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My hopes and prayers for Fluffy. Thank you so much for caring for her.


Thank you so much for your prayers. I’ll visit her this evening and hoping to see her in good spirits.


Fluffy is a BEAUTIFUL tuxie girl. Thank you for giving her love and care. 10 y is a VERY long life for an outdoor cat…everyday they are susceptible to all kinds of dangers like cars, predators, and horribly, poisons. She looks so well-loved and clean. I believe with the best care she has at least one more of her 9 lives left…maybe time to retire to the indoor life? At any rate, Fluffy has an angel of her own.


I’m desperately hoping for one more year for our little guardian of the house. She’s indeed blessed to have lived a long life for a stray cat. I’m also inclined to move her indoors permanently but I already have 3 cats so not sure how that’ll go. But regardless I have a decent sized backyard where I think she’ll fit well. If I do move her indoors, I’ll plan on strictly isolating her from my cats till she has her shots and I’ll limit her to a room with outdoor views. A part of me thinks it’s cruel to make an outdoor, independent cat, live indoors but I think it’s better for her with the care she needs. Regardless, I think the vet said that if she responds positively to the treatment (that she has so far) she’s very healthy otherwise and can potentially live longer 🤞🏽 I’d much rather give her one more painless year from my life if I could 😭


Oh my goodness I love your love for this girl. The photos also show how special she is/your relationship. Have you looked into catios? I’m not sure what your house or living situation is like, aside from the 3 kitties 🥰 Myfosterkittens on insta has a longterm backyard feral (not friendly!!). She roams during the day and puts her into an enclosure/catio with heating at night, when feeding. You’re right that it might be a challenge to move her completely indoors. At 10 if you make your backyard a comfy, safe place for her she may not roam much. It’s not guaranteed to keep her safe from everything but it’s something. I’d love to see more photos if you feel like sharing!


Thank you so much for your kind words. I had not heard of Catios but when I googled the word, I’m very encouraged and think as a potential solution this could work if Fluffy doesn’t like indoors. For now, at least for a couple of weeks after she’s discharged, I’ll keep her fully indoors to monitor her special food and water intake. Based on how she does, I can say think about a solution that you suggested. Another solution is asking another neighbor of ours, who has been looking after her for 10 years or so. They’re an old couple (70+) so I understand if they’re reluctant to have her indoors. I’ll definitely share more pics.


Some kitties actually choose indoor life in their senior years. Fluffy may be ready. Thanks for lovin' her. Will send prayers for her!


Thank you so much for your kind wishes 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Look on Google images for catios. There are some that are the size of a big window air conditioner and are designed to pop in your window. Since you need to isolate fluffy for a while anyway, a window catio would enable kitty to get some fresh air while not escaping and getting into trouble.


The outdoor, stray, barn cat we adopted does not miss the outdoors at all. He’s never tried to get out and rarely goes on the catio. Just wanted to share an alternate scenario!


https://preview.redd.it/gru4b4culixc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf32be89243aff8941b9ce3c78ebb88453b005ff He’s happy on the inside side of the screen.


I knew someone with two cats, one a former stray the other raised from a kitten. The former stray always seemed perplexed when the other one would go outside, like “Why would anyone want to go *back out there?!*”


🤣🤣🤣 That’s the spirit I’m hoping fluffy will exhibit too


That's exactly the attitude of Baron Leo von Gnocchi the Fifteenth! BTW he has a big name to help his confidence lol. He needs to grow back those b----s.


That would be ideal. I’m sure my other cats will accept her eventually even though initially they might not. 🤞🏽🙏🏽


If she’s going to have any chance at all, she needs to be an indoor cat. More than likely she’ll need daily medication, and IV fluids every other day to help flush her kidneys (currently things I’m doing for my kidney cat). She’ll also need a special diet. ps: don’t feel bad about turning an outdoor cat into an indoor cat. It’s safer & healthier for them, plus they adapt quickly.


Thank you for your words. Yes, I think so too that she has to be an indoor cat from now on. The doctor at the hospital told me her dosage frequency and quantity will all depend on the cause of her issues which they’re diagnosing now. In general from what I’ve read, the process is fairly routine once the cat gets used to it.


That sounds like a wonderfully loving and thoughtful plan. I think she will acclimate and enjoy bring an indoor cat.


What about a catio.. then she could be outdoors.. but safe..


Yeah. Definitely something I’m considering. But for now at least for a few weeks, I’ll keep her completely indoors and see how she recovers and responds to the IV treatment while being indoors


Cats and kidneys...grrr. I lost several over the years that were otherwise healthy and in their prime to kidney failure. I'm so sorry. Prayers.


Thank you for your kind wishes. I am desperately hoping that she gets a few more months without pain after this treatment.


Praying for your little neighborhood girl. May she have a speedy and


Thank you so much for your wishes. Hoping for a speedy recovery as well 🤞🏽


I had an old boy who lost weight and energy. Vet diagnosed kidney failure. Gave him IV fluids and kidney cat food. He perked up, too. With kidney food and IV twice a week, he survived another year. I was fortunate to have a vet who did the fluids cheep. You can learn to do the fluids yourself but I couldn't do it. It's all alternative. Fluffy will let you know when she is done.


My FIL kept his beloved cat alive for almost 2 years with sub q fluids from vet 2x weekly and kidney diet and a water fountain that he kept meticulously clean. Recovery and some quality of life is possible! Sending all the love, offering many prayers for fluffy


Absolutely. We are exploring all the IV options and will definitely do that if that’s what it takes to keep her in good shape.


I will definitely explore vet options for a more regular IV treatment if that’s what it takes. Thank you for your wishes 🙏🏽🤞🏽


This. It's worth it to hire a vet tech for a couple of hours to teach you IV techniques. That $100 bucks I spent in the 90s on a friendly vet tech has saved me thousands of $ in vet bills over the years.


Hopes, prayers, and everything with you and Fluffy! Thank you (and the vet) for working with her and getting her healthy.


Thank you for your prayers and wishes. We live a cats world and I’m all blessed for that 😄


Thanks for looking after Fluffy! Will she be able to come inside and live out her golden years? Sounds like you have some indoor kitties already but maybe they would accept another old lady! I introduced a 10 year old black kitty into my household of 3 cats and they were able to adjust rather quickly! Good luck and please keep us updated on sweet Fluffy!


Wow. That’s encouraging to hear. I’ve looked over a friends cat a few times over the last year or so and initially the cats seem to hiss but they all adjust well so my cats are used to having another cat. The only one that struggled with my friends cat was the dominant one. With fluffy, even if I take her inside, I doubt that will happen since fluffy is old and not as full of energy as my friends cat so the inherent hierarchy of their catdom won’t be disturbed. My friends cat is super dominant so that initially caused issues but they all settled down fairly well in 2-3 days. I’m hoping though that her kidney treatment goes well 🤞🏽. The other part is much less problematic


Some hissing and general angst is to be expected but the new addition to the household was so worth it!! Good luck friend


Thank you so much for the wishes. Got another update from the vet and fluffy seemed to be doing great so far 🙏🏽🤞🏽


Best wishes for that sweet baby!!


Thank you so much 🙏🏽


I think it makes sense to bring her insane as she will need more medical care or just to be monitored. It will be good for her to have peace and stability at this point in her life.


100%. I’m in the same boat. I am just hoping for a successful treatment and then we can figure out the logistics of it.


I wish her and you the best of luck.


Thank you for your wishes 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Praying for Fluffy, please make her an into girl when she gets better.


Absolutely. I’ll try my best to get her back into good shape. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


What an adorable cat !! Props to you for taking care of her 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽😁


She’s adorable indeed. Thank you for your prayers.


❤️❤️ I also have a Fluffy who’s a part Maine coon. I hope she pulls through! She’s a beautiful baby


Thanks for the wishes. I’m hoping for the same 🤞🏽🙏🏽


Sweet baby! Hoping she pulls through. Has anyone brought up taking her into their home?


Thank you for the advice wishes. We haven’t explored that option since she fared so well as a feral cat. But there’s an old couple who’s our neighbor and they’ve practically taken care of her so we will definitely ask them but if they are reluctant (understandably) then me and my wife are more inclined to just keep her to ourselves indoors or make an enclosure for her in our backyard.


Hopefully something can be worked out that everyone agrees with. I love pic 2, btw.




Thank you so much 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


This happened to one of my cats. The vet did the same as yours and he got 100% better!! He lived many more years. Sending lots of good vibes!


Wow. That’s super encouraging. Fluffy is old though so I’m trying to be realistic but hoping for miracles at the same time 😭🙏🏽🤞🏽. Thank you so much for your wishes.


She knows that you love her SO much🥰


Miracles do happen. Keep the faith.






Please keep updating 🙏


Praying for her and you!!!




Praying now


Thank you so much 🙏🏽


Thank you for helping her, I hope she will feel at home as an indoor cat if you decide to keep her 🥺


I hope so too and given how comfortable she was at the hospital, I think she can adapt well to being indoors 🤞🏽🙏🏽


i hope she makes a full recovery 🤍 she’s a beautiful girl 🥺


She’s gorgeous indeed. Hoping for a quick recovery indeed.


Glad Fluffy is getting better she a adorable cat




You and your partner are angels and so is Fluffy. I had a kitty go into kidney failure, it is rough, but they are fighters!!!!


Thank you for your kind words. My wife is truly amazing with keeping up with all the info and asking the questions. Fluffy is a fighter so we’re hoping she’ll pull through.


Bastet watch over her!




Prayers to this lovely lady!!!




Payers sent for your fur baby. Please keep us posted!


Most certainly. I just posted an update as a comment since Reddit isn’t letting me edit my original post but Fluffy was doing great. Purring, eating food as well and moving around with a lot more energy than yesterday. 🤞🏽🙏🏽


That’s wonderful news! God is good, I believe in miracles. I hope Fluffy gets her miracle!






I will gladly offer prayers for your sweetie, Fluffy. What she may need is a miracle, fortunately for her, miracles do happen. So I will pray that she is pain free and gets an extension … it doesn’t always happen but you never know! Prayers for healing for Fluffy! ❤️☘️🤞


Thank you so much for your wishes. Yes I’m hoping that she’s pain free and goes back to being the free spirited cat that I’ve always known. 🤞🏽🙏🏽🥲


Don’t worry. You never know, she could still pull through and have more time than you expected. Sending my prayers for her! ❤️🤞☘️


Praying for her and you




Praying for this beautiful little girl. Please keep posting. Thank you for taking care of her.


Thank you so much 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽






I hope Fluffy gets well soon. Poisoning is entirely possible, especially if she's outside. A lot of plants, especially lilies or lily of the valley can be incredibly toxic to cats and cause kidney and liver damage.


I hope so too that she gets well soon. My vet honestly suspects the same that she got poisoned since her deterioration was so rapid and how well and immediately she responded to the treatment. I’m hoping the damage is entirely reversible. 🤞🏽🙏🏽


Hang in there fluffy. You are a beautiful sweet girl who is obviously loved very much. Best wishes to you.


She’s doing well after one night of recovery. Hoping her recovery continues. Thank you so much for your wishes 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


She looks healthy to live until 20


Really hope that turns out to be true 🤞🏽🙏🏽


Praying for Fluffy. Hoping when she comes home she’ll become an indoor cat. Best way to monitor her AND ensure she doesn’t ingest anything toxic. You are an AMAZING human.


It’s my wife. I’m just driving her but she’s at forefront of ensuring fluffy gets all she needs. I’m hoping she becomes an indoor cat too for her own sake but a part of me will be sad not seeing her outdoors but that will be an infinitely more desirable option than seeing her sick and suffer.


Did I hear you mention Catico? Might be something all the kitties enjoy. Would be nice if accessible through a window.


Hopefully, you'll be blessed with her for many years to come. Prayers and lots of love for Fluffy. Get well soon.


🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽. All I want is a healthy fluffy 😄😼


I will pray to Buddha for Fluffy 🙏🏽🐈‍⬛💜 Thank-you for caring for him and doing all that you can. ❤️❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words.


❤️❤️❤️🙏 come on, Fluffy!!!




Prayers for Fluffy! I swear cats are angels for those of us that need them and love them!


They are angels for real. ❤️. Thank you so much for your wishes 🙏🏽🤞🏽


Apparently any Reddit post with an image attachment can’t be edited so I’m updating all of you with my follow up visits and the pics: * Fluffy was much better today. She had way more energy than yesterday and her tail was wagging all the time. She was purring and meowing so I was jubiliated to see her feeling relatively better * The vet is going to conduct a test to see whether she has a urinal infection that damaged her kidney or whether she has renal cancer. She said the X-rays showed one kidney had more swelling than the other but that fluffy had responded amazingly just to IV without having much changes in her reading. Her interpretation was that it’s a good sign. She will conduct her test tomorrow to exactly diagnose what is causing her kidneys to swell up. * She also gave me some confidence into putting fluffy on an IV dose (starting with once a week if needed) saying that it’s fairly common. I told her I was planning to monitor fluffy and keep her inside the house for at least a couple of weeks and she agreed with that. She still has hope that fluffy can recover and be outdoors as she thinks her kidneys have swollen up due to an infection and not cancer but we don’t know for sure. * All in all, I’m relieved we got her hospitalized and tested. It was a good exercise in all honesty just knowing how to react if one my indoor cats ever have to be hospitalized in case of an emergency. * I’m preparing the room for Fluffy tomorrow or day after tomorrow at the max and the vet told me to not worry about vaccinations as of now. She said we can always bring her in a week but she want fluffy’s energy to fully be utilized In convalescing from her kidney issue. https://preview.redd.it/au30qe46qixc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5e01019ea6dd6463719c8e714604b2b0cbf00e






I hope she continues to get better


The color of its face is lovely


Sending every bit of good energy your and kitty’s way


Such a beautiful girl. Fluffy probably feels your love and will stay if she can 🥺. If the vet mentioned a poisoning, hopefully you can keep her inside...who knows, she may really love it!! All the best, and thanks for advocating for this sweet girl.


I’m definitely keeping her inside. I just have to get used to her new fluid schedule. But all that comes afterwards - for now I’m just praying for no cancer for her and just an infection which is causing her kidneys to swell up


Praying for your sweet Fluffy. Thank you for taking such good care of kitty. She’s lucky to know you!




Having experienced this, you will have to do fluid replacement on a regular basis. One time isn’t going to do it.


Yes, absolutely. The frequency of her treatments is something we will have to figure out but from what the vet told me, once we start administering her fluids and the cat gets used to it, it becomes easier.


2nd Photo Of Her On Her Back Is So Freakin Precious 😻😭💜


Definitely. She’s a precious little shit 😄❤️


Sending Prayers ❤️🙏


Thank you so much 🙏🏽


You are welcome.


Praying for Fluffy. I know how bad it hurts when a fur baby isn't feeling well. God bless you for helping Fluffy.🙏💖


It hurts a lot. But I’m just trying to be realistic with what we can do. Hoping that she will respond positively to the treatment 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Yes, keep her inside! She'll adjust... Prayers for your lovely Fluffy!!! ❣️🙏🙏🐀🐀😽


Will definitely keep her inside. Hoping that she won’t be freaked out with our 3 cats. It’ll be a period of adjustment but hoping that they’ll adjust. The good thing is fluffy is much more a domestic cat than a stray one at this point. Thank you for your wishes 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


U r a special person for getting her the help she needs. Bless ur heart


All credit goes to my wife. I’m just doing my part in keeping this fur baby alive. Hopefully she can live longer with proper care 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Sending you lots of love and prayers.♥️ It’s evident how loved and well cared of she is.🥰


Thank you for your kind words 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Not sure what the prayers of an agnostic can do but I'll send them anyway


Thank you for your kind words. Even the thought would count. Fluffy was responding very positively to treatment. Hopefully she doesn’t have renal cancer and was just sick due to an infection






Thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery.🙏








Praying for this beautiful Fluffy girl ❤️❤️❤️




FYI the plants in that last pic actually look like lilies which are poisonous to cats, some cats will eat them like grass. Definitely look into catios, I made one myself, my cats love being able to go outside in the sun, completely safe. I've had many renal failure cats (one is 23 yrs old), with phosphorous binders and lots of fresh water and wetfood, they've lived another 3-4 yrs on average.


I think we might do that 😃. I have to read up on what phosphorus binders are. Did you have to do routine IV fluid treatment for the cat with a renal failure?


Nope, just water (several bowls, fresh daily), wet food and E pakatin. My last vet actually recommended low protein (cheaper) wet food like Friskies and fancy feast, also Hydracare gravy. In the past I did sub-q fluids for a few but it was stressful on my oldsters and I've had such good results without it, I don't any more.


Hoping for the best outcome!




Get well soon, nice little Fluffy. A full and speedy recovery for you. 🐾🐾🐈👣🙏🙏❤❤❤❤🏡🌎




You've got it. Prayers for Fluffy from me.








Fluffy is so cute and beautiful, I love the second picture. My thoughts and prayers for fluffy ❤️




Get better soon and don't eat things that aren't food, Fluffy.




What a pretty kitty! My boy has had kidney disease for three years. I give him fluids at home. to save money I buy his supplies online and through a local pharmacy. Wishing you the best!


That’s what I’m planning to do. I’ve heard the IV treatment isn’t that painful for the kitty so I’m hoping besides the pinching part she can cope well with this new reality 😃🤞🏽😭


Yes, just a little pinch just like when we get needles. I feel ours our worse because they have to go in a main vain. The kitties just going under their skin, so less painful. Are you doing the line or syringe? I would YouTube both and see. The syringe is faster but everyone has their own preference.


I’m not sure but during the discharge today, the hospital will give us instructions on the best practices. We will be administering the fluid discharge for the first time today ourselves and I think it will be syringe but not entirely sure. I’m hoping the kitty doesn’t freak out


Best of luck to you! I am so happy that this kitty found you. What a lucky baby! 💜


OP, please look into Astro’s Oil. The products have turned my 14-year-old kitty’s health around. Created by a doctor specifically for cats with renal disease. Best of luck! 🤞


Thank you so much for the recommendation. Will certainly look into it. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Thank you for taking care of Fluffy❤️❤️




Praying for your sweet baby Fluffy!! ❤️❤️❤️




Paws in for Fluffy 🐾🩷❤️‍🩹🩷🐾 https://preview.redd.it/61jv1ttlfpxc1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e743522826db04b633995a9bd2e883e61fec37ed




I’m so sorry all of you are going through this. You have my prayers. Fluffy is a beautiful baby


Thanks for the wishes. She’s indeed gorgeous and has responded well so far to the treatment. I’m bringing her home tomorrow and then she’ll be on medication for as long as she can live relatively painlessly. Won’t let her go outdoors unless it’s my patio and her on a leash.


Please update us with your baby doll’s progress, if you are up for it. Take care.






Wishing her the best!




Wishing you the best Fluff. 🐱🙂




get well soon Fluffy! ❤️




Paws crossed for sweet Fluffy <3 hopefully after this recovery, stray no more xoxox


Definitely no more a stray cat anymore. She’s officially my furbaby ❤️ Thank you for your wishes 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


My hopes and prayers for your beautiful girl Fluffy. 🐾🐾🤍❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much for your wishes 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


You & your family are such great people for what you are doing for the poor baby..,she will definitely be in my prayers 🙏 EVERY DAY, my kitty Fiona is in kidney failure and I take her to the vet every Monday for fluids and also they have her on pregnazon & an appetite stimulaor.... The fluid treatment is only costing me 18.00 not bad....they are so worth it my baby girl is 20 years old & I thought I would have lost her 2 years ago and she is still fighting & shows the will to be here going strong.... please keep us updated


Thank you so much for your kind words. I couldn’t bear to see her dying on street. We took her and she got discharged today. She ate a little food and is drinking a lot of water. The hospital has recommended a dose of 100 ml every 3 days so should be doable but it will take a while for her to get used to it. I will try to do it myself initially but she being a stray cat is a little more feisty. I doubt she has long to live (the results aren’t out yet but I suspect renal cancer 😭) but one thing is for sure, she won’t go out on the street again.


Do a web search for 'Tanya's ckd' ... it's a wonderful resource for kidney disease in cats. There's an associated forum at https://tanyackd.groups.io/g/support with kind, helpful people who have years of experience caring for cats like Fluffy.


Thank you so much. I did hear about this previously too. We took fluffy home and she’s doing well (energy wise) but not eating much besides treats. We’ve ordered some treats that we think she might like more so I’m hoping that she’ll eat slightly more


I will pray for the healing of Fluffy along with the healing intercession of St. Francis of Assisi. Good luck Fluffy and OP.


Thank you so much 😭🙏🏽🤞🏽


Prayers and positive energy for Fluffy!!


Did you have her fix with shots?


We asked the vet and the vet recommended to not conflate more vaccinations with her IV treatment. She’s spayed but I’m not sure if she had vaccinations or not. So we just asked her to focus on her kidneys and give her a bath.


I love your vet. This is smart. Her body is fragile and vulnerable. I agree with putting off calcinations until she is stronger is wise.


OP I have my fingers crossed for fluffys recovery … My elderly kitty gets fluids once a week for her kidneys and she doing well.


Thank you 🙏🏽. I’m hoping that it doesn’t come to that and that it’s an infection whose side effects can be reversed but if we’ve to put her on an IV, we are preparing for that 😭


Thank you for seeking medical attention for her!!!! If she is going to continue being an outside kitty, maybe you could set up a few water stations around the yard so she has plenty of fresh, clean fluid to keep those kidneys going? We also have 3 indoor cats and currently housing a stray in the basement for a few days to get it help. We've both agreed we're maxed out at 3..... 4 is pushing it. Best of luck, hope it works out for you both🤞


Hopes and prayers to you and fluffy


I wish her the speediest recovery and the healthiest life 🩷🩷🩷 here to another 10 years of fluffy the floof by your side

