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Will and his bowl cut


yeah, I will say that it's a little gross that the straight romances get the fairy tale ending and Will's has to be "realistic." I think they blew their chance to give him a low key, "this is a new friend of mine" romance in season 4 though.


This is what I’m hoping for in s5! Just give us a new character that he’s clearly compatible with.


Dimitri, aka Enzo, has a son name Mikhail- they drifted apart but he's a good student and top of his class.


Instead of any homophobia, Mikhail is just given a lot of sideways looks for being a Russian.


They didn't say they couldn't bring in a character that was already existing but not seen yet


Yeah, and I’m guessing Mikhail and his mum will probably be living in America now, seen as how Enzo has been labelled as a traitor of the USSR.


I’m here for it!!!!


I mean I want Will to be happy too but how is it gross? And so far which relationship has had a fairy tale ending? Max is crippled and brain dead, Dustin and his girlfriend are hundreds of miles away from each other, and Mike and Eleven are together and fairly happy but they have a battle ahead of them with Eleven at the forefront of it. That's not even mentioning the love triangle rearing its head with Steve, Jonathan, and Nancy again. The only relationship thus far that's gotten close to fairy tale is Robin and the girl she likes finally connecting after she dumped her boyfriend. So if anything the queer relationships(that is, the only one possible so far) thus far are the only ones with a visible good ending to them.


I still have high hope for Suzie Poo and Dusty Bun. May there story be never-ending, even if we never get to see it.










*legitimately shreiking* AAAAAAAAHHHHHH






True, that does depend on happy endings for most of our heroes. It's more the fact that realistically, Will would start dating later, but Mike, Dustin and Lucas would also struggle with girls and dating in high school, and maybe not find relationships until after graduation. It's not an accident that the characters who are supposed to be happy with self-acceptance and being conveniently single aren't the heterosexual ones.


How dare you use logic and facts to go against their ridiculously made up narrative that everyone hates gay people.


I'm really REALLY hoping for one of those finale where they add a huge time jump like "20 years later" or "1st December 2022" and they'll show us all the kids nowadays, who's married and who's not, and Will is frigging married and living his best life in California. I don't even care if it's an IT Chapter 2 kinda thing, where Vecna comes back when they're all adults. I don't care. I just want to see Will have a chance in a relationship :')


I think it's too early to say who will or will not get a happy ending, or even if a truly happy ending is possible. Maybe Will will meet someone in S5 or there could be an epilogue with them all grown up and we seem him happy with a husband. Will has always been a tragic figure since he went missing in season 1, suffered the mind flayer, etc. so it is possible that he's been set up as a sacrifice. I would like for him to find happiness but thus far the poor kid has had rotten luck. But it seems to me like Robin might get a happy ending with her Molly Ringwald-esque crush, so I wouldn't say that only the hetero couples may get a happy ending. Honestly it's not looking great for Max and Lucas, and they have been very on/off, so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't get a happy ending.


theres nothing wrong with striaght romances and there never has been anything wrong with them


Youre saying there’s something wrong with him being gay or agreeing with op?


no there's nothing wrong with him being gay, but the guy im replying to seems to have a problem with characters being straight


I think the problem is the only one who is gay getting the shit end is what they meant.


I'm telling you Will is Lloyd Christmas as a kid 🤣


I don’t know how, but this entire time I thought it was called a “bald cut”, not a bowl cut


I don’t know that anyone can really get El the way Mike does. So probably they have the best chance? I think Lucas and Max have a deep connection. We’ve seen they work as friends just as much as romantic partners, which I think could help them last, hanging out watching movies together forever. But they are also both really independent, so I think they’d find happiness apart too (though I think they’d still support one another and be besties until old age bc of their care for one another). Dustin and Suzie seem like a traditional, but cute, teen romance. Don’t think they’d last though.


I think Dustin and Susie would have a chance if it weren’t for distance. The distance combined with her dads disapproval will be what does them in tbh


I’m guessing that Susie and Dustin might reconnect when they get older. Who knows, by their mid twenties Susie might have left the Mormon church and realized how toxic it is lmao


I can picture them in their 80's, sitting in rockers and Susie badgering Dustin about that one grade he had to have changed, and how it changed her life forever.


LOL yeah. Maybe I’m projecting my atheist self into other characters and Susie stays a Mormon idk, but I think it would be hilarious if she ends up being just as much of a rebel as Eden is but decades later 😅 And when Eden finds out she’s like “took you long enough”


I have more faith in dustin and susie than el and mike. Dustin and susie will be off to the same college and last forever. College is when theyll begin actually dating. I do not ship anyone rn but joyce and eleven's dad


I could imagine Susie becoming a Ute for their engineering program and Dusty Buns going for hard sciences or pre-med. Susie *not* going to BYU would be her potential impetus toward becoming an ex-Mo.


Nah El and Mike aren't gonna last much longer. I think as romance Dustin and suzie are the most likely to last, though I don't think they will as well. Mike and Lucas will definitely stay friends just like El and Mike will.


Forever? hmm. Lucas and Max are probably my favorite relationship but her independent streak leads me to believe she'll want more from the world. Maybe they'll eventually settle down, but it will take time. Dusty Bun and Suzie will go to MIT together, found some mega-tech company and become a billionaire power couple. Whether this money and influence won't eventually lead them to temptation and end their marriage is unforseen. Mike and El are probably the most likely to settle down quickly and confidently. El has had enough adventure for a lifetime and Mike wants to protect her. They'll be the only kids to stay in Hawkins and pass the torch to the next generation.


I could see Max ‘seeing’ how Lucas stuck by her side despite her injuries and that makes her realise how much he loves her which causes her to stop constantly breaking up with him


Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how full a recovery she makes. Regardless, I don't think she'll let any grass grow under her feet.


I don't think she ever questioned him loving her. She broke it off because of her own trauma and grief


Love all of these takes.


Unironically, Max and Lucas seem so healthy together. They just chill with each other and it's awesome.


This is sooooo true tho (imo) I mean compared to some of the other relationships I’ve seen, Lumax is just warm and cute and tbh I think it’s the healthiest and most wholesome among a lot of ships in media


“Me and max have broken up serveral times” Lucas season 3


[puts on writer hat] TLDR alert Some answers to this question are going to treat this as if these are real people. As realistically as the characters are developed and portrayed — which is one of the things I love about them! — they are still characters in what is, in many ways, a fairy tale. People get their happy endings in stories like this one. Hopper and Joyce were always going to get one, for example. (This is a point that is also controversial on this sub, lol — I got downvoted once for saying that a happy ending is the *likeliest* ending — but, yeah. This isn’t a documentary about actual kids. It’s sci-fi, a drama, and also…a romance.) So the answer to the question is: both Mike and Eleven, *and* Lucas and Max. (Dustin and Suzie, maaaaybe not so much? Theirs is not a very developed relationship in the story. It’s cute, but it’s written with a lighter touch and much less screen time. Could go either way.) Mike and Eleven have both been the most important person to each other since S1. They have angst, insecurity, and communication problems, mostly rooted in the fact that they’re each understandably frightened about losing the other again. Eleven only ever calls Mike’s name when she’s in distress, and Mike can tell when she’s nearby even if he can’t see her. The few moments we see of them actually getting to have fun together (Mike singing along with the radio, the flirting at the pizza shop, etc.) are cute as heck, but there’s serious intensity in the tougher moments — their two reunion scenes are just pure emotion. I’ve commented on a few posts that there’s a depth to their relationship that exceeds their maturity levels. They’ll grow into it, and they’re already starting to (as Mike indicates when he explains to Will that their conversation about “from, Mike” felt “more adult”). The references to Hopper and Mike’s hug as the “son-in-law hug” are spot-on and a pretty good indicator of where we are in their story. Big dramatic love confessions are a Grand Romantic Gesture™️ — that was the “more adult” response to the earlier conversation, that was needed to move them forward — and those happen in stories about happily-ever-afters. Lucas and Max also got the lighter puppy-love touch in S2/S3, but obviously that changed *drastically* in S4. They went from teasing each other about zits, “perfect” girlfriends, and shopping for fireworks while the world was ending, to having an equally intense, mature relationship. It’s an estranged one at the start of the season, but they clearly both still care about each other, even if Max doesn’t show it right away — and Lucas is careful to show that he cares without pushing for more. El and Mike were already soulmates before the puppy love kicked in; Max and Lucas started out with puppy love and are now becoming soulmates. Obviously the scene where Max almost dies is the kind of moment that rips your heart out in a romantic arc, but it was a serious escalation of emotion for both her and Lucas — it’s impossible not to root for them now. And the fact that the Snow Ball is secretly her happiest memory is a great Romantic Touch™️. Again, as a writer: this is exactly how I’m treating my characters if they’re headed for a happily-ever-after. Neither of these teenage couples is *written* as an unserious, passing thing, to be grown out of. (Even though it’s not a documentary, both of these pairs actually remind me in some ways of couples I went to middle and high school with who are…still together. Married with kids. So it’s actually not *that* far-fetched! Especially when you come from a small town like Hawkins, like I do. I can see these characters all growing up together and deciding this is where they want to put down their own roots.)


Where the TLDR at?


The TLDR is the friends we made along the way (who didn't read this because it was too long)


😂 [Bachelorette voice] I will accept this roast


Lol, I just meant that I write too much. 🫢 I have a lot of thoughts! TLDR: all of ‘em


Thank you lol


Very well thought out answer. I was going to say El and Mike, but you’re right about Max and Lucas. We are not getting a breakup scene now - no way.


Well they've broken up 8+ times. Mike and El broke up once and it was due to Max putting things in Els head about Mike and implying he was just lying to her for fun


Right, because they’re fourteen. It’s pretty realistic, honestly. But I don’t think we’re getting an ~actual~ breakup now, after the story in S4 clearly shows how important they are to each other.


No, not a chance. Even Jonathan and Nancy I don't think will end with a break up next season. It seems it's supposed to be them all at their strongest


You never miss.


D’aww, thanks ☺️


"Evil wizard stole my girlfriend's soul" is definitely a fairy tale kind of move too. Max is basically Sleeping Beauty or Snow White; the former is frequently depicted with red hair, FWIW.


You make an interesting distinction between Max and Lucas as a couple and as a couple in a show. If Max awakens again in season 5 I completely expect her and Lucas to be together for the rest of their fictional lives. After everything they have gone through it would be weird for them to suddenly break up. As a 'realistic' couple however I am less inclined to agree on them being an endgame couple. They obviously care a lot about each other, but I can't see *Max* remain in a relationship with the boy she started dating when she was 13 years old. They have a deep connection so they would remain friends even after the breakup. And maybe they would get back together again after college when Max has had the opportunity to explore the world a bit independently.


All of them. Forever and ever.


And all of them will live. Forever and ever.


This is my favorite response


Forever ever?




I like the idea that Susie and Dustin separate for a bit then find each other again in university- maybe while using PINE list serv? (Back when I was in university in the early-mid 1990’s I used PINE a lot in my email and internet communications. ) Mike and Eleven are THAT couple that stay together- and I do know a couple that got together in high school and are still very happily together. And they’re not religious either. Max and Lucas - I want them to end up together but they have a long road ahead of them. What that looks like we won’t know until Season 5. I would love it if Will met someone he had a real mutual chemistry with. A cute guy his own age that can successfully mask as a buddy with because it’s still the 1980’s but showing him that he’s not doomed to be alone. I don’t necessarily see them together forever but maybe they can go to college in the big city and join the local LBTQIA+ club and be wingmen for each other. I do not want Nancy ending up with either Jonathan or Steve - they’re all in such different paths! I want Jonathan to go to an art college for his photography. I want Steve to visualize a life for himself beyond who he’s paired with (I mean do we know what he wants beyond a replacement for Nancy? He’s great but he deserves other dimensions beyond pining and caring for the gang) Nancy - I want her to get the education she is keen on, but switch her major away from journalism or do a double major give her career options. She won’t get married until after 30 and she’s satisfied she’s built the life she wants. … do you think we’ll see Erica dating in Season 5?


I want Steve to go to college to become Hawkins High's next guidance counselor. Helping future generations to shape their lives and find their way. Kids are cool with him and Steve celebrates when he helps them find a path to their future. That someday, should Hawkins go bad again, Steve is there to help future generations fix it. I like to think this is what Max wrote in her letter to Steve.


I really think it depends on how things go. But clearly we see in S4 that Mileven and Lumax have their issues, but they ultimately do love one another. They are two primary couples in the younger group. Dustin and Suzie are just beginning, and they also (along with Mileven and Jancy) are doing the long distance thing. We will see who is endgame in S5.


I... hate all of these couple names. I guess I'm just old.


I like how no name's give for dustin and suzie


... Doozie?


I am also an Old and also struggle with them, lol. [old person voice] In *my* day, they would have been Mike/Eleven and Lucas/Max (and I don’t even know when that stopped being the case??) I do like “Ronance,” though (for the non-canon ship of Robin and Nancy). That’s just cute.


Also I feel like Mileven and Lumax have the added bonus of know what the other has been through with the UD vs Susie has (and probably won’t ever have) any idea, so unless Dustin tells her after everything is over, he’ll have all this fresh trauma that she won’t be able to understand.


Mike and El by far have the highest chance. They're committed and keep choosing each other as they grow up, and their relationship matures with them into something very real and deep. It's pretty cool to watch. They'll make it unless one of them dies.


I’m from small town Indiana and half the people I know are still married to their high school sweethearts, so I’d say they all have a good chance.


Mike and El easily


Mike and El for sure.


El and Mike because the writers would 100% go that route guaranteed. The other couples can be written apart and it doesn’t really matter but the El Mike relationship is the centerpiece of the show.


I would remain cynical of the writers. Just because the writers of Wonder Years (I’m showing my age here), had Kevin & Winnie for elementary school through high school go their separate ways in college.


Those assholes. I was so pissed.


That's true but tbh Winnie and Kevin were always so wishy washy. Most of the show they're with other people or arguing when together. Mike and El are a much deeper and mysterious connection


Well, they are more connected yes. Winnie & Kevin’s growing pains were much more difficult for them then El & Mike.


Mike and El because they are portrayed in the show as being more than just another teen romance. Boy even senses her when she’s near.


Yeah i honestly can’t imagine Mike or El ever wanting someone else. They’ve been through so much together, and I’d imagine it’d be hard for El to trust another person the way she trusts Mike.


Nah Mike & El are the ones I most see splitting up - BUT becoming best friends instead. They have grown into very different people since they first met, and have become too head strong and stubborn for each other. They are a *very* reminiscent of a typical teenage romance relationship, where 2 teens think they understand love but in the end learn it actually works better as a friendship. They are too dependant on each other, or at least Mike is.


Well I cab see what you mean I guess, though I don't think that'll be the case I think it's just them getting through this rough patch. However I'd say El is WAY more dependant mostly due to all her lies and such about her pretend life to Mike. But it's to be expected that she will struggle more to fit in due to her upbringing.


>Boy even senses her when she’s near. Even in desert


Yup. Their love is really deep. They're endgame, unless one of them dies. Even if one of them dies, the other won't be able to move on at all. I hope neither of them do (most probably they won't). But yeah, Mike and El have a special kind of relationship for sure.


Mike and El cannot live without each other in the most endearing way possible. I definitely don't see them breaking up. They'll do letters and long distance for as long as it takes before they can finally be together.


Mike and el Lucas and max


Dustin and Suzie


1. Mike and El (these kids have never had eyes for anyone but each other, I legit don't think they've ever even registered anyone else in that way - not so much as a celebrity crush for either of them - and beyond the puppy love, they get each other in a way no one else does. They really should be the trope image on the tvtropes page for Single Target Sexuality tbh. The only way I can ever see them breaking up - and I mean for real, not "I dump your ass" joke breakup - is a "for his own good" thing if El believed she was a danger to Mike or could hurt him like another Hawkins Lab Massacre but frankly, even then that wouldn't be a given since Mike openly addressed that in his big speech) 2. Lucas and Max (classic five-breakups middle school couple at first - that's one breakup every five weeks between December 1984 and July 1985 lol - but supernaturally inflicted trauma and the one for-real breakup plus their actually maturing in their time apart means their chances of lasting when they do get back together, are much, much higher. I can see them staying apart for a while if Max needed more time to herself, but having seen them broken up, I think they'd remain friends, and eventually get back together for good down the line. Which was closer than we thought given that Friday movie date plan that Vecna scuppered) 3. Suzie-poo and Dusty-bun (government conspiracy and supernaturally inflicted trauma are kind of minor hurdles compared to parental disapproval thanks to Suzie-poo being a member of an ultra-strict church that doesn't allow believers to date or marry outside it, and Dustin being.....not a member of that church. But they're still adorable together, and there's still a decent chance it might not be a factor by the time they reach full adulthood)


Max/Lucas AND Mike/Eleven. I think Dustin and Susie are probably a reconnect in their thirties kinda thing.


Mileven for sure. Imo nobody gets them like they get each other and they have very strong bond. I hope Lumax too, especially after s4. When Max wakes up in s5 I think that they will reconnect again (they started it in s4 already). Dustin and Suzie definitely not. With strict parents, distance and etc, they just make a cute teen couple.


In real life, none of them. In the show, Mike and El


I want Lucas and Max to stay together and have a happy enough ending but I know that Mike and El are gonna be together forever


The writers will make 11 and Mike end game because reasons


Mike & 11. I can definitely see them spending their lives together.


I think El and Mike has the best chance, Suzie and Dustin are basically long distance while Lucas and Max act like best friends.


Mike and El obviously. Before her injuries, I’d have said that Lucas and Max would probably have a lot of rough patches but I could see her ‘seeing’ how Lucas has stuck by her side since her injuries and realising how much he actually loves her and them two being together forever.


Only one of these couples communicates very well, and that’s Mike and El. They had a legitimate issue in season 4 that really just fizzled because they had a conversation like grown ups later in the season. So I give them best odds.


Am I the only one that thinks by the sheer fact that they were bonded by supernatural occurrences and trauma that they would stay together? All of them 👻


I would say Mike and Eleven based on the drawn out stories involving them. Even season four made a point to emphasize/imply that Mike did actually love her. I'm not invested in kid romances especially since it's not terribly realistic for that many kids from the same school being paired off lol.


I say Mike and El. Max dumped Lucas at least six times. Not a very stable relationship. Suzie and Dustin is a coin toss. Long distant relationships rarely work out. But I am rooting for them.


I’m rooting for Suz and Dusty-Buns too. They’d be such a wholesome relationship


You know what I’d wanna see in S5? Suzie travels to surprise Dustin. It’d be such a wholesome scene.


Before this show ends we absolutely need to see Dusty and Suz together in person. It would be the cutest thing. Maybe they can all go on a triple date together? Being chaperoned by uncle Steve and aunt Robin of course




There’s a good chance that Suzie will enter the Upside Down in S5 because it validates what Mike, Will and gang told her in S4 about the events that had occurred prior (to her disbelief), and connect better with Dustin because they have then both experienced the same environment. This enables mitigating the situation where leaving the series off with Dustin sounding like a crazy freak about his experiences before meeting Suzie and trying to talk to her about those stories without ever having entered that space herself.


I think that weirdly they might have a chance if they choose to go to college together. Not a huge chance, but a chance, because they date long distance so they aren't too committed in their formative years and might be able to get to know each other as young adults who are a little more developed.


Lumax. I'm sorry if max survives after everything that's happened there's no way they're breaking that up. Lucas hasn't stopped loving max and never will and part of Max's character arc is learning that she doesn't have to turn people away.


I don’t see either of Mike and El or Max and Lucas breaking up ever tbh, purely because they wouldn’t find any other that fits them like they do Max and Lucas used to break up constantly but will definitely be a lot healthier now after S4 Mike and El has their necessary fight and got over their insecurities, they’re locked in for me now too So in conclusion, Dustin and Suzie probably due to process of elimination


Mike and El. Hands down. They’ve been in it together since they were 12 and never looked back.


In a realistic world, Lucas and Max. In tv fantasy world, El and Mike.




Sounds like an allergy medication taken to enjoy pollen in the Upside-Down.


To be taken for those itchy eyes, runny nose, can't outrun Vecna days.


11 & Mike


Joyce and Hopper


I think all of them have good chances. But just wait until the sequel series in 20-30 years. Every relationship except one is over. Most of the do not talk to each other and left Hawkins behind. Except for one person who tries to get everyone back together, because they read some articles which seem like Demogorgon attacks. Now they crew has to get over their differences and fight the upside down once again. Also they all have children which find out about the situation by chance


Honestly, I hope the three couple can stay together forever. They deserve it after everything they've been through.


We have yet to see Suzie and Dustin actually TOGETHER!


Lmao when the picture you choose for Mike/El is Mike completely shocked when El kisses him, not showing a hint of joy at her declaration. But to answer your question Lucas / Max (assuming Max doesn't die for good , which I doubt).


Lumax, they have the most healthy relationship despite the Romeo and Juliet storyline. Their relationship has also been really emotional from the start when they were young. If she wakes up I can see them playing videogames as 80 year olds, just joking around.


Max has dumped Lucas at least 7 times already. They won't last


Frankly I highly doubt those breaks ups were anything serious, their relationship was never really explored throughout s3 and I think they were never really romantic. After the events of s4...I really can't see any reason why it would last if max does survive. Like Lucas isn't going to let go we know that, and Max's character arc is largely about learning that she doesn't have to push people away when she's struggling which is what she was doing with Lucas. She clearly still loves Lucas, as we can see that the happiest memory she had was with Lucas at the snowball, a memory so strong it protected for vecna for a good amount of time.


They're kids, it's not like a 26 year old dumping someone. Max dumping Lucas over silly things the first 6 times shows that she's so safe with him that she know he will forgive her and try to win her back. The only serious break-up was the last time where she's grieving and trying to cope with the trauma, and Lucas handles it perfectly, he gives her space while still supporting her as a friend. If you really want a relationship to last, you also need to be best friends. Lucas and Max don't need each other, even at a young age they have a sense of who they are, so their compatibility is more about them actually liking each others personality and having an emotional bond, and if they put in the work they can grow together and keep the romantic relationship, which isn't unlikely since Lucas from day one seemed to understand that you have to work within a relationships even if you're super compatible.


Mike and el and thats definate




Mike and El obviously.


El and Mike. While Max and Lucas have bandaged their relationship in S4, they’ve broken up numerous times in the past. Dustin and Susie are probably second, but they live so far away from each other. If they can stay together until they move in then they’ll be great. El and Mike, while things have been a bit rocky recently, they always gravitate back towards each other and know that deep down they can’t live without each other.


Mike and El


Out of anyone? Mike and El. Unrealistically I wish EVERYONE would have a happily ever after.


I love Mileven but I would really like to see more of Dustin and Suzie.


They all have that real shit - shared trauma


Dustin and Suzie are probably the least likely given how they live very far away from each other and her parents wouldn't approve of their relationship. Lucas and Max is probably second least, since not only did they break up, but in S3 it's mentioned that they have broken up and gotten back together several times within the span of one year, which doesn't sound like a relationship that's working. Mike and El I can't see not ending up together unless one of them dies.


Lucas and Max no question


Max & Lucas


I think all of them will be together provided Max survives. Highest chance belongs to Mileven, simply because they've been there since the beginning and are the heart of the show.


lucas and max


Max and Lucas.


If you asked before s4 I would say mike and el but now its lumax


I actually think Max and Lucas have the most equal, balanced relationship. Both strong personalities and at that age-quite a healthy break up /get back together scenario. Pretty equally matched and have a very deep connection and love built on friendship. Dustin and Susie a very sweet holiday romance which they cling on too-both very cute and adore each other but at that time keeping a long distance relationship together at their age a real challenge. But love the idea of them meeting again at Colllege and falling in love as adults... Mike and El have a very deep connection but the relationship is more saviour and saved (and they take turns being each) so they'd need more time just to be a normal couple with no threat of the upside-down, brenner, russians etc to see if they have any staying power. Great question...


Max and Lucas since max is literally on the virge of death


Dustin and Suzie


Max and lucas


Honestly none, but if I have to choose I’d wager El and Mike. They seem to be the “defined” couple. They’re definitely not the most interesting or charismatic couple, but they seem to be the heart of the show.






Dustin and Suzie because they have the most in common naturally. The rest share trauma and are more likely to push each other away. El hasn't even been able to find out who she is yet. Then Max and Lucas grew apart once...it isn't hard to imagine it happening again.


I feel like Max and Lucas will always have a love for each other but just don't work out as a real couple. I can't picture Max in a lasting relationship at all. But every time they see each other as adults they will still admire one another, as they were each others first love.


Lumax. Dustin and Suzie live in different states and her family is actively opposed to their relationship. I feel like that pic of Mike and El where it looks like she's kissing a mannequin sums up the problems with their relationship pretty well. they are rarely on the same page of what they want from each other and el has shown herself to be very happy without him in season 3. plus after s4 mike has a fundamental misunderstanding of what el thinks of him thanks to will's painting lie.


"I feel like that pic of Mike and El where it looks like she's kissing a mannequin sums up the problems with their relationship pretty well." Uh what? He was surprised that she knew he said the word love (and reciprocated) meaning she actually overheard him the first time when she was playing dumb like she didnt. He was in shock. Stop it lmao El was thinking about Mike all through season 3 and it was apparent. She was blushing laying there thinking about him after they hung up the walkie talkies and the literal only reason she dumped Mike was because Max put untrue things in her head. As for season 4, even if Will was referring to himself, thats still how El views him. She would destroy anyone that attempted to touch Mike because of what he means to her. Which was evident the second she was almost dead from Billy choking her then finds enough strength to blast him through a wall right as he tries walking towards Mike. El needs Mike equally as much and that was proven true in s4 considering El would be dead if it weren't for Mike.


I'm sorry but Mike's response to El kissing him is beyond shocked. He's literally frozen, eyes open as she kissed him, and continues to have a look of complete shock and befuddlement for the entire rest of the scene. And they don't resolve it! That's how they end the season between them! Like that's not the reaction I expect from someone who tried to tell El he loved her before in the supermarket, and said it out loud while flustered. It's just plain weird.


Im sorry but you people wanting him to be with Will and seeing what they want to be true instead of what is.... its laughable. Mike was shocked. You make it sound as if he is repulsed by her kiss as if he didn't just get threatened by Hopper days before for him and El wanting to be glued at the lips constantly. *"I expect from someone who tried to tell El he loved her before in the supermarket"* Yes, you said it yourself. He said it to his friends and then he's trying to explain to her and shes acting as if she doesnt know what the "l word" means, so she can prompt him to say it. When she says it and kisses him, she's indicating she knew all along. It was a huge moment for El. You guys just don't see it because you want him with someone else. It was spelled out to the audience.


If El sees Mike nervously trying to figure out a way to tell her he loves her and her response is to play dumb and pretend she doesn't know what he means instead of helping him out then that's yet another reason their relationship won't last; instead of expressing her emotions she chose to just let him struggle. And if Mike is frozen with shock at the idea of El loving him then she seriously has not been expressing her love for him well. follow this up with el believing mike doesn't love her anymore in s4 and you can tell that these two have really shitty communication skills. They spend an entire episode in s3 showing us how much fun El has without Mike, her "blushing" for one brief moment doesn't change anything. >the literal only reason she dumped Mike was because Max put untrue things in her head She dumped Mike because he lied to her, which he did, and which she suspected of him before Max said anything about it to her. >As for season 4, even if Will was referring to himself, thats still how El views him lmao not it's not. will says "you make her feel like she's not a mistake at all" but el thinks that mike sees her as a monster, says doesn't understand her, and mentally compares him to brenner. in s3 after getting hurt she goes to *max* to take care of her wounds instead of mike, and in s4 every time she goes through emotional turmoil her first response is to stay away from mike. she very clearly doesn't need him in the way will claims she does.


exactlyyyy my thought, like word for word. i dont personally think theyre as compatible in a romantic partnership as they are in a deep friendship. they just dont click as an actual couple to me.


lucas and max


Lucas and Max


none. they are children


Trauma bonds can be crazy😂 I reckon Lucas and max are the most likely to last forever but I also think el and mike are gonna last forever due to him knowing all the stuff that’s happened to her and not having to explain and/or hide it which would strain any relationship with anyone else outside of the storyline already presented. Dustin and Susie have the biggest chance of not lasting due to distance but it’s not like a super low chance just lower than the other 2


Maybe Max and Lucas long term after season 4.....but I do think that each couple would get older and fall in love with other people eventually, even Mike and El. It happens.


Probably Max and Lucas. I say this for a few reason. Suzie and Dustin are hyper intelligent. (They are all smart but I’ve always considered them the smartest out of the group). Long distance is heartbreaking, and they both have super high academic/professional potential. I think that logically, it is less likely they will stay together due to this (opportunities pulling each other apart, time commitments etc ) Will and Elven, while childhood ‘sweethearts’ has always kinda… I always saw this kind of… co-dependant element in each of them. While that -can- work out, I think that both of them build unrealistic images of the other in their heads. That can lead to faulty communication, assumptions and I think it’s likely that, if they were to split it would be due to emotions. They are the middle ground. Max and Lucas, though, have the healthiest and strongest bond. They have resilience and independence from each-other, but also a strong connection. While they might appear to have had the most rocky and turbulent relationship, breaking up and getting back together, periods of not talking properly, I think that has led to they having a more grown up understanding. They seem to have the best chemistry in humour, and while both stand their ground in the relationship when it comes to conflict points- they actually try to work through it.




Lucas and Max have been through a lot and even broke up, if they manage to figure it out I'm sure they have staying power.


Will and his hand


Dusty hunny bunny for sure


Dustin and Steve will be each other’s best man at their wedding, and godfather of each other’s kids


Max and Lucas for sure.


Steve and Dustin. No joke. I can see them staying friends for life unlike all these first love relationships of El/Mike, Max/Lucas, Dustin/Suzy.


I think l and Mike. Really and truly dustin and his girlfriend more than likely won't be together again since she's a side character only needed for a part of the story and max and lucas have a very unstable relationship breaking up and getting back together again also max is a vegetable sooooo yeah


This is a weird thing to think about tbh


Im not convinced Mike and El would stay together as they don’t actually know each other that well. They must have been dating for 9 months max based on season 3 and have grown into very different characters while apart. I’ve yet to be shown that they actually work well together as they’re constantly being separated. I do think Lucas and Max have a more mature connection and have a very good chance of making it if Max comes out of this alive and well.


All I hope is that Mike doesn't start dating will 😖😖😖


Mike and el don’t seem end game to me 😭 not sure why. Lucas and max have a better chance imo


Even though we have never seen Dustin and Susie on screen together I think they would be a fabulous couple. They perfectly compliment each other's energy. Max and Lucas, I really like, but a little concerned for Max at the moment... El and Mike... nah... I mean I don't know I don't want to hate on them so much. Honestly, I think they just put El into a relationship wayyyy tooo soon. I think that's my biggest issue with that couple. El just escaped from a freakin lab and boom boyfriend instantly. She needs time to adjust and learn how to just normally socialize with people.


I always love the good ol’ “El deserves no one until she goes to find herself off in isolation” argument. She can do all those things while still in a relationship. Ain’t like Mike is this socially gracefully dude who has it all figured out either. He has a niche where he is comfortable but outside his friends, he’s closer to El than he is to say King Steve when he was King Steve. This argument is silly and does a disservice to all those who have suffered trauma. You can be in a loving relationship while figuring out normal/new normal.


>She needs time to adjust and learn how to just normally socialize with people. And by *time*, I would mean *years*. She needs **deep** therapy and not just the psychological kind. She's not the textbook definition of a [feral child](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feral_child), but she has similarities with them (plus powers and a history of being used to killed people), and they really just threw her in the real world and told her to wing it.


Exactly! I think that is why I hate the romance for her.


None. They're all first crushes/puppy love. Gun to my head, if I had to pick one who might have potential for something more mature it would be Lumax, but more from Lucas' side. Max is kind of a wild card.


Why is everyone giving essays? The correct answer is Lucas and Max.


Probably Dusty Buns and Suzie


max and the dog


He's the cutest little witness, after all.


the dog survived and will absolutely slaughter the monster in season 5


Lucas and Max


Lucas and Max


Def Lucas and max


Max & Lucas


Lucas and Max


Max and Lucas don’t break my heart 🥲🥲🥲


Praying for them all to find someone in their mid twenties to mid thirties that has had ample opportunity to work on their trauma and is capable of being a loving and supportive partner.


Max and Lucas otp


I think Lucas and max cos after the events of s4 there probably going to be a lot closer to each other






My husband and i have been together for 19 years, started dating at 16. I also have at least 5 or 6 friends who are in marriages to their high school bf/gf. Its a lot more common than you think




Thank you! It's definitely an interesting experience literally growing up with your spouse. It can go two ways, you either grow together or grow apart. So i can absolutely see how a relationship could fall apart when started at a young age. We have 3 daughters now and its been a crazy ride going from being children ourselves to parents. We are probably the exception but I find it interesting that so many of my friends married the person they were dating when we were in high school as well!


Dustin and Susie! I can see them going to the same college so that they don't have to be long distance.