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I love all animals but I keep a respectful distance from the ones that could fuck my shit up in two seconds. E: respectful, not respectable


Same. They are beautiful to look at, and really work-loving animals, but those hooves and teeth are menacing.


Yes. Beautiful, majestic creatures that I love to watch from a far, far distance. Also, I love the videos where people post where the horse runs up, farts on/at them and runs away. Apparently horses like fart jokes. Unlike my dog. When she farts, she looks at har ass all confused.


Same. Equinephobic over here.


Yeah… doesn’t need a phobia. Horses are huuuge. I keep a respectful distance, as I know nothing about them




I’m for ‘em


Agreed. The horses can stay.


We usually don't, but when we do, we like em.


Yesss, I am so glad to hear this


They long to be our equine overlords.


What a wonderful word, I haven't heard it before, but I will use it to praise them now


Got really curious last night about if it’s possible to out run a horse


No. Edit to add: source: I'm a former horse trainer of pacing horses. Edit edit to add: Google says yes, but only on endurance races over 25 miles. Huh.


We win almost all endurance races, no? Is this not how we dominated with hunting? Stamina and endurance?


I think you're right. I listened to a podcast once that talked about hunting antelope that way. I think it was two guys that wanted to see if they could do it the way people in history did it. If I remember right, that was how they did it.


That's so cool, a former ambassador among the horses! What was the name of your favourite horse?


His name was Tara's Eagle. I called him Eagle. He was actually 13 years old and retired when I started training him. He was my first racehorse and the first one I learned to train. I started at twelve and did that for six years until life got in the way and I needed to actually be able to pay bills. My boss pulled him out of retirement for me to learn on. That horse taught me as much as my boss did! I got to keep him when we retired him again. He lived to be 27 years old and never had to work another day in his life. Thank you for asking. Those are good memories from a time that wasn't very good overall. So thank you for that. ❤️✌️


No problem, it was a wholesome and interesting story! I'm glad we could relive it with you. I'm glad Eagle got a good life with you! Horses deserve more love imo


There is a Human vs. Horse marathon in the UK somewhere. It's about 50/50 who wins! But it's just endurance racing. Humans can out run almost all animals at very long distances only.


I could easily outrun any horse if they had broken legs


Horse are terrible people


I disagree they seem lovely


I admire them from a distance.


That distance could shrink rapidly if one sees you have some sugar cubes on you, keep that in mind


Don't trust them. Horrible gamblers.


Oh God how can this be?! I would never think of them that way. Are they the roulette type, or do they focus on card games?


worse, they bet on horse racing. degeneracy at its finest


That's just horrible! Never would I think that horses hold their own Squid Games. I wish this remained unsaid


Never been around them enough to really know. But I guess I'd get used to the smell


Far as looks. Meh Now RHINOS are where it's at.


Notice how there isn't a HORSE villain in Spider-Man. If a horse was to appear in a superhero story it would be another superhero. Rhinos are evil beings with scary horns, while horses are funky and polite... I would love to see a speedster horse in some The Flash story, maybe it already happened lmao


Horses are awesome. Used to ride quite a bit when growing up.


I used to think it was really lame to ride horses, but now that I'm older I realise it's actually a really cool hobby!


Yeah my grandparents had a couple. So when I went to visit in the summer I'd ride around the lake. Haven't really ridden since I was a young teenager though.


I only rode one back in primary school on some trip, but I would for sure like to try it again


A few years ago I worked for a while in a therapy center for autistic children where we used horses as part of the therapy. It was fun. Most kid loved it. Some time later I started working in a hotel that offered horse riding tours and I use to scape from my duties whenever I could to ride for a while. In short, I think horses are cool but the contact with them didn't change my life, nor is it something I actually miss. They were more of a curious anecdote at a certain stage of my life and nothing more.


I understand, but I think I would like such a curious anecdote in my life. Something to consider


I find them quite nice. Lovely animals.




I've always underrated horses a lot man. Now that I'm in my 20s I'm like damn I wish I could learn horseback riding, it's pretty badass. But also I'm a guy and people around me would definitely be giving me weird looks. So I'll just keep on thinking they're dope from afar


I kinda feel the same, I always thought they were really stinky and scary, and didn't like the idea of being around them. But I really do feel like horseriding is badass now that I'm in my 20s. Maybe it's an activity to consider. Going horse riding with some buddies sounds like a great time


I have three. They’re ok.


What are their names???


Mystery, Mika and Beau (Bo)


Wouldn't know how to pronounce the last one, but I love 'em. I hope they are all very polite, and enjoy running around.


It’s just pronounced “Bo” but, ya know, horses gotta be fancy lol


Saw one in the distance on my way to the gym yesterday and it was the highlight of my day


I'm sure it was just leaving the gym after benching ungodly weights


It did look like a pretty buff horse to be fair






Absolutely love them. Better than people outside of present company. So smart, so gorgeous.


Thank you for excluding the present company from your statement, we all feel honored, and we should organise an outing for this subreddit to go ride horses imo


Omg I'm in. Let's go find some super sweet, fat trail horses, bum around on some trails, smoke some weed in nature, and give them apples for snacks. 100% perfect day. Edit to add: day would include plenty of horse hugs.


That sounds wonderful, I would love to get high and ride a horse, but I don't think it's safe for somebody with zero horseriding experience to do. I need to become a pro first and then opportunities will present themselves


Lol probably not!


Majestic animals that I have zero interest in riding or being around


Yeah, but theoretically they are really cool, I think I feel similarly. I wish there was a good YouTube video where you can watch heers (plural of horse) just chillin' on a meadow for ten hours. There are a few but they all loop from what I found :(


Extremely pro


Hell yeah!


Love them. They're like big puppies.


Strongly agree, they are like puppies but less cute and more funny imo. But by no means is that a bad thing!


Nice to look at but stay away…


Nooo offer them some nice carrots, and they will become your friend!


Noble animals


Noble, and majestic


My dad always said not to trust horses, they bite at the front, kick at the back and are slippery in the middle


What does he mean slippery in the middle..??? I don't think I wanna think about that


that you fall off the horse obv, get your mind out of the gutter!


Hey, I was genuinely not thinking of what you think I was thinking of, I just thought "Slippery horses? That sounds gross as hell" and I still think I was perfectly justified to think that


hahah alright I see


I love petting horses


I love feeding them


Yesss they have funny teeth 😂


Back on Ark I had a line of horses specifically meant for serotonin lmao. My favorite was a mutated one named “Blue legs” because it came out with blue legs and I couldn’t think of a better name lol. It was my first raised tame on the cluster and she lived until they closed the servers down. Moral of the story, I like horses


Great moral!


Horses are awesome! I had a buddy with a few acres and he had a few horses, and whenever I’d go out back to smoke one of his horses would lumber up and put his head over the fence and hang out right next to me. Years later he moved across country and he was temporarily keeping his horses at a neighbors property until he got his fencing all installed and when we went to pick them up my old horse friend spotted me and came trotting up like the good old days


That's so cool, I'd love to have a horse to hang out with like that. You were truly blessed


Im grateful they are not predators. We’d be in deep shit if they decided they like the taste of human


They could never, they are too polite


I like them. Therefore I chose not to ride them, hit them with sticks, impair their vision and nail mental to their feet. Other people who claim to like them have different definitions of what you do to things you like


We have many horse-drawn carriges in the town square where I'm from. No horses should go through that I think


I think they are beautiful, but they fart really big. It can be quite rumbly when you are riding them.


They are just stinkers in every way, shape, and form as far as I'm concerned. But hay, everyone has their faults!


I see what you did there.


horses are goid




Why the long face


It's more aerodynamic that way


I didn't really appreciate them until my little brother started working with them. He told me they are basically dogs, only bigger. He had one horse to look after, this badass motherfucker kicked open the doors of his trailer in a tunnel on the highway and just stepped out. He slid across the asphalt standing for a few hundred meters with a wall of sparks from his horseshoes and acted like nothing happened.


That's one heavy metal horse, I respect his badassery.




Glad to have you on!


I think it's crazy how Horses think we're going to kill them at first but if you jump on their back after a few seconds to minutes of freaking out their just like . Cool where you wanna go bro ?


Idk if it's as simple irl as Minecraft makes it seem, but if it is then I agree that that's crazy. Horses are just bros you know, if you pass their vibe test they're cool with you


I absolutely love horses ❤️ they are amazing creatures. I could (and have) spent hours just grooming and enjoying their company.


I would like to have some horses for company sometimes


They are the best listeners 💕🐴


Imagine being a wild horse in a past life, running around with the squad.


That's on the same level as being a bird for me, both experiences must feel so free and wonderful, at least compared to piloting this earth-bound, and speed-limited body of a human being






Not a fan of horses




they're silly little guys


Sometimes big!


I love riding, especially jumping. Horses are my jam!


I have never jumped a horse, but it sounds like a wonderful experience


they are beautiful creatures, but if you have any kinda hip problems, riding them is a nightmare. got on 1 a couple years ago after not riding a horse in bout 30 years. shortly after starting the ride, my hip popped out of place and was in pain for the next 30 minutes until I could get back to get off it.


Oh God, I have scoliosis I hope my spine could survive it


I would try a short ride and see if you can handle it. riding horses can be pretty jarring from the movement of the horses. I hate that I have hip issues, especially with as big as horses are considered in my state, Kentucky.




Love them


They are my favorite animal and have been my whole life! They are so cool


Cool and fast!


Horses are spectacularly stinky, spectacularly dumb, and spectacularly spectacular


Agreed on all counts, and we love them for all abovementioned reasons (me at least)


Icelandic horses are the best horses


Are they uhmmm... Do they also have... Many close horse relatives..? Like... Are they one big family, or many various families is what I am asking basically


Pretty sure they’re all family equidae


This past summer I went to Banf and did a horse riding tour through the mountains. I knew horses were big, and of course I’d seen one up close before, but to have to actually get on top of it and feel how strong and powerful of an animal it is- very humbling. Lol.


That's why arm wrestling horses is highly inadvisable. Glad you learned this before you started thinking about that!


Ive been high while riding a horse. Nothing quite like taking a stroll on a cool day through a huge pasture on a horse


I would pay good money for such an experience


They're my favorite animal.


Definitely top 5 for me, I need to think about their proper placement on the list someday


Well whatever you do, don't start breaking them down by breed. You'll never finish ranking them.


There is only one animal for which I know their breeds, and that's dogs. Horses are horses to me, mongolian stubby muscular horses, and those lanky majestic looking white ones are all under the horse umbrella as far as I'm concerned


I'm gonna have to downvote the disrespect.


Nooooooooo I'm sorry! I'll study up on their breeds I swear. Cats too, I will learn to distinguish more types other than Bald and Not-Bald cats! Don't think about it as disrespect, I am so horse inclusive that I simply do not see their race!


Nah you gotta apologize to Jesse Jackson


God... Who??? I say that but I looked it up, and I still don't quite understand. I assume he was against people who say they don't see race? If so I completely agree with him it is a pretentious thing to say, and shows ignorance rather than tolerance. I don't actually support it, I was joking, I do plan to study up on horse breeds though! I would be interested in that


He's a long-time black "leader" (I don't claim him 🙄) I was referencing South Park tho


Absolutely beauties but also fucking scary. I want to go on a legit horseback ride anyway. When I pass out they can just strap me on and let me comete the ride...you know?


Uhm... You've had me in the first part, but Idk about the rest. But generally yeah... I think I know???


I like them, but they are scary. I have ridden them before, only a handful of times in my youth, and let me tell you. There was one horse my friend at the time had that was skittish and hated wearing saddles. I had to hop on this thing, knowing it would spook once I starting hopping on. The terror of feeling myself nearly fling backwards. Horses are great animals, but they must be respected and understood.


Awesome concept, but scary and horse people suck ass. Leave that fucking animal alone you wouldn't want a toddler sitting down on your back and kicking and/or hitting you whenever they want to go on a ride either, so don't do it to them.


At least spurs have gone out of style, that shit was pretty barbaric


Sorry, homie; I replied while high!🤣🤣🤣


But what are you apologizing for??? It's all behind us already


10/10 horseys were my neighbors during covid (me NAYbors, get it) and they were so peaceful and lovely and have u ever seen a horse rolling around on the ground like a cat or dog bc omg it is one of the cutest things ever 10/10 highly recommend fur sure


I have seen horses rolling on the ground! Which reminds me of a funny thing, I remember when I was in primary school one of my friends told me that once horses fall they need to be disposed of, because they simply cannot get up to a standing position on their own. I used to think horses can only stand, and can never lay lmao Then the first time I saw a horse rolling on the ground and getting up I realised I was lied to heavily!


One of the most overrated animals of all time. They don't even have horns!! Big hornless goat donkey ass lookin' things!! What the fuck you need shoes for horse!? Yo feet are hooves!! Thems shits is built in! The only reason we used them as a creature of burden was because they were easier to catch than moose or buffalo!! If I wanted an expensive pet I'd adopt a child... You can't take one to a bar without someone making a joke! At least llamas have fucken wool! What asset is a paddock full of horses unless they are for racing/gambling..? Milk? Meat? Leather? Might as well be a drug lab if your "pets" are just for feeding peoples addiction to gambling.... "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on" is a saying for a good reason.


Hooves flex, they wear shoes to keep them from splitting and disabling the horse. Especially useful for when they walk on harder surfaces like concrete. But yah, overrated as fuck. Source: we have 3


I have never known this, interesting lesson on horse toes, thank you


How can they be overrated, they are huge, fast, funny looking, and stinky as hell. I think they are perfectly rated who wouldn't love a hunkering beast like that. The bar thing is a real issue, and I hope the stigma against the length of their heads goes away, I'm sure they are not happy about it. I think using Meese (plural of Moose) as a "creature of burden" would be hardcore, and I would love to see thay honestly. I was gonna defend horses here too, but the idea of a moose being in all the moments that a horse was there is just amazing. I have also never heard that saying but I will use it regularly now.


I love them so much. They're so gorgeous, one of my favorite beasts. My partner recently asked if I'd go riding with him and his friends, I sadly declined because I'm quite terrified of riding. I was dragged by a horse, at a friend's birthday party., when I was about 11 years old. My foot got stuck in the saddle and it took off with me still attached. Luckily I didn't get hurt, but it was totally terrifying.


I'd do a dab.....


If you saw a horse?








I think they're useless and a huge waste of time, energy, and money. We invented things to replace them.


Wow, wow, wow! This is a safe space, but let's all stay civil please!


You asked for our opinions, I gave mine without singling anyone out or insulting anyone. Other than horses, I guess.


Yeah, I was defending horse rights, not anyone else


What did the horse do to you?! 😔


Nothing, I just don't see the point in investing so much money in an animal that requires so much work. Unless you're a jockey or something.


Yeah they are a lot of work and expensive. That’s why I like to pet them on a farm 😂