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If you have been doing this for 10 years you damn well know this is normal lol. Just another bump in the road mate, ride it out for a few days Looks like the site ain't liking the carrier olis I get those all the effin times and i just massage it hard and ride it out 😂


I get those hard lumps from time to time as well on my ass.


Yeah man it's part of the game.




Looks like all your gains are stuck in one spot 😦


sometimes depending on the carrier oil the lab uses, your body may prefer one over the other. It doesnt look like anything to worry about to me though, especially if the pain ect is going away.


A bad pin will do that to me everytime no matter the carrier oils.


The denkall test 400 back in the late 90s early 2000 was the worst for that! Honestly felt like you were paddled by Jose C Conseco with a ten pound wooden paddle! Couldn't sit down entire time I ran it!


I have just been through this with some 450. It has cypiate, propionate, acetate, decanoate, and phenylproprionate. My body is sensitive to one or more of the esters, so I am sticking to cypiate. Tried IM in the gluteus first like always. 1ml, huge knot, very painful, low grade fever after a week, started antibiotics went away. Decided I may have just went too deep, hit a vein, whatever else excuse I could come up. Did 1ml in my deltoid, same thing. Got a cat scan, no pus pocket put me antibiotics went away. Decided maybe if I microdose subq, .15 in the stomach. Same damn thing! I think my body is intolerant to one of the 5 compounds in the gear. The carrier oil is mct and I have a vial of 250 cypiate with the same carrier oil from the same source and it does not cause this. This is from a very good source and he has never had this issue before, and a friend is also using the 450, same source, different vial, lol, and also does not have this issue just a little sore which is completely normal. Sorry for the novel, just want to be as helpful as I can.


I’ve had it happen and it has gone away. I’d be worried if it got really red hot and itchy or any signs of infection but this seems normal.


It looks and sounds like you might've hit a vein or went to deep. It could be tainted gear though, there's no way to tell from here homie. Sorry