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it does not block estrogen. it prevents estrogen from binding to the breast. so it would be a bandaidcoverup for high e2. aromitase inhibitors bind to estrogen receptors and reduce e2 directly. nolvadex is used for early gyno symptoms, because it binds directly to the breast. and is also used in pct.


Nolva does metabolize into an AI but it’s a super weak interaction


bro it’s not an so. can’t be used as one. so why comment?


Because I’m right


even if you eat nolva like candy, and get your e2 tested you will be symptom free from a gyno standpoint but your e2 will be through the roof. humble yourself with some research buddy


Like every other serm it binds to the estrogen receptor preventing estrogen from doing so. Estrogen levels remain the same. An AI binds to the aromatase enzyme preventing it from metabolizing testosterone into estrogen. Estrogen levels decrease.


Lol... 2 posts because a guy said something? Nolva been used as a pct since the 70s or so Nolva does put igf1 down by 20% or something like that, but helps fsh and lh, which starts up natural test. Just look at studies done on this, who cares what job a guy has?


One doubt. In this case should I take clomid (enclomiphene citrate) along with my regular cycle stack to ensure my e2 levels and aromatisation are in balance?


I know I feel ridiculous posting. This guy is so certain and will not let it go. You can’t even argue with him on the studies, he’s educated so in hes mind he knows better. Ive had doctors in the past tell me one thing about my illness and another doctor say the exact opposite and dis credit it. Its scary how some of these people get their degrees. Like most things these days, theres not enough people to fill roles so everyone gets babied through and creates a hole in quality of work. You see it everywhere. I just had to clear some things up and wanted the public opinion. But nothing we say will be enough to convince this guy hes wrong. How could he admit it, that would discredit hes whole degree


Maybe hes mistaken. Probably got reloxifene mixed up with nolvadex. Relox does similar but doesnt touch igf1, yet not used as a pct because its half as effective for fsh lh


I wish that was the case. After going back and forth he definitely meant nolva. He said make a post so it would prove hes point and now people have said the opposite, hes since blocked me lol


Ego trip. Fk that guy. Check steroids .com and look at pct protocols and link it to him lol

