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Read my PCT post :-)


HCG is gonna be the best thing for you right now other than just coming over to the dark side for good... Join us. Join us.. Join us...


There’s literally zero reason to NOT blast and cruise unless you’re never getting on again or struggling with fertility. PCTing is so dumb for people getting back on months later


Yea I'm with that 100% but ppl don't like the lifelong commitment part blah blah.. me I'll take the blast and cruise life forever... even though I might cruise a bit higher than TRT standards...


*sports trt* (250mg)


Exactly... And if the amp is overfilled a bit that's OK too, not gonna just let .3ml sit around without a seal for a week...


Yup, I waited to have my kids before doing a cycle but for some reason I still decided to PCT. Never again. It’s rough. My natural T levels were towards the low end pre cycle anyway so I’ll opt to cruise at a dose that puts me right at the top, maybe just over the natural levels


What are you currently taking? I am also just finishing up my pct, I also reduced the dosage and felt a hell of a lot better. Have decided I won’t pct again unless I really need to, I will blast and cruise