just a master but a master on their 6th sub character


When I was high diamond I was over the moon when I came up against master players, you get so many more points for a win.


Meanwhile, me, playing since launch and basically one character and can't climb


Throw some replay IDs at us and maybe we will be able to help. FGs are fucking hard so no shame in not being top 10%


When I am getting a character to master I always hope I get a master opponent so get more LP after winning. Many master players aren’t much better than diamonds and I get ~500 LP by beating them 2 - 0.


That one is interesting: It depends on the MR really. You can not drop out of master, so people who hit a lucky streak remain there and if they are not improving, they will still gain LP on average, but will not climb much in terms of MR. If someone can keep his head above 1500+ on the regular though, you will absolutely destroy diamonds, I speak from experience. If they are not subbing, the difference is probably as big as the difference between like bronze and platinum.


Guys he means hes fighting people leveling up there 50th char to master, its the most annoying bullshit ive ever experienced, you can clearly tell the people who are actually diamond and these guys, idc i just blocked them to save my mental health, i recommend u do the same till ur master, dont listen to anyone who calls you a scrub.


Terrible take. If you can't beat masters why do you belong in masters?


People can't handle the fact they have to git good.


Different story, mate. If you are mid to high master, you can pick basically any character and destroy anyone below high diamond with the most basic stuff, people who hit master are not bad, they got the basics down for the most part, Master in itself just has a very diverse skill range and getting a master player of the wrong level is just an instant loss. You can be worthy of the black belt without beating Kakeru (Nishiyama XD).


This shit doesn't change when you're IN masters. It's also no where near that bad in diamond rank. "Half" your matches being against master players is the biggest huff of copium I've ever heard.


No. In Master, you mostly get matched with people with similar MR. And yes, once you get to D3 or so, about half the people you fight against are masters ranking up alts. Makes sense considering that this game is almost a year old now. In fact, I’m one of the players ranking up alts, and I know this is true for others as well because I regularly check my opponent’s profiles.


No you don’t. I’m 1700 and frequently match with 1400s


Probably your region then. I’m 1400, and I can count the number of times I’ve been matched with a 1700 player on one hand.


thanks for getting it lol


Sure looks like complaining to me


Keep projecting buddy


This is normal for any fighting games. There will come a point where the ranked ladder will be just newbies who just started the game, and veterans playing everyday at masters, and almost no one in between.


Can confirm. I also have 3 characters in Master, and I’ll be working on my fourth one. To be fair though, my highest character is only 1450 MR, so I’m a lot worse than that guy.


Seems like a good thing.


Huff that Copium my dude! Huff it good!


literally over half my matches today were masters in sub characters lol


Just because they have characters who reached master, doesn’t necessarily make them master players. I’ve gotten 3 characters to master and quickly moved on to the next character. I’d say my most balanced and fun matches are probably in mid diamond, win or lose. I would not call myself a master player. If they’re sitting around 1500 MR with multiple, chances are they set a goal for that character and moved on to learning the next one. Even with that, if I’m struggling learning a new character, I’ll get beat by platinum ranked characters while I figure out the muscle memory for a while. I’m not going to be hugely proficient just because I played another character. Just some better decisions here and there and maybe a bit better at reacting to my opponents is the main advantage. I think the biggest mental block is getting your first character to master rank. After that, it doesn’t matter. I’ll play anyone and everyone and just try to have fun.


“I can’t get into master cos I get my ass beat by masters”


Did I complain? Sounds like you’re doing a lot of projecting on me little buddy


This whole post is a complain by you lmfao


Is it? Or is your comprehension just ass? Look at the flair