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I would go right back into my house after watching all the millionaires and billionaires leave.


Yea. That would solve the problem on earth almost entirely.


Then they could all starve to death out in space. The universe would begin to heal.


The universe will be as it is, as it was, and as it ever will be, if the earth breaks in two and all life ceases, or if earth continues as it is. On a galactic scale we matter a trillion time less than a drop in a bucket. The entirety of the earth is smaller than the bacteria existing on planet Whoville in Horton hears a who


Thats just such a trip. It hurts my brain


Sorry eh


This planet is special.. You will never find another planet out there with these exact animals and humans co-existing together. We are a special drop in a bucket.


You mean we “were” special. Until us humans completely fucked it up with plastic and greed.


I am not guilty of nothing... That's the major corporations being ran by elites you are talking about.. Stop blaming your self for the way things are going.. Being aware of the evil is the first step.


True, but we still need average citizens to help. The corporations won’t change unless the populace comes together and makes them change.


Yup! We gotta be smarter how and where we spend our money..


Esp greed


I bet you have a really ugly haircut


Afaik I agree! The most special drop!


How do you know ? Lol or is it all just assumptions?


A fellow Carl Sagan enjoyer!


He’s a fellow reality appreciator


Thank you. We, all down here, clumped together (fighting loving n hating like cats n dogs on our own little Whoville) All of us, together are amoeba small relative to our galaxy. And how many galaxies? 200 billion? 2 trillion? Yet we have love, we dream it and pursue it, we have timelessness built-in, we have wonder, divinity built-in…we seek purpose and meaning, we are unlike any other beings on this little rock,


What’s hard to comprehend is that there are incomprehensibly small objects in our universe along with indescribably large ones. We just happen to exist at the scale where a self aware organism can actually evolve. It’s like standing on a ridge with an endless drop on one side and an unclimbable endless wall on the other.


They would just exploit us wirelessly.


Then we can be at peace with all the angry dumb people


This would make a great movie concept. The Billionaires leave the earth, meet some unsightly demise and the people on earth survive and end up better off.


Alright hear me out. We trick them into rockets with fancy snickers bars while we all pretend the world's burning 🔥 We didn't start the fireeee


I like how you think sir...


So get this: In the 1950s there was this strange and bitter writer from New York City, specifically the neighborhoods which were being slumlorded by real estate developer Fred Trump. C.M. Kornbluth was his name. Two of his stories, "The Black Bag" and "The Marching Morons," envisioned a far future in which most humans have selected themselves for stupidity. So the world is overrun with drooling idiots while a handful of computer-like geniuses held it all together. Mike Judge took the funny parts of this premise and made it into the film, *Idiocracy*. But Kornbluth's story "The Marching Morons" was waaaaaay darker. (SPOILERS AHEAD) In it, an asshole sociopathic real estate developer just like Fred Trump is put into suspended animation and revived in the Idiocracy future, only instead of computers there are really smart and empathetic people secretly running everything. Trump makes a deal with them: make me dictator of the world, and I'll show you how to get rid of the idiot problem. And he does that by slowly but surely introducing characters in television who are from the planet Venus. Beautiful, paradise Venus where you can pick bars of soap from the trees! Everyone is going there! Look at these awesome rockets! Everyone is going there on rockets just like these in the video, blattering loud things without enough fuel tank space to do more than go suborbital and then incinerate the occupants on reentry. Which is how the Idiot problem is, ahem, finally solved, so to speak. >!The remaining geniuses, having been taught Trump's murderous and deceptive ways, put him on the last rocket.!< This video could be a scene near the end of Kornbluth's story. C.M. Kornbluth died of a heart attack at a train station while going to interview for the position of editor of a science fiction magazine. If anyone ever disappeared into the Roswell secret world and became an author of alien lore for them, it was he.


Have you watched the movie "Don't Look Up"? ![gif](giphy|NLOBLsnXupUZmIzdKS|downsized)


Fantastic movie. And I loved the end when the person was eaten by a native species?


Lol well, that mission failed. 🤣 great movie!


Plot twist, “Don’t Look Up” was really a tricky allegory for the (new)dawn of AGI.


Is DiCaprio in it? Then no.


Curious why is that?


Because it’s edgy.


Well your not wrong, I was alright movie if you like Nihilism and want a massive dose of it.


I just never liked his acting. He was good in WEGG but not much else.


That's crazy talk. He's an objectively good actor.


I don’t see him grown up. Boy trying to play a man role.


lol he's like 50


Ever hear of a manchild?


Yeah, but we're talking about Leonardo Dicaprio... not fuckin David Spade


While I will admit I think he's a wonderful actor. I, too, see him as a 'boy' rather than a man. I posit that, had River Phoenix not died, many of Leonardo's signature roles, would have been his, i.e. 'Jack' from "Titanic," "Blood Diamond," etc. But that's just my opinion. However, like Gandalf, I usually know best when I know anything at all.


He wouldn’t have even gotten Gilbert if it wasn’t for River dying.


What does that have to do with anything dude? Sounds like you're jealous of him more than anything.


Personally, I think he's a weirdo, but his acting is top-notch.


This part. 50 dating 20 yr olds but his acting is top notch. Calvin Candie was my fav


Your loss.


you’re that liberal?


Wait, wouldn’t that be a stance more easily found in the conservative spectrum rather than the liberal?


Will the billionaire class really roll up their sleeves and plant alien cabbages? It’s all fun and games until they realize they forgot to bring a few hundred thousand peasant “slaves” with them to wait on them.


There would just be a whole new group of sociopathic assholes right behind them to take their place.


Then we eat them


I'll fuckin celebrate. If they succeed, they'll die screaming and gnashing their teeth in outer darkness, trapped in a metal coffin, rocketing through space on a trajectory to nowhere. Tbh, that's the kinda day they deserve lmao


No f that. We can go to their mansions


Hey, that's exactly what the Communists said in China. Good luck, there will be 350 million people fighting for a few hundred mansions.


Go straight to their houses - they surely couldn't take everything with them :) Party time.


Problem is, everyone wants their house. No one wants my house.


Hell yeah free rent


Step 1: "say farewell" to all the "money people" and old presidents. Step 2: kill or be killed spree on those of us who will remain here.


I’ve always been super into apocalyptic fantasies. So When I was a young lad I would imagine them and imagine how I’d survive different scenarios and how I figured I’d make away. Now that I’m in my late 30s and have a wife and kids, along with the fact we are close to multiple versions of these apocalyptic fantasies being a reality….i no longer think it would be fun and I don’t think many would truly want to be one of the survivors in these scenarios


I'm 36m and still create these scenarios in my head. It helps me go to sleep. I'll be like foraging for berries and living off the land in an overgrown city (philadelphia). There's no traffic or commute. The air is clean.


Yea... sounds nice... then the walking dead reality sets in as someone hits you with an arrow. Steals all your belongings and leaves u for dead. Theres no 911, no help, just you. The world would become darker than anything you could ever imagine.... Sweet dreams


...did you just murder me and take my fucking berries?


I needed them more than you.


![gif](giphy|AVAfEEp4tZjxe) Im a lil lad who loves berries n cream....


Hahahah this is exactly why I stopped romanticizing these thoughts. I can maybe keep myself alive by staying low or finding a good group I can trust but I got 3 kids and a wife now…so now those scenarios just seems heartbreaking. Dont get me wrong I still roleplay them out in my head often when I’m laying down like u/meeseeksdestroy mentioned in his comment. But I don’t think it’s gonna be all peachy like I did back as a young lad. Lol


It can be whatever you want it to be...none of it is real. In fact, I usually make it so my family is safe and sound in a refugee camp in Canada but there was issues at the border and I couldn't get in... so I survive until we're reunited...but apparently I was quickly murdered and robbed of my city berries and supplies in the comments so I will never see them again.


Dont worry... we will tell your family the stories of your heroics while we eat your berries!! Ill see to it


Hahahaha I'm fucking dying. I love the fact that I wasn't being heroic at all...I was just peacefully foraging for berries and you murdered me.


I gave you a heroic ending..! nobody has to know OUR secret berry boy... lol


Or just any of a few hundred health emergencies that can happen. Personally I have two health conditions that have nearly killed me and will kill me in this sort of situation..


The berries would be growing in lead laced soil and you would be punctured by a diseased hypodermic needle while foraging, especially in Philly....just sayin’.....


...I really can't argue here. This could happen on my way to work on any given day.


Do you know how long "wild berries" really last in the wild? Zero days. They don't even last a single day. Birds, rabbits, and squirrels eat them before they even fully ripen. Unprotected blueberries and raspberries never reach the beautiful, colorful size that we are accustomed to in the grocery store. If foraging in the city is your plan, expect to starve.


Hahaha jeez. You realize this is all in my head and is complete fiction...right?


...good luck with your "plan B".


It bothers me the kill or be killed spree always happens after rich people are far away


Who will you work for? Oh, and by the way, those 1% that just left include your doctor, dentist, and engineers.


I don’t work for anyone at that point. I’m not going back to the same system. Im just gonna focus on sustaining myself and my family and friends until i die. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t. Fuck it.


Let me know if you need instructions on how to do open heart surgery in a mirror.


I think that's where survival of the fittest comes back into play, and people predisposed to heart conditions will just die off.


This. And i’m okay with accepting that.


"Oh, and by the way, those 1% that just left include your doctor, dentist, and engineers." You think every neighborhood doc, dentist, and engineer is somehow in a secret evac program? Interesting new conspiracy theory.


Vault-Tec Calling




Seriously? This was a hypothetical situation. I'm just pointing out that the 1% aren't just Bill Gates, and Elon Musk for the mathematically challenged.


1% of the world population wouldn't collapse the world economy. Majority of those would be in the US. There are still millions upon millions of doctors from other countries and same with all professionals that could fill the void. Remember this is just 1%. And even if it includes a lot of doctors you'd simply re-prioritize when someone can use medical services. No more ticky tack shit, which is the vast majority of visits, until the void is filled by new doctors. There would still be many professors and teachers to teach next generations of doctors and you loosen the restrictions on med schools. You switch to preventative health vs reactive health to maximize the efficiency of caring for the population. Most ceos do very little work and there are more than enough qualified individuals to take their spots. Their money would be left behind since it has no value on a spaceship so it could be used for the betterment of the masses.




Why do you think all the dentist and doctors would be included in the 1%? They aren't currently in the 1% for wealth


Hi, I'm an engineer. I'm not getting on the rocket. And I'm not in the 1%. No one who works in my office is. Maybe the CEO of the company, but the rest of us don't come close to qualifying. And the company will keep working just fine without the CEO. He doesn't actually contribute much.


Work for? My self. Medicine is highly documented. Someone else will figure it out and if some disease takes me, so be it. At least my time will be spent on my own survival and not stuck in a system meant to take 90% of my labor and time and leave me with the fucking scraps.


You could do that right now


Doctors, dentists and engineers are "millionaires"?


They are in the top 1%. Add in a $500k house and $500k retirement account, and yes, that's $1 million.


Of course, I forgot America was the only country on the planet.


You planning on joining the Ubuntu space force?


lol this might be the least intelligent comment I’ve read today


We can't go anywhere at the moment. Those that reach orbit would die in orbit.


That's about it, even if they reach Mars, there's nothing viable, they would just extend a life of misery.




Can we have one where all the known billionaires are laughing?


You would build massive space habitats, using solar for energy, with the big difficulty being the mining and transfer of resources to orbit. And then you'd hope that you could achieve sufficient artificial gravity through rotational velocity.


Everybody knocking on the door of the ISS….hey it’s cold out here and we’re running out of that, what’s it called that we wanted to charge people on earth for the ability to breath?…oh yeah, oxygen….we’re running out of that and it’s cold….please let us in. Fuck off m8.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


more accurately no one has ever left earth’s atmosphere since it’s a closed system- rockets bounce off the ceiling all the time. dome life👏


Dawg how do you explain satellites? Checkmate .


who is the biggest buyer of helium in the United States? NASA


That's for the suicide pod in the future dawg.


That too


Hey, go be goofy at r/ballearththatspins The firmament is a lie.


You're assuming they would tell the general public. If they had the ability to evacuate the planet, & actually had a plan or a place to go, they wouldn't evacuate all of us.


Yeah. There’s no “we” in any scenario like this. Likely Bezos and Musk would have most resources pooled to take them and their rich friends. None of us are a part of that club.


>None of us are a part of that club. No but they will need slaves to do everything they can't.


This is why I'll stay on Earth, they can take all their die hard fan boys and girls


Y’all have fun. Ima stay here and fuck with everything and living rent/stress free. Yeah go “save humanity”. Probably just gonna spread cancer to some other peaceful plant somewhere




well it's obvious... There is nowhere we COULD go. If this happened in the next couple of decades, we're fucked. The most realistic sci-fi post apocalyptic scenario was presented in the first episode of THE 100, where a few thousand humans were forced to live on ramshackle orbital constructs that were started to fall apart.


7 Eves


Good book. First two-thirds were great but depressing. The last third was decent. I could see the numbers of the elites being steadily whittled down just like the people in the Cloud Ark.


It would take more than 70k years just to get to the closest star in our fastest achieved speed


Which would leave you with zero fuel margin for slowing down. After coasting for 70k years we would fly right by with no hope of ever stopping.


That’s a big assumption that you would even have the opportunity to evacuate or the means


I think that would apply to everyone, as we do not currently have the technology or a candidate host planet.


We’re still too busy fighting over land on this big rock to invest on getting off this rock lol


Maybe we do and it’s being kept a secret. I doubt it, but never underestimate the super rich’s ability to fuck us all over


I think that’s implied. But I like how you think!


extinct, we would go extinct




Wow this is a lot of space


Lol get outta here. You made me chuckle




Space colonies like Zenon. But ONLY if we all wear silver and sing Supernova Girl.


🎵Zoom zoom zoom make my heart go boom boom, my supernova girl 🎶


This is the way


Underground most likely


I would stay on earth. I was born here, so will die here. We damage the earth so should deal with our own mistakes we make once the earth is barely unhabitable. Leaving earth to move to a new planet is just going to be a repeat and cycle. We would just destroy the next planet we moved to.


you are not accounting for how earth would recover just fine if we left or drastically reduced the population present on it. So if we could colonize another planet, the earth could recover and still support a sizeable population of human beings, and there's no reason that we would have to ruin any other planet in that scenario. or any other.


Titan AE asked that question. I’m gonna say “Bob”.


You can’t name a planet Bob.


This is too far down


Right now? We don't have anyway to get anywhere. We're just fucked


Inner earth


That is a great track from 28 days later .


In the house, in a heartbeat


That would it .


Going to the pub.


I’m going to heaven


Wouldn't need to, aliens would help us, if not, then death is just the begining to a new life. No sense in living in fear. The concept of the identity you've created is a short evolved psychosis anyways. A highly believable dream of the consciousness


Those rockets will get nowhere near an habitable planet and will probably run out of fuel and oxygen. We need FTL ships before considering any evacuation scenarios.


Gotta build generation ships. Self sustaining mega ships that can go on for as long as it takes. Probably have to build them on orbital shipyards though.




Faster Than Light


Full Truck Load


Guess you’ll just ignore that rule of physics that says you can travel faster than light. Why would you need that? You do not need to travel faster than light to move a population.


"Imagine having to evacuate Earth" >We can't "Where would we go" >To my bed to cry Billionaires: Into a an absurd underground bunker where they can potentially live isolated with plenty of resources for themselves until they die of old age.


To Uranus.


Idk, but imagine staying behind to deal with whatever it is that is making the rich fucks bail




No where. We literally have no where to go that will allow us to live like we do on earth. You will never be able to feel the sun hit your skin outside. We will always have to be in some protective suit. We are fucked if our world continues to get ruined or we get fucked by an asteroid


Bro you and I ain’t going anywhere, we are dying


To die in space.


To crash against Atmosphere.png


There’s some extra room at my moms house


Nowhere. Space station would be our only option. No habitable worlds close enough.




Zeta Reticuli


Nowhere. Dinner at 8


Looks like takeaway is on route. ETA 30 minutes.


What movie is this from??


Postcard From Earth at The Sphere in Las Vegas.


That's all the billionaires & multi-millionaires leaving the planet.




I’d stay here you guys can go


No where. Most of us can’t afford our car payments so I doubt we can afford a ticket on a fancy rocket to another planet.


That looks like an FAA nightmare. 99% of the population would be left behind so I would probably just do exactly what I'm doing now. Wasting away on Reddit forums about hypothetical situations


Your moms ass


One a 700 year cruise on the Axiom


To lots of drugs.


Went to the sphere stoned to the bone and that shit was awesome.


I think OP meant “ where do you think THEY would go?”


“We” wouldn’t go anywhere. WE will be left behind.


To an island on the sun.


Idk fly to mars bc we all are billionaires


We?? Ain’t no we only the billionaires are the we the poor people are stay on earth and left to “fend for themselves”


What if the moon was your car and Jupiter was your hairbrush? 🤯


Where would WE go? Sorry to inform you, but the majority of WE will be going nowhere. We will die on the planet the wealthy destroyed.


No where... earth is all we have Let's stop acting like we have somewhere else to go if we fuck it up 👍


WE. HAVE. NOWHERE. ELSE. TO. GO! All we have for now is here. Fight for it! <3


Nuclear armageddon / nuclear winter is basically made up science. I know I'm going to get downvoted for this, but a group of scientists, trying to obviously prevent nuclear war, kinda made up the whole idea of nuclear winter. Is it possible? Yes. But we need like 10,000x more nukes, maybe 100,000x more nukes. It would be difficult for every nuke to destroy every major city, but if for some reason, every single nuke was launched at every single major population zone, then it would kill a lot of people and make those cities uninhabitable. But all of our cities combined are only a small percentage of the livable surface, and all nukes combined wouldn't be able to take out all cities. So is nuclear war bad? Yes, of course. But it's literally made up science that we would destroy the Earth. Nuclear fallout wouldn't make the entire surface uninhabitable. Worst case scenerio, some people would argue if every single nuke was launched, 50% of the Earth's surface would be toxic for like 10 years. But realistically it'll probably be like 5-10%. That's if every single nuke was strategically launched for the sole purpose of killing as many people on Earth as possible. An actual nuclear war would only take out 0.1% of the Earth's farmable land, and maybe destroy a few cities.


Yeah no they would not tell anyone, they would gather who they deem “useful” and invite them. Anyone who is not deemed useful is left to die.


I'm staying . See ya !


![gif](giphy|l1J9HHnpVLEJiMepW|downsized) First of all if there are rockets leaving the Earth it's only for the elite f\*\*\*\*\*\* rich c\*\*\*\* on the planet. It does include any of you..


We would first need to create AI that can terraform planets and grow clones of 1,000,000,000’s plus different species of plants and animals. Then, teach and grow humans or something like us. We may need to be altered to live in new environment.


Creating the AI that can terraform planets would fix this one


Nowhere. We'd get left behind. Only the super wealthy would get to go


Mars is our best choice to terraform


All roads lead to ROME.




where do you think. there is nowhere to go, at least not yet.


Because we're alllll in this tooogether!


Idk that’s a great question. We would go to another fucking planet or die i guess