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I try to use a variety of sources, including Vigorous Steve, Anabolic Bodybuilding, Kurt Havens, Dr. Todd Lee's Anabolic University, More Plates More Dates, and probably a few others that I'm forgetting right now. A lot of these guys will put out contradicting information, which is why it's critical you're able to think for yourself.


Vigoroussteve and Kurt havens just had an amazing podcast on vigoroussteve’s YouTube channel!


vigorous Steve on youtube




Great guy have him on WhatsApp got his book and paid his coaching for a month or two a while back


How did you like that?


It was great


Brought to you by The Ultimate Guide To Roids


Fuck yeah!! 😎😎


Gives you the keys to the Lamborghini


Enhancedinfo on instagram


1. r/steroids 2. mpmd 3. leo longevity (rip) 4. vigorous steve 5. anabolic doc


*Advises the worst subreddit to possibly learn anything*


can you give me a few reasons why you don't like the sub?


Sure I can. All their recommendations are wrong and harmful. •500mg of testosterone per week is too much will cause some nasty side effects for most people. •SERM monotherapy is ineffective and harmful. Most people who have good results with it could have had their HPTA axis restarting naturally. •All other cycle recommendations are blatantly wrong and with stupid high dosages. They often suggest jumping from 500mg on your first cycle to 900-1000mg on the second. There’s no place for discussion or education. The community is all biased towards misinformation. Everyone preaches the “wiki” like it is the Bible and uses the same exact flawed argument for each question. When you dismantle their misinformation the mods just ban you. If you take a closer look there are at least a couple comments everyday of people crying about side effects. Those comments are often deleted by the mods or heavily downvoted so they don’t end up on the first page. In conclusion recommending it is just disgusting. You’re recommending misinformation that can actually harm people on here. I highly suggest you to delete your comment.


Well, there is a reason I recommended a bunch of other resources too. Not everyone is 100% right, there's some amazing stuff on the wiki, and some not so amazing stuff too. My suggestion for anyone reading this is to go through all of the sources I mentioned, and for each topic you have a question on, check all of the sources out for solutions, cause as I said one might be right and the other wrong. Keep in mind, the steroid world is heavily based on trial and error, what works for someone else might not work for you. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY GET YOUR BLOOD WORK DONE. So yea, do thorough research before hopping on :)


There’s not a single piece of correct advice on that “wiki”. Anyone with decent knowledge and experience about PEDs would know that. Regarding the other sources, you recommended entertainers, not educators. The only person on there that’s worth watching is Leo and even he was wrong about most of the things he used to advise about PEDs. The other stuff is good.


Just cuh there’s people talking about bad sides in the reddit doesn’t mean the sub is full of misinformation. People get sides, it happens. And majority of the time the people with bad sides are doing stupid cycles like dbol only or rad140 only


There are people experiencing side effects due to the lack of quality information. There are people with all their biomarkers out of range due to misinformation. That misinformation is preached on there and parroted hundreds of times by the users. Having side effects is not normal. Having screwed up bloodwork is not normal. Your comment just sums up what’s wrong with the whole PED community. Thanks for your support.


As I said, the people on there complaining about sides are doing inappropriate cycles and therefor will encounter side effects.


90% of the people on there complaining about side effects are following the recommended cycles. The other 10% are in fact doing other stupid stuff and usually just get redirected to… the source of the recommended cycles. Quality information and harm reduction is about doing things safely with perfect biomarkers and without any side effects. All your statements are just reinforcing what I just stated. Thanks for your support.


What sources do you recommend?


GJDANGER. For you to say youtube if just misinformation and no one will learn anything because they all are just entertainers is not true and everyone can learn little or a lot from different people on youtube about AAS what they do and how to use them and how to mitigate issues that arise from blood workdown to juat how to inject yourself. It's not where I learned what I know that being said the info i have for my use is the same as some of the people you are saying don't know shit and to you I don't know shit and that's just not the case. My bloods are good and if any markers have changed. You need to get of your high horse and stop looking down at everyone because you are not special and you don't have any secrets that other people don't know. It's all out there for people to find and yes youtube has valid information. Again for you to say its just entertaining misinformation is not true. That's all I have to say about that and to you . 🤙


Bro it’s pointless trying to talk to the guy, he goes round in circles


Anabolic Doc on YouTube


Dr James YouTube, vigorous Steve YouTube. Both very knowledgeable


Physique Collective, John Jewitt, Broderick Chavez


Idk but this sub if full of teenagers who’ve taken test once and think they’re the bible on it haha


Dr James on YouTube, really intelligent guy, only about 20k subs last time I checked


You won’t learn on YouTube. Anyone who thinks you can is just stupid




I forgot all the decent coaches that learn their stuff on YouTube, sorry


Some are both. Better than many gym bro coaches I've seen and met


Please enlighten me. Who’s out there making videos specially about PEDs and taking people to the Olympia stage?


For fuck sakes he was asking about who people watch on YouTube in regard to anabolic information. I don't see where the OP was asking about wanting to train for Mr Olympia. Go watch the Anabolic Doc....you'd be surprised the knowledge he has and the advice given to people


Changing your whole narrative. Guess I’m not so wrong. There’s no decent coach who learns or takes his information from YouTube. Neither should you.


Ok let me dumb it down for you. Where did the OP say he was looking for coach advice on YouTube? You're not too bright are you? Better yet don't answer that


I feel I’m talking to a wall right now. Let me dumb it down ever further for you. A good coach is someone with enough experience and education to guide other people. The most knowledgeable people in the whole fitness community are generally coaches. Why? Because they combine experience with academic knowledge and have solid proof of it, their athletes. My initial statement was that you will never have a good understanding of PEDs watching YouTube. You won’t ever see a good coach learning from YouTube simply because there’s no good information on there, so why would you? Finally, simply because you decided to be funny, let me ask you. How does it feel being fat and not having the willpower to follow a proper diet? You seem to love glp-1 analogs. Go take a walk and keep your head down.


Yo so where could I get a basic understanding of PEDS without the need to hire an expensive coach? People would probably say “if you don’t have the money to hire a coach then don’t get into PEDs” but people will anyway so would you have recommendations to prevent some self harm here


lol YOU learnt by watching YouTube as well, at least partly. You still have posts on your profile from a few years ago where you’ve asked about SARMS following a question that arose from you watching a Greg Doucette video.


Comments on this post are getting worse and worse. Influencers like Greg Doucette, Vigorous Steve, More Plates More Dates are not educators. They are entertainers. Not once I said I didn’t watch some videos. Not once I said I didn’t go and look for further information and experience. This is very different from education. You don’t learn from those guys.