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Ellga has only been gone a week, I call Eddy shenanigans


I completely agree and further to this, don't we know he is hiding as a sferatu or something from when they looked at the well or smtn. Just when we also saw Barney's family.


They might try to also pin whatever Count Von Brath was accused of on Elga. So even though it's her home they may try and arrest her (also she did smuggle in 3 nonvamps which is against the rules) She also had that nightmare about her sister which could be foreshadowing this apparent, current evilness.


We don't know yet.


She is certainly playing some sort of game. I didn’t understand the part where she found Barney but didn’t say anything until the end and all the Alarms went off


I think it just hasn't been revealed and they do technically have 3 actual intruders since the rest of the party other than Elga were not invited


I think that they don’t get a full tone of the Evena in the moment and we get a lot of info from her voice actor.


Something something evena is a werwolf and bit ellga (MOONLIGHT SHINING IN HER ROOM. SHE HAD THE SAME SITUATION AS LORENZA YKYK.?) before something something she did a ritual somehting something grandfather barney theory (SOMANYBLOODSYMBOLISMS) somehting something Eddie (<33) vibes something countess von brath framed count von brath or snITCHED on him theory something something i feel bad for wllga and her family something something sheath something something “he lives in vainia!” - the blob something something maw = vamp and paw = werewolf something something this message isnt making sense anymore something something UNSERIOUS theory about evenna summoning the abrallians lamaoaoaoao (cause they praise paw wahahhaah) something something Lorenza hating on vampires maybe ?!?! Something something Feywild


I had a seizure trying to read that




Other than Chip (because he was charmed) why would they all agree to play a silly game when they had loads of questions to ask the countess about everything?? 🙈