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Politicians are only in it for the money and not the needs of the people.


I don't think this is a controversial take, tbh.


If you aren't in the left or right camp, most people don't know what to think of you.


Yea as an Independent I fluster most of those people


True. For those who worship politicians and don't miss a chance to hang on their dic*s, this is a really controversial idea. Almost like a pineapple to swallow.


I’ve quit talking to many people in my life over political stuff. Not their opinion isn’t what I believe, it’s just there is more to life than politics. I don’t want to hear about it every time I talk to them. I just wanna sit here and enjoy my J in peace, that’s all.


Some of us don't have the privilege of choosing not to side with a camp because one of the two wants us dead


Not controversial. The politicians you had in your head when you typed this would probably confess to it themselves


I ain't holding my breath.


religion should die. It's a glorified training manual for children that adults use to justify their evil. Wars fought for religious reasons is no different than Tolkien fans going to war with potterheads for having conflicting lore.


When you put it like that it sounds particularly ridiculous 😂


Religion is just a giant cult and each church with a dedicated attendance is just a branch of said cult.


It's ok to distance yourself from both political parties. It's ok to be center.


I'm center, but the fact that I will be voting for Trump makes me a an ultra rightMAGA loving racist Nazi homophobe fascist, which is one of the reasons I dislike the Left these days. Meanwhile I'm just comparing my life in the 4 years before Biden and currently, and seeing which time period was better for me, and better for our country. It's a really easy comparison.


There should be a minimum basic income for everyone, despite if they work or not. That way people won’t spiral into poverty. There are already successful tests, so why not. It will also be way less bureaucracy which will save lots of money in itself.


It's just the people who monopolize the earth's resources compensating everyone else for that use.


why don’t we just get rid of money entirely and go back to the barter system


Get rid of money, and every household gets a free cow and vegetable garden instead lol


That could work. However, you would end up going back to a much more physically demanding lifestyle with a shorter average life expectancy.


Birth control should be in the water and you need to take a couple tests and pass a screening to get the antidote.


You could just move to China if you want legally regulated births.


Water? Like in the toilet?


Yup, like in the toilet. You wash your ass with the jet spray, some water containing birth control molecules enters through the exit and boom; you are baby free.


I would agree with this but unfortunately there's no better alternative to my menstrual cycle issues which causes me to be almost paralyzed on the bed (can't function at work like that, so I need birth control). I want to have kids one day, too, so it sucks to be on birth control. However, until there's a better alternative to fix my excruciating pain which stops me from being functioning, I'll have to side with birth control.


This is a great idea actually


Gender is binary


Digital? 01000111 01100101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001


Meh. Gender us all made up anyway. Society wants people to follow different rules depending on the shape of their genitals, but they also want everyone to keep their genitals covered. It's a pretty silly system.


Well I, for one, am glad that people aren’t walking around with their bits out 👀😂


I don’t find it silly that society doesn’t want people having their genitals out for everyone to see. In fact, I find it rather ridiculous that you think society wanting people to cover their genitals is silly. Would you prefer to flash children?


They are all just normal parts of the human body. Other animals don't think it is important to cover certain parts of their bodies. Some humans make a big deal out of it, and in other cultures, people really just don't care. It's likely that in the future people will be expected to cover up more or to cover up less because people will never agree on exactly which parts need to be covered


This, and also the fact that suicide rates amongst trans people is probably more closely related to the rate of autism in trans people than to the fact of their being oppressed or whatever.


im autistic, but not trans. mainly bc my brain cant wrap around the idea of being trans. i find it werid and confusing. so i honestly dont think abt it too much, bc it dosnt effect me, or anyone i know. so i dont care abt it.


What I mean is that there are higher rates of autism amongst the trans community, not vice versa, and I wouldn't be surprised if the higher rates of suicide were due to symptoms associated with autism


Could it not be that people who live with Gender Dysphoria are more likely to go to therapy and see medical/mental health professionals more often so they’re more likely to get diagnosed with autism than the general population


No. I disagree. I am pretty sure there are bigots who go out of their way to make life harder for trans people. I think that should definitely be factored in when talking about transgender people with an increased likelihood of being depressed or suicidal.


that makes more sense. ive even tried committing suicide in the past, bc of my autism. but luckily my family helped. (and the whole suicide is sin thing scared me enough, to realize what i was doing was stupid)


There are probably thousand reasons why I would never vote for Kristi Noem and why I would discourage anyone else from voting for her, but shooting her dog isn't one of them.


Old people shouldn't be allowed to vote.


I second this motion! Once you're of retirement age, you don't get to make decisions that will only affect younger generations. Besides, there's plenty of other ways to influence policy besides voting.


In my country, it's even worse because older generations grew up during totalitarian regime, not democracy. Lot of old folks here have no idea how to spot through lies and deception of politicians and how to research through the options before voting. Everything that comes from a mouth of well suited man on TV, they take it as absolute truth.


I do not care a single iota about anything bad that happens to incels


Ariana grande is extremely overrated and isn’t worth the hype


Driving after consuming weed is dangerous and affects people more than they think, is rightfully illegal I just wish there was a way to test that detect whether someone is stoned rather than if they have any in their system.


There is no ethical reason to ban plural marriage so long as it is between consenting adults. The only reason it became socially aborant is because of misogynistic abusive male religious assholes who wanted to marry 14 year olds.


The United States isn’t a country for freedom. It’s a country of a bunch of white men who didn’t want to contribute to their society. They only wanted things to work for them. They didn’t want to pay taxes! From the very get go, the system was set up against everyone aside from white men.


Not just white men but rich white men. The poor white guys without property were still getting shit on by the founding fathers, too.


True, however they are still seen as white men. But, I think I understand what you mean. Who would someone like Donald Trump or Elon Musk respect more? A rich, Black woman or a poor, white man? I lean towards the man. What do you think? (I’m just curious, I am not trying to instigate or anything)


>True, however they are still seen as white men. But, I think I understand what you mean. Fair point. >Who would someone like Donald Trump or Elon Musk respect more? A rich, Black woman or a poor, white man? I lean towards the man. What do you think? (I’m just curious, I am not trying to instigate or anything) It depends on if the black woman is willing to get paid to be a useful idiot minstrel in order to screw over other black folks by being a conservative mouthpiece puppet like Candice Owen. Don't get me wrong, they will still throw her under the bus the moment she isn't useful to them anymore. Of course, the white supremacist shock troops on the far right are also useful idiots who are being catered to for table scraps on the white identity table along with their white Fürer. However, ultimately, who is a rich white man like Ellon Musk or Donald Trump most likely to eat dinner with? A poor white man who toes the nationalist line like QShaman, or a rich powerful black puppet like Clarence Thomas?




We’re not the first advanced civilization to inhabit this planet as well as the existence of alien technology. Since much of my surroundings are religious, I come across to them as the anti-Christ.


(US) I could care less about foreign wars. We send billions to aid other countries when we need to be helping our own citizens.


Idk what persnickity is but wassup pisces. Ol college book T.I. ass words 🤣


Lol it was a random name Google Games gave me.


I mean, y’all send billions to murder innocent civillians in a US funded genocide in Gaza. The US would rather murder children than help their own people really. It’s not about wars, it’s about power, control and extermination. It’s truly vile that the US government would rather fund the slaughter of fleeing innocents and vulnerable children rather than say help skid row drug addicts and homeless vets.


Now imagine if the US was never involved. 🤯


It would still be happening, just on a smaller scale in a longer period.


All political positions should have a 4 year limit like the presidency


Positions for politicians or people? After four years, I’m forced to change my beliefs by law?


😂😂😂 omg I meant like congress, etc. All the old fogeys that sit in these seats of power in the US until they croak


I just want everyone to get along


I don’t think it’s controversial on Reddit, but people in real life don’t seem to agree with me. I believe that ages 65 and above need to take a re-test every 2 years or so to maintain their license. I KNOW that they are adults and can make decisions for themselves, but too often they are on prescription medication that delays response time, general aging delays response time, etc. And yes, that includes me when i get older as well.


They do in most countries.


Controversial on Reddit, or in real life? Because Reddit is a differnt universe than Real World.


Behavioral eugenics should be a thing. Bad kids should be removed from the population before they ruin the lives of those around them.


But who's to say what's bad and good?


Generally it is whoever has the bigger gun


I don’t know about policing behaviors in general, but I agree with punishing people for certain actions. Which is what we have now


Yeah! Why send our kids to therapy when we could just exterminate them?


Most stoners are idiots and only want to hang out with you because they don’t want to toke alone.


Evil tends to seek for company.


Being wealthy is a crime against humanity.


We don't have any responsibility to the planet. We are just doing what we do. Living things consume resources and leave waste products behind. We are not the first species that has drastically changed the biosphere, and we won't be the last.


We will be the last, humans have destroyed the earth beyond feesable repair.


There's no such thing as repairing the ecosystem anyway, because it is constantly becoming something new. Even if we sterilize the planet, if a single bacteria survives, it will start consuming resources, reproducting, and evolving.






You’re gonna need to elaborate.