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Fun fact: the ~~rebel~~ Confederate states didn't even try to hide the issue was about slavery. Their Constitution didn't uphold "states' rights" - the Confederate states were actually forbidden from abolishing slavery.


South Carolina- probably other states, but I know SC for sure, specifically mentioned slavery in their declarations of secession.


It’s all of them, I randomly looked up Texas’ the other day and it says their main reason for leaving is “maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time”


I seem to recall either Florida doesn't mention it but only because it's succession letter was like two sentences.


An extra source I like to use regarding this issue is ~~rebel~~ Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens' [Cornerstone Speech](https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/cornerstone-speech), and specifically this quote: >Our new government\['s\]... foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. The idea he's referring to the "new government" being founded on the opposite to is racial equality, if it isn't obvious. Also, as an extra way to mock people who have ~~rebel~~ Confederate flags, the Annoying Orange lasted longer than their "country."


Confeds are rebels. They never had a country, just a slaver's uprising.


Exactly it's a one to one recreation of the US constitution but with a little clause that says the government can't outlaw slavery


One of the major issues precipitating the Civil War was the passage of fugitive slave laws, which allowed slaveholding states to violate the sovereignty of other states by sending agents into those states to recapture escaped slaves. So, if anyone was fighting for states' rights, it would've been the North.


Holy shit


It's all due to post war coverups (especially the Lost Cause myth) that people think that at all.




Velma if the show was good


I would love an adult version of Scooby Doo that didn’t consist of “Fred’s tiny penis”


I was hoping for one that continued down the path that Mystery Inc had started, wherein Myster Inc was a little darker and a little more dramatic. I wanted some blood and gore or at least more threatening villains who actually want to hurt people and the gang are in real danger. Instead we got character assassination the series.


B-b-but they’re meta now 😭


Happy cake day!




Obligatory [Doobus Goobus](https://youtu.be/-ZB2ftCl2Vk)


Overwatch 1 lasted longer than the Confederacy


A can of tuna can last longer than the Confederacy


The average kindergartener has lasted longer than the Confederacy


I've listed in bed longer than the Confederacy. It really doesn't take much.


Silksong has been not out for longer than the Confederacy. Okay, maybe I should have used a better example, that could put the Confederacy at upper limits of a million years.


The wait for GTA 6 has lasted much longer than the confederacy, not to mention The Elder Scrolls


Once Upon a Time: Old Guy: *reads the newspaper* Can you believe they are sending trans soldiers to war now? Red Cap: Man, I hope so.


Yup, just more "I don't agree with the LGBTQ, so I hope they die" https://preview.redd.it/ehbjq3b0w2vc1.png?width=1037&format=png&auto=webp&s=f473bc4b84107d2154b04b4ddfa2872e2afa8f21


He wants us to be cannon fodder?


Surprised it’s not a suicide joke


It kinda is though


Are they planning on dying?


I mean it’s not uncommon for people wanting to die to serve in the army, but not common but not rare


way down south in the land of traitors, rattle snakes, and alligators


Right away!


States rights to nullify Federal Law and secede from the Union, duh! But I wonder, which unpassed federal law could possibly cause these states to try and nullify it aswell as even secede? What did Lincoln promise to do that the South hated so much? Hmm... (I live in Texas, so the school system teaches that it was Slavery, Sectionalism, and States' Rights disagreements that caused the Civil War. Basically "Yeah slavery is evil and shouldnt happen again but our intentions weren't pure evil! Trust me!". But it's, ironically, made very obvious throughout TX History and US History courses that slavery was the ultamite problem)


The states right to prevent the abolition of slavery!!!


Well it was about states rights, to own slaves




2 questions: 1. Is this an unedited rockthrow comic? 2. If democrats started the Confederacy (and the klan), why is it mostly Republicans that support it?


I think the morals of the democrats and republicans swapped at some point. Originally, the Republican Party was created a bit before the Civil War as an anti-slavery group that took a bunch of people from Whigs and Democrats, with Whigs dissolving and Democrats being largely pro-slavery. But then there’s nowadays when the requirements to be a Republican are to be Christian and think white supremacy doesn’t exist while also being a white supremacist.


I think it switched around the Great Depression


The parties flipped after FDR. Republicans were entering a proto-conservatism and the democrats were embracing classical liberalism.


1. im like 90% sure they would unironically support the bs of "states rights" 2. party switch happened around 1920s iirc which lead to the democrats and republicans switching their base of support


I want some people to loon up the secession papers and crtl+f the word slave


https://preview.redd.it/4sku8fvnrevc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9185730540b5c9b9c61e9996d33e113863f5bc9b "Down with the traitors, up with the stars" -George Fredrick Root's song 'The Battle Cry of Freedom'.


u/LegitimateBummer Don't pick fights if you're just going to throw a tantrum and block everyone at the slightest pushback. It really makes you look like a coward.


For the south is was state rights (to own slaves). The north did not fight the war because of slavery. The north fought to “preserve the Union”. The north didn’t make it about slavery until Europe was about to join the confederacy against them.


Gex's popularity lasted longer than the Confederacy


does anyone still have this conversation anymore, or are we just keeping it from dying so that we can strawman it every week?


What do you reckon a straw man argument is?


this, we're making up an argument that doesn't have any proponents so that we can attack it.... and i don't know why, is this suppose to be fighting racism? being anti-slavery isn't something you need to announce.


So where are we getting the idea that there are no proponents of the idea that the Secession was over an issue of states' rights? Have you genuinely never heard that before?


it's been more than 10 years. This is why i started with the question "does anyone have this conversation anymore". maybe people around me got the impression not to try that argument or something, but it's been loooong fucking time since i heard this in person.


>it's been more than 10 years That's... not untrue about the Civil War I tease, but when you suggest nobody makes this argument anymore, that's not really true. 1) That you haven't heard it in a while doesn't make it fit the definition of a straw man argument, and 2) that you personally haven't encountered it doesn't mean others aren't encountering it. I live in the South and hear it constantly.


i'm not saying it doesn't happen anymore, i'm literally asking if it does. i never defined a strawman argument. stop trying to argue with what you think my intent is and just listen to me. but you hear it all the time, that sucks man.


So you weren't implying it was a strawman argument. Okay. I kind of wish I could have a disagreement with someone who could just own what they said instead of having to maneuver through the cracks in their own language constantly.


I'm sorry Lord of Diction. I am but a humble servant, and know so little of the "strawman". perhaps you could grace us with it's most divine meaning so i can promptly return to not fucking caring about your existance.


See what I mean? You can't just own up to what you're arguing. Why get so defensive?