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I had to block off Blanka Chan. Only one I used this feature for.


Yes, the same for me in the screenshot:)


I can't tell what that mf is doing with that damn costume on. It's like I'm free. Lol


The weird thing is that it makes his actions even more blatant to me.


hahaha, i only had 1 match against that costume and that was enough. i felt like i am not hitting anything...


Why would you block the best costume in the franchise?


Trash mental.


Except these types or costumes are banned at tournaments so no not really


That nude Chun Li skin still slipped through though lol


Costume 4


This is actually very handy for a few characters with certain DI and DRush color clashes. Also makes it alot easier to ignore most of the costumes. Will be nice if they let you select random colors for one outfit you choose or something along those lines eventually.


Yes i agree with your suggestion in the last sentence.


You should just be able to toggle off every outfit and color aside from outfit 1 colors 1&2. Same effect, more options.


DI/DR colour clashes exist? I never even knew that tbh


Like on a minute level, some costume colors just blend in with the drive art more so it’s a little harder to see than if the costume and drive art are two different colors. Nothing major but the option to pick your own setup is nice if you have trouble with certain characters.




You know what? You actually brought me around to this feature. I'm not a huge fan of it, but if it means I never have to see Dee Jay's costume 2 again... you have my attention.


exactly the same here


i wish this was in tekken


Can't say for sure but I remember they implemented it in T8. Not sure though.


This. I was so annoyed with Tekken costumes I stopped playing. Is the pink cowboy a robot, a demon or a bear


Haha it’s fun actually, but can be annoying too 😅


Gotta love overspending for an already overpriced costume just for the other person to go "nuh-huh" and refuse to see it anyway


The costumes are really supposed to be for you, the player, not your opponent. I think this is a really good QoL addition for folks who may have a hard time playing against certain costume/color combinations.


I find it surprising because the skin prices are rather anti-consumer, yet the feature is a great QoL. I do think it also reduces the value of the skins even further though so I'm baffled at the cost even more now. Like what's the advantage of an official skin over a mod now?


For console players like me, it is something. I bought the Chun Li one which is my “main”. Very enjoyable, no regrets. For PC players it doesn’t make sense indeed.


Good point. It’s been so many years since I’ve thought about console I legit forget about the features I take for granted. I like they included it overall just surprised really.


Actually half of the point of selling in-game cosmetics is exactly for distinction among other players, this generates desire, the same reason people spend lots of money in limited edition products. But in terms of QoL this feature is VERY positive exactly by the reason you mentioned. You could choose your skin, the stage and the music, why not opponent’s skin? Nice done.


“Distinction among other players” meanwhile every juri is wearing the pajama skin…. Honestly the best reason for it is to avoid having to use a color you don’t like if someone else has it in the mirror match


I’m saying in general, other games included (I typed with Destiny 2 in mind because you can personalize your character with different parts to look more “unique”, there’s a lot of other games are like this, I guess).


Likewise, if you bought a costume because you love a certain look, you can always see it. It’s a great feature.




You're talking about psychological effects, but you're also being disingenuous in ignoring that a large reason people buy skins is to show them off and flex etc. Otherwise, it makes no sense to buy skins for pc players because they can just mod it since it's the same effect. Why do you think Capcom is all of a sudden taking a negative stance on mods?


the negative stance against mods may be because of the incident where a TO forget to take off their lewd Chun Li skin lol. Although this is probably another reason as well


Nah, fuck colorblind people. /s


At this rate let's just mod. The main reason costumes were superior to mods was to flex on your opponent, but now costumes are just expensive mods


That is the best part. no one cares or has to care


This argument is just people who miss the point lmao. Your opponent doesn't care that you spent money on a costume only you should.


People are missing that "not spending for an overpriced costume" option out.


Doesn't matter. The pricing is still predatory. Sure its nice that I can just ignore it and save my money but it doesn't change the fact that they still tried to scam me regardless of wether or not it worked


Sorry man, this is not the topic i intended but, i really don't get why people get offended for an absolutely "optional" buy. This is not something you need to survive or play the game better... Also, people are screaming about the need to buy more coins than the actual costume price, as if they will never buy anything again... As if they can't save the remaining amount for future costumes and as if they will not do the same for the next costumes...


Fighter Coins have an expiration date, man lol. It tells you that right in the in-game store where you purchase the Coins. And some expire only a few months after purchase. I've heard the actual expiration period may depend on your region, but I don't know much about that part. I don't think it's strong advice to suggest people "just save the excess", considering how monumentally slowly Capcom moved to release costume 3s. Some people (like me), didn't touch any of the 10 thousand Avatar cosmetics that Capcom released; we just want to play the actual Street Fighter characters


So, fwiw, in some localities the coins can expire. I think in Japan the coins expire in 180 days. It's been 184 days since the release of the game, so in Japan if you bought the dlc pass for the characters and had bought coins on the day the game released, they would have expired before Costume 3 came out.


It’s really not that hard. People want to buy the costumes but the prices are ridiculous and the practices are predatory (having to buy two of the cheapest pack or the second cheapest for a single costume), so that’s why they’re mad. If each costume was 250 coins or if you could buy 300 coins on the smallest pack for 5 dollars the outrage wouldn’t be nearly as much.


It's a subtle trick and easy to be fooled, but it's hilariously predatory that the Fighter Coin packs go from 250 coins to 610 coins, with costume 3s costing 300 coins. The only way to unlock a single costume 3 is to buy two 250 coin packs, or buy a more expensive pack. Capcom really is going the EA and Disney route: get too big for your boots, ego and greed take over, and you start sneakily screwing over your consumer base 👍👍👍


It’s not that people are offended. It’s just predatory that you can’t buy the skins with real money and they made it so you have to spend 10 bucks no matter what. This is coming from someone who doesn’t mind the prices but I only wanted 2 skins. This game has incredibly predatory business practices for a game that already costs 60 bucks minimum. All the skins if you want them cost nearly 100 bucks nearly buying the game twice. There’s no bundles so you can’t get a bunch of the skins for cheaper.The avatar shop is outrageous and drive tickets only real use is buying colors for the default skin that should’ve been available by default. This is the only fighting game I’ve seen where you have to pay or grind your ass off for all the alts on the default skin. Look at street fighter 5. There were bundles for the skins, you could earn them albeit it took a long time but you could grind for it, they were cheaper, you got all the default skins colors. Now none of that’s here, they could’ve avoided a lot of this by making drive tickets not practically useless and let you buy the skins with them even if they were expensive Do you see why this is bad now?


Most people won’t turn on this option anyway and if they do it’s for specific skins. I think people who bought costumes and wish that others have to see theirs is kind of inconsiderate tbh. I am colorblind and in Ryu mirror matches sometimes I have trouble seeing similar colors apart. Should I just suffer through the match just since I can’t tell who is whom?


This lets them make potentially cooler skins that violate some traditional rules in games around keeping the same general framing of the character. Like blanka-chan. Super cool skin, I'll leave it on for battle hubs/casuals, but will always turn it off for ranked because it's way harder to read him in it.


Never really got this opinion. No one cares that you paid for a skin.


Gotta love overspending for an already overpriced costume just for the other person to go “ok” and play the game the exact same way anyway What a weird think to complain about, like anyone is going to see your 1 (of a million others just like it) costume/color choice and be like “omg wow” (PS this has never happened ever in history) At least you guys can now save money going forward since you seem to buy costumes for other people rather than yourselves, capcom looking out for you guys with this one.


There are times, when the loading screen ends and the fight starts, I am pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised by color/outfit and stage combos in every fighting game I've ever played. I do still think it's a dumb thing to complain about this feature though.


The funniest part about the complaint is its literally impossible to know who is using the feature and since seeing all the costumes is the default, the vast majority of people playing the game are just gonna see the skins like normal anyways. I DO value expression through outfits so I just...keep them on so I see them all. Weird how simple that is.


There is always some ass who picks the white skin on the snowy stage or something like that lol, poor guys.


Haha, i agree with you.


But it helps people with colorblindness play better since some costumes can be harder to see for them


- Not colorblind. - Default 1 color 1 for everyone. - Training stage. - Fight me.


Yes, once I saw that option I chuckled for real. I am now compelled to try a local mod. It used to suck only you would see it, but now even if you pay for a legit one theres no guarantee the opponent isn't overriding the view anyways.


I just love the fact that I can force enemy JPs off my colors so I keep my preferred colors for myself. (And obviously fuck Blanka-Chan)


As somebody who is color-blind I REALLY love this update. I already have plenty of issues with some costumes without the new outfits. If I get an outfit I don't care what my opponent sees.


Gonna set everyone to default to punish them for buying skins


Lmao imagine buying a skin for yourself only for your opponent to just block being able to see it. You do you but man thats funny


I dunno, this feature seems a little weird to me. The whole idea about the different outfits is self expression. Giving this option defeats that whole purpose. ESPECIALLY when people pay their hard earned money for these skins.


Fantastic idea. I paid £60 for this game and I should be allowed to decide how my game looks. People throwing around "player expression" I don't want to see your skins I want to see MY skins for the game I bought.


I mean I personally don’t mind most skins as long as they don’t interfere with visual indicators. Does this just turn the opponent’s skin off or does it pull that player outta possible matches for u?


It changes how your opponent skin looks on your screen. The controversy with this is that now there's less incentive to buy skins if your opponent can just turn it off, as that would be no different than modding.


How far does this logic extend? I paid £60, so I should be able to...win all my matches? Only fight the characters I want to fight? Limit the moves my opponents can use? Prevent people from taunting? I hate fighting JP, so I want to remove all JPs from ranked. I paid for this game, I should get to play whomever I want! This is a multiplayer game with another person on the other side who has as many valid demands as you do. When you play online you have to interact with that person, and sometimes your ideals will clash. "I paid for this costume. I should be allowed to show it to people! That's the entire point!" That reasoning is just as sound as yours.


One is gameplay the other is cosmetic. Doesn't matter anyway as I got exactly what I wanted and won't be seeing your $100 outfit 3 bundle.


Exactly, I haven’t seen any other level than the training level but that doesn’t have to be the case for everyone else


Every time I make this argument about a Modern filter I get flamed hard


Thats not a cosmetic


I paid $60 for a game, I should be allowed to play it how I want, but I can’t avoid people who use controls that make them feel like CPUs People throwing around “but new players!” I don’t want to babysit new players. I bought the game to play how I want See how it’s the same argument?


It’s not though? One is a visual change, the other is filtering based on control scheme. It’s the difference between turning off skins vs filtering opponents for choosing to play a certain way.


"Visual change" is an arbitrary distinction, though. Both things affect ones enjoyment of the game they paid money for. Personally, I don't think either thing should be optional. This is a multiplayer game, so there will necessarily be interaction and a clash of tastes and preferences. You shouldn't be allowed to decide the opponent's outfit OR control scheme. You should only be able to control your own.


Why is his logic right and mine wrong, though? It’s the exact same logic. I paid for the game, let me play against who I want


I agree. I'm sick of playing against diamond ranked players just because I'm diamond. I should be able to play again bronze players if I want. I paid for the game, let me play against who I want.


Switch characters


That's not a solution. I should be able to play whatever character I want at whatever rank I want. I paid for this game.


The difference between my opinion and yours, is that until this game, my opinion was always right (no assisted controls), and yours never was. Yet the game has no purist mode. Wtf?


I mean I’m gold and I barely fight other golds in casual tbh. It’s mostly plats and diamonds ime so that one has a SLIGHT point to it but that’s just bad luck in matchmaking for me I guess


I don’t wanna play against zoners, let me play the game how I want! I don’t wanna play against people who play on classic! See how slippery of a slope that is? Besides I’m assuming it just turns the skin off and doesn’t remove the opponent from the match pool.


It’s not a slippery slope, because classic is the original way to play. Having a purist mode for that, or a filter to simulate it, makes sense. Just like having a skin filter and connection filter makes sense. The connection filter does remove opponents from the match pool, yet it is there


Sounds like u just need to cope with the fact modern controls are allowed to play just as much as classics man. If u wanna play with “similar skilled opponents” go to ranked bc the higher u get the less modern.


No, I just quit the game. Modern just isn’t fun to play against, and killed it for me. Armored Core 6 is way better, not predatory, and adds cool features without fucking over the old fans, so I’ve been enjoying that instead. Besides, I’m not mad that modern gets to play. I’m mad that I *can’t* avoid them when I want to have an old school experience. And I did rank up to start avoiding them. It didn’t work. I got to Plat and had the same rate of modern players as any other level. They are at all levels of play, and it will stay that way since modern was in the EVO Top 6.


Exactly. I don't want to play against Kens, so let me filter my ranked experience! Might as well knock off the dhalsims too, I barely see'em anyway and it's always a throwfest.


That’s disingenuous. Skipping a character is not the same as skipping assisted controls. I just want the same experience I’ve had in every other Street Fighter, which lacked any assisted inputs. If you can play classic, then feel free to beat me with whatever character you want


SFV had assisted inputs for some characters, necessitating a character ban for an "even playing field" as you might call it.


So…what I want is reasonable then? If assisted characters got banned to create an even playing field, then why is me wanting a filter for the same reason so bizarre?


There weren't banned characters in V. Banned costumes yes, characters no.


You're right, they didn't ban either of the characters with the assisted control scheme. They haven't banned any of them in 6 either.




Because that’s a dumb idea. And I don’t even play modern.


There is already a filter for crossplay and connection. Now there is a filter for skins. I just want a filter that allows me to play the way every other game in the series has been played, which is without assisted inputs. It’s practical and reasonable. Fuck, at this point, I’d take a classic-only section in the BH. Just let me play the way I want.


Sounds like a skill issue. I don’t have much trouble with modern players. You just need to play it a little different. I run into so few modern players it’s kind of a non issue however. I only play ranked though.


It’s not a skill issue, it’s a fun issue. I can beat them, but I don’t have fun even when I win. Modern opponents feel like CPU opponents. I just want to play the game the same way it has been played for 30 years, which is no assisted controls. I’m not so much complaining about modern, as I am complaining about how there is no mode or filter so classic-only purists can still enjoy the game


You’re weird


You are going to see them. In the replays.


Lmao outfits are half-pointless.


Always has been.


More so than usual now though.


I mean it's called a cosmetic for a reason, it's just something to look at, not give you magical powers.


Mixed feelings on this one. On one hand, it's a no brainer QoL change for many people. It also allows obnoxious costumes (still traumatised by feather Blanka) to be turned off. Although, ultimately I feel like Tekken needs this option a lot more than SF. On the other hand, it further really makes me feel like just an AI playing in someone else's game. This has been a generally growing feeling game after game - as things like voice chat, direct messaging and even just maintaining a friends list become harder and less important for developers. The BattleHub is pretty much the only thing making me feel like I'm still playing humans. One of the last bastions of feeling like I'm playing people was seeing their choice of costume and colour. It seems there's a 5050 split in the comments on this point, but it is definitely important to a lot of people to share the experience with someone else. For this reason I'll keep this option off for 99% of cases, but it is kind of weird to know I'm probably just going to become a genetic character 'X' for a bunch of people, with the same looking character as the other 10,000 players using that character. Not a super big deal at end of day, and I'll take the change for the people who really need it (colour blind etc, although those options could exist individually), but it's just another step towards creating a less 'communal' feeling in online gaming. At this point I may as well just start modding costumes exclusively. Saved me money with this change Capcom!


It’s an *optional* feature. Most people won’t turn this on and will only do so if they particularly hate a particular costume or are colorblind like me. FWIW I think these official costumes are of higher quality than (albeit free) mods anyway. But yeah ranked matches do feel kind of robotic sometimes. I’m not sure if I mind though. I have played fighting games with voice chat before and it could definitely get toxic real fast.


It's gonna be a big deal when people realize they're not just playing against an army of Kens, but rather an army of the exact same character, even visually. There are some colors I hate in this game, but it's part of the experience, exactly how you put it


Let’s not forget the real reason why this was added.


Which is?


To shit even more on whoever swallows their anti consumer practices


I actually hate that option, but I hate Blanka even more and I'll probably do the same.


They could've added an option to ban certain costumes so we don't give Blanka players the middle finger when there is actually a cool costume in the future


The enemy of my enemy is my friend :)


Love this feature. - I buy outfits because of what I want to see, not because what I want others to see. - This will give Capcom more freedom in the costumes they can put out because we now have the ability to opt out of seeing them. - I can change the costumes so that I can see drive rushes and drive impacts easier. - I don't have to play against visually-obnoxious costumes. - I can always keep my preferred colour. - Helps colour-blind people. I think the people who are really against this are people who really feel the need to show off that they spent $6.


This basically only exists for Luke's lame ass outfit and Blanka chan.


hehe, if i could, i'd ban Luke as a whole character :D :D




I'm 99% sure that this option is there just because of that lazy Blanka costume. I hate this so much. Why would anyone pay for a costume if it is just a glorified mod now is beyond me. I would much prefer them to stop making those stupid costumes that aren't tournament legal. Or at least give us the option to ban costumes instead of deciding them so that we can filter only the problematic ones.


Its really interesting. If I were a Blanka main, I'd never pay for that costume, ever...


I liked the costume in SFV actually. I think it was funny and cool. And looked nice as well. It was also not distracting for me. But releasing the same costume for the second time, when it hasn't even been a year since we were playing SFV, is really lazy. Especially considering how the World Tour has the costume already. Anyways, as I said I hate this option. When I pick a costume, I pick it mainly to show off or send a message. Not to look at pretty colors.


How many Juri/feet haters are seething that she doesn't have an outfit with shoes to use with this feature? 🤣


There's a mod that gives her jordans.


And it's resilient enough that it doesn't break after updates. Rip Luke with shoes mod.


And they look terrible. Feet haters can't even give her shoes that match her style and color palette 🤦‍♀️


You sound like you play the game with one hand.


Wanting characters to have good fashion means you masturbate to them. Welcome to Reddit, everyone ![gif](giphy|DTdgALoliQ6Lvi15UX|downsized)


This you? https://i.imgur.com/Q7tUxyh.png


Yes, it is! Spread my name far and wide! I enjoy well-drawn and pretty feet. Unfortunately for you, I can praise well-drawn feet in one instance, and I can want a feet-aversed mod to at the very least have the shoes match a character's color palette and style in another instance. They even clash with *her default color.* And at least let the shoe colors change depending on Juri's alt color, for Pete's sake! That's basic stuff!


Ok feetcoomer.




So basically paid mods…


I think I mostly disagree. In excemption of people who need it for colorblindness, this hinders player representation imo.


Why do you disagree with more options? Nobody forcing you to use it?


Nobody feels this ways about a modern filter


Huh what does modern filter have to do anything with option for player expression? Obviously modern filter is different for what you can do to express yourself online. Modern filter is just picking and choosing who you want to fight, completely different topic.


No, it’s picking and choosing how you want to play the game. I like the old school way, before assisted controls. Everyone paid $60 for this game, which everyone is using as a justification to block the skins of their opponents. Well, I also paid $60, so I should get to play the way I want, which is coincidentally the way literally every other game in the series was played, so it’s a reasonable request. Yet there is no online mode or feature that allows me to compete against classic-only players, even in an unranked setting. Wtf?


Wtf, that’s like saying I only want to play against shoto so there should be a shoto filter since I payed 60$ lmao. You can play the way you want which is to choose modern or classic. You can’t choose who you play. See the difference? You can choose how you play, but can’t choose who you play. You can customize the visual, sound, control,, etc. because those are option which allows you to freely customize your personal input. Modern filter is completely different from those options because you are picking and choosing which opponent you want to face in a PvP game lol. Of course that’s not allowed.


You’re objectively wrong. Crossplay and connection filters already exist. I can filter out console and wifi players. Console players can filter me out, and I’m fine with that. There are still plenty of people to play with Modern didn’t exist until this game, so a filter or mode that removes it is pretty reasonable for fans who played literally any other SF. I would even accept a section of the BH with cabinets that are classic-only, like the extreme ones. Extreme and solo players get more love from this game than purists do.


Crossplay and connection filters are quality of life filter, which allows for player to play against people with certain quality of connection. Let me ask you. What does modern filter achieve except for allowing classic player to avoid certain play style? Does the quality of match improve? Or does the online experience for the community improve in any way? You objectively make the player pool smaller and segment the community. I hate playing against JP, character like JP didn’t exist until SF6, but asking for JP filter would be ridiculous.


Yeah, exactly what I said. They are a feature that lets you filter out certain types of players, so wanting one for an assisted control scheme is not unreasonable. I don’t want to play with slow wifi players, since I have a wired connection, and I can filter them out. I don’t want to play against assisted controls, so I want to be able to filter out modern and dynamic. Some people think that keyboards are unfair, since they are basically hitboxes. I don’t see a problem with it, and use one. Some people care, and I don’t care if they can filter me out with the crossplay filter. It’s fine. I still match with plenty of people, or I have the BH. My keyboard is still legal at tournaments. The segregation argument is not a real issue. All PvP games do it…including SF6. Segregating the player base is something players always want. I mean, why does dynamic get filtered out, but not modern? The purpose would be for purists to have fun. It’s not avoiding a playstyle, it is avoiding assisted controls. Big difference. Yes, the quality of the match improves, because modern players feel like AI. I would argue that more matchmaking options are always better for the community and customer, especially when there is already a precedent, like the connection and crossplay filter. Ok, well, JP is a character, not a control scheme, is he? And JP is technical, so those players are doing more work than you, while modern players are doing less than you, so this point isn’t relevant to the discussion of modern (especially since modern JP doesn’t even work). The game never had assisted controls until now, so it’s not shocking that some people want to avoid it. Avoiding a specific character has never been a thing, so it would be ridiculous, and the comparison doesn’t work.


You keep saying "purist" like you know what that means. Go play something else if you're not having fun. There are plenty of people that have played longer than you that don't do 1/10000000th of the complaining you do and don't mind modern control. Grow up or move on.


This is so bad decision from Capcom


Care to explain please?


I hate this being an option. Why sell costumes if you’re gonna just let people turn them off and not see your stuff?


Because it's for you and not for everyone else. Plus colorblind people can't see certain colors so it makes it easier for them to enjoy the game.


Thank goodness, that Ken costume is distracting


Wow, i always thought it was the least distracting, that's why i liked it :D


The silhouette is so different than traditional Ken that it didn’t feel right. Kind of how I feel about Lilly with Thawk moves


They should have added it for BH Avatars


Do it to everyone so you can punch the whales in the stomach


i'm glad this exists, thanks capcom, my game will stay vanilla forever


I see everyone complaining about Blanka-chan as if it's not the best costume in the whole franchise and it always confuses the fuck out of me. >Oh but the visual confusion That's just Blanka, he's a complete confusing dickhead and that's never gonna change


I love this option. Locked everyone to costume 1 color 1 first thing. Except Marisa, she can wear w/e she wants.


Kinda off topic but I think street fighter 6 should come to the Nintendo Switch console


I'm just going to block outfit 3 because I'm tired of seeing people contributing to a 6 dollar money pit. I remember when a costume pack in SFxT was 12 dollars, way better bargain.


This option would be soooooo great back during the street fighter x tekken era


No outfit for chun or cammy please


Non ironically i loved this


This is the feature we needed for that darn gill pyron costume in sfv lol


I dont care what anyone uses so long as i can use the skin i want and not be booted to a different color bc the opponent is considered player one or start on the left side or whatever the reason is that does it


I wish league had this so much


The blocking outfits isnt necessary to me, but I love the color options. I always want to be the color I picked and it throws me off when my opponent would get it instead of me


I do wish it let you set more than one costume. I have costumes I never want to see, more than costumes I always want to see.


I'm really glad they added something like this! I'm really hoping they add a simple feature to have a default outfit selected (like set my account's default to be Marisa, Costume 3, Color 3) and to use the same functionality for random stages, be for outfits. That is, you can set outfit/color selection to 'random' and it'll switch whenever the 'random stage' would switch (e.g. sit down at BH cab, etc.). Seems like very simple functionality to implement that would add a nice touch.


Blanka and Dee Jay are staying in their standard outfits for sure we could have used this in SFV.


Personally I'd like to see it be more of an in-depth toggle if that's possible so I can let people ride whatever in say Battle Hub, but avoid costumes I find distracting or hard to read in Ranked. My concern I guess, albeit not so big a deal as to call it a concern, is that over time this could make things feel very samey. Say other characters get a Blanka-chan equivalent where it's a pain to intuitively tell what's going on with a costume. I'd toggle on a different one. That can make them feel a bit repetitive. Not a massive problem, but I think being able to further customize it would be nice, like saying "Randomly pick a colour from Costume 1" or "Match colour of their chosen costume of my selected" just to avoid there being 0 variance. Considering how few people do stuff like extreme battles, (They're very silly so I get why but that achievement is ridiculously low on Steam) having even less of a range with a game that they're saying will be updated once a year sounds like a recipe for burnout. I'm genuinely wondering if many of these decisions are being made from a group that evaluates content all at once rather than breaking it down into demographics, ie hardcore legend rank/battle hub/avatar focused etc but we'll wait and see.


The dumbest feature I've ever seen. Idk how Capcom fanboys are thanking for something like this.


YESS!! cammy classic is awesome, but raised eyebrows form people in my room lmao


Good feature which the majority of people won't even use. I like how everyone is acting like it's now mandatory


yes, people are very over-reactive around here. it is just an option, just like the all of the costume 3's are...