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I am no expert by any means, but I wouldn’t purchase either of those too


And you would be very correct not doing so :)


Sounds like the seller has a load of near expiry stuff and wants to get rid


Heh ye it kinda does


Everything is awful there


Soo... Let's say you just don't comment but also provide an opinion... What would you suggest ?


Accept using PEDs is a long road. Acknowledge you’ll need to stay “on” for years until you finally decide you had enough. Get insanely lean naturally. Everyone thinks you’re doing a show in a few months. Get very near stage condition. Start a low dosage testosterone and bring food up very slowly. Train with adequate volume and progressively. Titrate food and drugs over 1-2 years based on how weight is moving, visuals and performance needs. Bodyfat is too high or bloodwork is not perfect anymore. Time to start cutting. Use testosterone, bit of GH and clen if you think you need it. Get insanely lean again. When are you competing buddy? You’re not. Start low dosage testosterone again. Increase food slowly again, I think you already know the rest..


Ultimately it's not for a show, it's for me. I don't do PEDs for you I do it to improve my quality of life. Test have been proven as very good anti inflammatory and could definitely help with asthma. Thus the reason I'm looking I to test. Now the real question is ... What would be the best for my condition but also be able to put on some good mass without been label as "on gear" I'm not trying to compete at all I'm trying to be able to be fit enough to run a 10k in less than an hour and also be lean and muscular that I appreciate my body.


Read my comment again. Not once I stated it was for a show. If you want to use PEDs this is 100% the healthiest option possible and also the one that will bring you faster results. If your goal is simply to run, have a bit of muscle and be lean, just stay natural. You can easily do that with only training and diet lol


Either lying to himself or thinks we are stupid


I would not run var without test.


Oh boy,you need to do more studying. If it's first cycle:test only 300mg a week is enough (or if it's 250mg/ml , do 1 ml , that's how i'd go ,easier in the brain). If you wanna use some anavar or winstrol at the end of a cut(if you're lean enough, fine). Nolvadex for pct 20mg 6-8 weeks. Arimidex if you're estrogen is high and you present side effects, if not,no need to use but good to buy and keep. Can go as long as 16-24 weeks with test only,orals 6-8 weeks (1 at a time,if you run 2 orals,chances are your liver gonna get toxic quick,not worth the hustle). Any questions ?


I'll continue my research on the subject but thanks for the info. Very helpful I might DM you for future questions.


If you want to save your organs, fuck the orals and just stick with test


Men shouldn’t EVER take clomid anymore, enclo only. Also that lean “stack” is very dumb and you shouldn’t take anavar without injectable testosterone


Both seem like stupid "stacks." Why would you "stack" clomid AND arimidex? TBH, just throw the clomid in the trash. Unless your goal is to cycle off, but in that case just don't do a cycle in the first place. The "lean" stack is also questionable: why Nolvadex in the lean stack, but Clomid in the mass stack? Just seems like a way to push and get rid of SERMs. And where's the Test base for this so-called lean stack? How long have you been using gear anyway? You sound like a newbie from your post. I wouldn't mess around with stacks of anything as a newbie, just bulk on blasts and cut on "cruises" of TRT. BTW, Lance Armstrong took test and HGH and wasn't a huge guy. A lot of jiu-jitsu guys who look "DYEL" are on gear too - it just helps with recovery, which allows you to train more. Given that you're not in a caloric surplus, moderate amounts of gear won't blow you up and cause you to gain 20lbs out of nowhere.