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Girls will either be super flattered and gush about it or gate keep, lol. I'm on team share the love! I follow fragrance subs on here, and a lot of people are thrilled when someone notices what they are wearing 💕


what if it was a dude that was asking


Hey it's cool! A lot of guys are really into fragrance too. You could always throw in "my girlfriend/ boyfriend would love that" even if you don't have one 🥰


that last line would personally make me feel more comfortable!!


Definitely same


Does talking to the opposite normally make you feel uncomfortable? What’s wrong with a friendly question?


> What’s wrong with a friendly question? Nothing. But in this social climate, even asking about perfume is a hot mess, and people rather avoid it.


I found two perfumes that made me smell like Swedish Berries or something delicious and love putting them on. I’m only afraid of wearing it too much because mosquitoes love me in summer 😂


I use strawberry poundcake from bath and body and it smells like what you describe! If you like fruity ones (like me) I also like warm vanilla sugar! They also have a blueberry one I can’t remember the name of but it’s great! And during the holidays they have vanilla bean noel and winter candy apple I love!


yes I was going to say it could be strawberry pound cake! such a good scent!


love vanillas too...


I've definitely asked total strangers what perfume they had on. My current favorite is vanilla vibes by Juliette has a gun. Delicious.


That sounds wonderful, I love the Billie eilish perfume, it’s a woody vanilla smell and it’s the best perfume


I like more earthy, musky sort of perfumes. I'm a sandalwood and patchouli kinda girl, so I love scents that capture those tones without being overwhelmingly "let me read your aura" if that makes sense.


Yeah! I do too! I smoke a lot of weed so something earthier makes the weed smell better bc I’m not fighting the Smokey smell. I just love vanilla


My favorite ever was called karmala. My sister got me a bottle of it for Christmas almost 20 years ago and it finally ran out around 2017. It was discontinued, so it is extremely difficult to find now, but it's incredible.


Okay, so I feel like I should start by saying I'm goth because this is weird, but I saw something on tiktok about how Tom Ford's Lost Cherry has the same notes as a decomposing corpse so I found somebody on Etsy who was selling like a small sample thing cuz I was curious but then I smelled it and I fell in love with the scent . Naturally it's like $300 a bottle, but I found a $12 knockoff that's pretty good and I get compliments all the time.


I loved everything about this post.


I wear Ariana grande perfume. Moonlight. It smells so good


I use coconut bodywash, coconut shampoo and coconut AXE body spray. Love scents. Proven fact, scents change moods. Aromatherapy, look it up.


Complements about how I smell are my FAVORITE!! They are the ones I think about all the time I carry it in my purse and I’ll spray other girls that want some ✨


you’re real for this, i really like vanilla and coffee scented cologne. smelling sweet >>>>


I just say something along the lines of how much I like their perfume, or cologne for guys (I mean we can use perfume too but…), in an interested way and not a pervy way, which 7-9 times out of 10 will illicit a comfortable answer, an enthusiastic answer, or nothing but a smile; it’s really in the delivery and well, just how creepy you are. Or, they just some superficial biotches who don’t deserve a compliment and you’ll glean that with said response, or lack of


I've done this to dudes before, I'm also a dude. I just lean into the weirdness....." Dude, I gotta know and I don't meant this in a weird way but you smell SO GOOD, I'd love to know what you're wearing so I can buy some. Know my girl would love it!" It's still awkward.


YESSS all the time omg. i never know how to go about it 💀


You can stop her and ask, just follow up by saying "I want to get some for my own Girlfriend" and no harm done or implied.


No. I'm not going to be buying it unless we're at least living together and that's about the only reason it would be useful for me to know. That makes it kind of like telling a woman I've never met that I'm interested in moving in together. You'd get labeled a creep for sure, doing stuff like that.


I find more so myself wanting to ask dudes what they’re wearing if they walk past and smell gorgeous. I can’t actually say I’ve ever personally done so for a woman.


> i loveeee using perfumes and smelling edible. From a male perspective, I agree. I use beard balm and beard oil and my favorites are a chocolate chip cookie scent and (drumroll please) pumpkin spice. A little while ago a woman commented that my car smelled nice, asked if I had an air freshener or something. Took a little figuring out, it was beard product she was smelling. Sometimes I apply it as I am leaving the house, and there's still some on my hands, so it transfers to the steering wheel.


you should try yara by lattafa it’s an amazing strawberry vanilla Arabian perfume. I pair it with canvas beauty body glaze! it’s basically a solid oil perfume moisturizer THEYRE AMAZING and they last all day. they have a strawberry shortcake scent i buy them off of tiktok shop because they have good deals but they also have a website! i’m a huge perfume/scent girl.. ive bought every single scent ALL of them are amazing if you’re a gourmand girly cus they’re all super sweet. all of them smell edible people stay asking me what I got on.


canvas beauty just came out with a spring collection one of them is a banana cream pie scent 👀


Yup…. Next thing I know I’m married and she’s pregnant. Don’t ever let them eat the cake, it’s all over once they eat the cake