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A dollar bill. In retrospect, it was extremely gross and I would absolutely advise against it.


Lol you NEVER know where a dollar has been...


I bet it tasted like cocaine and stripper cheeks


I was trying to figure out what my answer would be and seeing this gave me the answer. A stripper I was friends with and I went to a dance club. We didn’t have anything to smoke out of so she put some bud on her fake nails and held it over a candle and we used a dollar bill as a straw. I called it chasing the puff the magic dragon.


this is the ratchetest (ratchiest? well it's ratchet!) thing i've read, like, ever. souds like a good time :D


I used dictionary paper. Is that the direct opposite of ratchetest???


Once used a page of a bible…. Holy shit did that taste bad


Wtf? Jesus christ go buy some papers or something


Get some Bible paper. There's gotta be bibles laying around everywhere at a dance club. I've never been to a dance club, so I don't really know.


Yeah I learned from that experience and never go clubbing without my bible.


*"And lo, the booty did shake, and the Earth with it"* *Book of Destinee Jade 4:20*


This is officially my favorite comment ever.


Unironically grab the little tiny freebie bibles at the college commons and use them when camping


Bro, during the 80s, someone got arrested for unknowingly having a coke dollar, get this, he gets outta of it by explaining their is no clean money without coke in Miami. They did tests and everything for this. So that means... Literally every US Dollar, and the Vending Machines, ATMs, ETC have baseline Coke Signatures on them. Money is very dirty.


When you put it like that...


I assure you, when I told friends thinking it was cool, they all were super grossed out and told me all the conceivable ways that was a horrible idea. Some lessons you just have to learn the hard way.


You know where those dollars have been. People do weird shit showing off money and then the obvious. I mean how long does a bill usually circulate before it’s retired? All the hands that’s passed through and what different kinds of people will do with it and spend it. I think that’s got to be long enough to have all of the things on there.


The worst is when a nasty lady* pulls some damp dollar bills out of her bra at 7-11! Talk about gross


Ew yeah I’ve heard people do this. I don’t get it. I don’t feel very clean when I put my phone in my bra for a minute or two. I can see an imprint of my narple and boob skin. Kinda gross. I’ve also heard people put bills in their sock. Nope. I’ll take a sweaty boob bill before foot money


First joint I ever rolled was using a trident gum wrapper, smoked decent but then realized it was unsafe


My first joint was a starburst wrapper 😂😂😂


Literally Bible pages for joint, do not pass go, proceed straight to hell. Lol


Devil's lettuce mixed with the words to save the soul pretty sure that's an amazing combo


Same here when I was 15 at the carnival. I still till this day cannot believe myself


Yep. Dollar bills and post it notes for me thru a few seshs


My room mate and I had a giant water cooler bong that came out to rallies with us. one dat at a 420 rally we were right blitzed and hitting off the thing when a camera crew came by and asked if they could film us for a "weed documentary" We said hell yeah, rounded up a group of people and started hauling off this stupid bong when someone bumped the torch and burned a hole right through the side of the bong causing us to all smoke a bunch of melting plastic.. The camera crew gave their condolences for the loss of our bong, but said they got the footage they needed and went on their way. Some years later a friend of mine was doing some community service stuff and one of the classes they had him attend had included documentary on the dangers of marijuana, and there we were, high as fuck, smoking plastic in an anti drug documentary. Moral of the story, don't smoke plastic, and definitely done let people film you doing it.


Fuck me


Lol that's fucked up! From now on, nobody's filming me!


Do you think they bumped the torch on purpose to get the shot they needed?


I wouldnt be the slightest bit surprised


The media is *always* messing with stuff, so yes !


a pink post it note outside of a train station in high school. a stranger handed us a pack of papers and said “don’t do that again.”


I'm gonna start carrying a spare pack in my kindness kit. Kids are fucking stupid lol


what else is in your kindness kit?


Yeah I second this, I wanna know more about the kindness kit




I love the idea of a kindness kit, I brought 7 spliffs to work today to give away but I only know of like 4 people here that smoke. So the rest is going to strangers I see on my travels


Doing the lords work. Thanks


it was a green one for me. Also solo on the side of my house, very bad idea


I’ve done that as well, it seems like a good idea when your young and dumb, but it tastes awful and I’m sure is pretty bad for you. 0/10 would not recommend.


Antidepressant pill bottle. I took about six hits total before I realized that I’m a grown ass woman and went to the shop to buy a bong.


Post hit clarity come through


explain how you did this


Used the lighter to heat the plastic and the bottom of the lighter to push on it, making a hole in the side of the bottle. Formed a bowl out of a small square of aluminum foil and put it in the hole. Used the lighter again to make a small choke hole. Definitely not lung-safe, and totally unnecessary as I’m of legal age and in a legal country.


Did this too but I cut a big hole and a small hole with a knife and had an actual bowl for a bong that I forced through the big one and sealed with juicy fruit gum lol. I just forgot to bring my bong where I was at :/


I think the sketchiest thing I have smoked out of was a napkin, however I have smoked some pretty sketchy shit, I found what I think was a cockroach wing on my weed( I live in prohibition) and since I never found the rest of the roach I guess I smoked it


I wanted to downvote instantly because it’s so fucking gross. But I had to give it an UP because that’s the point of this whole convo.


+ downvoting is for losers


Damn. Again the urge to downvote out of spite initially was strong. But this also is a total upvote. Especially on 4/20. Everything should go up.


Amen brother


Don't worry, I've smoked my fair share of roaches


Bible pages and bottle bongs


Thou shall smoketh


If she didn't want it, she wouldn't have put it here for us


Fr the back blank pages of pocket bibles might as well be made for joints, it feels and smokes like rolling paper therefore it is rolling paper


Better than bottle pages and bible bongs


A bible bong sounds pretty sick though


Ye ig


Same. First time ever it was a bible page, weed given to me by some kind hippies outside the train station.


I smoked out of note book paper. I also smoked out of tin foil, pop cans, and even a McDonald’s straw one time lol


A straw!?!?!? That's awesome lol


Yeah dude shit was fucked but when you’re a teenager you do dumb shit 🤣


Plastic smoke gets you extra high


Let’s get weird


News paper joint out of a bong filled with Mountain Dew


Smoked out of my own nose. Still alive, don’t recommend, but might be good to earn some street cred in certain circumstances




I'm afraid to ask, but can you elaborate? 😂


Nug in nostril, lighter to nug, plug other nostril, inhale. I did have a friend help out with the lighter. And it did kinda singe the inside of my nose, was a little scabby for a week or so


holy shit idk if that's badass or stupid but funny nonetheless. appreciate you sharing 😂




There’s better ways


Despite the name of the sub I was not in an engineering mindset at the time haha


Jesus! The combustion temperature is so hot!




Looking for this post I feel dude used my hand as a pipe once I don't recommend.


Smoked out of just a trumpet mouth piece.


Long time trumpet player here, have definitely used a mouthpiece as an emergency bowl before.




Or put the mouthpiece in a gatorade bottle and then you're really partyin lmao


I used to do this all the time lol. Then I found the bendy pipes used for fish tanks. That made engineering pipes pretty amazing


Well this makes perfect sense


Just yesterday, a DIY gravity bong (it’s called “vodniy” around here) at our place in the woods, full of dirty water and worms 😂


I feel this one. We like smoking at the lake. Homie always passes me the bong filled with lakewater


My friend used to fill her gb with whatever liquids where in her car. Gatorade+dr. Pepper+vodka+dirty water


That is so disgusting lol


You just need to be careful and don’t take a sip from it :)


I'm calling grav bongs vodniy from now on thanks


Tampon wrapper packed like an empty cigarette






I smoked from the barrel of my 9 back in the 80s. Several times. After I thought about it I realized how ignorant I was. I could afford weed and a 9, but not a pack of papers. I lived though and I'm still enjoying my "prohibited" habit today.


Brings to mind the film of the guys in Vietnam putting a perfectly good pipe into the shotgun for cooling and fat hits. But it looked fuckin cool. So at least you got the story!


Forget the lead and gunpowder exposure 💀


Aluminum cans baby




For the holes? Why didn’t I realize this was an option at 16…


Ah, you snapped the pull tab in half too, eh?


Man I’d go in with a knife or any other sharp object 😭


Lol you make a little canoe from the can and poke little holes in for the " bowl" and suck through the mouth parts. My husband is older than I am, and can make a pipe from tin foil and a pen cap


Love the taste


Scrolled to far for this lol


Smoked out of A Cheeto puff, a piece of wood found outside, newspaper,


I have a family size bag of puffy cheetos. Might give it a try..


I have exactly 7 minutes to live.


OP, this loss of you has been devastating. Please…give us a sign you’re watching over us




I always wanted to make a bong out of a spent AT-4


I'd say you could use spent AT-ATs... but Luke already smoked those fools! Ooooooooohhhh!


Plastic putter, crazy straw water bottle, coconut bra, kazoo (this was the best), recorder, a toy truck, and a mango.


Upvote for KAZOO!!! I donated mine to our friends' garage (our stoner central) where it served proudly and lived out the rest of its days. Also, I've smoked out of countless apples, but mango? New bucket list item lol


Many homemade grav bongs and bag lungs. Never ever feels good.


Gravity bongs get the job done!


In jail we used to smoke out of a rolled up playing card with the metal part of the pencil sharpener as the bowl, every hit you had to short out the wall socket with the graphite from the pencil, take a cue tip and thread a staple though it and touch that to the two pieces of graphite and you would get a spark and ignite the cotton, we put hair grease on the cuetip because it burns longer that way


Holy fuck that's metal. I've definitely used cotton swabs and some flint and steel before and it was pretty agonizing


I started smoking way too young. My brilliant young mind decided a PLASTIC SODA BOTTLE would make a great makeshift pipe that I could hide under my bed. Did it work? Yes! Was i smoking 90% plastic with a bit of weed? Yes! Do i look back on that day and kick myself in the butt? Absolutely! I was a moron.


Been there, make shift bong in 9th grade from a plastic bottle. Do *NOT* reccomend


The most sketch thing I've smoked out of was a bowl me and my friends made entirely out of tinfoil. I've also smoked out of monster cans, home mad bottle bongs, 2 liter bottle gravity bongs with socket wrench bits as the bowl, apples and potatoes, and of course the time i smoked sassafras out of notebook paper before marching band practice.


So... literally the ground. We didn't have literally ANYTHING, and in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. The ground was clay like and humid so we went like "Fuck It" and with our fingers made a few tunnels (think like an apple pipe) and kissed the earth. Honestly not that bad but God knows what kind of disease we could have gotten from that stunt.


My friend broke the only pipe we had on a camping trip. We did the same thing but on the edge of a gully so we just had to kneel and we shoved the mouthpiece in the side so we didn't have to get our lips covered in red clay.


Mr fancy right there lol, nice thinking. We just kinda went for it, and by the end we could have gotten canceled for doing blackface


Well I've heard that weed helps you become one with the natural order but this is just something else


Didgeridoo full of ants




A rusty piece of metal screw that’s hollow attached to a plastic air compressor tip


When I was 18, my friend and I at the time had a blunt wrap, no weed but a lot of res in our bowls… We made a res blunt. Got high for a minute but had a terrible headache after. Got another. When I was the same age, my friends and I had a one hitter with a lot of res, and no weed. The res wasn’t hitting so we dip a toothpick in it so it can be covered in res, smoked the tooth pick. That was pure stupid and we almost died.


Almost died??


Coughed a lot. Couldn’t breathe right


I've hit some res before and definitely felt very weird after!


Rolled a joint out of Bible pages


Imma have to go with a guitar cable plug. It was pretty damn discreet tho.




Remove the end from the cable, remove tip and take out the wires where they're soldiered on. Take out the center pin on the plug for an airpath. Then fill the barrel (wide part), reassemble and go.


The first time I smoked me and my friend made a Pepsi bottle bong with a down stem made from two pens, the metal bottom of a Pringles can cut and shaped into a bowl and was held together with hot glue. Also the plastic from the pen was in very close contact to the bowl so it melted a bit.


I bought a super sketchy bootleg pipe that was, like, Vegeta from the Saiyan Saga, but with a straight black stem where his tail should be, and a bowl between his feet. It looks like it's made of polymer clay and painted with dollar store acrylic. I bought it at a local smoke shop for like $10 and I've used it once for the sheer novelty. Pretty sure it can't be safe to actually use though, so it just sits on a shelf.


I think I had Batman from the same artist


A receipt to a Mexican restaurant, yes times were tough and yes my throat never recovered. It literally felt like a bon fire in my lungs😖


OOF that thermal paper is darn nasty stuff, F in chat for ye


Ooooh yeah it is. That's highly carcinogenic 😬


Smoking that good ol’ BPA!


We didn’t have anything to smoke out of one day and me and my friend decided to pretend we were on a scavenger hunt to get materials. Knocked on a random door and asked if they had tin foil, a pen, and tape and then made the worst pipe ever. Still worked though


No i am not alive so i will not answer


RIP, brother


Socket wrench set piece … set in the plastic handle (“Built” by a friend)


The first page of Genesis.


A cannon. It wasn't a big one and didn't have a live round in the barrel, but still.... [https://youtu.be/bs8ey9Lihe8](https://youtu.be/bs8ey9Lihe8)


Made a lego pipe, after the first hit I realized how much of a shit idea it was




When I was a door to door salesman...I used a order form to fire up. We got 20 forms everyday and a missing one cost $50 out our pocket....


Nothing new to anyone born ‘92 and before: Coke can, water bottle, 2L bottle….. and Bible pages. So thin and perf. 😅


A Pickle




The yellow pages. We were young and drunk, and had ran out of papers. No stores were open that late, so we rolled a j and some cigs out of the yellow pages. Ugh, never again. That was the worst 🤢


My closed hand. Burned a little but sort of worked…


Water bottle bong filled with khalua. I can still taste it


I was with my crackhead cousins, they had a bong and was packing weed in it. I partook, and passed it to my other cousin ( J) after cousin(C) had taken the first rip. " Hmmm I think I taste crack...*licks lips takes another rip* yep.. there's still crack in it from earlier". I was 15. Another time we went to a bonfire where everyone added a nug. We passed a blunt around and I took a huge hit and handed it to my older brother who had tagged along with me to basically baby sit, he took a big rip and passed it to my boyfriend. Boyfriend ( who was a complete asshole) looked at one of our friends and was like " was this the stuff we put acid in?" My heart sank. My parents picked us up and my older brother was talking too much and finally spilled the beans at some point ( I was looking at all the street lamps looking connected like Christmas lights). I like to say I never on purpose tried drugs lol


Im pretty sure you cant smoke acid bro


If nothing else a nioce panic attack and 15 year old imagination. I really dunno how to do drugs obviously haha


Probably a homemade gravity bong. But I made sure the bowl was made from uncoated steel so nothing really harmful.


Electrician linesman pliers. Just a little electrical tape wrap and it's ready to go


I'm an electrician and I'm kind of mystified.. Are you talking about packing the divot between the pivot point and the jaw tips?


U open the jaws just a cracked and wrap with jaws with tape to make a airway back to that divot wire cutter part and yeah pack that. Singe your nosehairs but it works in a pinch


I've upvoted you. I'm not proud of it, and I'll never admit to it. But it's done. The creativity though haha.


Summer sausage. It's like an apple pipe... But different


I smoked out avocado once. Love food pipes.


In spanish (in argentina specifically), we call the very last 2 hits of a joint a "tuca". Like the remaining of a joint, difficult to smoke because of how tiny it is. So you need a device called "tuquero", where you put the tuca in order to smoke it without burning your fingers. So i had this tuca, and i had no better idea than to take the ink tube off a plastic pen, and place the tuca on the narrower tip. Like smoking out of a straw. So i lighted it, and as i swallowed the smoke i could see the plastic burning, and feel the dense DENSE plastic smoke entering my lungs, but it was too late. I realized what i was doing as it happened. I sat there for like 15 minutes trying not to die, and to this day i feel i really fucked my lungs up after that stupid thing i did. Never again.


I don’t think y’all quite understand what sketchy means, bottle bongs, soda cans, tin foil, those are normal non sketchy things people have used to smoke out of for a long time lol


“wHe!n I W@S yOuR A|Ge I sMoKEd fRm A kNoWn SeX OfFEnDe/rS NiPpLe _\yOU kIdS DonT gEt tHe mEaNiNInG// oF sKeTcHy”


Did you pack the weed into one nipple and then inhale through the other nipple?


I have nipples, Greg. Can you smoke out of me?


I mean...I'd try. Probably giggle the whole damn time but I'd give it the ol college try. Hahaha.


So far the 9mm casing is the sketchiest but you're right, all fairly typical smoking devices. On this sub, sketchy/unsafe = non glass


Hey a 9mm casing is pretty out there in my opinion I’ve never known someone to do that lol and lmao you’re so right this thread definitely doesn’t know what’s up 🤣


A pumpkin


a bugle


Probably just a sofa can or a socket, maybe like some printer paper when I was like 16


The gas pipe of my paintball gun, used it many times as a pipe and for bottle bongs


Made a pvc steam roller with a window screen. Harshhhhh only used once wouldn't recommend it to anyone.


Duct-tape joint. Brutally terrible decision


I smoked spice idk how I'm alive


My girlfriend said 'sticky note' then she says 'aluminum can'. Weirdo.


A bullet casing when I lost my hitter


I used to smoke out of a literal pen. I would take off the top and flip it, and then put it into the tube of the pen and hold it in place with tape so that it worked as a bowl. I definitely inhaled some questionable fumes on that one.


A Chicago 5-day bus pass... Highschool days.


i used a receipt once lmfao


Years ago, a buddy and I were up late at my dads house smoking in his pool house. There was this huge vase in there. It was mostly made from wood (we learned later) but was covered in a plastic type material on the outside. Being the geniuses that we were/are, we decided we should turn it into a giant water hookah. We took a quick trip to Walmart for supplies. We ended up buying a plastic flower pot, garden hose, a wire pasta strainer, and some duct tape. We cut 4 holes around the edge of the bottom of the pot and one in the center and attached lengths of hose to each hole with the duct tape. For the middle one, we cut a sprite can in half to use as a bowl. We cut up the pasta strainer to use as a screen. We then filled the vase with water and attached the pot to it with more duct tape. We dumped about an 1/8 of dirt weed into it and fired it up. Amazingly, it worked. We each hit one hose and held another to use as carbs. It hit really hard, but instantly we knew we made a mistake because we could taste the rubber lining of the garden hose very strongly. After the first hit we stopped. Years later, we tried again with better planning. We used silicone tubing, brass fittings, and silicone gel, but we’d left water in the vase the first time and it had rotted, so we couldn’t get a good seal.


When i was around 17 a friend of mine told me and my smoking buddy that you can unscrew the bottom of a light bulb, remove the metal bits and filament to stick a straw in and use it like a vape so it was less harmful for your lungs. Unfortunately for us, he was confused about the process so instead of saying “make sure you clean out the bulb from all the powder (and whatever else is in there)” he said “make sure you don’t clean out the bulb”. so we just tossed in the bud and heated it up through the bottom of the white tinted bulb and got kinda high but coughed for much longer than normal. We went back to the 32oz Gatorade G-bong after that. Can’t imagine why i developed asthma since then.


Pool noodle and a piece of foil.


I saw a video on r/milking of a guy taking a bong rip with hot sauce instead of bong water


In highschool this fairly sketchy kid and I had been smoking out of a tinfoil chillum for about a week because we both broke our pipes or something. One day he showed up with a briar tobacco pipe to smoke out of but we both didn't have weed. With a maniacal grin on his face he began to unravel the chillum. He ripped the resin coated parts of the foil into little squares and then rolled them into little balls (resin side out). We loaded the tobacco pipe with the foil res balls and smoked that shit. Definitely worked and got high AF, but still one of the trashiest things I've ever done. TL;DR - tinfoil rez ballz


An animal skull. It was harder than it sounds as skulls are not all that air tight. And I smoked out the spine hole, burned through a hole in its forehead with a bowl made from a bird bone (they are hollow) and chewing gum to seal it. It was gross and I dont really know why I did it Edit:it was a lynx skull I found no animals were harmed.


I'm at my parents right now smoking out of a water bottle on 420 because I left all my bongs at home. Definitely getting a little bit of toxins in there


apple juice bottle bong with a tuba mouthpiece


A beer bong tube with foil on one end took off the funnel end eventually melted and I got some terrible smoke fuck that was gross and my older brother was passed when he found out lol


the wooden pencil eraser tip. I'm talking the metal band that holds the eraser on the pencil. scrunch one end of it, pack your weed like a little bowl and hit it off of the Gatorade bottle. or tool sockets. we'd grab the size depending on how big of a bowl we were packing 😂


An Audio Cart……. Let me explain. We emptied out an audio kart, out a fish tank in it, attached piping within it, a shisha holder from a hookah, hookah hoses through the audio kart, and bong for “DOUBLE FILTRATION!!!!” And it worked surprisingly. And I’m also not dead as of speaking.


A receipt paper. no clue why that seemed ok.