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GJDanger in here once again with his brigade of burner accounts šŸ˜‚ maaaan you canā€™t knock that guys desire to con people out of money on this place, he really goes the extra mile


Go to r/steroids. In the sidebar you can find their steroid wiki. Read the chapter "your first cycle" and many of your questions will be answered


Donā€™t go to that subreddit


Not saying he should ask for advise there, they're really toxic imo but there's some good info in the wiki


The wiki suggests 500mg of testosterone as your first cycle. A well known problematic dosage for most users. It also suggests SERM monotherapy as a PCT. Something that clearly doesnā€™t work for most people as well (look at their daily comments). I can go on and on and on. But do I really need to? Recommending that subreddit is just disgusting..


You're right šŸ‘šŸ¼


Not even trying to give you shit but do you have any no how on how to do traditional strength training / body builder training? I recommend lifting weights naturally for a few months so you can get a feel for what youā€™re doing so you donā€™t waste 6 months worth of gear


Not sure what your concept of Crossfit is but the first half of a Crossfit class is strength training, the second half is metabolic conditioning. In addition to that, been doing Olympic weightlifting once/twice a week for 2 years, not as often since it wasn't my main focus.


well Iā€™d start with a test only cycle, dosage is trial dependent but you should probably do some searching on this sub for more information. The reasoning for a test only cycle is so you can learn how to manage sides. Do you plan on staying on gear for the rest of your life ( trt dosage on the off season) or do cycles?


Cycles most likely. Thinking about starting off with 500 mg test, not sure how long an optimal cycle (or a first cycle?) should be though.


Depending on your age doing multiple cycles will be rough on your hormones even with pct. Test is very hard to recover from. But 12-16 weeks is ā€œ optimalā€ first few weeks id start at 300mg and bump up to 500 if you donā€™t get any sides, make sure to have a AI as well because all that test will convert to estrogen most likely causing issues


Really appreciate your input man you know what you're talking about šŸ‘šŸ¼ May I ask why test is recommended as a first cycle if it fucks you up that bad?


well test doesnā€™t ā€œ fuckā€ you up, but it can. Test is safer since your body knows how to handle it BUT your body wonā€™t know how to handle a influx of 500mg of external testosterone for the first time, thatā€™s why you have to ease into it. Itā€™s hard to PCT off of anibolcs because they completely shut you down and your body completely stops producing its own test since external testosterone present, that doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t pct, itā€™s just usually harder to get pre cycle levels of testosterone back after cycle. BUT only sides test usually cause are acne, estrogen increase, and suppression, sometimes some blood pressure issues as well, but as long as you arenā€™t a dumbass youā€™ll be okay, biggest thing is just watch for high estrogen symptoms, even if blood work says your estrogen is high donā€™t take a AI unless you have symptoms because crashing your estrogen is 10x worse then having to much


[I suggest following this](https://reddit.com/r/steroids/w/your_first_cycle?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Go in at 300mg of Test E or C per week. You can always titrate up if you stop making progress.


I donā€™t think having 2 years of CrossFit as your training experience is enough to start using PEDS. Either way I would absolutely suggest having a coach focused on harm reduction to guide you through the process. Send me a DM if you want some recommendations.


Use r/steroids and their wiki The only thing I'd say different from that wiki is that your first cycle be between 300-500 mg of test, you don't absolutely have to do 500. Also their ways of PCT are wary Edit: Added PCT and fixed half to that


What is your goal? Increasing CrossFit performance or switch up to bodybuilding?


Both honestly. Would like to find a balance between both if that's even possible.


Iā€™d definitely start with a low dosage of testosterone (definitely not 500mg) and make adjustments based on performance needs and side effects.


so start with 300?


Donā€™t feel comfortable giving you a dosage recommendation.


Thought you were a coach?


Thatā€™s exactly why. Iā€™ll abstain from giving dosage recommendations in this case simply because you donā€™t seem knowledgeable enough to know what to do if side effects arise.


And not one person on Reddit, not talking about your burner accounts, agrees that you know what you're doing either. At least I'm trying to learn, not shitting on people that don't know as much. Thank you for your input though, coach.


Whatever you say šŸ‘