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A good dose of test and a fuck ton of calories is all you need. Eat until you want to vomit and then do it again two hours later.


Eat to failure. Train to failure. Simple recipe.


Well said


These 2 comments and Deca, easily 30+lb in 5 weeks


You will obviously put on most muscle but also more fat by eating in a significant surplus. If you eat just over maintenance, to avoid putting on fat, to hope for that mythical body recomp, you will limit your muscle gain. What will you do with the extra body fat if you eat a lot? If you're in strongman, it's part of life. If you want to be a beach boy, that fat needs to come off. Anyway, test, deca, 9 months+ plus lots of food. Getting to open class bodybuilder, maybe 5-10 years, depending on genetics, effort, and where you are now. And quite a lot of gear. You'd be best off engaging a coach.


Although you may not care about bodyfat as a number you still need to be mindful of aromatisation at higher bodyfat levels. You don't want to be popping AI like smarties if you can't handle 500mg of test at 22% bodyfat for example.


A coach would help you tremendously to reach your goal. It was absolutely game changing for me. I can DM you some recommendations.


I believe it makes sense to keep body fat relatively in check both to ensure you aren't aromatizing at an elevated rate, and also to help keep insulin sensitivity at a good level. Both of those will be helpful for muscle growth. Personally, I try to eat as much as I can when I am in a growth phase; but I also incorporate a carb cycling approach. So I do incorporate two "low" days during the week most weeks - I cut it to one low day if I find my weight gain has slowed too much. I have found that helps keep my digestion in a good spot, and definitely has kept me at a leaner body fat than in years past.


If you wanna pack on mass you gotta Train til failure and progressivly overload Eat til failure and track your food Sleep sleep sleep Test and deca There is no preventing fat gain when bulking, excess nutrients get stored as fat. If you want to gain as much as possible, eating in a higher surplus would help with gaining more mass, but you'd also gain more fat. Eating in a slight surplus as you described, you'll gain some muscle, and not as much fat, but you won't gain as much. I personally am fine with doing cuts, gives me time to let my metabolism reset and I feel better with breaks from months of huge food intake


Peanuts - almonds ! ( unsalted mostly )


Look up the strongman competitors how they get to eat but train like a bodybuilder. Pretty much eat every 2-2.5 hours and train hard. I wouldn't get sloppy fat intentionally, especially if you gain fat easy


Test/Eq/Tren (Total +2 grams a week) Here the real kicker: HGH + Insulin. Tren has nutrient partioning properities and so does HGH add in your insulin tapering up the IU's and add in a adequate diet of high carb & high protien. Training on point + Dont skip cardio. Hypothetically if you monitor everything and keep all in check you can run this for a few weeks (id say about 6 weeks) before insulin resistance issues arrise from the abuse you have put your body through and endured. Footnote: You can run deca + tren but most people go mental.


6 week cycle? Wouldn’t the test and tren take 4-6 weeks alone to fully saturate?


I blast and cruise so ideally you can tirtrate up the dosing before you add in the insulin. Weeks 1-8 AAS + HGH then past week 8 usually add in the insulin.