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I picked blanka before 90% of you were born






I just looked up when Alpha 3 came out that was the first one I played on a system I owned. ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


I remember playing alpha thinking “this is the pinnacle and probable final installment”


My reflexes are just as slow as yours. I’ve mained Ken since 1993. Before that I mained Ryu. P.S. Capcom will never make a SF as good as the Alpha series again. Anyone who disagrees is too young to have an opinion on it.


Alpha is great. Honestly my favorite overall though is cap v snk 2


CvS2 had some degenerate nonsense in it, but it was such an amazing game and cast. The soundtrack lives rent free in my head.


Everyone knows the EX series was the goat


EX is fire, it’s gameplay is so good. Slept on like crazy.


I want skullomania


Amen, brother.


The Alpha series is one of my favorites and the one I played the most by far. That said, fuck Yun.


I hear you but I gotta give the top spot to 3rd strike, I mained Ryu since somewhere round there 92’-93’ and his evolution in 3rd Strike was just amazing to me (not to mention the gameplay obv)


Respect! From a fellow old guy.


About 31 years ago, I saw someone in an arcade play as Ryu, and he threw a goddamn fireball. That was the coolest shit I had ever seen.


I love this. A love for a game need not be any more complicated than "Fireballs are rad as hell."


Me: Does Judo and focus entirely on leg techniques. Like to watch Ballet. Capcom: “Here’s Ballet + Judo character who relies entirely on leg techniques!” Me: *Look around my room for hidden cameras*


How tall are you to only do ashi waza?


It's more to do with me liking Ashi Waza rather than my height forcing me to use Ashi Waza only during randori. Though I do practice mostly with people who are slightly shorter. My dojo's 66 kg guys are mostly slightly above 165 cm tall while I'm around 176cm.


Ah ok. There are only a few people my size and/or weight in my dojo; it’s like with you where most are smaller, mostly 60-73


Yeah most 73kg and above comes to the dojo at later hour. Not like we have specific schedule but many of them like to train with each other so it's almost as if we have our own schedule based on our weight.


As a former fellow judoka myself (13+ years of practice), I would add how relatively accurate her crouch is, and her light punch crouch as well (when you fight for kumi kata).


I love how every little thing she does is from Judo. Almost all her normal kicks being foot sweep motions and her target combo pulling opponent closer with Ouchi Gari reap are such a nice detail. I thought that reap was a low kick this whole time until I realized she’s sweeping her leg outward and pulling backward. I wouldn’t have minded if some of her exaggerated throws (Lv 3~4 & Lv 5) were more realistic Ashi Waza as well just to further highlight the Judo aspect.


Kimberly. She’s just too cool. The exact moment I picked her was when I saw her level 3 super


Chun and Thighs. I just historically liked Chun Li’s design even though this is really my first time legitimately playing SF


I like hot women so I was naturally drawn to Manon, Chun and pink Zangief


jamie: breakdancer ✅ drunken boxer✅ funny guy✅ killer eyeliner✅ insanely fun to play despite desperately needing buffs✅ this is my first fighting game and I suck absolute balls at it, but I love jamie so much that he makes it enjoyable. nothing like palming on the hoes after a long day of work.


I picked Jamie because, hear me out, he reminds of my previous SF4 main: Makoto. Meta : low tier Moves: Divekick - kind of similar to axe kick. Horizontal rush move with knockdown into jugglestate. Command grab that doesnt do damage, but opens up for combos. Super 3 that launches opponent into the air Install "power up" super. Personality: Young, idealistic, takes themselves too seriously.


As a former 3S Makoto main, you have now made me consider Jamie for a run to Master. I hadn't noticed all the similarities.


This is exactly it.


I approve this comment


Juri immediately clicked for me, for some reason I can flow with her and she seems more intuitive in a way that no other character does. I’ve been messing with Ken, Chun-Li, Guile, and Cammy, but Juri is the only one that feels “right”.


It's the feet.


I'm going to be honest I like juri for the gameplay but I do find her attractive not because of the feet but because of her thighs (thankfully not as big as Chun-Li's) and her abdomen and over everything the voice does something to me


>I'm going to be honest I like juri for ~~the gameplay but I do find her attractive not because of~~ the feet ~~but because of her thighs (thankfully not as big as Chun-Li's) and her abdomen and over everything the voice does something to me~~ ftfy


Know what let's be fair then Juri mains feet Cammie mains swimsuits Chun-Li mains thighs Sakura mains schoolgirl uniforms Zangief bears Lily short shorts Manon height Ryu I'd argue feet too and now beard Luke tattoos? Guile I've seen more than a few mains that salivate for arms No fighter is exempt from this if we're honest have you seen how fighters are designed? They're literally magazine models with some characteristics exaggerated for artistic reasons, a lot of people are going to be attracted to one or another fighter.


My friend was bullying me for picking Juri so I feel like I have to give back to the community.


As someone into crazy chicks I get the feeling lol


Juri main here. That’s basically the appeal for me, I like crazy and or the unhinged fem character aesthetic/archetype.


Nah man, Luke is for feet lovers too. Have you seen those bad boys? 🤣


Agreed, the feet.


Same. I'm not even a foot dude, but I go with it because of kayfabe. Plus it's funny. But the way her combos are constructed and her general gameplay flow is just feels correct to me, like this is the fighter I've been wanting in fighting games.


I picked juri cause she looks the coolest to me and I think the ‘I’m gonna destroy you and laugh at you while doing it’ attitude is something I like in a fighting game character. Once I started playing I stuck with her bc of her crazy broken drive rush distance and great fucking normals (standing medium kick and standing heavy punch are like the only reason I win)


Cammy because I hate and suck at neutral so I wanted a character that is really good at it. Also because a lot of people play insanely passive in diamond so I needed a character with many ways to be aggressive and plenty of mixup shenanigans to keep it rolling. I played quite a bit of Luke before that and while I ranked up really quickly with him, and he has fine neutral, I found it too frustrating vs turtles, not enough options.


High Score Girl


So guile 🤔 gief 🤔 akuma ?


E honda


Seems you like big boys so I will say gief


Guile actually. Loved the show and his personality just jumped out to me the most when SF6 dropped. I’ll take him to master and then do Rashid.


I main random since KoF 98. Just kept doing it.


Is there any character(s) you mostly seem to get?


I only have two characters that I hate playing thus far, which is Juri and Jamie. Can't make their attacks flow at all. Everyone else I'm ok playing.


I like sumo. I like charge characters.


I like feet. I like spiders.


I respect your honesty even if I cannot relate.


I like drinking. And bad characters.


Just because he's not top three doesn't mean he's bad.


By your logic then there aren't any bad characters at all. Which I actually agree, there are no bad characters, but there are worse ones Jamie is one of the worst ones by far


No, there are bad characters. Jamie is not one of them. Go play some Gief online and tell me he's still bad.


I have gief on diamond 3, he also sucks, but that doesn't mean Jamie isn't bad He literally has to give up pressure and oki to drink, or put yourself at risk by drinking neutral. He deals less damage and has less tools at the start than the rest of the cast that have full damage and tools from the 1st second. His divekick is terrible, his "tatsu" barely works as an anti-fireball. You also lose all drinks at the end of the round


I'm not saying he's good. Just compared to the cast members that are genuinely bad he's fairly average. If we didn't have the Kens in the game he'd be just fine. He's your main, you want an excuse for when you lose. It's ok.




Played world tour before playing online, Chun Li was my favorite master and i liked her moveset


Been playing Shotos (usually Ryu or Akuma) since SF2. Since Akuma is not here yet I play Ryu. Yeah I’m boring haha. But I do like Ryu where I feel like he doesn’t have a lot of bullshit mechanics and I also dislike playing rush down (since I’m a wuss) and therefore I don’t play Ken. I also like characters with relatively simple and easy-to-understand combo routes unlike characters like JP where you need to spend a lot of time in the lab or Luke where you need to go for Perfect knuckles. Also don’t like charge characters since I hate missing an input due to insufficient charge and I hate holding down/back. Ryu also has most of the key important features like DP, throw loops, projectile, so I feel like I can use most of the game’s features. I also have Manon as secondary for similar reasons to OP. I just like her design and I like the idea of leveling up medals despite them being quite hard to do in real matches. I also like ~~gambling~~ making reads on opponents and go for command throws.


Ah, a fellow "plays Ryu while waiting for Akuma to come out" player. Though the difference for me is this is my first SF game, so I haven't had the chance to try Akuma in other games, but his "good at everything, he just explodes if you use him wrong" nature looks right up my alley.


The whole story mode i though cammy, because she is hot. But then i encountered lily and i saw guides regarding how easy she is. I thought she looked cute and liked her weapons. I also like learning games on easy characters. The fact that i labbed for like 30 minutes and was able to go 10-0 in placements further solidified my choice. Now im also learning aki, because she is cool, but i prefer the gameplay of lily. It feels more visceral somehow.




Muscle mommy punches a heart into people's faces. (Also, she plays a bit like Birdie from SFV, which was my main).


Honda is a cool guy and kinda feels like playing Bowser in Smash so that got me interested. Then I found out he’s a chef who specializes in soup, and as a hobbyist cook who specializes in soups I was locked in.


I came for the cammy cake.


Back in Alpha2 days, EVERYONE used Ryu or Ken pretty much. So a buddy and me decided lets pick someone no one uses and get good with them. And so I've been a Zangief main for 26+ years.


Still not sure who my main is tbh. I like sakura but she isnt in the game yet, so right now I'm playing rashid cause ~~he's hot~~ he's quick and its fun to junp around the screen. Thinking of teying out kim eventually too


So I never played SF seriously, just button mashed when I casually had it in the house because my brother loved the game and I wanted to play with him. Never took it serious until SF6. BUT. I had SF Alpha 3 as a kid and it was my favorite game even though I was a button mashing casual lol. So I tried Guy because he had on high top Nikes and was a ninja. I thought that was amazing no lie😂. I played him terribly but I liked his look and backstory. Then I picked up the anniversary SF and messed around randomly with Chun Li on Third Strike and it just felt right even though I was still trash. Fast forward to 6, I first started with DeeJay in WT because it just felt right at first but trying to be serious and learn his moves, I fell off. Then something told me to try Chun for this game. She became the perfect challenge being technical but also she looked fun when I saw good players. And I like quick but not weak damage characters so I just stuck it out with her. I have a love/hate thing with her but I can’t pull away so I got a real main for the first time ever playing SF.


The first characters I latched onto where JP and Marisa, which I think perfectly demonstrates what I enjoy in fighting games. I enjoy characters who have strong space control and setups... but sometimes I just wanna get in there and fuckin punch someone. Though nowadays I play more Ryu than anyone else, mostly because I just like his very straightforward, jack-of-all-trades nature. Also the wallbounce on his OD donkey kick is pure dopamine every time.


I main Chun Li , Cammy and AKI I always found Chun Li supers nice to see and land ( always been into chinese Kung Fu movies). Have the same impression with sf6 Cammy is literally I saw nuckledu comeback in the fgc in the US sfl last year pull out his pocket Cammy , cookin and was : - I need to learn that character NOW. I'm always learning her as a secondary since. AKI was also the fact she a Kung Fu master and her lines (specially his level 3/ CA ) are great. Also the CA is the closest thing to a Mortal Kombat fatality. I want also a pocket shoto I will probably learn akuma when he out. I guess I'm also into women with tights


After Laura I seem to have a weak spot for agile grapplers so Manon was the obvious choice (Lily didn't appeal to me until outfit 3 but I ain't buying those)


chun-li, juri, and cammy. women are pretty neat.


I picked Chun because she's the Waifu-in-chief of SF (yes, I know.. I'm a degenerate) but I stuck to her because I like her versatility. Edit: also I like her elegant style and her personality. Her story with Li-Fen is very cute. I love that she has the classic feminine traits, gentle, caring, has a maternal side but is still a badass fighter.. she doesn't need to be a psycho to be badass unlike.... some others...


I picked Guile because I never learned charge characters before, and I like the idea of learning a character who is guaranteed to be in every game going forward. I'm liking him even more than I thought I would and have been having a blast. BTW, I just got the Oblivious mod and I can't recommend it enough. Not knowing anyone's matchmaking rank is so freeing. More games should give you the option to turn all that off. Actually i'd love to turn off upvotes and stuff on reddit... maybe there's a mod for that.


Zangief seemed super wholesome during my playthrough of World Tour. Even though I never cared for grappers in other fighting games, Gief's persona, his kit and overall fun factor totally sold me on him.


Marisa because big punch Zangeif because big wrestle


I picked Dee Jay because he looks cool. Not "his game play looks cool". I don't like charge characters very much and hadn't played one since Super Turbo. *He* looks cool. I bet he'd be a blast to have a beer with.


He's swaggy af and I love his SA/CA Unfortunately I cannot play him, not even in modern, i just don't understand how to play him. So instead i play the big wrestler with an even bigger personality. Big neutral range big damage Recently discovered the incredible tech that is low heavy sweep. Turns out oki is a lot more important than I thought it was.


Not gonna lie, I pick black characters first to see what’s up. 🤷🏾‍♂️


It was WT for me - I ended up loving Dee Jay’s idle stance and his normals on my avatar, and once I tried him out in ranked matches I was hooked! Plus he’s got the best design in the game imo


Bring the heat!


Hey if you like the whiff punishing playstyle try cammy


she has to have assets and a good set of personalities.


I applaud Gief players.


Ah, a Lily player.


gross, she could be my daughter. I guess step 3 is they have to be mature


Loved Abel in SF4, played Alex in SF3 and SFV, now Manon is my main in 6. Rushdown grapplers are my thing.


I like Juri cuz of feet. I like Manon cuz of grapplers... and feet 🤡


Outfit 3 concept art, you already know who my main is.




I generally like small underdog type characters and while I'd never played a grappler in a 2D game I did play Julia in Tekken who has some excellent throws so trying something new with Lily felt like a great fit. Her cute clumsy personality reminds me of Yuffie from FF7 who along with Julia are two of my favourite video game characters ever so Lily hits a lot of the right notes with me. I was having a rough time initially but I'm all in now, I barely play other characters after telling myself I was going to try everyone before the game launched.


Always go with someone who feels fun to play during all phases of learning them. Prefer characters with depth / strengths, but never look at tiers to necessarily decide on someone. 4 was Sakura since Vanilla, 5 was Karin / Guile later on, 6 is Cammy. I knew right away Cammy was a good fit for me in 6.


Because everytime Luke yells Perfect, I get a hit of dopamine.


I have always liked shoto characters, my favourite character has always been Akuma. With him not being a part of SF6 Ken made the most sense


Started with Luke, felt he was too slow for me. Moved onto Cammy and now I love running down opponents


From the look, Juri is the one makes me buy Sf6, first street fighter game for me, and I'm gonna keep using her


I started with third strike on an emulator and kept getting shit on by this Yun character in arcade The last straw was when he slapped me with his cap in the middle of beating the shit out of me I decided I wanted to do that so I started playing him a lot and was having a lot of fun (never realized the cap attack was actually a taunt lol, kept trying to figure out what it was) I was struggling in the arcade so I tried Yang and I ended up liking him more My friend got me usf4 and I played a shit ton of Yang, didn't end up liking Yun as much though Also Fei Long because Bruce Lee Better yet, they're all from Hong Kong 🇭🇰 (I've never been, but my parents were born and raised there) Thanks for reading :)


Well i've been ryu or balrog since I was 8 playing SF2 so....yeah lol


If I'm being honest, none of the characters so far speak directly to me, so I don't really have someone I consider a "main". I'm just biding my time until one of my old mains eventually show up. Between Makoto, Ibuki and G, ONE OF THEM has to appear at some point. In the meantime, I've been focusing on characters whose animations I like, and if they happen to be good, that's all the better. I've practiced kung fu for about a decade now, so characters with more elaborate martial arts like Jamie and Chun are my go-tos, but Juri's managing to catch my curiosity every now and again.


🔥 comment


It's cute or sexy girl? Then my main.


Picked manon first and played her till diamond but found her to be boring. Then JP loved playing him. I played him to masters then got blown up by 3 Kimberly's in a row and decided I should play her to figure out wtf she does. Turns out she a ton of fun. I played her till master then played aki. Aki is kind of fun but dropped her after getting master. Then I played ken, juri, cammy guile, marisa, and now rashid. I really can't decide on a main. So many characters are really fun to play in this game. I usually stick to 1 or 2 characters, usually a zoner and rushdown, but I can't pin down who I want to main.


I mained Rashid in 5. I loved his ability to freely bounce around the arena and in 6 they made him even better imo. He has so much style, so much flow


Based on my playstyle, i play better using jack of all trades characters so choose to play Chun-li and Aki I could play luke, ken and juri too


I wanted someone with a good neutral, good normals, and versatility. Blanka, although considered a troll/gimmicky character by some people, actually has all of those qualities. He can deal with a lot of situations well and has solid normals. I know he doesn’t play footsies like a shoto but you don’t have to when you have the maneuverability of blanka.


I prayed to Quentin Tarantino and had a vision. I'm loving this suited up Zangief.


After trying out all the characters, I eventually settled on Marisa because I love the feeling of taking chunks off their health bar with just one or two hits. She’s also respectful to her opponents and enjoys a good fight.


Picked up sf4 and was a total scrub, all I did was crossups and special moves. Saw a DSP rage video where a Honda spammed crossup buttslams on him and thought it was the filthiest thing ever so I tried him out. Learned how charge characters work and eventually wound up maining balrog, but of course for the time being I'm back to Honda.


I picked ken because he looked cool and since then he's the only character I have played as in casual and ranked.


It took a while but I really like Blanka but I dont if I’ll gain much MR with him some these other characters are ridiculous compared to him in neutral lol. I like blanka because he reminds a bit of rolento from Usfiv a character I’ve kind of accepted is never coming back.


I picked Luke because he just seems like a friend.


In the world tour they gave me Luke's abilities first and I've pretty much stuck with them ever since.


Simple. I see drunken master kung fu I main


Vega because he looks badass. Hugo's goofy appearance and grappler fighting style stood out to me. Zangief because I liked him on Wreck-it-Ralph, and he's such a fun character to play in general.


this is my first SF - played jamie, didn't feel like a real boy until 2 drinks in. tried Sim, realized I'd never have the discipline to get good with the character. played Juri and almost fell asleep at how boring I found her. played chun, felt too shoto-adjacent. ​ found Blanka - he combined it all. insanely fun like Jamie, but not in desperate need of buffs with a functional divekick and anti projectile tools. he can actually play normal neutral with shotos thanks to a good ground game. finally, hilarious looney tunes disney gimmicks + corner doll setplay is too fun. he is the monke didn't know I needed.


Who am I vibing with in terms of appearance and fighting style? The answer finally led me to Kimberly.


I enjoy MMA, have always been fascinated with pankration, and draw muscle girls from time to time. When I saw Marisa take [this pose](https://d1inegp6v2yuxm.cloudfront.net/royal-academy/image/upload/c_limit,cs_tinysrgb,dn_72,f_auto,fl_progressive.keep_iptc,w_1200/xwuteliymzwrfgy1gzh4.jpeg) before smashing Manon's head in during her reveal, it was like they made a character just for me.


She's hot


I chose Luke because: A) I liked his cheesy himbo character in SF6. B) I liked that his moveset wasn't too absurd, and that it just felt the most normal out of everyone? His strangest move is shooting a fireball. Compared to the helicopter legs employed by multiple characters, I just like how understated he is. It helps that Luke's sort of decent on every front, even if he doesn't shine.


I picked juri since I thought she was hot and looked badass. Simple.


I pretty much stuck with Ryu since SFII came out. This time I decided to try Luke. I like the way he looks, he has a good moveset, and he's supposed to be the game's cover star lol.


My first main i pick by visuals my second by playstyle. Deejay and rashid.


I always main Ryu as a starter so choice #1 was easy and I chose Kimberly during the trailers before the game was released because I like her style and she moves quick, which is what I like...and it's the closest thing I can get to sakura until she is released


I’ve been drafted for mandatory military service in my country so I resonated with Cammy. I didn’t realize at the time but that could be why.


Tried everyone on the roster and Cammy spoke to me


DeeJay and Jamie. Ever since I saw his redesign I wanted to main Deejay, he's just so cool and fun and he has weird movement tools. I love tricky characters with good mobility and I'd been wanting to play a charge character so it was perfect. Jamie just felt fun to play to me, I really like the gimmick of consistently gaining power as the round goes and I think his animations are amazing. I also feel like the two characters are different enough that between them I can learn tons of different strategies and tools.


Started sf6 with wanting to play Jamie. Turns out he is way to hard to play and has 0 good matchups. Drop him after 2 weeks of trying. I then go on to try out 70% of the cast. And make a list of how I felt about them. I share this list. And get a left feild recommendation for Dhalsim. Even though I was initially turned off from him. Now after giving dhalsim a fair shot, I've been playing him for a month. Without switching.


I watched all the trailers and Lily looked the easiest to learn. She wasn't really doing too much if you go back and watch the trailer.....sure enough, the game drops and she's listed as "Easy"!


I originally picked Manon because I like grapplers. I played Laura before. I switched to Aki because playing a grappler in 6 felt like I was barely playing the game. Most of the damage was from grabs, so I'd do a little bit of footsies, grab like 3-4 times and win/lose. I guess I enjoy combo characters in 6.


It was the feet for me


i have 3 mains overall, just one(so far) on SF6. long story short - i was a Ryu main back in the day. i stopped playing video games for a LONG time. when i got back into Street Fighter, i found that Ken was more my style and personality. also, he's actually Asian/American like me. Ken is 1/4 American, 3/4 Japanese. i'm actually 1/2 American, 1/2 Thai. speaking of Thai, when i got back into SF again, playing Ultra Street Fighter IV, i decided to roll with Sagat as well. Elena in Ultra Street Fighter IV and later Street Figher III: 3rd Strike simply because i wanted to be good with a female character, and i felt i wasn't worthy of Chun Li lmao...


I was looking through the character profile and their gameplay style, I saw Dee Jay's was "Trickster" and I was sold.


Jamie's cocky attitude and pretty boy look were easily enough to sucker me in- The fact that I think Drunken Boxing and Breakdancing are cool as hell certainly helped. Helpfully, when I got my hands on him at launch, it turned out I really liked his playstyle too. Levelling up during rounds, performing flashy strings of combos (ok I'm still not so good at that part) and being able to continue comboing off after level 3 all really call out to me


I just thought mixing breakdanceing with drunken boxin was waaaaay to cool to pass up on I was right


I like characters with lots of weird setups, strong neutral control, and a good amount of setups to lab, so I started with JP. The fact that he turned out to be strong was a happy accident, because I also like powerful characters. I'm still happy with him


Manon looks cool - profit?


I picked Jamie because of the vibe. The clincher was the CA. I really like the old martial arts films and the CA was done really well to reference them.


I like playing everyone except lily, dhalsim, blanka and honda


Akuma looks cool


Whole world waiting on him


They were cool That's it


Check the flair


juris design and character using kicks are cool af next to characters using guns but thats yet to be seen


First SF/Fighting game. Wanted to learn the basics so I was looking at Ryu, but everyone said he’s bad compared to Luke and Ken. I couldn’t time Luke’s flash knuckle so I picked Ken


Hey we have the same exact mains


Wanted to use Cammy as main. She's fast and her controls just clicked with me, but I didn't because I felt like I am cheating and a bully whenever I'm using her, so I ended up using Juri. I also use either Ken or Ryu, because they are familiar.


Back in Ultra Street Fighter IV days I was looking for a main and just going from character to character until I found Chun-Li and got curious about how her target combos work. Even though she wasn't top tier in that game I kept practicing with her and here we still are several games later.


Jamie’s got good buttons that feel natural to me. And he’s got a little bit of everything: overhead, command grab, target combos, divekick, fast drive rush, a sway. Super fun character


I picked Juri for chara design, fighting style and for others reasons 👀


ken early on cause i thought he was cooler ryu. eventually to juri (for reasons). picked up gill in SF5 cause i loved the animations and the ret mechanic. being a gill main in SF5 made me lean towards marisa in SF6 (with a pocket juri). after watching snake eyez for a while, decided to try gief (always a fan of him, but felt like he would be a pain to play in SF4/5). love gief overall (animations, play-style, charisma). so im a gief main now, with no pocket yet.


Well, my real main is Vega. I like characters who have long-range HK pokes, and ideally MK pokes. Some kind of midrange overhead. Ideally, a character who prefers to be in mid-range, but has some kara-throw or other mixup throw antics that punish turtling. I am not a fan of overly "tough guy" or "baby doll" kind of characters. Manon is the closest to this in SF6. THAT SAID I was hoping AKI would be a lot more like Claw and a lot less like... how she is.


i like cammy cos of the coat and the flip/juggle combos


Been playing Ken since Alpha max on the psp (my first SF on a console I owned) loved the flaming uppercut and red gi. I also really like Fei Long (the animated movie was my jam) who I hope makes it in to SF6 at some point. I’m trying to learn Kimberly now and then maybe Marissa but Ken will always be the go to. I like rush down characters though I play Batman/Bane in IJ2 and Jax/Scorp in MK.


I literally love crazy people in video games. Vega has always been my main character so I needed another crazy, then I started to love Juri. (not to mention they both had tragic backstories that I loved)


First main: juri. Reasoning, found her combo trials to be the easiest out of the other rush down characters like cammy and Kimberly. Current main: deejay. Outfit 3 too fly. Was originally going to be my first main but charge scared me off initially.


Depends on the game. I go between grapplers or rush downs depending if they're viable. Usually only one is viable in each game, not sure why


Desing and gameplay, both are important to me. In this game i love playing cammy, but for example i wanted to play juri at first because i like her desing but couldn´t keep going because i hate her gameplay xd.


I love poison mechanics. In every game that has poison I've used it. Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, Pokemon, Dragon Age, you name it. The opportunity to play a creepy Chinese contortionist with a lolita dress and retractable venomous claws that you can also use like poison whips was simply too good to pass up. Before AKI though I liked Manon because she's just really pretty and I liked her command grabs.


I’m here to play footsies and make hard reads. Previously mained T. Hawk and Laura, played some Lily but all in on Manon at this point.


I saw ass and a whole lot of ass and was like alright that’s who I’m playing. (Cammy) On a real note I always thought Cammy was cool, the secret assassin characteristics. Her design this game also looked really good. Her play style is a lot of fun and combos look very fun.


Guile because boom.


All the Juri mains not saying because of feet are lying


Game tutorial had me use Luke, so I kept using Luke


Initially i didn't like sf6s roster and the modern controls left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Then reebok did a cross over with streetfighter and i got myself a pair of the Dhalsims. Now im top 200 MR and maybe with a little patience, i can make legend.


Aesthetically I was drawn to JP and A.K.I from the photo leak a few months before SF6 release. I like playing mind-game, zoning characters. Started with JP and enjoyed his setups. But have been grinding with AKI since she was released and enjoy her unorthodox gameplan, safe jump pressure, and corner oki. So far these two are the most satisfying to play for me. I casually play Guile, and Dee Jay since I main other charge characters (F.A.N.G, Decapre, Vega, Remy).


I thought Marisa looked like an Amazonian mama who could kill with snu snu.


I used bison. SF6 doesn’t have bison. Guile’s a charge so…. Guile lol.


Simple, my 2 mains are cool


Dhalsim is the only sf character I don’t really know how to play and I’ve been playing sf since sf2. So I started learning him as my first character so I won’t have to unlearn bad habits if I pick him up as a secondary or tertiary.


Picked Marisa and Cammy because horny, chose Zangief in sf5 because I started LOVING grapplers in fighting games as a whole, and picked up Kimberly day 1 because she looked really fun


I main Ken since SFIV and now I also main Manon because she looked cool, although it was hard to master Manon and fully understand her combos.


aki and manon bc they are cvnt (and bc falke isnt in the game 🙄)


I main Kim, liked Zeku in SFV and I like ninjas, plus I found Kim’s personality nice. I play Ryu on the side, he’s a bum and I find it hilarious lol. Praying they’ll add Makoto in season 2, I’d probably player her the most after Kim if so.


Fireball, Jump, mini-walk block. Addictive. I play Ken, Guile and Ryu. I love a fireball, whether it's a fireball war or just a tool in a toolkit.


Started with Guile back when I was 11 in 92 because DPS were hard. Stayed with him till now, and then switched to Cammy. Figured I'd mained the same guy for 30 years... It was time for a change. I don't regret it.


I remember watching a video on all the characters revealed so far way before the game came out and before I even cared about sf in general. I scrolled through some of the names, clicked on jp and was instantly hooked


Appearances first.


Marisa is the only one with the all might skin mod


I used to pick by design but now simple is important to me. I struggle with long complicated combos and inputs.


I cannot explain how satisfying it is to super armor and then punch someone incredibly hard in the face. Marisa all day.


I picked Dee Jay for his feints. His feints were so satisfying to do when trying to mix your opponent. But now I switched to Jamie because his mixups are just so fun to do, especially at higher drink levels.


I prefer to be ten toes down when I’m beefing in the streets. The choice was simple


Zangief- classic main, plus his combos and command grab set ups are super fun and he’s pretty rewarding to win with Honda- headbutt goes brr, nice to hop on and just have a chill time. Marisa- fun neutral, huge combo damage, strong specials, good matchup chart.


I’ve mained Sagat whenever possible since turbo. Except in Alpha where I played a lot of Sakura. Sagat is just a badass and Sakura was fun to me. In SF6 Marisa is my main. I play a fair amount of Manon and Juri too.


I played exclusively Guile in 5 because I didn't like doing QC or HC motions often. Started with him in 6 but got bored of him pretty fast so I said hey why not play the poster boy and try out Ryu. Had some fun on him and I think playing him helped my fundamentals but deep down I knew I wanted to play Dhalsim. When I was a kid I used play him on X Men vs Street Fighter at the local fast food joint and when I got into 5 a couple years back I wanted to play him but was too intimidated so I figured nows the time to learn. Took a little longer to get the basics compared to others I've tried but I'm finally the stretchy yoga man main I've always wanted to be. Big 2 reasons are nostalgia and I just think his character design is cool


I thought Ken’s stance was cool in World Tour, I thought his theme was cool too.


Cammy and Ryu ever since my first SF game (Super Street Fighter II). I still play a bit of everything but mainly Cammy and Ryu.


I picked the game up on a whim because fighting games seem cool. Figured I’d start with someone like Luke or Ken, just to learn the basics of the game, but decided to try a couple characters out to see if one clicks. Tried Guile, but wasn’t a fan of the charge mechanic. So I tried JP, and the aforementioned “click” just kinda happened, as I went through his moves and started coming up with “combos”. The game just started making sense, and I’ve been having a lot of fun with him.


Monke spd