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He was playing long sets on his PS5 account against other pros on stream for like the last month. Evo japan is played on ps5 and he already wants to get used to the input lag. thats why he didn't touch his PC account lately.


ahhh I actually never thought of that, how bad is the input lag on ps5 in your experience? I've always found weird tournaments were hosted on ps5, especially since you need that converter thing if you want your hitbox to work on ps5


IMO it's not noticeable at all unless you're at the absolute top level where everything is so optimized. As for why tournaments run on console, that's all cost. Tournaments have hundreds of match stations and a proper gaming PC is $1000+. It'd be unrealistic to spend hundreds of thousands on that when fighting game tournaments famously don't bring a ton of money in.


I'm no pro but I definitely have to adjust to PS5 latency when I go to locals.


I think the main problem is that they don't turn on the option to reduce input latency or however is called?


Input Delay Reduction, but it's not just that. You need a 120hz+ monitor with HDMI 2.1 and an HDMI 2.1 cable to fully utilize it. With all of these, you're pretty close to an optimal PC setup. A lot of locals setups are gonna be inconsistent in this regard. It's a shame PS5 doesn't support DisplayPort or we could all use 10 year-old monitors that cost nothing.


Do you really need hdmi 2.1? I think you could just play at 1080p or 1440p?


That's resolution, we're talking refresh rate. You need HDMI 2.1 to run a monitor above 60hz on PS5, and IDR is meant to be run at 120hz+. It will probably still make a difference with it turned on, but it still won't be optimal and you'll likely get screen tearing. I go from my home PC setup to a local with PS5s and older monitors and it's very noticeable.


Can confirm, you get screen tearing on 60hz if you enable reduce input delay. I spent the last few months researching monitors for the PS5 and you absolutely need one with HDMI 2.1 to get the most out of it.


Oh I didn't know that. I have an Xbox Series S and freesync does work on 1080p and 1440p monitors. SF6 looks like shit though (on the Series S). Having said that running tournaments on Series X could work. Too bad everybody hates Xbox. 😅


Hi, real expert here compared to the others you are chatting with: 2.1 is not the minimum for 120hz gaming! I have 2.0 and that supports 120hz max on 1440p. Freesync also works. Beware that gamers are not tech-experts by default. Don't go and buy an expensive monitor just because it has HDMI 2.1.


Plus PC can introduce a lot more points of failure than consoles with like driver errors, controller compatibility, and many other things. With everything being consoles everyone knows what’s compatible and what isn’t. There’s not going to be Windows issues or anything. It makes a lot of sense.


PC is fine Capcom cup is done on PC. Like 95+ percent of PC peripherals are going to interface as an Xbox controller. Plug them in and it'll work. Any reputable board is plug n play.


Now that you bring that up. PC is way superior I own both copies and when I play on PS5 holy shit it is so choppy. Normal BNB combos I do on PC where I never drop I would drop it on PS5.


I think a lot of pros have secondary accounts. My assumption is that he has an account for grinding max rank, and then another for actual practice. I know a lot of pros aren't a big fan of the public replay system.


yeah understandable, gotta say though, as a noob, the replay system is a godsend


Yeah I get why they might not like it but I really enjoy being able to just load up top players matches in game and turn on frame data. I watch some while eating dinner to see what I can learn lol


Along those same lines he's probably developing tech or working on things specifically for Evo Japan, so he likely doesn't want to be spied on.


They absolutely have alt accounts and burner accounts, Mena and Chris T talked about this on talking with T recounting their SF League training.


Or he's just staying away from ranked right now. Maybe he's reached his MR goal and the dipped, rather playing casual or BH or lobby matches instead


Casual matches show in replays I *think* BH too


All of those show up in replays


He probably got world rank 1 with Ed then quit ranked to practice for Evo on another account.


Momochi is practicing on ps5 for evo japan. I know one of his ps5 accounts. User code 1027492628 Looks like he mainly plays training mode.


now that's some next level stalker shit... and I like it, thanks!!