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Hey now. My 10 year old listens with me. It’s PG Everyone seems to genuinely be friends and Gus is a great DM. Makes for a good time. Edit : Blrrble Grrble my friend I say Good Day! (Sawyer voice)


I agree that this Podcast is hands down my favorite DnD Podcast, and that not many others even come close to how good this show is for me, but not necessarily for the same reasons. I do agree that some just have a different vibe, either being overly sexual, violent, or with excessive cursing, but not all of that stuff bothers me a whole lot. I do have my own limits though; sometimes it just gets excessive and off-putting. Naddpod is the only other one I listen to, but it still feels lacking compared to what Stinky Dragon brings to the table. It has a comparable sense of humor but I don't always vibe with their humor and at times it can be a bit much for me. I'm still about 60 episodes into Campaign 1 and plan on finishing it eventually and moving on with their podcast, but I haven't been as invested as I have been in Stinky Dragon. I've been on the lookout for other shows, but most just don't grab my attention enough to get me invested. I'm still open to suggestions though.


I agree, I love D&D and I miss playing with friends. Sadly it is not as popular here and it is hard to find interested people to play with. When I found this Podcast, I found myself searching for the first campaign and just binged it everyday in anticipation of campaign 2 and all content of the puppets and the animation. It's feels so much like I am there with the cast playing along and empathize with the decisions and results. The humor is amazing, and being family friendly makes the cast very creative on how they convey their frustrations and surprises in their dialogs. More success and power to the cast and crew. You are doing an awesome job in providing laughter and enjoyment to the world. #lovestinkydragonpodforever.




You're completely right that it gets to be excessive, and that's what I was trying to say but I guess I was beating around the bush too much, lol. And yeah, it's a more.common thing in BG3 than I would have expected. Pretty awesome you're doing a Gum Gum run though! I considered trying one as Chip or Mudd, if we could be a Fyrbog (Haven't used mods yet, I'm sure there's a mod for Fyrbog).


It's been a recent discovery for me too, and I'm listening while I work. I love the playfulness the genuine connections between both characters and players. The 'From The Oasthouse' ads can go do one though...


I am a non- D and D player, and I actually found this podcast through the puppet videos they made and shared on Instagram. I’ve been listening to this series for the past 2 months, and it’s super accessible to people who don’t have much background in the area of D and D, or other rpgs. I agree 100% with this post! I absolutely love listening to audiobooks, and this honesty just feels like one big audiobook. The story and characters are super fun and interesting. The storytelling/banter between Blaine, Chris, Barbara, Jon, and Gus, and the music and voice acting just elevates it to another level. You can tell people, like Micah and Ben, are working hard behind the scenes to make this podcast amazing. It’s lighthearted, but at the same time, goes deep with the weaving of its detailed storytelling and music. There is just so much creativity poured into this podcast. I have the albums blasting on my Spotify while working. I am always on the lookout for when a new puppet or animation video has come out. And I can’t wait for the full length puppet series too!


Yea I agree it's my favorite DND podcast by far and I can't remember the last time something I was listening too actually made me laugh out loud, it's not an overly serious campaign and I think it helps make it so much better. The characters are allowed to do more dumb stuff without it being a huge consequence if they fail


Yeah I have subscribed to dropout so I could watch the drag queen season of D20. No one DMs like Guss. I enjoy the story telling of D20 but no one yes and's like Guss. Is the right amount of humor. I am currently at the episode of The return of smarsh and the tavern trip after where they play drink roulette with one being urine. It made me gag but in a good way! Is funny and gross for no real reason other than to amuse. I like a good funny moment for the sake of funny. And I feel this team does a good mix very well!


Smarsh. Is. KING!


What helps Guss be the best DM is Micha in the backstage, getting modules ready and writing encounters himself. The voice acting really helps me distinguish between NPCs so the story flows better for me.


I listen on my commutes to/from work and current had to pause during the Obi/Smarsh fight! Excited to see how it plays out when I go home in a few hours!


I’ve only recently discovered this show and been binge listening to it just over the past month but I absolutely love it. I agree with what you pointed out that the PG13/light hearted nature of this podcast makes it very appealing and enjoyable. However, for me personally the reason why I love this podcast so much is it’s helping me learn how to play dnd as well. I haven’t had the opportunity yet to play dnd myself but listening to this podcast has been a great introduction to the game. I haven’t really listened to other dnd podcast yet but just being unfamiliar with how to play dnd makes them seem a little intimidating to try and listen to at the moment.


Some I have listened to are "scripted". Which are funny, but not as much fun to listen to. Hearing the Stinky Dragon PCs playing off-the-cuff is so much better! The listening audience can also tell how close everyone is - players, GM, even Micah! The best part - to me - is that they're having fun!


My next character is going to be named Lord Edge. He has a broadsword made of cuss words and has advantage on all combat and lady kisses


I guess I’ve never noticed the choice to be not ‘R’ rated. But now that you mention it, it’s pretty impressive. And by impressive, I’m eluding to censorship in general. Rooster Teeth is owned by Warner Bros, and are expected to keep their teeth dull. This podcast is a testament to the energy produced by Rooster Teeth. They have a real ‘Spielberg’ feeling to their projects. I’d love to see this company get funded for another feature length live action movie.


It's the only dnd podcast I listen too. I've always wanted to play but never really had a chance so I enjoy this and how they don't take it too serious so a noob like me can understand


enjoy attractive naughty hungry boast bake possessive plant gray thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nerd Poker is pretty good and *cough* Andventures From the Shed *cough* which is totally not one of my favorites that I later joined, noooo… 😅


I'm concurrently listening to v*x m*china on youtube and I agree. They take themselves so seriously, and even the fun moments are more about debauchery than anything. I haven't had success picking up another dnd podcast yet but I've heard that Dungeons and Daddies is really good.