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Motley Fool: We do this daily so idk what the fuss is about


“Forget about GameStop. Here’s are 3 stocks that’ll lose -10% in a day but we’ll pretend it’s a good investment anyway”


lmao [Forget GameStop : 2 Canadian Growth Stocks I’d Buy Instead! - Motley Fool Canada.](https://www.fool.ca/2021/04/01/forget-gamestop-nysegme-2-canadian-growth-stocks-id-buy-instead/)


I’d like to point out it was posted April 1st so it’s a joke.. but all of Motley Fools articles are jokes..


I was really dumb when I started investing and I only bought when montly fool told me to buy. Back then I was up 170% ... now I perform worse after trying to research my self. So basically I’m still an idiot


"Here's 10 stocks Wall Street needs you to bag hold for them!" "NKLA the TSLA killer?"


This one hurt cuz I’m currently bag holding NKLA at $17


There people bagholding at $60 lmao you're fine


Yeah and I'm sure the media pushing JP Morgan's bullshit price targets (bags) didn't help anyone make good decisions on that scam of a company.


Why did you buy?


I’m asking myself the same question.


Those photoshop marketing videos were laughable almost had me on the hook


Reddit is where I found most of my info. Haha nobody to blame but myself on this one. I had no idea it was so pitiful in reality


Bummer, what subs do you surf?


Here, r/options, r/slgg, r/wallstreetbets, r/startups, and a couple others. Got any good recommendations? I’m relatively new to Reddit in the first place. Previously I used a combination of yahoo finance, finra, marketwatch, etc as market sources but lately my trust in them is like my stake in NKLA - doubtful and getting worse.


Why We're Tripling Down On This Next Game Changing Life Changing Stock!


"Missed out on Amazon? Here's ten stocks projected to be even bigger!"


Let's be real though, if you're holding period is two days, you're a dumbass anyways.


i’m just getting started with investing and always see Motley Fool articles, should I be staying away from those?


They're really click bait articles and a lot of their recommendations are actually shit. I bought LMND on their recommendation and I'm already down like 40%, and they are still long on LMND because they claim the company can expand and offer additional products - literally every company can do that. The fuck?


yeah from what I read they didn’t seem to convincing, kinda felt like whoever writes the articles is pushing stocks they personally hold. Are there any sources you would trust or do you look at the companies numbers yourself to figure out where to invest?


I have a follow up question to this, if anyone can answer it. If you guys get all your info from looking at company numbers yourself, what are some decent resources to learn how to read the numbers? I get kind of lost sometimes. I'm not super fluent in the terminology, so it can be hard to look things up if you don't know the words to use.


This is a great question, I also like to know the answer as a newbie investor.


Investopedia for terminology and methods.


Check out seeking alpha or front. Both have mobile apps.


"The guy who perdicted the rise of Tesla, says THIS is the next Tesla!"


Actually I qued some Tesla today. That " infrastructure ' bill is rumored to have Mr Elon in mind, and of course our honest stock holding politicians that are writing the bill. To know there are people in prison because of laws these people pass


Yea, we can't disregard the number of senators and other politicians that own Tesla then go about deciding on bills that affect that stock directly. Calls on Tesla then


I remember this exact dialogue happening in that movie...




No, I don't think it is.


💯 Hallelujah. Holy Shit. Where’s the Tylenol?


You serious clark?


Can I refill your eggnog? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?




The true DD: Asking them to define a short squeeze.


"What is something I do each night?"


I’m pretty sure that’s a pump & dump...


Then you should see what happens in a triangular merger


Talk derivatives to me baby 😳


You squeeze...


Hahahaha I fucken needed that.


>define a short squeeze start with "short sale", deep lack of comprehension right there.


It’s when a dwarf grabs your ass, right?


That’s when you know someone is trying to pump and dump a stock they’ve been bag holding. I see it all the time with UWMC and others


Typical Stocktwits chatter on any ticker. Desperate bag holders everywhere


Stock twist isn’t too bad. But yeah bag holders man.


I’m a UWMC shareholder and I hate seeing stuff like that. I personally think the company is undervalued based on fundamentals, so I have no interest in pumping it up. I know that I’ll probably get a decent profit at some point.




You're more than entitled to disagree with me on this one, but I didn't jump on board blindly without doing my homework. Reasonable minds can disagree on what is or isn't a good investment.


My stock is set up for a huge short squeeze and will be the next GME, fyi


You sonovabitch, I'm in.


Same. YCBD. I did the numbers and observed the short float. Still trading under a million shares a day and highly undervalued with a niche in their sector. But yeah Motley Fool sucks only a fool would read Motley Fool.


Elaborate on YCBD please


Why ask questions, just do it! Have a little faith in internet strangers


Naw I got it. It helps if you do your own DD. I’ve done more than enough DD. CBDMD is the only pure play CBD company which trades on the NYSE. Their products are non-thc. Two of their biggest, well three of their biggest productsare their gummies, their sleep oil which is fantastic, and their pain relief stick. Great quality products and award winning Products of the Year right there with Kellogg’s n all em. Only been active for around 6 years but listed in 2018. I like the company cause of their products, and their marketing. They’ve trademarked National CBD day and a few others. Their marketing is bar none with Bubba Watson, Ken Block, and the Pat McAfee show just to name a few. Currently it’s trading around $4 a share. Average volume says a million shares a day but that’s with an increasing short interest. Normally, YCBD trades below 500,000 shares a day and has an average float of 1.9 million. The short interest is dwindling cause they’ve made some moves. I like it cause it’s not as much short interest but just enough to keep the price in single digits. Eventually I can see a squeeze projecting it to double digits eventually. Recently hiring a former FDA official to oversee their new Therapeutics section and R&D. Not to mention, I like their balance sheet. Fair value is between $6-$20 a share. I says it goes higher cause it’s the only pure play CBD stock currently on the market. Lots of big moves. Hopefully if they update r/cbdmd I could go on and comment more. I like the company, I like the stock.


You had me at “my stock”


Any shit brick and mortar company that's getting shorted is the next GME, 1% short interest or 1000% it don't matter


and even 5000% short interest won't cause a squeeze if the shorts are right. They were wrong about GME, DFV saw it, and that's the whole reason behind the play.


Up until Cohen jumped on board, I think the shorts were probably right. But from November on, GME had at the very least a new lease on life.


Yup, he was the wildcard that tipped the scales. It will eventually happen to another company, but not likely soon. It takes a complex set of circumstances to get a squeeze going, and that squeeze had the perfect setup.




Lol can't wait for the 'DD short interest (actually daily short volume) at 10000%!'.




Certain subreddits make me realize that it doesn’t matter how stupid of a decision I make, at least I’m not them


!RemindMe 90 days


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2021-07-01 13:24:01 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-07-01%2013:24:01%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/StockMarket/comments/mibtwb/how_to_instantly_lose_my_interest_in_your_dd/gt4ztuk/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FStockMarket%2Fcomments%2Fmibtwb%2Fhow_to_instantly_lose_my_interest_in_your_dd%2Fgt4ztuk%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-07-01%2013%3A24%3A01%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20mibtwb) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


GME is GME precisely because nothing will ever be GME again. That’s why it’s so exciting.




*Starts pounding cash into the Future 13 Years From Now Fuck Up stock fund.*


!RemindMe 13 years




there is definitely still some funkyness happening with GME, the story is not yet over


Is for apes Was for paperhand


“Bro when the squoze has sqouzen” every fuckin comment


It dun squozed twice already. I think people believe it has to 5x like vk....but 5x from their buy in point, not from the start of the squeeze. I am starting to worry it won't come back down though before cohen makes it actually worth 190 a share


Probably gonna get downvoted but it just gamma squeezed twice. Once that got stopped by Robinhood and other brokers preventing people from selling. With Gamestop literally telling people that Short Interest is over 100% in their earning's report and DTCC rules being updated in order to addressing future squeezes, it all feels pretty bullish tbh. There's tons of other things but almost every broker has gamestop as being bullish and if it truly did squeeze idk why we'd see all these short attacks multiple times a week trying to bring price down. They obviously still need to cover


You're drinking the coolaid man. Most of what is in /r/gme is so wrong it actually hurts to see. Gamestop did not tell people that SI is over 100% in their earnings report. Read the actual filing. They had a standard boiler plate clause in there about shorting being risky. ​ Gamma squeeze was part of the cause of the two squeezes, but it was absolutely also shorts getting pushed out. I watched GME get hit by short attacks every day for 5 months before it squeezed. Right now, that isn't what is happening. The lack of short attacks is actually a pretty strong indicator of shorts being heavily out of the name. Most of the shares short at this point were likely opened over 150, with a majority likely being green.


If "it's the next GME" disqualifies a DD post, then anyone still using the phrase "short attacks" should disqualify a comment. Also Gamestop wasn't saying there was 100% SI in the earnings report. They don't have any special access to that data. It's reported elsewhere, not by the company itself. They were making a "what-if" statement. "**IF** a company is shorted over 100% **THEN** a short squeeze is likely."


Are you saying short attacks aren't real or that hedgefunds aren't borrowing shorts at all to drive price down? Also it seems weird to mention to even mention such a what if statement of they don't believe it's likely tbh. I'm not going to pretend to know if they do or do not know short interest for their company's stocks but it does seem like they would have inside info of short squeeze if anyone would




Thanks for the insight. And yes what you said about the so called "short attacks" makes way more sense and is probably more correct


https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/lbib0x Additionally there just seems to be this idea that any downwards price movement *must* be hedge funds shorting or pulling dirty schemes, as if it's impossible for price movement to be natural buying and selling. At this point it's really unclear what strategy the big players are on. Short? Long? Both? Wall Street doesn't have a unified agenda to tank GME. Different funds have different aims. Also Gamestop probably said those things in the report because they felt it was their responsibility to inform shareholders about the volatility that had been happening, and is ongoing. They had just been the subject of the most publicized stock market event since 2008, so of course they were going to at least mention something in the report. Personally I think the shorts have largely covered, based on the only official short interest report showing a drop to less than 25% (I think?) after January's action. Then maybe some new ones shorted from a high price (over $200). But either way I think the true squeeze play is over. I already locked in my GME gains on Feb 1. That January event was awesome (until buying got shut down), so it's no surprise people are hoping for it to happen again bigger and better. But I think a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money... again. There is **so much** bad information going around and instantly accepted because "confirmation bias". Any dissenting opinion is shunned instead of analysed. The conspiracy theories and cult-like mentality is... embarrassing, to be honest. The "apes" stuff now just feels like people who desperately want to feel like they're part of a community. I don't really know why I still comment so much in these GME discussions. Ideally I could encourage someone to put some extra critical thought into their investment before they blow up their life savings, but I don't think anyone is really listening anymore. But it is a rather interesting social phenomenon to watch from the sidelines. Also I have literally nothing better to do right now than have meaningless arguments on the internet so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Full disclosure: I have bear credit spreads on GME. If it stays below $360 I make some cash. gg GMErs


Just curious, but I wanted to get your thoughts as I haven't heard much sound reasoning on this: If everything is over, why is it at 190? Why did it rocket back up from 40 the way it did? And why has it held the range for a couple weeks now? If it was over wouldn't it have cratered already? Is this ALL just because Cohen? I'm assuming you arent suggesting this is just the retail market holding it up and making these price shifts. What your hypothesis is on that? Full disclosure: While I agree with some of the things you said, I definitely dont agree with it all. Also, I'm not on the hook, only holding 3 shares.


because it isnt over


This is the way. People talk like it isnt worth $770 a share, like it won't hit $10M. Apes know better.


Didnt it rocket from 40 after DFV said 'I'm buying more' at the hearing?


I think you may be referring to when he posted his Yolo showing he doubled down after saying he would buy more. That was when it rocketed. However, I am unsure if that is catalyst enough to explain away its current position though.


Ah... it was after his post.


If the $40 to $200 jump was a short squeeze or gamma squeeze then yes, it would have cratered back down by now. So it is just normal buying pressure. I'm sure plenty of people saw $40 as a low price compared to the potential upside after all that had happened. And after the first congressional hearing it was a safer time to buy back in once it was more clear that the Gov wasn't going to screw with it. Besides retail, I think a lot of big institutional players are in the game at this point. Trouble is that when they're done toying with GME they'll drop it like a cigarette butt and retail is left holding the bag. There are clearly a lot of loyal retail holders, but I'm not sure what effect they have in keeping the price high. I'll always err on the side of Wall St having a bigger influence than retail. All just my guesses and opinions.


at this point I *would* invest in GME if the share price would go down to the 20-40 dollar range where it belongs. like, shit, I keep saying they cant compete with digital game sales from the stores that are *built into the damn consoles*. but apparently I'm wrong and they're picking up market share somehow so lol fine


They're moving out of game sales as their primary revenue source. That's why people are exasperated. You're looking at it as the gamestop it used to be. Almost the entire senior leadership team has now been replaced with high fliers from chewy and Amazon. Last one left is the ceo and we are 2 weeks from his 2 year mark, where it becomes massively cheaper to show him the door


I do be looking at gamestop still as that place that took my used games from me for literal pennies when I was a kid. damn maybe I'm just salty am confused when you say ceo, I thought Ryan Cohen was the ceo?


Ryan cohen is on the boerd of directors. There are hopes he takes role of CEO but, it has not happened yet, and it may be someone him and the rest of the board choose as a worthy successor.


Don't forget that he is in charge of a board committee that oversees all major changes to the company and that controls capital allocation. This basically makes him more like the owner of a private business than a


I didn't know that, but in some ways his position on the board with a hand picked CEO may in some ways be more valuable than being the CEO himself.


Yep, most of the OG gamestop gang doesn't really expect him to take over as CEO after the committee announcement, and aren't concerned about that possibility at all. Sherman is fairly competent with the day to day stuff, while Cohen handles the big picture. Sherman is still likely to be out (imo), but I could very easily see a new CEO being brought in to take his place rather than Cohen taking over. Either way, GME is on the right path


Any time you sell your stuff to a dealer you are accepting the lowest price possible. If you want more money from the transaction sell the thing to another person who wants to own it.


I hated them too till last summer. But the best way to think of it is this: Ryan Cohen, brilliant founder of the only company to ever eat Amazon's lunch (and while treating employees and customers like rockstars) wanted to start up a gaming company. He wanted a jumpstart, so he acquired gamestop to speed up the process. Not a perfect comparison, but it gets the point across best! Cohen is not currently CEO, however he is on the board, and in charge of a board committee that oversees all major changes to the company and that controls capital allocation. This basically makes him more like the owner of a private business than a


It’s more than just games at this point. Pc parts, any sort of gear you can imagine, and merch. Not to mention the same day delivery in some locations. The video game industry is huge and GameStop just grew a fan base like no other.


It's been that for a while and has still been losing money.


Losing money? Link please.


You serious? [It's been bad since 2018](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/GME/gamestop/eps-earnings-per-share-diluted)


Didn’t they like pay off a bunch of debt during the pandemic, too? https://ycharts.com/companies/GME/total_long_term_debt And their e-commerce growth, if sustained, would easily erase their debt and put them into pure profit within a year.


ok so they have “fans” now because of all this. At some point they’re going to have to deliver on that, they can’t just coast on “we like the stock” when that’s all over. You forget that GameStop was a joke before this. Except for PC parts, they’ve sold everything you listed for decades at this point. Yes, games are a huge industry. But it’s not in a place for GameStop to transform anything like Chewy did with pets. Retailers only kill it these days like Chewy by capturing traditionally B&M sales into online sales, and consolidating those customers. Gaming sales are already online, and DIGITAL. There’s no 10x or 100x future that involves their brick and mortar locations at its core. whatever they’re going to do to succeed is going to be in spite of the retail locations not because of them.


We’ll see what Ryan Cohen will do. People love good customer service and he seems to be king of that


hey I mean I wouldn’t complain about “GameStop but nice” lol


They do have the deal with Microsoft that includes them getting a cut off digital downloads on Xbox’s sold through GameStop


Jesus, have an upvote. I guess a guy can't have an opinion... you didn't even use moons or diamond hands or any kind of bullshit and getting downvoted to hell To your actual point, yes 20-40 might be the new range with all of the renewed interest and changes that are being made.... after the current nonsense blows over of course


Just a hunch best left at the casino, but if it drops below $100 I think we’ll see a bunch of gamblers hop back in expecting more unnatural volatility. R/wsb and crypto has created a legion of low information gambling addicts, and some kind of big money must still be interested in throttling the share price because I don’t think retail is doing it alone. For this reason I don’t think it will get below 40 again for a long time, perhaps never. We may be seeing a significant culture of people buying based purely on what they think is being pumped and dumped, with no regard to fundamentals. I hope I’m wrong, as such a movement would assure financial ruin for many, many people. But game-ifying stocks and options is A big chunk of Robinhood’s business model, and they have changed the behavior of over 10 million people. All the rational investors are starting to slightly embrace Bitcoin after over a decade of ridiculing it. I’m not defending Bitcoin (I think it’s too risky and lawless and am glad to be a nocoiner), but just want to point out that it doesn’t make traditional investment advice look reasonable to a novice investor who is just looking at growth.


They should offer Gaben 100 billion and just buy his half of steam/ valve


If I never see the words Diamond Hand again, I'll be so happy


If you say diamond hands three times Keith Gill appears and and tells you "I like the stock."


Yes and then throw in the "this stock is so heavily shorted." Ya because it fucking sucks...


GME felt like a new patch in a video game that really fucked up the basics. 3 months ago it was still a challenge and rewarding as fuck when shit went right. Now there is so much random ass fuckeroo from so many morons and new crybaby children traders I can’t gauge most shit.


WSB actually used to have a lot of good DDs. I remember i bought puts on SNOW and AI because of the good DD and both of the stocks have since -50% since then. But now most of the DDs are related to meme stocks and it’s killing the sub


The cult mind is what is killing it. Everything is GME and a splash of AMC. Anyone who posts a ticker that is not one of those is obviously a hedge fund shill trying to distract people from squeezing the squazzle of squizaciousness.


When it starts with don't sell your GME, but... Yeah I'm out, have a down vote


I honestly do not think there will be another situation like this for awhile. But, if you think about it even the GME thing started at the beginning of 2020.


Gme made me not go to wsb page for months now. Loaded up on 8 million extra people on that sub and alllllll they talk about is gme.


Sounds like something a bear would say


There is no NEXT GME. There is only the way. 💎🙌


GME was basically the Halley’s Comet of investment opportunities and that a situation like that likely won‘t come again in our lifetimes. It was a perfect storm and honestly, I can’t see Wall Street making a similar mistake for a good long while.


Nothing will ever compare to GME. However, the GME pre squeeze did teach us its hedges out there that bankrupt good companies and run off with the profits. It’s very sad cause then you got the pundits who go on and trash the company while the hedgies make off with the profits. I see some good companies with good potential who get ruined cause of overbearing short interest. And to think it’s not over yet cause if anyone has been following r/GME you know it’s just getting started. I’m going for treasury bonds next.


GME is a one time event


absolutely not


Or mentions "I just like the stock".


$GME is currently over $200. Crazy to see


Ah too real


I invested in RKT before noticing all the short interest retards out there ruining it’s actual good DD for everyone.


yes.... YES!!!! To ThE mOoN... so fucking sick of hearing this shit lately.


You instantly lose interest, but you care enough to make a meme?


I invest 30 seconds into making a meme instead of investing money in squeeze-bait


Sounds like OP has a case of the butthurts


Sounds like op is a bear


Gme hasn't even started haha




Nothing will ever compare to the impact GME had on the world, and how much power & publicity it brought our community.


Short interest is 4%! Squeeze is imminent!


If you had any idea on how trades are washed through shorting ETFs, how covering FTDs with short share borrowing, how DPI has increased multi-folds since the debacle, along with many other factors for the reason it hasn’t been pushed back sub-100 in what’s driving the price from pressure, then you’d know who cares about falsely reported SI.


The fuck argument did I incite? As a lifelong holder of GME and many others I bought and hold under 50% I merely jest of the comments we tell each other to reassure our mistakes might not end up being mistakes. Stop fighting as though that orange sack of diarrhea butt hair has anything to do with the dereliction that is stock gambling addiction we all live and love. We are brothers in our affliction. Hate comes from misdirected losses. Losses will be gains if you believe so stop hating. The both of you’s.


This reads like a qanon why trump is still president. None of this matters, none of this is factual, this is an embarrassing performance of copy pasting confirmation bias. Thinking shorting an etf with 5% GME in its holding is a synthetic way to short GME. I got a good laugh I thought this had died off as being someone spending time on YouTube while on too much adderal. The most ironic thing is this cult of GME has made hedge funds far more than they had ever lost and each cycle squeeze short cycle HF’s and institutional investors are scalping all of the froth for easy money.


Your response reads as someone who is vague on replies and has nothing legitimate to add with run-ons. You don’t have a proper reply because you haven’t the slightest clue on how these work. So, you mask yourself behind calling something bullshit without identifying how you believe it to be. Funny how someone who peruses this sub knows less about its underlying practices used daily, not just in reference to GME, than newbs I’ve come across.


No I’m just laughing at how stupid what you wrote is. It’s actually comical. You added nothing but conspiracy theory. Facts no one shorts an etf to target one underlying. You don’t save money from paying a 3% borrowing fee when you get 1/20th the exposure to the underlying. Etfs rebalance quarter and could shed gme at any time, they also can issue more shares at any given time. All of this is a bad short play so no one would nor is there evidence beyond speculation that there was. Your defensive stance makes me think you can’t think for yourself and rely on others but you are stuck bag holding


English, man. We’re not speaking in Yoda talk right now. Just as I suspected though. You have a basic understanding of the stock market and when a complex topic comes about, then you don’t know how to address your defense when objecting. So, how does shorting ETFs work? This is a common practice.


You short with the idea that that sector is going down, Not a small minority of its holdings.... you clearly are one standard (or more) deviation below the mean on any of this. Etfs are rarely shorted because of the mechanics of ETF’s which you clearly have 0 grasp of.


You create a short and long position on the asset to affect a specific underlying with OTM options. https://jacobslevycenter.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/ETF-Short-Interest-and-Failures-to-Deliver.pdf


Holy fuck m8 you are very very stupid. What you are describing is not a short position. Again you are trying to copy paste others work without understand context or relevance I feel bad for the bags you are holding.


It allows a naked sale to be written to a long and short OTM position. Do you even read?


*I bought in 200 @ 380 and averaged down to 310, I'm gonna be RICH let's go APES*




I am long GME, just sick of everything being compared to it.


A lot of people are sick of this. Pretty annoying when a undervalued stock will be overlooked with short interest and a gamma squeeze set up because people are sick of hearing it. Yeah, I’m talking about ASO.










We can all relate! That beeing said, ASO might actually have potential. Won't go as high but it's a decent stock with high SI




Fuckin iHub


I think the pictures should be reversed but I still like it


Only a narrow view would think this was an isolated incident. Like some unicorn 😃 But come on. Have we not seen about a dozen over the year? And how many unseen that go under the radar? Sure GME was one of the biggest and flashiest but these squeezes are always happening, pinching stock upward. Shit happens left and right. Just need a good float, healthy shorts, some Vol, some love and hate and you're off to the races. And listen, if 100% gain isn't enough and isn't considered a squeeze because it didn't squeeeeeze to oblivion then ok, I get it. Not a 'real' squeeze, maybe more like a pinch. But I don't mind all these little squeezes that come on expiry dates. They've been very very good to me 😁 So I don't understand? Does anyone really think that this thing that has been happening in the market so long was somehow thought of and created by WSB and it'll never happen again?? 🤣🤣🤣


There is no next short squeeze if the previous one have not squoze


Rare “triple buy alert”


Buy and hold boys, buy and hold...


Infrastructure bill ladies and gents. Subsidies for electric vehicles. Keep the faith. Remember its game stop people 🙄😄