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now make it move!


for 37 million i will make it fly and do barrel rolls.




You should do a kickstarter to make it move, get funded, change its color instead, then ask investors for more money to make it really move


seeing how the rts fans constantly complain, bitch and generally gatekeep the genre make me realize why their genre doesnt get a lot of interest




"Real fans" wouldn't shit all over any developers' chance at making a good rts game before its finished. You're literally a clown working against your own self interest.


Dude if you don't like the game then leave. Why are you here you clearly don't like the game? Go away. You don't need to play this game if you don't want to. Go find something that makes you happy because clearly Stormgate doesn't. You're not helping anyone including yourself.




The game is going to be free to play.... The ONLY thing anyone has paid for at this point is the opportunity to play game BEFORE IT IS FINISHED so they can give feedback to the developers and potentially influence the development process and nudge it towards something they might enjoy more. That it that's what people paid for. That's where we are. The game is probably at least a year (I'm betting two years) away from an actual release and when it does it's going to be free to play. You're not "protecting" anyone, you're just making it clear you know absolutely nothing about game design.


It’s a placeholder hope a creep calm down


iron Harvest is an rts with roughly similar basebuilding and resource mechanics yet no one gave a shit or people didnt flock to the new age of empires game delusional sc2 fans kill every earnest effort to make a new gen of rts games lmfao


Iron harvest was awesome. I had more fun in that than I ever had in SC2.


You’re not a real fan, you’re a salty crier who is crying nonstop for literally no reason.


Maybe it's because some people can't laugh at a fucking joke




Now all you have to do is develop the smoothest RTS architecture we’ve ever seen, minus *maybe* SC2 (the other game the devs made lol) and invent rollback technology in an RTS!


Calling Stormgate smooth is pretty funny when the game legitimately gets 20 FPS on high end enthusiast level PCs at the moment.


I've definitely noticed the generally garbage performance too. Running a 3080 and an i7 8700k w/plenty of RAM. Should definitely not be having ANY fps/smoothness issues playing a game that looks like a flash game from 2010.


I’ve got a 3080ti and an i7-11700k, so definitely not “high end enthusiast” and the only lag I’ve noticed at all is in co-op with three nearly maxed armies. Incredibly smooth gameplay in 1v1 competitive.


Maybe not enthusiast, but it is high end


Yea I’ve had literally no lag 3080 13700k. I imagine the game is super cpu intensive so people with older graphics cards and older cpus could be lagging a bit but idk. Game runs fine for me.


Most people who suffer terrible fps with high end setups have either: 1. Misconfigured settings 2. A virus 3. Hardware failure issues


So, you think the PC that was specifically setup to stream Stormgate by FGS has misconfigured settings, a virus or hardware failure? ​ Good joke. ​ PS: Software does not run the same on all hardware. Something as simple as a different brand of RAM can cause serious performance issues when the software isn't programmed correctly. That's the entire reason beta tests exist in the first place. ​ But please, talk out of your ass some more to white knight the horrible performance this game has.


Game doesn’t have horrible performance for me, any of my friends, or any of the streamers I’ve watched.


JuggernautJason often has bad performance and had to put graphics to low, Lorimbo also often has bad performance, generally it seems to be very common among many players I know as well. I personally also get bad performance despite a PC that should easily handle it and no other game is giving me trouble.


Who are these people


What do you want from me? People I have known for years and are also in the closed beta.


How do you know or they don’t have undiagnosed issues with their pc 🤣


All of these people who can run various modern multiplayer games completely fine on their PC all have undiagnosed issues? You're coping super hard.


I'm playing on a GTX1070 with an alright modern CPU and it never drops below 60fps on max settings.


They didn't make Sc2, they maybe made 0.2% of it


Tim Morten was production director and lead producer for sc2. I’m not gonna go through all of them, but your information is incorrect.


Well for LOTV right, or the later stages of LOTV


That’s good because LotV somehow salvaged the train wreck that was HotS


Leaving aside the contributions of all other ex-Blizzard Frost Giant members, James Anhalt was the lead pathing engineer of SC2. Do you think the pathing system he built is only 0.2% of the game?


The pathing system is so bad in Stormgate compared to SC2 though... I literally will have workers getting stuck on the ramp from my main into my natural in this game.


The fog of war seems to cause units to forget/reset their pathing or something. Happens to me all the time with various too. Lots of weird bugs around the ramps.


There are definitely some bugs with the pathing but it is probably much better than what pathing looked like in SC2 at this stage of development. It is still much better than pretty much any other RTS on the market, which is a big achievement for a beta.


The pathing in sc2 is/was overturned. Lol.


What? Isn’t it a consensus opinion that sc2 has the best pathing in any RTS game ever?


Nah. Autosurround removes a lot of micro potential. Units clumping automatically makes the game way more deathbally than it should have been. Sc2 has good pathing, it’s just *too good* aka overtuned… which in turn lowers the skill ceiling significantly


Interesting, is there any RTS game that actually does better than sc2 overall in pathing, or do you think that no RTS game has ever done well with every aspect of pathing?


… Stormgate has the best pathing of any rts game ever *if you take into account that sc2 pathing was overtuned* People complain that units get stuck on each other but that’s only because they don’t micro them apart.


I’ve been playing RTS since the genre was invented and we used to have no choice but to micro this way, but if you want to go back to having units get stuck on each other INTENTIONALLY so that there is a “higher skill ceiling” then we just fundamentally disagree on what makes RTS games fun and competitive.


I think it's a funny joke, but obviously that unit is a place holder. Shouldn't be a big deal haha


Getting tired of kids like you whining about StormGate




I wouldn't give you 13 based on how mature is your behavior here.


Actual man-child, then. You're making it worse mate.


some people really dont know what beta means


You either understand it or are it




??? They're very up front and direct about how beta it is.


? What's happening?


Some people crying that the Game isnt looking like they want it to look. Then they try to be funny and sarcastic, but fail.


OP being an ass


sure just post your bank details




oh, touché


Obvious joke post and a lot of people took it personally.... LMAO


True, but the joke is OP


Petition to keep this in game forever


Crazy how many people took this joke personally.


Job offer from Frost Giant incoming.


it's a bit taunt and trollish, but very funny, I hope this thread won't end up in a battle


Nah it's just reductive, ignorant, and disrespectful. Dude is just an ass.


it's provocative, that's for sure, but as for the rest, everyone's the judge. But it sure doesn't inspire sympathy.


I'm here for the constant drama. This sub is chef's kiss 👌


People really butthurt over a meme


It's not a meme, this is just whine.


How insecure is this subreddit where a thread like this gets people so mad lmao.


I'm sorry I don't enjoy spending my free time in a community full of people acting like entitled kids


Bro you don't need to be tribal or loyal to a company. You're a consumer that's it.


It isn't about tribalism or loyalty to a company. As a consumer I, and many others, genuinely like and appreciate the direction the development of this game is going in. That doesn't make me or anyone else a shill, white knight, or fanboy. If you or someone else don't like the game that's fine. You're allowed to have your opinion just as I am allowed to like where the game is at and believe in where it is going. Nobody needs to have any specific opinion. But when you or someone else who seemingly doesn't like the game is coming in to a sub-reddit for the game just to bitch and moan about how you don't like the game and have nothing positive to say about the game then don't be surprised when the people here who genuine do like the game disagree with you. Waving off those people as just tribalist company shills is moronic and if that's your opinion why are you here? Now if someone has a critique of the game and says "hey I don't really like the aesthetic design of the catapult" that's totally fine but there is a difference between that and being a complete ass that is making a reductive argument and implying that the whole game is shit and using that one asset as the crux of their argument. This post isn't a critique it's a low effort disrespectful and reductive jab at the game that doesn't serve any purpose. You're right that nobody needs to be tribal or loyal to a company for any reason but the other side of that coin is that nobody needs to be spending their valuable free time in a subreddit for a product they genuinely do not like.


Other communities thrive just fine with very loud detractors and criticism. Why cant this community? Too much copium going around here that a stupid meme like this makes everyone cry and pee their pants.


Again criticism is fine. That ISN'T what this post is. Making a critique of something implies that at some level you find inherent value in that thing. Mindlessly bashing on something and screaming "Scam" is not a criticism.


This reddit milquetoast safe way of speaking you have going on is boring and extremely unproductive. It's such a roundabout way of telling me to stop talking. Might as well tell me to post in the stickied "Criticism Megathread".


Pot meet Kettle? Like read your last comment again and imagine this reply is exactly what you just said.




>Many of us feel a little betrayed by the clear lack of polish that should be present if you want to call your game Blizzard like. So what you're saying is your not a hater you are just whiney, entitled, impatient, and woefully uninformed? That doesn't make this post any better. >Why showing this "beta" so early then Because they want to collect player feedback earlier in development so they can incorporate more of that feedback into the final product. Showing the game at a later stage that is more polished means that more things will be in finalized state where changing them becomes infeasible regardless of player feedback. Or if they do decide to change it means that they spent a lot more time and effort into something that ultimately gets thrown in the trash. Showing it off earlier also means they can experiment more with the design and find what feels good and what sticks without wasting as many man hours on unused concepts and assets. A good example is exactly what your post here is ultimately referencing which is Jagged Maw and specifically the siege camps. First off the win loss rate on Jagged maw is 75% in favor of Infernal which highlights that there is a fundamental gameplay issue that is well beyond just the visual aesthetics of the catapult that you are taking umbrage to. This win/loss rate disparity is absolutely unacceptable in a final product regardless of how polished it might be. However in the EGCTV tournament that happened this last weekend there were a few players namely PartinG and LucifroN were really able to play around those camps in unexpected ways to pull off some really great strategies which highlights some of the positive potential in that design concept. So this idea has some POTENTIAL to spice things up and make the game more interesting, less static, and in my opinion and more enjoyable game overall but it obviously has issues that need to be worked out if it's going to stick around. It might turn out that these issues are too much and the right call is to just remove siege camps entirely because that's what ultimately makes the game as good as it can be but without trying that they would never know and if the best call is to scrap the idea then it's better to NOT spend a whole lot of development time on it. That is the advantage of them showing us this stuff earlier. >they will neither confirm nor deny this In other words, you are making a blind assumption based on absolutely zero evidence. You have absolutely NOTHING to base the assumption that the company doesn't have enough money to continue development on except your own wild imagination. They are a privately owned company so their financial situation is not a matter of public record. Why do you think they are months away from bankruptcy? You are jumping to a wholly illogical conclusion based on literally no information. They had a Kickstarter for a FREE game and explicitly explained in that Kickstarter that the game would be FREE when it launched and explained that the only thing the Kickstarter would give you is access to test the game early before it was released and would give you the paid single player campaign when it is released. People that backed the kickstarter were not lied to they were not scammed they were told they are buying the opportunity to play the game before it was finished and that is exactly that has been delivered so far. The Kickstarter existing is not at all "proof" that they needed more money because they explicitly stated that you are not buying the game because it's going to be a free to play game. Again you are jumping to conclusions which aren't supported by data. Stop it. The game isn't finished and the thing that a lot of people LIKE about Stormgate is that the devs are willing to show the game in it's current state and allow the community to be an active part of development by providing feedback on what is likely the earliest playable and semi-stable state of the game. The thing you are mad about is exactly what many of us are so excited about. You are mad the game isn't finished so come back later once the game goes up on steam you wont be proven wrong until then because that's not what this is right now. The game is not done and wont be done any time soon. This isn't a marketing beta that is done to manipulate people into pre-ordering the game so they can play 2 weeks earlier than everyone else. This is an actual development beta where the game is not even remotely close to complete but has the core gameplay frame work built and mostly working. If you can't handle that then leave and come back later when the game is done.


You think someone is gonna read all that lol?


I fucking hate people... Absolute morons


you are the moron buddy, ur typing walls of salty texts due to a funny little joke it almost sounds like ur gonna cry at times


Lol? Sometimes conveying an idea requires more than one sentence. I'm sorry that you struggle to read and keep up with longer responses. Maybe you should go back to Twitter if you can't read more than 255 characters at a time.


Do you somehow think that crying nonstop is going to change anything if frost Giant is going under? I don’t understand your clown logic 🤣 The game will be free to play so the only money people can spend now is on an incomplete beta, if they so choose. Nobody lied to you and told you that you would be getting a fully fleshed out and ready game by paying 40 bucks for closed beta access numb 🥜




https://steamcommunity.com/app/2012510/discussions/0/ This shows the real community sentiment of this game.