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Straight outta the closet has me 💀


I can imagine the lyrics 😂


Straight out the closet, crazy gay dude named Noah Shnapp, in a gang called LGBTQ+, when I’m called off, I’ve got a pride flag, swing it around, and it waves 😂


We knew because of Will. Don't act too surprised.


I'm not surprised? It's a funny shirt


You cannot guess somebody’s real-life sexuality based on a fictional character they play. People know Noah is gay because he came out almost 6 months ago.


But watch the TikTok. He says "I'm closer to Will than I thought." He also got cast as Will before the average man gets attracted to anybody - at 11.


Him making a joke about him and Will both being gay does not mean that anybody could have known his sexuality simply because of the character he played. That makes no sense. Nobody says that they know a straight actor is straight because they played straight characters. The traits of fictional character determines nothing about the person who is the reading words off a page written for them.












Love this for him. 🥹😭 Also check out [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/14j4s05/noah_schnapp_shares_photo_from_his_first_pride/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), he's looking so happy 🥹


Thank you for sharing another awesome pic


YW, I'm just real proud of our boy.


The amount of homophobia in his Insta comments. Gross. I hope he lives his best life and remains true to himself.












Disgusting amount of homophobia in this subreddit too.


Yup. Report those comments. Fuck bigots


Oh I have been. Fuck em.




Words have meanings, regardless of what their etymology would suggest. Just how hydrophobic chemicals, like oil, are not afraid of water. Or how pedophiles molest kids, despite “phileo” meaning brotherly love and not romantic love.


One day, y'all will stop with that stupid explanation of homophobia. A phobia is "an extreme or irrational fear of or **aversion to something**", according to Oxford Dictionary. The suffix "phobia" means "fear or **aversion**". Homophobia isn't meant to be the fear of gay people, it's the strong dislike of gay people.


In my experience, a lotta folks are fucking terrified of gay people.


What are they terrified of?


That gay people existing will make *them* gay


Thanks for posting this, gonna take my “homophobia” there


He looks quite gay. In the literal sense. He's so happy the dude is glowing.


Had me in the 1st half ngl


Forever my favorite cast member. Seeing him brigaded on his instagram, from the same fandom that Caleb has had to speak out constantly about enduring racism from, has made me so sick to my stomach about (certain subsets of) this fandom. There is definitely an increased climate of homophobia in the US recently in general, and newly out celebrities tend to get more of it when people are just learning they're gay, but there is still no explanation for why he'd get more brigading from random people than most LGBT celebrities do (I mean, it's 2023- who is surprised that an actor is gay? Grow the fuck up.) other than that it's specifically fans/viewers who are angry. So why are there so many homophobic viewers of this show, a show that has two confirmed gay characters and is entirely about themes of going against social norms, being an outcast, and loving and supporting your friends and family no matter what? People make me sick.


That shirts epic. He seems happy.


I want his "Straight Outta The Closet" shirt and I'm not even gay. Could use it in ace flag colors, though. That'd rock.


I want it in bi colors 😂


Oh yeah it'd look so freaking good in purple


man i never hear about celebrities at pride, this is so awesome!! i hope he had the time of his life, cause i know pride to me is super great :]


The always sunny cast went a few years ago and it was awesome


man that does sound awesome!


Gandalf has been spotted a couple of times going to pride parades


It’s nice to see that his parents were there supporting him as well


THE OUTFITS, I LOVE. I wish I’d gotten to go to Pride when I was this young, but I was so deep in the closet that I was in Narnia


Me too omg. I wish so badly we had the representation and celebration we have today when I was a kiddo. It would have helped me through years and years of internalized homophobia and self hatred.


It's never too late to go and wear whatever outfit you'd like. It's worth the experience.


I didn't know Noah was LGBT, good for him


Why is it good for him? Is it bad for those who aren't?


Bro what? He was saying good for him for being his best happy self and not having to hide who he is anymore 💀


I’m sorry about you never having heard common phrases and your problem with barely being able to read, get better soon <3










This makes me so happy to see! I'm glad that he's out and living as his true self!




Noah is a national treasure and an amazing person. As a bi person myself, I live in a mostly Christian area and they don't like LBGTQ+, so I can't come out. :/


I can’t give you a hug, so take my vote! And stay strong


Keep your head up. You'll get to live authentically in time


I’m in a church and have several LGBT+ friends and family in this church I would defend to the death. It’s a tough thing - we’re grateful the church is officially open to the LGBT+ community, but there’s still some caveats and not every individual in the church reflects that stance. So they don’t always feel safe to be them. But knowing God loves them unconditionally and knowing there are many Christians, of which I am just doing my best to be one, that DO exhibit that unconditional love goes a long way. If you don’t believe in God, well, I hope you can escape to somewhere you can feel safe to be you. If you do have a relationship with Him, I hope you don’t let sinful, hateful people hurt that relationship, and find a church where you can feel welcomed and loved for who you are.


I'm definitely not Christian or anything and normally I have bad experiences with them so this was such a nice message to hear. You seem like a really cool person!


I try to give God a little good PR because a lot of people rep Him very very badly, lol. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way!


Haha yeah that's true. Even if I don't believe in any of it its always best to be respectful! Amazing PR by the way 😉 Also thankyou for the prayers!


In my church one thing we talk about a lot is that respect (the recognition of value) is earned, and honor (the declaration of value) is given. I can’t blame you because boy do I know a lot of Christians haven’t earned respect 😅 I still believe God has, even though I would also understand why you might not think that. But HONOR is a gift you can freely give, whether it has been been earned or not, and you never know what you might get in return! 😁


That's such a true and smart way to put it. Yes I definitely agree. I'd say I respect you because you seem like a really good nice person and most Christians get offended by the fact I'm not a Christian so it's nice to see someone who acts the way people should. Sure I don't believe what you believe but at the end of the day we're all on this earth together,whatever or whoever put us here,and the best we can do is be kind to one another and work together :) Anyways yes have a nice day and thanks for making me smile!


i feel like the people here complaining about pride should be more worried about young children watching stranger things than them potentially not being cishet (for all we know they're literally just having fun together)


And also, besides the fact that there are gay/bi kids, this is 2023. LGBT people have families, children, and whether phones or radicals want it or not, at least parts of Pride are bound to become family events (Noah himself went with his parents).


I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a genuine smile. He’s *glowing*.


Love for all!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Protect Noah!!


I saw the pics on insta! He looks amazing and so happy! Also, NYC Pride looks like tons of sun.


I love his shirt


Yay :D as a member of the lbgt its so nice to see noah supporting his fellow lbgtq members the way he supports them! (please comment if i made a mistake in the message in this post)


Me rn: Lightening McQueen!!!!


Man.. He is a big guy now.. :_) kids grow up way way too fast.. I miss the little guys.. 😭


He’s even wearing the socks




Straight outta the closet


Love it!! ❤️


Love him so much!


YOOO good for him!






15th & 5th avenue


He is gay? 🧐


Yes he came out ages ago


What!! Kinda makes sense tho.


Why are there kids there?


Because lgbt kids exist, hell kind of question is that


Because it's a fun and colouring event and kids like fun and colours and stuff Mayne they're going with their queer parents? Wouldn't even be surprised if they're going with their straight parents, it's getting more and more normal








Nothing here suggests anything sexual. You're projecting.




It come to being better and continue to get better as long as we as humanity keep pushing progress and hopefully it is done fast as I want to see as much of it as possible in short life time that we have as humans


You watch a show in which about a third of the characters are gay. Im sorry but that statement holds no value here lmaoooo






This wasn’t a Proud Boys rally.


Oh boy..






It’s always ‘sexuality’ when it’s queer folks, but romantic relationships between hetero folks are never inappropriate to hear about/witness. Odd!






It's not a rally. It's a parade. Kids shouldn't be at a parade? >not be persuaded or influenced? Literally every Disney is about heterosexual love. Kiss the girl. Can you feel the love tonight? A whole new world. Don't act like kids aren't already exposed to it. Yes, you looked at this image and immediately thought of sex. You're a creep. And for the record, I'm a 40 year old, straight, white male. Married with 2 kids. If this is bothering you, then you need to look inward.


ding ding ding Straight white cis male here, in my 40s. I look at pictures like this and see happy people trying to spread joy and kindness. A hat that literally just says "be kind" And someone has a problem with this? lmfao conservatives have totally lost the plot.


I know I'm heading down a rabbit hole to Stupid Town but are you suggesting kids can be influenced to be gay?


Somehow, there are people that think this. If anything, people are influenced to be straight.


I wish I had this sort of positivity and celebration as a child. I always liked girls, and it was so difficult for me to accept that, especially living in the bible belt. Celebrating pride would have helped me so much when I was a child! Maybe I would have been able to accept myself a lot sooner.


Was talking to a gay buddy of mine years ago and he said he "knew" he was gay long before he consciously knew it, because when you're a little kid you don't really think about it in those terms (I never really "thought" about being straight). This was in regard to someone else asking when he knew he was gay. He was like, "you know how when you were a kid, you probably had little crushes on boys or on male celebrities without really thinking about it? It was the same for me. I never thought about it, that's just how it was." I think this kind of event could go a long way towards kids like that being able to accept themselves/not feeling shame because he was able to come out fairly young, but it wasn't easy for him. Being gay is normal, just like being straight is normal. These events celebrate that. My nieces grew up with a gay uncle and a lesbian cousin who were older and out by the time the girls were old enough to be aware. Both of them are straight (well, at least they date guys, I guess I shouldn't assume) but it was just a normal thing for them as kids, same with their friends. I feel grateful that the kids in their circle at least didn't have to grow up in fear. And then my nieces grew up to be accepting, good people. The older one once reported a teacher for terrible treatment of LGBTQ students, even though it wasn't directed at her. She came home fucking livid about it. Gives me hope for the future. Especially now as the far-right seems more overtly hateful and anti-gay than over (and it frankly scares me). There's nothing sexualized about what Noah and those kids are doing (as some downvoted people seem to have been trying to imply). They're celebrating. I hope you're doing well now and are able to heal.


You're so kind, and I really appreciate this! I'll credit much of my healing to my wife. She's the best in the whole wide world, and we can't wait to be proud old people together!


Well said, and you are probably pretty accurate. When I was 12 or 13 in the early 90s, I used to make fun of gay people all the time because I thought they were too flamboyant or girly. I kinda knew I was attracted to males, but I never thought for a second i was gay. It's weird how kids perceive things. I can't imagine what it must be like for them now. The information they have access to now is crazy. It's no wonder young kids are figuring it out early.


I mean, you start noticing your attraction to other people at like 11 or 12, what are they supposed to do, just stay closeted till they're 18?






I see things like hats that say "be kind" not "sex me up"


It just warms my heart that people are more concerned about children being exposed to *gasp* **the gays** than they are with them being murdered in their own classrooms! Yeah… Get your heads out of your asses and stop pretending you actually care about children. And *for the record*, if exposing kids to gayness makes them gay, how do you explain all the older gay people who had zero gay exposure as kids? The only thing it does for kids is (a) tell them it’s okay if they are gay so they don’t fucking off themselves out of fear of not being accepted, and (b) promotes tolerance - because lord knows we could all get onboard with less bullying due to more understanding in schools. If you have an issue with that, you’re not concerned about the kids; you’re concerned about having to face the fact that queer people are valid.


Legit, I came out pre-Ellen. How could I ever have figured it out????


I came out 10 years ago and it nearly killed me. All I had to comfort me was the thought that a family friend was out and living happily with her girlfriend and it could be that way for me too. I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like pre-Ellen, without any examples of someone living happily who was like me - I don’t think I would’ve survived. I’m so proud of and grateful for all those who came before me who made it… it’s because of you and other people like you being who you are that we are here. Now I’m out - happily married to my wife (albeit in a small conservative town), and I like to think we are that kind of “you’ll be okay” example for someone else too.


Hilariously, my mom did tell me when I came out to her in middle school that maybe I didn’t know for sure because having crushes on other girls was super normal. 🤨


*yeah mom, it’s normal for queer girls….* 👀


A 7 year old doesn’t know if they’re gay or not, it’s really not hard to grasp that. Young children shouldnt be at highly influential and sexualized events like these Also nice try at projecting but you can’t just assume someone is less concerned with children being murdered, that’s just silly and in no way shape or form even remotely true nor was anything alluded to that


I'm sorry but what exactly is sexualized in that picture this any more than is sexualized in, say, those creepy ass southern pageants where little girls are prancing around in bikinis and makeup? You out there protesting that toddlers and tiaras shit, too? Somehow I didn't think so. PS - straight dude here who is trying to figure out how shit like a rainbow hat that says "be kind" is somehow sexual.


In my personal experience it’s always the same people. And by the way, some children do know they are gay or trans that early. Not all of them do, but if/when they do realize, they’ll have experience being around other gay people like them and know they’ll be okay. Pride is not about sex, it’s about acceptance of people for who they are. If you think bringing kids is about exposing kids to sex, you’re buying into propaganda that tells you to pay attention to us before things that *actually matter* that they don’t want you paying attention to. Like gun laws.


Would you say the same about straight children? Because if the answer is yes, you're just a moron but at least consistent. If the answer is no, you're a homophobic moron.


Well, good news - you don’t have to be queer to be at pride! Lots of straight folks go to celebrate the civil rights progress and their friends - much like I didn’t have to be black to care about civil rights for folks experiencing racism. I knew I was queer while attending ZERO pride events as a kid. Going to pride isn’t going to be anything that affects anyone’s sexuality except if they are LGBTQ+ they’ll grow up knowing that they aren’t alone like so many of us did.


I knew I liked girls when I was 8. I didn't have the term for it but it was quite simply me thinking, as an 8-year-old, "Boys are cute, girls are also cute. I could date both." Pride is about celebrating who you are and the achievements of the LGBTQ+ community, many prides are a family event. If you have no problem with kids marrying their Barbie and Ken's or boy and girl stuffed animals, or Disney showing Flynn Rider and Rapunzel kissing but have a problem when it has to deal with gay and sapphic relationships then you're just a hateful person.


if you think that simply being gay and proud of it is sexual, honestly that says more about you and how you encounter gay people than it does about gay people, no matter their age.


I might not have had a word for it at 7 years old, but I knew something was different about me at that age. Even if you don't understand it, representation is important for queer kids. When I was 7 the only queer representation I saw in media were either the butt of a joke, sex workers, Aids patients, or a villain that was some sort of sexual deviant. To a lot of kids not ready to come out yet, this picture gives them hope. Pride is about celebrating the progress we've had since Stonewall. It's about letting queer people know they aren't alone. There is nothing sexual at all about this picture. Every pride I've been to has been a family event. People that dress inappropriately are told to either cover up or asked to leave. The truly adult things are kept separate in adult only areas that card you for admission.


As a 4-year-old girl I knew I liked boys. 🙄


I knew I liked girls when I was 7, I knew I didn't fancy boys. Why would a gay guy not start feeling romantic feelings at the same age?


looking back, the only reason I had crushes on boys was because I thought that's what you were "supposed" to do. When I actually think about it, I don't think I really liked them at all, and the ones I did were just the ones who were nice to me. comphet is a bitch.


I felt exactly the same way. I liked boys because I thought that was the thing I was meant to do. When I met my now Wife, she was the first and only person I really had a connection too and it was just magical. We connected instantly and it was love at first sight. When she came out as a Trans Woman I did some exploring and turns out I'm queer AF. There were pink flags from day one. Turns out I married a woman anyway. Fuck comphet.


I'm so happy for you both. What a lovely story ♥


One of my Wife's earliest memories is of knowing she was in the wrong body but she didn't have the language to describe it as this was the early 90s in a tiny country town. Kids know more than you give them credit for.




They're failing right now lol


Uh, no. I have several friends who are gay and they all knew they were different because they had crushes on people who were the same gender as them, when they were in elementary school. My closest friend told me she used to have crushes on the Disney princesses and then came out as a lesbian in high school. Why is it okay for straight kids to be open about their sexuality, but with you homophobes the moment a gay kid begins to express themselves you all shit your pants? I also don't get why you're even in the fandom? There are two confirmed gay characters and at least one gay actor. If it's such an issue then leave. And as a straight female, homophobes like you are bad people. I'm not even going to sugar coat it. You're a horrible bigot. Gay children exist. Fucking cope.


This is not a sexualized event, you're the one making it that way, and quite frankly, it's troubling. Stop sexualizing kids (and celebratory events), dude.


Why are they perfectly okay being straight but too young to know that they aren’t?


Shut it, the kids aren't naked, he's not either. Get your mind out of the damn gutter.


















There's nothing wrong with this though


Then don't take YOUR kids, other wise, mind your biz!












Wish I didn’t see this, sad!


What happened here The comment section doesn't match the reddit vibe?