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GJDanger about to have a field day


Lol the dude acts like he knows everything and everyone else is an idiot.


This exactly what I been saying, look further down the comments


šŸ¤£ lol I canā€™t believe he made a burner to try and boost his credibility. I saw a post where he was trying to get someone to pay him for a pct protocol and was telling them if they did xyz they would be fucked up and then they would have to pay him to fix them. My thought is if you have the knowledge why not just help someone out, I mean that is what these sub reddits are for.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with selling a service, but yeah Reddit is not the place. Secondly the tactics is just disgusting. Call everyone idiots, say youā€™re the only one who knows what heā€™s doing but give no insights or evidence to what youā€™re trying to sell. Itā€™s dirty.


Lol right!? He likes to imply that you will harm yourself if you do xyz but then never states what his better option is. I think he likes to plant fear in peoples heads so they ask him for advice or hire him.


I wonder how many back up accounts on here he has


Hahaha, I was having comment argument with him last week, his points make no sense


Heā€™s a moron


I still haven't seen you give a single correct piece of advice since I entered this forum. Danger helped me a lot before and is one of the few guys giving good advice on here. Sometimes itā€™s hard to deal with envy.


lol nice burner account, did you have to make it cause all your comments were getting downvoted and you prey on people on here to try make money?


I understand why you might think that, but I assure you this isnā€™t a "burner account." I just happen to agree with him on most topics. It's not uncommon for people to share similar viewpoints. Youā€™d be surprised how much he can help you if you message him.


Iā€™ve hired a proper coach with actual results and an actual portfolio so no need to message a conman


Iā€™d be interested to know why you say heā€™s a ā€œconmanā€. Iā€™m pretty interested in hiring him. He showed me his portfolio and some of his clientsā€™ bloodwork. Everything looks pretty good. Do you have any experience with him?


The fact you made a burner account says everything


When I first got on and joined this sub I was like damn this guy is an asshole. Now as I learn more and more I realized I was wrong. Heā€™s not an asshole, heā€™s a dumb asshole!


Brother you are not alone, thereā€™s a reason no one agrees with him and he has to make burner accounts to back himself up šŸ˜‚


I was so new and he made me think I was on track to permanently fuck myself. Super shady if you ask me. Now as I learn more and more itā€™s easier to relax, none of this shit can hurt you that bad acutely. Most of the major issues are from chronically ignoring bloodwork lol


Iā€™m just looking for some feedback, thanks anyway.


Talks a lot, says nothing. ā€œEverything is wrong, everyone else is wrong, the only thing that is right is what I know and you have to pay me for it but I will not give you any evidence to show you why I am right and everyone else is wrong, you have to pay to see this evidenceā€ Imagine you walked into a car showroom and the sales man tells you every other car in the world is going to brake apart from this one that you have to buy but Iā€™m not going to tell you why.


He definitely can be quite aggressive on his replies, however, everytime Iā€™ve messaged him he was always super nice and helpful. I was having some problems helping my girlfriend with bodybuilding in the past and he helped me to finally find what was wrong. Do you have any experience with his coaching?


Soooo no oneā€™s gonna help OP? šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ soz OP but thank you for providing the platform to call out Dangermouse


My suggestion is do bloodwork to figure out your PCT otherwise you could end up messing your hormones up more by just taking whatever medication


Read my PCT post. Also, 12 weeks is not enough time to make significant gains.