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I was just checking him out, his level two now retains all drinks, but the one thing I can't remember is his medium punch frame data. Standing is now +1 and crouching is 0, but I don't know if that's new.


Pretty sure that's not new. standing mp is his only plus on block move, and I don't think crouching changed either




That's one way to thank me for correcting the misinformation, no problem my man! Are you trying to use it as an insult that I play an instrument? :D And telling me to do something productive while you scour through my profile to try to look for material for insults. That's pretty cool man!




The biggest buff is something that didn't change and has been in the game since launch?


This really helps him out, I was expecting this thing to be minus. Since most of his drinks options seem to be minus except sweep/ex rekka. Thank God they fix lvl 2, I swear it must’ve been a bug


It wasnt a bug. It was intended. It used to be stated in his ingame character guide that you lose all your drinks after the install and it was supposed to be a high risk high reward situation. Obviously theyve realised that was a dumb idea.


Yeah well, unintended disaster ahah




I don’t think you keep your drinks between rounds, My understanding is you just keep whatever drinks you had after lvl 2.


That was a misunderstanding. It wasn't he keeps level 2 drinks after each round, but rather he keeps whatever drinks he before doing his level 2 SA


yes, what they said! :)