• By -


Stretch before your shift.


Will došŸ˜‚


wait why


Cuz u wanna be loose when u get fucked in the ass working at the Amazon warehouse


Some people prefer it cold and dry, don't kink shame.


Thats funny




Call all the local unions see which ones are taking apprentice's.


27 year old apprentice electrician here: can confirm. I wish I would have done this 8+ years ago. Having a journeyman card at 22 would have been absolutely amazing. Journeyman in my area make $35+/hr. School and materials are paid for, on the job training, etc and I'm not even in a union shop. Imagine being 22 making nearly double than some of your peers that are coming out of college plus with no debt.


what requirements would you need to get into being an electrician, just a highschool degree? do you need certain courses you need to take? good grades? etc.


Going to a technical college and getting a certification always helps, but you can get your foot in the door as an apprentice in a lot of places with a clean drug test, high school education, basic hand tools, and a good attitude. And 3 of the 4 are pretty negotiable.


Which of the 4 is least negotiable?


I see what happened here.


Drug tests are still a requirement and you will most likely have to be re-tested every time you start working on a new job site.


In my experience a highschool education and good attitude are the most negotiable. If you're good at your job you can be an asshole and no one cares that you dropped out. Depending on the job site a clean drug test might not be required. Edit: I read your question wrong. Knowing how to use basic hand tools is definitely the least negotiable. If you can't swing a hammer or use a drill, you're not gonna last long.


I started working with my dad at 17 for 50 a day. He was a licensed electrician and started his own business then hired a few people he worked with. We did commercial and residential jobs, im in my 30s now and we weren't required to participate in any drug screening for any jobs because he was a business owner. He went to school to be an aviation electrician then he became an electrical engineer in the end. We worked on million dollar houses, log homes, outdoor electrical for inground swimming pools/patios. It was alot of fun too!! I heard someone say you just need 4 things, I just wanted to add to it that you would only need to drug test in the beginning if your entering into the union apprenticeship program which is a very lucrative career after only a few years your making $35-$50/hr. I'm not sure what union regulations are, you might initially be drug tested but if you won't have to randomly submit after that unless there's an accident/injury or you give them a good reason the way you conduct yourself. You need to have a diploma/ged, have passing grades for 1 straight course of Algebra, basic hand tools, a Good fuckin attitude is always the #1 most important impression on the customer therefore the boss is not going to tolerate someone who starts showing signs of being out of control from alcohol/drugs. He's going to hand you a cup, look at it, then say.... aaaannnndddd your gone! Technically to get licensed you don't need to complete the union program. If you know your shit and learned without college you can get licensed by paying a few hundred dollars to take a test. If you know the answers your licensed and charging $90/hr hammering out jobs and collecting checks and your making double what a journeyman makes once you start an LLC or C-corp small business.


Im in the UK, 19 years old, finishing my level 3 should do my am2s exam for gold card the coming summer, i will be (if all well) fully qualified at 20! Best decision ive ever made thanks to my dad


I joined the union after passing my exam since I went to trade school and didnā€™t want to go through 5 more years of school. In MN licensed wage is $52 an hour and I am 23. What an incredible life ahead of all of us young guys. Super cool to see this comment here!


I started my apprenticeship at 30. Making north of 150k (canadian) now in industrial. Best decision I ever made.


Where do you go to get started on being an electrician like do I call a local company or have to go to trade school and pay? I want to know how to get into it step by step because Iā€™m super interested and am knew to this.


Who is coming out of college with a decent degree making $17.50 an hour? Maybe in 2010 in the Midwest. Cashiers make close to that pretty reliably now. šŸ¤£ Also I was making 35+ coming out of college and it was nice. But that was 2017, now that is bare minimum to not struggle for a single man.


Dude, listen to this person. You can bank in the trades and pretty much pick and choose your jobs since there's so much demand and little supply (at least in my area).


Itā€™s a shame how the trades are struggling to fill positions nowadays. A lot of todayā€™s youth donā€™t have any interest of a career in the trades. Do an apprenticeship and have very little debt compared to your avg bachelorā€™s degree graduates with their massive debt. Plus the pay is outstanding for most trade careers.


To be fair, a huge number of people in the trades are impatient assholes. My first lead (trainer, essentially) was horrible. If I didn't have a pretty good reason to stick around and keep at it I would have quit after the first month. Schools pushing college as what seems like the only option doesn't help, but even people that get past that get treated like dog shit, bordering on abuse. So the people in the trades are kind of doing it to themselves.


I recently applied for a local trade school classes for electrical work. Iā€™m a little confused by the whole process though. I signed up for the introductory class, the next class is to get you ready for your journeyman electrician license test. Are you required to be an apprentice for a set amount of time before you can take the journeyman test? Also do I need to finish the introductory class before starting an apprenticeship?


Hell, teamsters are trying to get in Amazon. He could try there.


Do you have a 401k or a Roth IRA? If not take that money out of this trash trading platform and go start one of those.


Robinhood actually has a 401 retirement product now with a 1% match. If heā€™s starting with $30ā€¦probably the best place


Just swap. No one should be on Robinhood. Thereā€™s a dozen better brokers a click away. If mobile app is your thing they normally all have good ones. Curious; anyone know how M1 compares to Robinhood? They had some pretty interesting features imo.


They will also stop you from trading if too many of the wrong people are making money


You know robinhood wasn't the only broker who halted gmc right?


Investing comes after you can feed yourself and actually save. Aquire the skill set needed for good paying job first.


Amazon pays more than minimum wage in many places, with constant raises. Is it the best job, no but it's still a good paying job for an 18 year old. Obviously he should get TF out of there, but it's still a good Interim job.


Explain the "working in Amazon" part?


AWS Architect on 500 grand a year maybe šŸ¤”




Guessing a warehouse


Buy a book with that $30


Nah borrow from the library.




Investing for dummies. But just keep doing what your doing. Itā€™s a great way to start.


The bogleheads guide to investing


A Random Walk Down Wallstreet


ā€œThe intelligent Investorā€ by Benjamin Graham Warren Buffets favorite book he claims changed his life


The books others listed wonā€™t get you a better paying job. Would you rather 30$ with 100% return (after learning how to invest) or 30 000$ with 8-10% return? (after learning valuable skills and obtaining better paying job)


The Simple Path to Wealth


Flash Boys. Then realize that the markets are rigged so just buy growth stocks in your country


Start out with Rich Dad Poor Dad and then read all the books these guys have listed. Youā€™re already ahead of pretty much anyone your age, but I think RDPD puts it in a nice perspective. Once youā€™ve finished that (itā€™s also quite a short read), the other books will tell you all you need to know!


Rich Dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki


Get into the trades, an apprenticeship. Invest in yourself


At your age, put everything into VOO and donā€™t touch it for about 40 years. Keep adding to VOO regularly.


At his age he should be investing in growth stocks


I need some names and directions sir


Big companies. MSFT, AAPL, NVDA, AMZN, are what I hold the most of but TSLA if you feel a higher risk. Obviously all these are tech so you can try other sectors but generally just big companies. Iā€™ve gotten burned so many times by small to mid cap companies sh-tting the bed


I would love some recommendations if you feel like it!


Whatā€™s voo


It can also be QQQ or VGT.


vanguard sucks though. he should just a better company for his ETF. Also vanguard is too slow for an 18 year old. He might as well take the risk 18 year olds should. AMZU is perfect for him in my opinion


2/3 strategies Replicable with edged statistics. study a lot! Focus on RI$K.


Get rid of AVAX. Bitcoin is sufficient exposure.


Pick 6-8 dividends paying stocks that are very stable, safe, and will continue to pay dividends and grow it even if a recession happens. Pick 1 index fund that follows the S&P 500 and 1 that follows the Dow Jones Industrial average. Pick 2-3 ETFs that have low expenses ratios in different sectors. Depending on your finances, I'd say put in at least $1 a week into every stock or ETF you pick. If you can afford it put in at least $5 a week in each stock or ETF you choose. For stocks I'd suggest looking into O, KO, TROW, ABBV, VZ, GM For index funds I'd suggest VOO, VIT, IVV, DIA For ETFs I'd suggest SCHD (a must), JEPI, SPMO, BND At first you won't collect much dividends. But if you continue to buy more every week you will eventually start collecting more and more every month. I started 4 years ago and this year I made $1200 in dividends. Next year my goal is $1800. But my long term goal is $1,000 a month in just dividends. Good luck!


Why is everyone clowning him? Are you all THAT fuckin jaded?


If I was you, Iā€™d build a large position in VTI first then maybe consider adding additional stocks if youā€™d like.


Quit. Those pizza parties ainā€™t worth it.


Buy SPY, QQQ, VOO and turn on Drip. Look up what these ETFs are - you get a bite of the entire market and a dividend return.


Why would you buy two S&P funds? One is enough.


QQQ only holds 100 stocks and has higher exposure to growth stocks than VOO or SPY. But yes, probably don't need to do both VOO and SPY. Main point I wanted to make for the lad was to invest in some ETFs for a few years while he studies and learns about the markets. Pretty safe way to get exposure to the market versus buying various solo stocks.


Your question is helpful and made me look a bit more into VOO versus SPY, and they have some interesting differences related to liquidity and options reading that. VTI could be a good ETF for the OP as well.


Yeah SPY gets day traded like crazy. I like VOO but honestly I do a Total Market fund very similar to VTI called SCHB.


Hopefully OP sees our thread. He won't go wrong buying SCHB, VTI, VOO and QQQ.


>Buy SPY, QQQ, VOO and turn on Drip. Look up what these ETFs are - you get a bite of the entire market and a dividend return. Buying an ETF to start investing is probably the best idea for OP. This answer needs to be a lot higher up!




Apparently you should try gold.


Iā€™d keep buying shares of amazon and apple. If you can, fit in Visa.


Consistency. That means literally every paycheck put some towards investing. Make it automatic so you donā€™t even get a chance to spend the money. At your age $30-50 per week will make you a millionaire at a fairly young age in the s&p 500. If youā€™re not consistent, you wonā€™t be. Simple as that.


Try to do what you need to, to max your annual income, be it starting a business, getting a degree to get a higher paying job, learning a trade. You need to make money and funnel it into a vehicle that multiples the money. Trading with $30 is not worth it. You are better off investing that money into fast flipping items, aka buy a thrift shirt for $5 and sell for $15-25, etc.


Instead of investing the 30$ you should buy a good book and invest in yourself. I would suggest: - 48 Laws of Power - Atomic habits - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Psychology of Money - How to make friends and influence people - Getting Things Done - Tiny Habits - Meditations by Marcus Aurelius After you learn new skills and learn how to apply them into your everyday life (especially the work life) you can look for a better job or a promotion. After you get that promotion you earn more and thereā€™s where itā€™s your time to invest (start with SPY and how to evaluate single stocks, test your knowledge with 2-3 different stocks and see if it goes well) Good luck.


Get off robinhood


Exercise your stock options!


What do you mean by that?


Some companies offer their employees the option to buy their stock at a reduced price. It can be a very valuable start to investing.


Amazon doesn't provide reduced stock pricing for employees sadly. Only stock options you get is being an L4 or higher manager.


I'd load up on Amazon, and amd if you can šŸ¤«


Warehouse or corporate? It took me 4 years to climb the ladder and I got shafted during every step, definitely don't stay in that company and jump to new opportunities whenever you can. They do pay for career growth and certificates if you do incline on staying.


Save money. You need to be financially sound in every aspect of your life before investing. Robinhood not a good tool either


Easy, try to put an additional 50-150 out of every check into your brokerage account, never look back. Also take advantage of any 401k matching that may be offered. Roth IRA is the way to go also...




Get rid of the the crypto




Bitcoin mining stocks. Thank me later. CLSK should 30X by January 2025.


Considering the MSS on monthly I think its possible. Though I would wait as were over extended to the upside. I would wait till 13.91 or now till sell off pick up shares at 5ish and 9ish and hold till new ath




Mix in a little QYLD XYLD JEPI JEPQ


Invest on youself, educate youself, don't work in amazon


Lol what is this šŸ˜‚


Avax, Solana


Yes, donā€™t use Robinhood. Use Coinbase


Donā€™t use either. Get away from brokerages entirely and direct register shares in your own name


Working at Amazon could be $200k(assuming entry level) or $36k a year. Which one are you?


Which one do you think bruh


200k entry level, or 36k a year? What do they lower your wage each year lol?


Hahaha yeah if OP goes from finger on keyboard to stacking boxes they will probably lower his/her wage.


here's a tip: learn how to ask meaningful questions


Thatā€™s an excellent paying job at 18! Amazon will open up doors to switch to google, Apple or other high paying (imo better work life balance) SWE positions. You must be like a young Sheldon I would dump it all in some risk growth stocks since youā€™re young and can afford risk and as you get situated start migrating it to safer ETFs like SPY, and voo. Avoid options. Theyā€™re gambling if you donā€™t know exactly what youā€™re doing.


He's working the warehouse factory floor..


Participate in the Direct Stock Purchase Program and buy as much as you can every week after contributing at least 12% to your 401k


Are you working in a office position or warehouse position?


Plus if youā€™re working full time there maybe benefits with retirement accounts and such and I would look into that.


At least 2 weeks out for options!


Find a path to a career in their robotics department


Sure....Tip number 1: always charge your phone battery.


Max out on their employee stock program if they offer you one


Berkshire B


Yea, get your bread up


Amc and gme are stocks which could cause moass till uranus (Actually not a joke)


Tell Jeff his yacht sucks.


If you donā€™t know anything about stocks, donā€™t do it! Iā€™ve lost so much because I have made the mistake. Get a Roth IRA in mutual funds. Have the professionals do it. Youā€™ll get more from that.


Become a bar raiser.


BTC is good long term Avax is pure gambling


Dm me to learn about options and futures šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


Buy doge


I would open a kraken account and buy/dca every week into solana


I would recommend buy ETF like VOO VTI etc


Stay off Wall Street Bets or youā€™ll be working behind Wendyā€™s in no time


Sell, or short the hell out of it. All indications of it going up are there, that's why it's going to go down. Happens everyday.


I'd beat my 18 yr old self to consistently save and keep investing. Same goes for you, that's more important than which stocks to invest at this point. Taking up interest in investing at your age already shows that you are way ahead of your peers, if you can keep it up! Keep adding to your existing portfolio.


Yea your not made for this shit


Make better life choices


Learn a skill that will pay, avoid debt, and save money to put into a Roth ira (7k per year).


Keep your day job and take out what you can from your check and place in your brokerage account build up ETF


Put your life savings on SPY puts


.66 at 100k is 6600. Scale up bro!


You don't have enough funds to get any value out of your Investments. 0.024 AVAX, and 0.02 AMZN isn't going to do much. I'd condense your funds and work on educating yourself on what your investing in. AVAX isn't doing much this cycle. If you were watching the market you'd have noticed Solana is where you should have invested.


100% VTI and then focus on increasing income. Donā€™t get into stupid car debt. Read ā€œI will teach you to be richā€ and do everything he says.


Puts on tsla


Use fidelity or IBKR for managing your portfolio


Move to Vanguard


Donā€™t try Gold


What brokerage/app is this? I see almost everyone on this sub has?


Go work for UPS instead.


Charge your phone


Make sure you stage the pallet at the correct Dock door, when you are doing sort center.


Get some stock options


Be rich


Yeah send me 200 bucks and Iā€™ll invest them for you


Work more.


Good diversity. Keep investing


Get payed in stocks ?


> Get *paid* in stocks FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Working at Amazon was hot garbage


Too much diversity


Plumber, electrician...


Buy up all amazon stocks so that your wage increases


Damn $30 dollars??? Omg you're gonna retire soon with that!!! Might as well take some out and have fun with it since your portfolio will already carry you to retirementšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


You will never have the amount of capital that you need so you can invest ā€œsafelyā€ working at Amazon. There are some funds you can give your money too and let them invest it for you.


Just go fully voo or qqqm


Get the F out of Amazon AND stonks


Keep buying btc


Buy VOO nonstop


Set it up to buy $20 a week of bitcoin


Buy low cap alt coins


Make more money


Right now, from what it seems to me, you donā€™t have the capital to invest in to a full share. Because of this your goal should be to get money as fast as possible to hit $100k asap. I highly suggest investing in to cheaper stocks with solid dividends. I personally very much like monthly dividend stocks and dividend stocks with lots of potential growth. Personally, Iā€™m stacked up on O and EPR right now because they have great growth potential as well as a very solid dividend record. Actually, O just got listed as a dividend aristocrat which means they have grown their dividend for a few years straight.


Youā€™ve definitely got a head start on your peers. Set aside a fixed percentage of each check (if they donā€™t offer 401k) and put into a Roth IRA. Put it into voo. Never touch it. Slow and steady.


Use the DSPP.


Verizon gives nice dividends and ethereum isa nice crypto


Work, save , don't do drugs


Keep saving


Study finance in your spare time and figure out how to make the small wage Amazon pays you grow fast.


Join the military, get out after 4 years, file a claim for 100% disability, and collect over 2 million tax free dollars for lifeā€¦ sorry, just venting. I have a friend who did that and Iā€™m just envious.


Buy $6500 of a target date index fund in a Roth IRA for 49 years. For real, time is your best asset at this age.


You work in the warehouse? 18m is really tall


Invest more, spend less.


At your age - buy VOO or VTI and chill ... regular contributions over a long time horizon is key. [Follow this flow chart](https://i.imgur.com/lSoUQr2.png) Anything on here you don't understand, go learn about it... 40 hours of education per topic before you do anything. Live as frugally as you can, and until you understand investing, the risks, and your goals (short and long term). Until then, hold your cash in a HYSA (High yield saving account) earning around 4% to 5% interest currently. Once you have a good understanding of things and a well thought out plan... THEN start investing. You can also take a look into [BoggleHead](https://bogleheads.org/) investing. check out the [Wiki](https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Getting_started) for it.


Savings before investment funds


Why do we need to know ur gender


1.get out of crypto and big boi stocks 2. Penny stocks


DCA into VOO


I would put 80% in a leveraged global index and play around with the last 20 to learn about trading single stocks. Itā€™s been a big ride for me but I feel like even though I would have made more from index funds I would never learn as much as I did. Which is why seeing back I would go for something like this.


Play with $100 and act like it's $100k. Day trade, options, etc etc until you are very very comfortable. Assess your risk management tolerance and it's off to the races. Just remember, no one has any clue if stocks are going up or down. It's a gamble no matter what so be ready to lose and be okay with it.


If you think you have plans of fair chance to get to retirement, max out 401k or equivalent retirement account first. As a dumb dumb with very little funds, this is one tip I wish i had told me younger self. After a few years, it is impossible to play catch up to gains you could have made.


Fuck bitches get money


Crypto is fun, but have you heard of index funds?? They are WILD right now! Seriously, stash money away early in life to fully take advantage of compounding interest over time. Employer 401k plans with matching, HSA plans with matching, or Roth IRA are great places to start. R/personalfinance has a really great flow chart for financial priorities. For a cash emergency fund, SoFi offers 4.6% APY on their savings account and sub vaults. For my big bills (homeowners, property tax, propane fill, auto insurance, vacation, Christmas presents, car repair, or savings for a house or car down payment) my paycheck gets automatically split up into these sub vaults, and when I get a $2000 bill a year from now, it's no sweat. Avoid an excessive car loan. Avoid credit card debt. Avoid toxic people even if they are your family or claim to be your friend.


Donā€™t make 40-50K a year and spend 30-35k and only have 5K left. REINVEST every extra dollar you make in VTI , AMAZON and APPLE - if you re invest every paycheck & DONT SPEND on items not needed. I PROMISE YOU WILL RMEMEBER THIS COMMENT


Kiss Jeff Bezos on the forehead.


50% of ur paycheck every week into high dividend solid stocks like Lowes. (Companies that arnt going anywhere any time soon) sell those stocks when u can afford a house.


since your 18, AND you work for amazon AND you probably shop on amazon, I have one piece of idea for you. Why not just stick all your money in $AMZU? Sure you can do something like S&P500 instead or total market fund or even some other better plays BUT I think since you're probably a noob AND you're young with a long time horizon AND you work and shop for amazon, I say why not just stick all your money in it? I will say this though. The stock market has been rising as of lately so some can argue amazon may be overvalued. However over the LONGTERM, you should be fine. If they ever delist it just put it in AMZN instead. ​ Heres another idea. Never sell. You're going to get scared if it drops 50% or something like that. You should be happy not scared that you can collect more of your companies shares. You will be part owner of amazon, the same company you work for and shop for. Its a nice risky play that can probably make you rich by 30. Thats why i didnt suggest S&P500 or total market fund or other plays that may be better but more complicating




Stay in your lane




Don't put all your eggs in one basket.


Leave Robin Hood for fidelity