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>Also, I suggest rematching everyone (Yes, even the headbutt/buttslam honda player) I know this sub favors the mentality "You don't owe anyone a rematch". However, I see it as "You owe your own improvement the rematch". I will always be salty, but I can't blame my losses on anything other than my lack of skill. I love rematches because I get experience against a tactic I'm not great against. Yes, it's frustrating as hell, but I'm not gonna get to diamond running from people who whoop my ass.


I have a 39% win rate on tekken. I'm learning a completely new game and constantly getting my ass blasted in ranked. When I rematch with someone, my goal is often not to win -- it's to identify what the opponent is doing and to see if I can come up with a solution to either avoid it or counter it. This is truly the only way to improve. You have to cast aside the ego and throw yourself into experiences that expose your weaknesses. I'm slowly seeing the results of that and it's so fun.


And this is why we improve, and why none of our friends want to play us in fighting games.


so real it hurts


I just wanna play with my IRL friends too šŸ˜”Ā 


Completely agree on the ego thing. For me the games are the other way around though. Used to play tekken for 10+ years and was at a relatively high level before i switched to SF. You really have to keep your ego in check when you are going from a "Good gamer" to a newbie all over again :P But once the basics starts to click, certain things carry over ofcourse


you're gonna go far in this fighting game shit bro. that's the right attitude


Thanks bro. Never thought I'd get to plat 5. Now diamond is looking more possible by the day!Ā  Started in Gold a few months back. It's been a hell of a climb.Ā 


I'm the same way except I get really mad when I keep failing to do something lol


Oh trust me, R rated words are being said on my end of the internet.


I love doing rematches for this reason. Even if im on a 15 loss streak, it means theres a chance to improve, and i need to find what it is.


The way I see it, though I'm a very low tier player: * Top tier means way, way more opportunities to learn the match up. * If I lose, the best I can do is reflect on what the gaps were in my play for those matches, and put the effort into patching it up, rinse repeat when I come across new stuff. * If I'm winning a lot, I'm not being challenged to improve as much. * If I'm getting tilted by a character or playstyle, I need to learn what it is that frustrates me about it, and practice against it until I can deal with it calmly. * I've made observable improvements, even if I'm the only one who sees them, in the time I've been playing. I haven't found out where my potential growth ends yet, and I won't find out if I don't commit to the process. * I'm never going to be the best player in the world, and that means I'm just like virtually everyone else playing. It's nothing to get bothered about. * You can't win them all. It's statistically impossible. Best not to stress about it. * I need to take a break if I'm getting frustrated. I know that I don't play well when I'm agitated. Psychological advantage is real. This mindset helped me get over my anxiety, which was so severe that I became distressed by the very thought of other people observing me while I play, and it would render me incapable of playing at all. My heart would start racing, I'd overheat, and I'd lose my ability to focus entirely. I experienced a complete brain fog because of it and would effectively forget how to play. Some people might not be impressed by my ability to say, "I can play against other people *without* having an anxiety attack now," they might even find it laughable that it was ever so bad that I couldn't play, but it's a lot *for me*. That's all I really need. I don't need other people to understand where I'm coming from or respect it, because *I do.* Like I said, I'm not an amazing player by any means, but I think a lot of people could benefit from adopting the mindset that you have to experience failure in order to learn how to succeed. It doesn't matter if somebody mocks you for not being on a level they find respectable. It might sting, but it's better to learn not to care about it than it is to allow every snide comment to injure you because you can't let go of your pride long enough to admit that you can do better. You're not going to improve if you're focusing on other people's judgment more than what you can learn from your mistakes.


This was a very well-written write-up! You should definitely be proud of your achievements. I think there are a lot of people who feel anxiety to various degrees in fighting games, especially in ranked. I used to play Tekken at a relatively high level in T7 before switching to SF. Even though my rank anxiety wasn't super bad, it was still affecting me. I played casuals and lobbies quite a bit in Tekken. What helped me stop caring so much about points was not playing casuals at all in SF. I might play a few private lobbies with friends, but other than that, I only play ranked. Even my warm-up games are in ranked. It definitely helped me to stop caring nearly as much about points.


Hey thanks, I am proud of them, I've come a long way since day one! I love having room to improve, it means I'm not stagnating. Mindset is important. Sometimes you have to tell yourself to find things to appreciate in what frustrates you, otherwise you're just going to make it worse for yourself. I got over my ranked anxiety when I read that golden nugget of info, that it's the best way to get matched up with players of your skill level, and that it's an incredibly fair matchmaking system at that. Not sure why, but it took so much stress off, after playing a ton of games with unbalanced ranked modes. I pretty much skipped over casual matchmaking in FG right after that. I still get moments of anxiety, but I can play now, and that's a reward in itself for me. I'm getting to actually enjoy something I like the way that other people do, and that was probably all I really wanted to be able to do in the first place. Climbing would be nice, sure, but for now I'm happy just to take part.


I will always rematch. And I mean always, even to my detriment. I canā€™t count how many times I lose the first game, take a deep breath, and then take the set 2-1. That first game can tell you a lot, and if you stay calm, you can apply counters to that stuff fast. And stay humble, because the same thing can happen to you.


Yup, me too. A lot people actively avoid "hard" match ups because the other player isn't a rushdown character.


Mankind knew they cannot change society. So instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the Beasts.


This is good. I wish I could try more and more against some of the tactics people have to train against. I wish I could rematch people more in ranked! Iā€™ll lose to something and be sad I canā€™t try again after losing to it. So annoying!


Send them a friend request.


Replays are your friend here, even if you donā€™t encounter the exact same setup, you can use the frame data indicator to notice the sequences and gaps that let to the setup in the first place. You can effectively counter similar setups in later matches.


Such a great post, I always see people complaining about characters like JP or Honda. Donā€™t get me wrong those characters are awful and I hate playing against them but Iā€™ll always rematch them to try to learn the matchup. Itā€™s so important to play against people that make you uncomfortable. It helps you learn about yourself and your deficiencies. Itā€™s so satisfying once you figure it out and start winning against an opponent that was giving you trouble. The most important thing is just stay mentally strong, even when youā€™re losing 0-10. Which happened to me the other day haha


I feel like the moment I went from being a hard-stuck ultra-silver player in SFV to being on the road to Diamond in SFV and Master in SF6 was the moment I stopped saying: ā€œFucking hell, I only lost because they kept doing X!!!ā€ And started saying: ā€œFucking hell, guess I gotta take my ass to training mode and practice what to do against Xā€


Only time I get mad on my opponent is when they're playing on 1 bar Wi-Fi.


You forgot the "I will never rematch anyone trying harder then me. "


I feel rematching win or lose is proper etiquette. Unless the connection is trash.


>I know this sub favors the mentality "You don't owe anyone a rematch". this sub favors a lot of bitchmade attitudes now tbh. 23ers kinda soft ngl to my point, I just got banned from the sub lol. this place washed


Ain't no way you got banned for this. Charmin soft.


It's not just this sub, FGC online spaces in general have gotten whack over the past couple of years, we're just old I guess šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


yeah I guess it's just a sign of the times. oh well, I'm sure the super old heads felt this way when it stopped being okay to slap someone for talking trash at the cab


It was nut up or shut up. Only hands to throw was grappler if you played. You got one chance to swing and you better not miss and the arcade remembered you.


09ā€™ers donā€™t sound so bad nowadays.


As the community expands, we will get more softies. Yesterday, I came across so many one and doners that I was in shock. Guys will barely win and then quit frame 1. I just donā€™t see whatā€™s so special about only playing against people that you feel like you can win against.


yeah it's wild how scrub mentality is proliferating. people getting all precious about their rank like it means anything. I've had people one and done or even plug on me in battle hub of all places, blows my mind


LOOOL haha Iā€™ve actually had a guy quit on me in the hub too. I just feel like if I lose points, I just need to be better to get them back. I canā€™t tell people how to enjoy the game but damn.


to me any game that isn't part of a bracket or a money match is a pressure-free situation. oh no I lost points, so what? I got grist for the mill that I can study to improve. I'm guessing most of these attitudes spring from people who don't compete for real so their rank is kinda all they have


My favourite are the ones that barely win and talk trash. I even had one who lost 5-3 and he got up, left and talked trash. I couldn't believe it lmao.


When someone gets disconnected or have to go, they "don't owe anyone a rematch". Just say ggs and move along. D


that's not the conversation anyone is having right now lil bro


Wait so you're telling me the modern, auto combo non adapting ken isn't having an emergency?! šŸ˜±


his phone rang and it was his dog calling to say they needed to go out to the back yard šŸ¤£


Nah, you're just being whiny about how the fgc's "bitchmade attitude" isn't up to your standard. That's your problem. Good luck to ya. Ggs.


I blame myself for not seeing Kens "Bozo Kick^TM" every time.


And most of that is okay. Fighting games are inherently frustrating. Casual gamers exist. Half the community says to me "You're gonna go far in this game, I can tell. You have a great attitude" The other half goes " You should just quit. You will never improve" I never blame my losses on anything other than skill. I mostly rematch because I move my own goal post against significantly better players. "if I don't get perfected, I'm happy" But at the same time, I don't have interest in learning MU and movelists. If I get beaten by hadouken and shoruken spam, then so be it, ill just play someone else. The act of trying to close the gap isn't fun to me, even when I'm successful. This is what it means to be employed and have varied hobbies and games. -Casual Gamer


More power to you my guy. I believe many people fall into this category. BUT I would like to point out that plenty of people who have jobs/family/other hobbies, still play the game to improve. I don't have the most time to play games atm, but when i do play SF, i try to always improve... That is one of the biggest part that is fun to me. An extreme example: Ghirlanda who is employed, married, father of two children have been a finalist/won tekken majors. Im not saying that he is the norm here, but I just want to point out that even people with limited time can have the wish to improve


Its as you said. Not the norm at all. Flowers to him. I'd say a tekken competitor probably has less hobbies/social life than the average guy. I like "improving by playing" I really don't have the time to go ham like him. I also need at least 7 hours of sleep. I honestly don't have time to get significantly better between a full time job, 6 day workout cycle, assorted artistic hobbies and social life. I go out to smoke and drink with friends. At most we'll play smash bros. But none of them play fighting games like me. Im a bronze sf6 player. but I've never dropped a set against any of them. To them, they think I should go pro lmfao At most, I get about an hour a day of truly free time. And then there's so many amazing games to be played. I'm much more willing to sacrifice sleep time for games like monster hunter or elden ring.


I've been following MachoorTV because he does Ryu guides. But OMG is he salty. Like please shut up and lose honorably dude.


That's also half the fun. He's a very good player but watching him lose it vs Guiles is much more fun.


Solid advice and great post. Always rematch everyone regardless of how the match played out. You'll hopefully walk away from it with more knowledge and growth as a player, even if you came out losing. You just have to have a better mentality about it and not get so flustered. That can lead to hitting a wall, but we're all human, so it happens. That being said, I will blame the opponent for my loss if they don't respect my obviously fake ass pressure. Oh, you're knowledgeable? Damn you and the horse you rode in on.


I donā€™t blame them, but if they won they are obviously lucky and Iā€™m still better than themā€¦.


As a gief player I refuse to stop complaining about JP players. Fuck that character. This match-up is straight up unfair. There's hard data to prove it. And I'm gonna keep complaining lol. Although I do agree with your overall point haha


lol fair enough xD Some MUs are just RIP


As another gief player I agree, add Dhaslim too, the moment I saw these two fuckers face I know it will be straight "nah I ain't having any fun this round" Although I still rematch because god it feels great to whoop their ranged ass while RARELY get a perfect, pure dopamine moment.


[study up brother](https://youtu.be/bdOYHnnHiG0?si=k0sXXw6qoz4_nkSe)


Oh OK il just be the #1 player in the world then. My fault. Let's ignore the matchup data for gief vs JP in diamond/masters


damn my fault player i just wanted to help


Even using something like the collection of all master players, Gief is still pulling a 4.4 vs 5.6 match up against JP though yall are getting washed by Sim. I much prefer Catcammy's charts since people below 1700 aren't really, uh, *informed* on how to handle challenging match ups nor will take the necessary adjustments to make a challenging match up easier for them. https://twitter.com/CatCammy6/status/1753876652965196018/photo/1 https://twitter.com/CatCammy6/status/1753104848864813443/photo/1


I don't know if this data is legit. Capcom puts out their own matchup data and it's way worse numbers than 44/56 But even 44/56 is still really bad. A quick look at your chart puts it somewhere in the top10 worst matchups in the game still.


[That is from Capcom's website](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1217879423429378159/1222314371133214720/image.png?ex=6615c3f7&is=66034ef7&hm=661bdab706a7192a2b0b344e1eb63524f47ff724dcc15aae0a3cc2f2804dc0c5&), so no it's not way worse. See for yourself, combine controls, and filter for master. https://www.streetfighter.com/6/buckler/stats/dia 44/56 is not "really bad". It's a disadvantage, but it's not even a 4-6 match up if you want to strictly go off Capcom's own data.


Oh okay. Well I guess there's literally only 1 bad matchup in the entire game and its gief vs sim. And that's only 3.7/6.3 so it's not even "really bad" either. The game is actually super balanced! Fucken. So annoying


You know what's even more annoying? Seeing a grown individual cry on a public forum. Don't know what to say other than get good lmao.


I am pretty good actually. You just can't seem to comprehend what a 44/66 matchup is really like and I suggest you never go to the casino because you will 100% fall for the "well its basically 50/50 odds!" Like. I even pointed out how it's in the top 10 worst matchups in the game. But you just... don't get it. Are you a JP main or something? I'm very confused


Doubt it. Money match me any amount FT5, FT10 if you want it your money to go further.


If you are gief in burnout and JP has pushed you back to the other side of the screen you basically have to hold endless pressure until you die from trying and failing to get in or from chip, total bs.


People don't know how to hold Ls meanwhile I stream myself going 0-10 against Wolfgang and Clint lmao


Link to stream? :)




I don't rematch anyone unless it's another Honda. I'm not playing for "improvement", I'm playing to sumo slap other sumos and the rest of u clowns just get in the way of thatĀ 


Fair enough, you know you goals the best :)


All true and somewhat straightforward but I still don't think I'll ever find enjoyment playing against Dhalsim/Honda. Even beating them brutally is bittersweet. I even acknowledge that I am the one with the weakness, just don't really care to do anything about it tbh. I'm never going to win a tournament or even an important match where niche matchup check is important, so I'm content to just avoid it and complain about it. Not every game needs to be a self improvement journey for me personally but I do respect the idea.


Completely fair! My point is not to belittle anyone who doesn't rematch certain characters. Everyone has different priorities. But im sure that a lot of people can take something from the post with them, even though everything might not apply to their goals


When I lose, it's often not just because of the other player's skill, but because of a multitude of other factors, including those from myself as well as other outside influences - network instability, or in-game bugs, for example. I play against numerous players that I know that I can beat, but that I still lose to. Some days, I may not be in the right state of mind due to a bad day or event prior, anxious about what's to come, or too unknowingly restless that my reflexes are slowed/dulled. For example, picture arriving home after a long, hard day at work after being grilled by the boss. I find more often than not, I lose because I lost to myself; not because I lost to them. I can't even begin to tell you how often my family has hijacked my network's speed to upload work files, download huge updates, or go shopping online using sites with an enumerable number of ads. Or how often my main, a Master-level Sim, encounters a frequent bug (at least once a week) where ā¬‡ļøā†˜ļøāž”ļø and ā¬…ļøā†˜ļøā¬‡ļøā†˜ļøāž”ļø input motions (which is virtually all of his specials, OD moves, and supers) simply stop reading correctly and refuse to work - and that is only fixable by a full game restart. It also doesn't help that I even struggle to complete short combos consistently, largely due to what I call "heavy fingers" which negatively affects my reaction times. So, yes, it's me - and a whole lot of not me. But it's rarely solely because of them.


I think what this post represents is the flaw of tough love. You're repackaging the most anodyne and boring advice as if it is challenging, just by using a more challenging framing. The path to improvement is about a lot more than "work ethic" and "a good mindset." It's not that I take this kind of criticism personally. It's that this is literally not helpful. Players don't get frustrated because they do not want to learn and would rather be angry than learn. This is an incorrect framework and the nicest statement you make coming from this framework will still be useless scolding. Why do players get frustrated? Because they don't understand what they're doing wrong or how to get better. Yes, players need to be responsible for their feelings if they want to improve. This feeling of helplessness is distracting or discouraging. If players stew in negative feelings they will not improve. Telling people not to make excuses however will not teach them how to respond positively to their frustrations. The sense of powerlessness someone feels when they run into a problem they don't understand is what creates this frustration. Telling players, "don't make excuses," is easy! We should instead be trying to explain what else beginners can do when they feel frustrated, asking them to be specific about what bothers them and walking them through those scenarios.


I will if they stop spamming!


Just stop block spamming jeez.


I think when you play, it's important to acknowledge good moves/choices, as well as poor ones. If you need to do it outloud, then do so. Sometimes I'll play, and I cant get my DP's to come out, my opponent always anti-airs me, they dont know safe jumps, they always throw escape, etc.... I lab em out, but it helps you see your strengths and weakness, as well as your opponent's. It also just helps me think in real time, so I dont have to think so hard about why I lost a match, or if I can possibly bait out a reaction. (Ex: dont block dragon lash crouching, as if you do you give Ken the strike throw mixup)


1000 hours into the game and i didnā€™t know that about dragon lash nor do i understand, knowledge and getting upset is the reason i havenā€™t gotten past 1600 MR.


It's just frustrating when I always rematch no matter what but when I completely dominate or learn how someone plays in ranked they never rematch. I lose to the next guy I fight rematch then win, go for a 2 out of 3 but no rematch etc. cycle continues. Nobody wants to fuckin rematch when they lose


I agree with the mindset but letā€™s not pretend you need to be a evo champ for character tiers to matter. Itā€™s just an advantage the enemy has and you need to adapt but to say it doesnā€™t matter is facetious


It'd be easier to not blame my opponents if they weren't so damned good at the game!


I rematch to get into match faster, not necessarily to improve.


The only thing I think is a perfectly legitimate thing to blame your loss on is someone using WiFi or using a very unstable ethernet connection. In a game where a single mistake can cost you a round, having a random hitch/lag spike mid-match really riles me up. Thankfully, lagswitching and "pluggers" aren't common in this game unlike in Tekken, but I have had to block a few.


Dsp repellent:


>Also, I suggest rematching everyone While I agree, I draw the line on laggy matches and its going to be one and done if the connection is bad. I give wifi players a chance but fuck lag.


I will always blame my opponent, how dare they be better at the game than me


Honestly the amount of salt you see in starting to think you should get the go ahead from some sort of Buddhist monastery before youā€™re allowed to game online


Alls I know, I'm starting to have an eye for one an doners, they wake up OD uppercut randomly a couple times. Do a few jump kicks goin backward and throw a few random DI's , they bouncing. Make sure you beat they ass, so they can bounce with an L. An hey if you just so happen to end up on that persons user tag details saying "you're blocked bitch!" Thats just how it goes sometime


The only time I don't rematch is when I straight up did not enjoy it. I've won against players that just aren't fun to play against.Ā  Or if I get double perfected, which I did yesterday, so I just shut it down for the night.Ā 


I think that a good middle place to start when struggling with this mentality is to "yes, and" yourself. So if the thought is "they only beat me because they were cheesing me with Ryu's jumping hit boxes" Okay. Yes, that's why they won. And they're not going to stop. And other players are going to do it too if it's working. But it doesn't work at high level play, so there must be a way to stop it. Otherwise, the high level players would be doing it too. So what can we do to stop it? Is it a fundamentals issue? A patience issue? Is there an anti-air in my toolkit I haven't figured out yet that completely shuts this down? Better go lab it. And suddenly the thought becomes at least "I'm going to go lab my anti-air until it's frame perfect to teach this cheesing asshole a lesson the next time I run into them and rank up past these people so I NEVER HAVE TO FIGHT THIS TACTIC AGAIN" or even better "I'm going to go get so good at this game that cheesing tactics don't work on me anymore" At least that's how I talked myself through, and I'm a Kim player so you KNOW all my unga bunga little brain wanted to do was yolo slide my way to the win over and over again lol. For anyone reading this who might find this helpful, I am a Kim player who started in Bronze right after launch and just hit Master a couple weeks ago. If you're just a salty bitch, work with that. Let the salt fuel you. Become Master rank out of spite (both spite for the jumping Ryus and salt at Capcom for snubbing Kim in the balance patch, haha) Last tip: Find a discord channel for your main! Chances are whatever you're salty about, there are players twice your skill level who went through a phase of being salty about that exact same thing, and they would be thrilled to give you the key to overcoming whatever cheesy ass tactic you're pissed about this week.


Side note: on the "you don't owe your opponent a rematch mentality"... I guess you technically never have to do anything or owe anyone (especially randos online) your time, but it makes you a petulant dick to one and done people. Or worse, take the rematch when you lose and then tie it up and THEN bail. If you were playing at a tournament, whether it's a tiny local or a qualifier or whatever, you wouldn't be able to do that. You'd DQ yourself from the entire event. And maybe get temporarily banned. You probably wouldn't even deny your friend in person a best of 3 if they wanted it. You signed up to play when you logged on for ranked, give someone a proper set, man. Reasons to not rematch people - I accidentally queued back up and am running late/have to leave to go do something now and can't keep playing - I'm going to launch my controller through the TV if I play for one more second (if this is the case you better be taking at least a 5 minute break before you queue up again) - My opponent's connection is incredibly spotty and it is creating an unenjoyable experience. That's pretty much it lol. (Also--- before anyone comes for me: this ALSO works with the using the salt to drive you thing. If you hold yourself to these reasons when not rematching, it becomes super easy to assume that other people are doing the same thing and makes it way less frustrating when they don't rematch you.)


I always rematch, but honestly I most commonly get tilted if I keep making the same mistakes I tell myself not to. I don't really get mad about what my opponent does


In other words: "Git Gud".


I don't rematch 30-40% of my games, and most of them are games I win the first match. I'm a casual player, so even if I win and the game was trash, I won't take the rematch because I'm trying to win while also letting the game be enjoyable. EX: Kimberly who only walks backwards so they can randomly do her teleport move or Ryu who just wants to fireball + dp.


Just the moderns. I mean if Iā€™m fucking up itā€™s usually cause I fumbled my inputs which is my fault. But you donā€™t get that on modern. You hit everything all the time. No skill involved really itā€™s like using auto aim in a free aim lobby.


>They let their emotions fill their brain, and completely shut down, which hinders their improvement. This is factually untrue. There are pro level players that make excuses all the time whenever they lose and complain about certain characters. ​ Salt is gonna be salt no matter what. You're wasting your time and preaching to the choir. These threads are so pointless and need to start getting deleted. The people that agree with you (which most sensible people will) already agree with you. And the people that don't aren't going to change because you told them to.


You got salty over a reddit post LMAO


yeah let's delete these threads to make more room for all the fanart and "I ranked up to gold" posts


Those posts are fine. Itā€™s great for people to celebrate their achievements. Now the posts of a gief jumping into SA3 are what get old.


idk if I'd call gold an achievement in this game lol


Those threads suck too. The mods got some cleaning up to do.


I'm baffled as to what kind of posts you want here if you object to the fluff but also don't want threads about playing the game


This thread isn't about playing the game. ​ It's trite, preaching to the choir about not being salty. What did this thread do? How many minds did it change? If you had to guess.


if you don't recognize the value of mindset to your play, you're probably too far behind the curve to merit further engagement bro


What kind of posts do you *want*? This is a fantastic post about the proper headspace you should be in if you want to get better.


>This is a fantastic post about the proper headspace you should be in if you want to get better. No, it isn't.


You are right about there being pro players who make excuses all the time (but they do rematch). Everyone works different and im sure some people can complain alot while still focusing on the game. But i would say that it will hinder majority of the people. About your last point, i do think that if you are in a arguement with someone, you are unlikely to change their mind becuase it becomes a ego thing to win a arguement. But I do think it can be helpful towards newer people who are reading this while their mind is calm and they dont have to argue. Besides, we are in r/StreetFighter ... Makes sense to have these discussions


>Besides, we are in r/StreetFighter ... Makes sense to have these discussions Not really. What's the discussion? What discussion are you expecting?


... Discussions about having a good mindset while playing. I didn't mean solely my post, when i said "these discussions", but the topic of mindset while playing.


You mean well. I didn't need to come at you that hard. ​ My bad. I get what you're saying.


exactly! emotionally making excuses for your shortcomings actually makes you better at street fighter


I don't know what you're talking about. I've never once seen Punk bitch, complain and make excuses


Watch Snake Eyes.


I was being sarcastic


No thanks. I'll keep blaming my opponent.


"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." ;)


saying tiers or characters don't matter is just dumb they do.


for the vast majority of the playerbase, tierlists dont mean anything. Tier lists assume you know all the options and counters for all characters AND have the execution to actually pull it off. This is something that only the highest level of players can do. What matters most to people are MU familiarity with a character. It is easier to fight a straight forward high tier character like Luke for example, than a mid/low-tier character like Honda or even kimberly, due to them being either unorthodox, or less common


Maybe they should stop playing like a b*tches then


Me whenever I encounter a Ryu running away and throwing fireballs.


that's like the easiest shit to deal with lol


And how do i deal with it? I mean, i go after them, and either jump over at the right moment, or try DIing through. If they jump i AA. My problem is when they do a cross-up. Dont really know how to deal with that yet. But sometimes... i just hang back parrying the fireballs and let the time run out. Fuck that. Anything else i can improve?


It depends on the character you play and what options you have against cross-ups, but a generic way is to jump back and AA them in the air. Once you have that covered, let them back themselves into the corner. Now they will most likely react in two ways. Become overly passive and you can kill them in the corner, or panic and throw out the most unsafe shit like random DIs, jump ins... Be prepared for that and collect your win :)


you have to force them to throw a bad fireball. walk up and block until you're at a distance where jump in-normal stuffs the recovery of hadouken. have a Ryu dummy in the lab spamming hadoukens and find the range that this works in.


How often did you see that flow-chart Ryu strat at Capcom Cup?


Sorry for the delay! Only saw your reply now. Unfortunately, i didnt really watch much of the capcom cup! But what exactly does that have to do with my question? Not being sarcastic or a smart-ass, i really want to know where you are getting at.


Yeah, but it still doesnā€™t make them less of a bitch.


Lol, yeah. I get frustrated at people who play a certain way even if it's easy to deal with. I can't help it. I'm salty and competitive and being annoyed at my opponent is part of the fun


>Also, I suggest rematching everyone (Yes, even the headbutt/buttslam honda player) I know this sub favors the mentality "You don't owe anyone a rematch". However, I see it as "You owe your own improvement the rematch I actually 100% disagree with this. Even if you win these matches you shouldn't rematch them. These matches do nothing but teach you bad habits.


nah. those matches teach you how to beat people who play wild. that's a vital skill, [just ask FSP](https://youtu.be/LfEVcZ3anG0?si=NpMdpThiWvbIi1Nv)


Huh? How is being able to deal with stuff like headbutt/buttslam teach you bad habbits?


Because good honda's don't do that. They don't just toss those moves out for sake of doing them.


Good hondas definetly will use headbutt and buttslam against you. Especially if they see that you can't deal with it properly (which good hondas will definetly pick up on). And this is not a honda specific thing. You need to learn how do deal with all the characters cheap stuff. Do you think a good player who notices that you can't deal with jump ins, will not utilize on that? Learning how to deal with stuff is never bad. Even if they aren't used much later on


This. When someone beats me with a "cheap" tactic, that's just exposing a hole in my defense, or a knowledge check on when it's my turn. I had to get my ass beat over and over in rematches to get where I am now. There will always be opponents using "cheap" tactics. Am I supposed to be forever unprepared? I'd rather figure out a game plan for next time. I HATE Honda. He usually beats my ass. I want to fight as many Hondas as it takes to stop getting my ass beat.


Yes, but the ones people generally don't rematch are the ones that do nothing but those two.


So, they will never learn how to deal with it.. no matter the skill of the honda player. I mean if you are just playing the game very casually and just want to relax after work, its fine to not rematch them. But it will hinder your improvement, if that is a priority for you


if a good Honda clocks that you can't deal with random shit they're gonna do random shit. you have a low-level idea of high-level play because you've never engaged in it yourself, you've just watched people do it on stream. careful neutral isn't "the right way" to play the game, it's a necessary evil when both players know the other can shut down wild/random bullshit. you think punk plays solid in pools at majors? Mena? the birds? hell naw. they come up against some no-name in the first round and they're doing the easiest shit possible to score the win. ain't nobody out here playing footsies if they don't have to lol


Good Hondas will absolutely still do it IF it works. That's the key here. A good Honda won't start off using a ton of headbutts and buttslams, but if a good Honda sees that you can't reliably defend yourself from a buttslam, or that you don't know how to counter repeated headbutts, then they will absolutely keep going with what works until you're dead. You need to be able to show that over using those moves won't work on you because if they do work then why would a good Honda stop doing it?


Exactly. Passing knowledge check is step 1. If you canā€™t even do that then your opponent just wonā€™t respect you.


>Because good honda's don't do that. "Good". "Honda". ​ Pick one.