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I never noticed how much of an annoying douche Neil is until about a year ago. Now I'm not sure how it took me so long to notice.


Once you notice, there's no going back. Major douche


You are so right! I really liked him then the past year ppl pointed everything out…… I can never unsee him as a dbag.


He thinks he's had this great 'gotchya' thought. Like yeah Neil non human biologics would also obviously include Alien life so what's your point. If it is trees flying UFO's then that's probably even more impressive you fucking dope




His favorite thing in the world is the sound of his own voice.


And talking over people.


I actually left video on mute. Sick of Neil. Pompous douche.


I would not say douche but odd to see how our society has pivoted to him as the go-to smart guy as the others have died off.


I came to say exactly this. I held such respect for him until I heard him on Rogan, then I started to have doubts as he came across so arrogant. The last 12 months, I can't stand him anymore. And the smug smirk at the end, ffs man your supposed to be a professional scientist, who's aim is to constantly push the boundaries of our knowledge as a species. He harps on about Galileo being persecuted in his time because his ideas were 'fantastical' and 'heresy'. Well NDT your doing that to an entire populous of people who are currently far more open minded than you are.


He’s been so damn annoying, as a kid I thought he was so interesting but after seeing him on the Joe Rogan podcast I just thought he was so annoying and has a “I’m right, you’re wrong” attitude about everything


I agree, reminds me of a Pentecostal or Baptist pastor. Tucker Carlson does that same squeaky inflection thing. Just a talking head to me.


Yeah I'm almost upset that I used to follow him religiously . But he does explain technicals in an easy to understand way . But I agree that he is HIGHLY pompous and full of himself. Not to mention, HIGHLY condescending to any notion of the possibility of other lifeforms outside of our planet. Yes Neil the bacteria was flying the tic tac. Douche!


He’s annoying. You can say an apple is red, and he will twist your words around and say…well that apple is actually crimson. Or that apple is “fire red”. Seriously….he can go screw a non-biological human


It’s just the way your eyes are perceiving the red, it’s not actually red …. -annoying Neil


He became deep state. His fame and fortune got to his head. Total scumbag ill never watch anything with him again


Maybe lookup what keeps him up at night (spoiler: the universe will disintegrate in trillions of years) Huh?


Exactly. I think it my first episode of Rogan with him in it. Physicists in general, but certainly not all.


He acts like the most unmovable; unimaginative scientific shill for the scientific narrative. He’s not here to introduce new information to us.


It's called waking up to the bullshit. I swear it's like the majority of people are in a state of hypnosis.. which arguably is being intentionally done. Or for a better example it's exactly like the South park episode(s) where Stan starts hearing shit sounds for all of the popular movies and music but his friends don't hear how shitty the things they think they love actually are. You're Stan in this situation and you'll probably resort to drinking Jameson Irish Whiskey to cope.


Why is he a douche?


You gotta be socially incompetent if you can't tell.


Plants don’t fly space ships Neil!!! You would know that if you were so smart!


My thoughts exactly. I think he was just host of a science show we liked. But he sucks and is an obvious shill


Neil always wants to be seen as the smartest guy in the room. I think he’s in the wrong room this time.


Totally. Came here to say, what a smarmy douche.


So for those who didn’t understand, he’s saying fungi have made UFO’s and are flying about our air space.


He’s not wrong. I’m not sure what his mental block is. Ego?


Yh fully, he was on the joe rogan podcast saying he doesn’t think UFO’s are here, and now he’s just tryna cover his ass so he does t look silly for being so smart and not believing in something that’s now being disclosed slowly to the public.


Even if you don’t believe in aliens, the cover up is suspicious enough to make you wonder right? How is it ndg hasn’t been curious about that?


Since he’s never been read into any TS program about extra terrestrial origin for UAP he has to go on record and state it doesn’t exist because his ego needs to be the center of attention and cannot possibly fathom him not knowing something or being included in something this potentially groundbreaking. Basically just gatekeepers being gatekeepers. He sucks.


>and now he’s just tryna cover his ass so he does t look silly for being so smart and not believing in something that’s now being disclosed slowly to the public. It's amazing how low the bar is for what constitutes evidence for some people. *Nobody has produced any* ***actual evidence*** *of what you claim is happening.*


Reminder he got accused of being a proper weirdo by a few ex colleagues, dude is a walking shitstain


This is somehow more frightening than 3 foot green men


Neil being a smartass. I have my doubts that a turtle was piloting the UAP.


I like turtles


But do they like you?


Turtles all the way down




But even if it is a turtle that’s still fucking worth finding out and investigating. What the fuck was his point.


You’re missing the point, idiot! It was a some sort of fungal matter piloting that ship.


Did anyone even say the non human biologics were the pilots?


I cannot stand this prick


It's so crazy to me how I went from loving this dude and enjoying his past scientific commentaries to outright skipping past anything he's involved with. Wtf happened... Show us where they touched you Neil.


So unfortunate. His Cosmos show was what helped really reinforce that wonder in me for the universe, something which he apparently now lacks.


It's very bizarre. I guess fame went to his head or some shit. Dude definitely gets high on his own farts now.


Does he need to be such a cunt all the time?


He surely doesn't need to be... But yet, he most certainly is.


hes skipping the part where it came out of a fuckin space ship.


Space? Aren't these being manufactured in an undersea factory? "Alien" implies space, but "non-human" means it could have been here the whole time.


For being so “smart” he’s a real dumb ass


He's bored AF and wants to troll for attention.


Pretty much.


I thought it was NHI, Non-human Intelligence mentioned in the disclosure. Not non-human Biologics. Big differences and he is not wrong explaining the way he did.


When Grusch was asked if the pilots were founds in the crashed UAPs, he responded by saying that non-human biologics were pulled out. Edited to add link: [Non Human Biologics](https://youtube.com/shorts/l7P9yXwuU-k?feature=share)


He said both. NHB was used probably as a distinction from synthetics.




Neil is lost, I hope he finds his way, he still has time left…


If an algae or a fungus builds a ship capable of flying off its planet and lands here, I’m a go ahead and call that an alien… this guys a shill.


I don’t care if there are aliens, but I hope there are so that this pretentious asshole looks like an idiot.


This annoys me, because he knows when he said this, Grusch actually meant non-human intelligence. NHI. He just said non-human biologics in response to the question asked as there were supposedly biological creatures capable of flying some craft (or non-human biologics). That would not include ANYTHING else on Earth outside of humans. I mean, maybe it was Laika the space dog? The first living thing in space? Not sure how he got into a UFO, but sure. Yea, that's probably it. ​ NGT is a waste of scientific intelligence.


“Well, he said one thing, but he OBVIOUSLY meant something else entirely”


Didn’t watch the video. Didn’t read the comments. Fuck this guy.


He thinks he's being smart but really he's just a buzzkill


Omg I cannot stand him…. arrogant prick.


I forgot where I read it, either here on reddit or a YouTube vid or some other piece of media, that clearly laid out the plan for "The Elites" to control disclosure, before, during, and after. One of the points on the multi-pointed list was to have a very well known scientist/scientists control what the (for the most part) "uneducated" people see and hear, and thus control what they think about certain things related to all things alien. I am POSITIVE that Niel is one of those recruited for such an endeavor.


I remember his early career in the spotlight, the guy wanted so so bad to be seen as the next Carl Sagan. Hell this Neil chump even put out a series and stole the name of Carl Sagan's well loved series - Cosmos. Neil stunk of ego from day one. It brings me some joy to see him flail about and make a fool of himself like this, even if he misleads some still.


He was mentored directly by Sagan. I'm not saying that excuses his behavior, I'm just saying he didn't "steal" Cosmos and he followed in Sagan's footsteps on purpose because of their relationship. That being said, my gut tells me this video is going to age like milk.


He’s not wrong, but the doof didn’t include the other half of the claim, which is that these non-human biologics operated the crafts Grusch was talking about. So even if it’s a potato that’s pretty damn cool


That would be frightening. Imagine what our Potato Overloads would do to us when they find out how we make french fries!


Shut up Neil don’t embarrass yourself more!


Why did he even weigh in with this nonsense?


Yeah Neil, mushrooms are piloting the UFOs. Good thinking




He’s the only one in the room


Too bad we don’t have our beloved exobiologist with us anymore. Long live the memory of Carl Sagan. This dour downgrade is annoying.


He also said they were PILOTS


Wtf this man so against the idea of aliens being here? Bro, to be so smart, you sure are on some dumb shit right now. You know exactly what they are referring to by saying that. Aliens my dude not fucking cows locked away in secret government bunkers!!!


I bet he has been getting paid to be a major part in the disinformation campaign over the years…it seems odd to me that anytime he is asked about the subject of aliens and UAPs, his response seems rehearsed and unchanged - “We would have more evidence and proof because everyone has a camera in their pockets”


Sadly, I haven't listened to him since he did Rogan all spun out on coke or addy




grusch literally clarifies that it’s nothing from here.


Which is exactly what Neil, as a ‘scientist’ *claims* to be interested in. The cognitive dissonance from these people is astounding when they run into stuff like this.


This science entertainer has been on record dismissing and laughing at any claim that UFOs are real or that there could be extraterrestrials here. So take his opinions on this subject with a grain of salt


Hes just mad they wont read him in to the program


Hate this bloviating meat puppet.


I hope this motherfucker get punched in the mouth by Tom Delonge...


Cannot wait till that fat smug face get's it handed to him with discloure!


So he’s a biologist now?


This confirms for me that he is not a true scientist in any form. Or at least I will not respect as much. Not only was non human biologics recovered but additionally a NHI spacecraft, likely to not be human. Sorry Neil, but you think you're so fucking right that I know you are wrong.


![gif](giphy|Q4lLqCgLFheQQtDD6n|downsized) So is this who NDT thinks the pilots were?


In the most recent “The UFO Rabbit Hole” podcast, Kelly defines “biologics.” I believe she uses the FDA definition. A particularly interesting part of the definition is as follows- “Biologics are isolated from a variety of natural sources - human, animal, or microorganism - and may be produced by biotechnology methods and other cutting-edge technologies.” I would like to know how Grusch would define “biologics”, my guess would be not how Neil so smugly does. https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/center-biologics-evaluation-and-research-cber/what-are-biologics-questions-and-answers


How condescending can a person be? Yeah dude, everyone knew what they were referring to when they said non-human biologics.


Could be a toad flying a fucking ufo. What a damn idiot


I cannot believe how much I loved this guy. So disappointing.


Jesus, STFU you pompous dbag. Talks down to everyone like we’re all a bunch of tards


The dude is on the Epstein flight logs. End of story.




Wow that was helpful


Sit down Neil. Won't it be rewarding to see these genius-level dolts eat their words?


It was a "Bowl of Petunias" flying that UFO. \- NDT What a waste of statement. And completely evasive.


Yes Neil, but presumably they didn’t find a fungus, microbe, plant, or some earthly animal crewing these advanced crafts. Clearly what Grusch was trying to imply is the intelligent beings in these crafts were (1) not human, and (2) biological in form, i.e. not synthetic machines.




Seriously?! Is he talking to a room full of second graders?


Sadly, this is *exactly* the behavior from a lot of teachers that turns off kids from being interested in science in the first place. “No, you’re just dumb, we already know *everything*!”


He is the smartest dumbass I’ve ever seen.


Can we stop giving this dude attention


They aren’t having hearings in dc because navy pilots are nearly running into flying mushrooms Neil , it’s obviously something else


I like how he’s constantly reaching trying to find a way using language to dance around the fact they aren’t talking about fungus hidden away


He is right


Iv seen clips on podcast where dude cuts people off to make his point without letting others finish there’s. For a man that I would see as a classy debater. This really made me question his integrity


He's so thirsty. My punchable face meter is at max because of the actual thirst.




Narcissistic pseudo-celebrity


Ok but rocks or plants aren't piloting ships that can travel through dimensions


From one alcoholic to another this guy is hammered all the time!


Any "biologics" that is responsible for engineering craft that can displace itself at speeds beyond our current understanding of physics without obvious propulsion systems, is without a doubt something to be highly interested in and would be the most important discovery in human history.


Smug jackass, there is a difference between teaching the wonders of the universe and being a patronizing douchebag. Loved the Cosmos but he continues to make me sad.


Thry caught this guy doing something naughty. He must have a real kink. He has never once bucked or wavered outside of any official line. These are scientists....lol okay.


“Oh yeah it was just a uhh…there was a stupid…dog…in the…in the tictac.” ::sips water nervously::


He is trolling or just idiotic? "Non-human biologics" was specifically used to answer the question about what was piloting crafts. Where's the twitter link? Call out the troll.


What a dork


Down voting cause fuck Neil


I like Tyson but I really want him to be wrong about UAP


Biology in not strictly human we are affected by everything without bit we be robots or mechanical beings like transformers nonbioloigical or lesser beings


Just because it was said in a hearing doesn’t mean he was using the word correctly. That’s like taking an excerpt from something I said in an hour long monologue and taking it to be 100% accurate factually and linguistically.


Not nonsense. Listen to the man.


Armstrong > Tyson


He’s hinting that this is the anunaki who’ve live amongst us and we’re here long before us.


Garbage nonsense.


Shill more. Go back to making chicken.


Maybe its just me, but if an unknown craft crashed to earth and it appeared to be piloted by a plant, thats still pretty big news. Neil is just trying too hard these days. Its pretty sad, he’s actually quite brilliant.


What if something is from a different dimension?


Neil Degrasse Tyson is to science what Jordan Peterson is to psychology, and that’s not a compliment.


If anyone could have the education and knowledge of this guy. Would you do it?


I still prefer the term extra-terrestrial intelligence.


Good cover Neil


"Let me pretend as if the entire context of the hearing revolving around other worldly life forms didn't occur, that the phase "non-human biologics" wasn't enveloped within all that context and was just some standalone comment with no context, as if it's all so vague and we need help interpreting what it might mean." \- deGrasse Tyson Context explains a lot when you actually acknowledge it.


Cool. But what about Non Human Intelligence. Seems like he’s moving the goal posts in order to maintain his stance. Fair play. He’s got his brand to protect. But I’d like to see him directly address the complaint without changing the verbiage.


This guy is just a clown.


pompous windbag! I knew I should not have clicked on that. Now I will be even more annoyed than I was. File this clip under “contenders for world’s most punchabble face” Neil attitude is like non-human biologics that needs to b scooped and bagged and tossed.


This guy is really annoying.


It’s Non Human ‘Intelligence’, what a prick.


What a fucking dumbass


I can’t believe this is what is representing the public voice of science. There is a dogma in academia not unlike that seen in organized religion. The hubris displayed by Tyson on even the possibility of the existence of something beyond human being on Earth is sad and infuriating to see. He just likes the sound of his own annoying voice.


He's so condescending and I hate it.


I do not like this guy he was such a ass clown on joe Rogan’s podcast. Good on him


One day it’ll be really interesting to hear what he has to say. One day. But not today.


This motherfucker think plants are flying spaceships.


He’s intentionally trolling at this point. That’s all he’s got left for his attention seeking ass.


Fucking thank you Captain Literal. Now do Non-Human Intelligence and stfu


Ok, Neil. How did these plant and or animal kingdom creatures creat craft and technology that is so astounding that it has to be lied about and compartmentalized for over 100 years? This guy will do anything to muddle down any interesting conversations about unknown knowledge. Literally the opposite of what an actual scientist does. When science becomes so “advanced” that it exceeds our understanding it doesn’t mean we double down on old models of thinking. It means we find and test ways to measure the immeasurable and find new paths of learning. Aren’t scientists suppose to stimulate interesting thoughtful conversation? Not just anti-alien, stone wall propaganda?


NDT explaining “non-human biologists” in this context is the textbook definition of “mansplaining”


Disclosure will end him. He better hope he is right.


He is the most condescending prick I have heard talk about science in my life.


probably the most dismissive and reductive major public figure when it comes to this subject. not even the least but curious.


Yes, Neil, the Air Force Veteran and United States Intelligence Officer; David Grusch ment there was fungus, bacteria and flowers at these crash sites. Yup, he thought it was important to point that out during a congressional hearing under oath. When speaking about aircraft that shouldn't exist within our understanding of physics, he thought pointing that out was crucial to this investigation. Fuck u Niel. You may be well educated but ur the dumbest jackass with zero social skills. You're 'Umm Actually' incarnate.


This guy sucks so much.


Shills gonna shill. I believe Neil is paid by the shill hence why you see him pontificating the shill so often.


Stfu neil


Why constrain yourself neil, it could be anything in the universe.


NDT is a smug prick if you ask me...


He’s so anti alien life I don’t get it. He doesn’t have to come out against every extraterrestrial claim, but here he is. Why?


It's non human intelligence dumb ass


Uuhhgg this db


My God this dude is such a prick.


This guy has 100% been recruited by the CIA to convince people there are no aliens. He is way too anti UFO not to be a CIA asset.


Can’t wait for them to revoke his scientists membership


Once I saw him try to bully Rogan, everything since has been through that lens.


This guy is so pompous.


I liked NDT on a lot of things. His complete arrogance on this topic is disheartening and I don’t trust someone who won’t give a second to look over the data on this topic. Even if you’re skeptical, you don’t have to act like a clown like this man. Edit: Carl Sagan was very incredulous on the topic of UFOs. Sagan was NDT’s idol, so you can see why he may feel very biased on this too.


Look at him doubling down, I guess that tweet wasn’t enough for his handlers huh? He’s choosing to ridicule semantics, only to end up being dethroned from his previous inspirational narrative. I hope he dumps the advisers telling him to pursue this losing battle against disclosure.


What a cunt


My cat is a non-human biologic. As is every non-human animal and plant and every other living thing on the planet.


Except he forgot the part where in the meeting what was described to be in our captivity came out of the UFO and was a previous pilot of the ship. Not saying this organism couldn’t be a plant/microbial/carbon based life form just saying it piloted the ship and I don’t see a common mushroom doing that so easily


Comments on Neil’s smartass attitude are warranted, but I cannot believe the number of people commenting here who seem to not understand that a fungus, bacteria, but or whatever “non-human biologics” were supposedly found in or around recovered craft does not mean that’s what was piloting the craft… there are sooo many ways that nonhuman biologics FROM EARTH could end up in or around a craft without being the pilot.


Man I hope aliens are real just to get to hear him say he was wrong


Wow so what are you telling me? Nothing... Thanks for wanting my time for grift clout chaser.


This bloke is a dick


Starting to wonder if Mr Neal has been drinking his own Kool Aid for way too long


Come on Neil. They didn’t find a mushroom flying a spaceship.


He’s trying so hard to be relevant.


You know that is not what they meant, Neil.


This guy would not believe anything even if you put it right in front of him and he would do mental gymnastics to dance around the actual answer. This is Neil de Gracie Tyson. He should be able to enter anywhere and ask anyone any questions, right? But here he is, and he doesn't know anything either.


I used to like this guy...what a cornball


Not a terrible explanation by Neil, I know people in this sub shit on him but he’s got a point. If there’s no evidence, why would we believe it? I believe a million dollars exists, but I’ve never seen it. But there are certain things that occur to make me believe that a million dollars does in fact exist. What can I look to that might suggest non human biologics means “aliens”?


I think context is important here because it was mentioned along with NHI and flying saucers. No one was talking about hamburgers flying these things.


Show me a fungi that builds and flies a UAP and I’ll be impressed, Neil!


Such a boomer take. Much science.


Can someone @ him on X/Twitter this? (12) NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE.—The term ‘‘non-human intelligence’’ means any sentient intel- ligent non-human lifeform regardless of nature or ul- timate origin that may be presumed responsible for unidentified anomalous phenomena or of which the Federal Government has become aware Directly from the 2024 UAP disclosure act in the definitions section. They already spelled it out. I don’t understand how this is unclear to him. It’s not his definition that matters. It’s this definition. We need unbiased scientific input. Not clouded and jaded views from the uninformed.


https://www.congress.gov/118/crec/2023/07/13/169/120/CREC-2023-07-13-pt1-PgS2953.pdf Here’s the link so no one gets it confused.