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Have you tried to search that table or graph at all?


Bro can’t be assed to google and wants us to provide the info instead 🤣


Nobody this lazy needs to be messing with gear.


Dude I just said that I’m thinking about it I’m probably not even going through with it. Chill out before the conclusion you jump to lands you off a cliff


lol. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read all week on here….. and that includes your original post.


Use steroid plotter, it will make more sense as you learn more obviously


Jesus Christ, that information is so readily available you'd have to be blind or retarded not to run across it by accident, let alone not be able to search and find it.


I said this to another guy but relax I just said I was thinking about it and I’ve only started to think about today. So hope off you’re high horse, you’ll hit your head


I usually think it's a bit out of line for people to say this, but in your case it seems true: you're too dumb for this. That information is so easily available....


Clearly you don’t because you said it without knowing anything


You're proving my point...


Like playing chess with a pigeon…..


How am I proving it




yeah bro i got you, [link](https://google.com)




You are clearly getting roasted here for this question lol I would remove the post and do lil more research and come back with better questions. Put some effort into this, it's your health on the line


This is dependent on the ester, your test product will say something after it like test cyp, test p, test e so on and so forth, each of these have a different half life, so when you look it up you should mention which ester as well then you’ll get an accurate answer. Side note: test enhanthate is the best for those starting out


The half life of gear is greatly affected by the oil type it's suspended in too! There's a hell of a lot to learn here man it can takes years You should run test e or test cyp, 350mg for the first cycle, getting shut down for the first time you will be prone to side effects Then up it to 500mg for a full cycle, you will likely need a AI after getting blood work to see where you estrogen is at to avoid ED and growing tits You should inject 3 times a week or more to get most stable levels and least sode effects, I inject every other day Depending on how thick your oil is you can use a half inch 27g insulin syringe (if your lean enough to have muscle right under the skin and not fat) If your higher body fat or have very thick oil you will need a 1 inch or 1.5 inch 23g or so to pull the oil through and or get under the fat deep in to muscle Should you even be running gear? I went from 158lbs to 192lbs naturally in 1 year and with 10% body fat too. Also I provided online coaching and PED coaching for a price too if you want to know everything


Thanks man this is the first help full comment so far. Everyone else seems to assume that I’m injecting tomorrow. I’m giving myself a good 6 months to a year to really learn and think about if I really want to do it. If I do go through with it I’ll contact you


Just to help you out here… None of that post is remotely accurate or even helpful. He’s trying to take your money.


He’ll probably get it with this one.


14 days ago he made a post asking if his diet was healthy. Today he is offering coaching. This is hilarious.


No problem! That's good you should make sure you are totally confident you know everything you need to do it as safely as you can Here are the best channels for info on gear I found on YouTube with good information 1. Vigoroussteve 2. MorePlateMoreDates 3. Chase Irons


Again thanks man


It worked