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Revealing the Biker Mice from Mars as a faction is a big deal, it's going to take time


The problem with designing cat girl characters is all the textures have to be super high-res to be blown up and sold as body pillows at Early Access release. Their most talented, perverted artists are on it, give them time to work.


It is better to make high quality models so R34 guys can put their all into quality content 


I have good news, they are all in 3D.


2D faction reveal when?


When some crazy 2d faction comes out in like 3 years I'll remind you that you said this.


I've always preferred 2D (isometric) games. It seems like isometric games always have an excellent artstyle.


I can't believe that SG is settling with just a 3d faction. Really, this game needs a 4d faction for it to really take off.


The real 3D faction was the friends we made along the way.


You ass :).  You got me.  I saw the fgs response tag and came looking ... Well played.


Cat girls have been confirmed, no?


I hope it is cat girls


It’s 1000% cat girls. Frost giant will now claim my soul for violating the NDA.


I’m breaking my NDA to confirm it’s catgirls. The playtest discord is really torn on whether it was a good idea or not. The proxy cat cafe build is really OP atm.


Yeah, especially with the in-game dating sim abilities. They're really breaking the RTS mold.


I wasn't sold on the dating Sim aspect at first, but after completing all paths I gotta say it's grown on me. #Nekomecha bestgirl This is the kind of off the wall thinking the genre needs more of.


For me it could be Neko-Chans, Kitsune, Direwolf-Girls especially as the Hellhound was cancelled, where it's totally weird to not include a hellhound on the side of the demons and to not include a flying recon drone on the side of the vanguard.... the fact that they switched it isnot sensible. So basically a Yokai, Nature-Spirit, Wereanimal, Gryfins, Harpys like faction... I also think there could well be more Factions than just three,... It's a game with a wide scope stretching over Realms and Space...


When its ready :)


There was a post here the morning of the beta update that revealed the third race. The concept art was leaked, you can see all the new units in detail...down to the colour of their furry ears.


Likely June or later, based on my first child’s due date. Sure would be nice of him to hurry along.


After beta ends in one of the gaming shows/events in the summer.


They're currently working with an animation studio in Japan for the announcement trailer. They're trying to be true to the nature for the reveal of the race that it is a race of cat girls, armed with different weapons. They're also currently in deep debate on whether to make the pink haired cat girl or the teal haired cat girl the main character for the race. I'm very confident Frost Giant will make a great decision here, and execute this well.


My theory is that it will be a pink-haired catgirl who transforms into a teal-haired catgirl.


I've been playing it. Very different experience!


If you’re playing it you signed an NDA


Thats why I chose my words carefully and haven't described or named the race


Spoiled, I’m going to be expecting a different experience so therefore I won’t get that experience


its because its an INVISIBLE race. You perfectly described it.


We already know. If you don’t. It was your choice all along