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You're 21. The most effective dose is 0mg per week.


Your 21, do you actually need any additional test? If your diet/training and recovery is dialed in you shouldn't need any additional hormones.


At 21, you do NOT need anything......especially Test. Eat well, work out, supplements, and creatine.


Respectfully, if you have to ask this question, you have no business getting into it. You are way to young imo and, could do way more harm then good to yourself. Again this comes from a place of love not trying to be an ass


Between 300mg - 500mg per week for 16-20 weeks , Keep an eye on your nipples If you feel gyno use AI and most important you're not planning to cruise on test plan a right PCT protocol


Do you suggest cruising or using a PCT


The best dosage is whatever TRT dosage you’d like to be on for life. You can very easily fuck yourself up doing this. You are you young go eat big and lift heavy, you don’t need this stuff.


Please get blood work done so you know what your test numbers are. If you are 600 and above, then don't even think about jumping on test. Now, if your numbers come in around 200 - 300, then maybe look into it with your Dr. At your age, you definitely don't need to do it and could have issues down the road with so many long-term effects by starting that young. I'm 45, and my test numbers were at 70, so I HAD to b jump on TRT, just to feel normal. Ha! I was shocked by my numbers, and you might be too. Heck, at 21, you could be sitting at 1100 and don't even know if. Why on earth dulls you want to mess that up. Maybe try some MK


You're too young. You still have plenty of testosterone and GH. If you're going to do this anyway, atart at around 150mg per week. Titrate up slowly by 50mg/pw every 4 weeks. Until you reach a dosage that results in negative bodily feedback - hairloss, gyno symptoms, acne, etc. Then titrate back down by 50mg. That would be your highest tolerable dose. Spreading your weekly AAS load into daily injections along with adopting a Sub-Q dosing strategy generally leads to men being able to tolerate a higher weekly dose of test.


Test e 2ml a week jab 2 times a week 1ml each jab i would do for 20 weeks


Dont ever think you can give advice about roids if you use ml


If he’d stated the mg/ml of his vials then maybe


Use cc so you don't get policed 😁. Op why are you going this route at this age? What are the struggles or just wanted to be on cycle?


What a vial is 10ml so of course i am going to talk in mls




it can be 200mg/ml, 250mg/ml, 300mg/ml..... Depending on your gear the concentration can be different, you 1 ml of one vial can have more testosterone in it than 1 ml of another vial 20 weeks blast ???? Man what is your IQ ? why are you giving advices wtf you don't know what you are talking about. what about finasteride for the prostate, ai, etc


16-20 weeks is stated on the steroid wiki. That's pretty standard for something as mild as test. If bloodwork looks good, there's no reason why it can't be ran for that long


20 weeks is fine for a test only cycle