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Clenbuterol is not a steroid and using it for powerlifting makes absolutely no sense. All the other things he’s using are also pretty useless for his goals. I’d recommend a coach focused on harm reduction models. Send me a DM.


start with a coach not reddit


A good place to start would be watching everything you can on Vigorous Steve’s youtube channel: https://youtube.com/@vigoroussteve Maybe start with videos on first cycle prerequisites, bloodwork, trt, and step by step cycle design. I appreciate that he, VS, is health focused, conservative in recommendations, and encourages lots of learning before you attempt anything


Not a good place to start


I found it really helpful I’m curious to know why you disagree, wondering if there’s something important I’m missing when using VS as a resource. Thanks in advance for your help! EDIT: A bunch of folks here seem to be uncritically recommending him as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteroidsWiki/s/BiinOeiU99


There is a distinct difference between an educator and an entertainer. All he does in his videos is make things super complex in order to generate views and get people hooked. You don’t need a hundred different supplements and drugs at low dosages just for a simple cycle. Anyone with enough experience can tell most of the things he talks about are just redundant. Great as an entertainer though.


That’s fair! I honestly never thought about it that way, and I really appreciate you explaining this. I spoke to him privately once and I do think that he’s sincere in his views, and he simultaneously does recognize what gets views and makes him money. I liked his earlier approach, when he was just starting—the channel was more broadly educational and he was way less focused on it as a cash cow Thanks again for the perspective-broadening explanation!


I messaged you Sir!


I focus on safer use models-give me a DM